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"A" - Health Abstracts:


Investment company with variable capital (SICAV)Registered office: L-2633 Senningerberg6A, route de TrèvesConsolidated Articles of Incorporationin Accordance with Certificate No 1422 dated 29 September 2006types and other legally permissible assets in The entry of the shareholder’s name in the register accordance with the investment policy as set forth for of shares evidences the sharehold

Microsoft word - celiac disease & osteoporosis.doc

180 Little Lake Drive, Suite 4 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 ( 734) 222-8210 www.acupuncturecenteraa.com OSTEOPOROSIS AND OSTEOMALACIA ASSOCIATED WITH CELIAC DISEASE Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York City It is likely that calcium malabsorption is the major factor causing osteoporosis in patients with Celiac Disease. Although it may be asymptomatic, Celiac Disease is a lifelong disease.

Microsoft word - 2005-18-20.doc

AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration We post ADs on the internet at www.faa.gov/aircraft/safety/alerts/ The following Airworthiness Directive issued by the Federal Aviation Administration in accordance with the provisions of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 39, applies to an aircraft model of which our records indica

Newsletter biotech 10.04

The Pictet Funds (LUX)-Biotech NewsletterHEALTHCARE MARKET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK. Flight to safety but not to healthcare The recent correction in global equity markets took its toll on healthcare stocks as well. Based on fear over the build- up of a speculative bubble on the Chinese exchanges and an economic slowdown in the USA (as has occurred several times in the past few years), investors fl


1.-Registrar, catalogar e inventariar el patrimonio cultural a través de los programas: Registro, Catalogación e inventario de las colecciones arqueológicas en el Estado de Veracruz Como parte de los trabajos de registro de bienes arqueológicos e históricos llevados a cabo bajo dicho proyecto, se planeó en el mes de agosto realizar el registro de los bienes que se resguardan y se exhiben



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ESCOLA SECUNDÁRIA DE ALBUFEIRA FICHA INFORMATIVA – FUNCIONAMENTO DA LÍNGUA PRAGMÁTICA E LINGUÍSTICA TEXTUAL – Tipologia dos actos ilocutórios PORTUGUÊS 10º ANO PROF. Fernanda Lamy As palavras e a linguagem têm um enorme poder nas nossas vidas, uma vez que, quando comunicamos, interagimos com os outros, não nos limitamos simplesmente a dizer/falar algo. Na maior par

Vol 17 suplemento 1 2005.indd

Disfunción Intestinal Opiácea en el Paciente con Cáncer Dr. Antonio Tamayo-Valenzuela*, Dra. Paola Díaz-Zuluaga*** Unidad de Medicina del Dolor y PaliativaInstituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador ZubiránMéxico D.F., México** Clínica de Leucemias AgudasInstituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador ZubiránMéxico D.F., MéxicoInstituto Nacional de


Enduring Power of Attorney Of WillExpert Sample This is the Enduring Power of Attorney of me, WillExpert Sample, of Anyplace, Alberta. Applicable Law I make this Enduring Power of Attorney according to the Powers of Attorney Act ofAlberta. Revocation of Previous Powers of Attorney I revoke any powers of attorney that I have already given. Powers to Endure The powers I gi


c Journal “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics”A generalization of groups with many almost Dedicated to Professor I.Ya. Subbotin on the occasion of his 60-th birthday A subgroup H of a group G is called almostnormal in G if it has finitely many conjugates in G. A classicresult of B. H. Neumann informs us that |G : Z(G)| is finite ifand only if each H is almost normal in G. Starting from thi

No slide title

CESAR FAX December 10, 2012 Vol. 21, Issue 49 A Weekly FAX from the Center for Substance Abuse Research U n i v e r s i t y o f M a r y l a n d , C o l l e g e P a r k Suboxone® Sales Estimated to Reach $1.4 Billion in 2012—More Than Viagra® or Adderall ® Sales data from the first three quarters of 2012 indicate that Suboxone retail sales in the U.S. will likely rea

To divide er follow-ups, referrals and new patient requests more evenly and to allow more access for patients, please indicate the topics you would be willing to take on or perform an initial workup:

Progress Note and Discharge Note Examples OB LABOR NOTE S: Comfortable with epidural” or “Breathing through contractions.” O: 1. Vitals. 2. Most recent SVE (sterile vaginal exam) performed by (RN, MD, resident) 3. Fetal tracing: baseline 140, moderate variability, accelerations, no decelerations 4. Tocometer : contractions every 4 min A/P: SIUP at 39w1d, active labor, undergoing P


For reprint orders, please contact:[email protected] of allergic rhinitis Expert Rev. Med. Devices 7(1), 21–26 (2010)Allergic rhinitis, although not life threatening, significantly affects the quality of the patient’s daily life. The three major steps in the treatment of the condition are avoidance of allergens, treatment of symptoms (in particular, antihistaminics and topical

The biology of chemical space

THE BIOLOGY OF CHEMICAL SPACE BY JOHN WATSON, PH.D., TRACY WORZELLA, M.S., AND BRAD LARSON, B.A., PROMEGA CORPORATION Introduction enzymes, leading to nearly universal screening of the majormembers of this drug-metabolizing enzyme family. The sequencing of the human genome was presented to thepublic as a watershed moment in science that would have aInitial in vitro assays were designed to


CADUET(R) Tablets Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Consumer Medicine Information What is in this leaflet If you have any concerns about taking this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Keep this leaflet with the medicine. What CADUET is used is amlodipine and the other isatorvastatin. When you are taking CADUET, you also need to follow a low fat d


V I D Y U T O M B U D S M A N Office of ANDHRA PRADESH ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Dated: 05-03-2007 BetweenSmt. P.Khustarunnisa BegumC/o P.Siyakhat AlikhanD.No.34/140, Mahaboob Basha StreetS.N.Colony, Rayachoti1. Assistant Accounts Officer / ERO / Rayachoti2. Assistant Divisional Engineer / Operation / Rayachoti3. Divisional Engineer / Operation / Rayachoti4. Accounts Officer / Reven

Microsoft word - from ucfa health care task force report.doc

From UCFA Health Care Task Force Report (2008) Executive Summary and Recommendations o Continuing ongoing efforts that encourage the use of generic drugs, when available. Consideration should be given to a policy that requires employees to pay the full marginal cost of brand name prescriptions when medically equivalent generics exist. Further, policies should also be explored that further


Associates in Gastroenterology, P.C. FLEXIBLE SIGMOIDOSCOPY INSTRUCTIONS Your SIGMOIDOSCOPY is scheduled at: ___________ on ________________ (mo/d/yr). Please arrive at the Endoscopy Center at __________. The Endoscopy Center is located at:  POTOMAC CENTER, 2296 Opitz Blvd, 1st Floor, Suite 130, Woodbridge  PRINCE WILLIAM AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER, 8644 Sudley Rd., Suite 201,


Caffeine is ergogenic after supplementation of oral creatine monohydrate MIKE DOHERTY, PAUL M. SMITH, R. C. RICHARD DAVISON, and MICHAEL G. HUGHES Department of Sport, Exercise and Biomedical Sciences, University of Luton, Luton, UNITED KINGDOM ABSTRACT DOHERTY, M., P. M. SMITH, R. C. R. DAVISON, and M. G. HUGHES. Caffeine is ergogenic after supplementation of oral creatinemonohydrate.


P.O. Box 38597, Pinelands, Cape Town, South Africa, 7430 Healthcare Professional Newsletter Managing fat gain in patients on antiretroviral therapy Lipodystrophy or changes in fat distribution occur very commonly in patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). Some patients experience fat loss (lipoatrophy), others fat gain (lipohypertrophy), and many experience both forms of lipodystroph

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Press Announcement Animalcare Group PLC (“Animalcare”) Animalcare, a leading supplier of veterinary medicines, identification and other products to the animal veterinary and livestock markets, announces results for the year ended 30 June 2008. Highlights * Excluding intangible asset amortisation costs and impairment of goodwill. • Acquisition of Animalcare Ltd in January

República de panamá

República de Panamá Superintendencia de Bancos ACUERDO No.10-2002 LA JUNTA DIRECTIVA CONSIDERANDO Que de conformidad con el Numeral 2 del Artículo 5 del Decreto Ley 9 de 26 de febrero de 1998, es función de esta Superintendencia de Bancos fortalecer y fomentar las condiciones propicias para el desarrollo de Panamá como Centro Financiero Internacional; Que de conformidad c


Chad Gowan www.allspeeds.net 12901 Tilghman Trl. | Austin, Texas 78729 512.924.7797 | [email protected] EduCatioN Bachelor of Environmental Design, Visual Studies OptionMay 2005, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas tEChNiCal SkillS Mac and PC proficient, Adobe Photoshop, ImageReady, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash/Actionscript, Acrobat, and Dreamweaver, 3Ds Max


JOBS & MONEY years at exelon, I’ve learned so much from CeO John rowe about the busi-ness, leadership and how to translate Exelon’s vision into specific direction for the company,” she says. “I’ve benefited significantly from his guidance and, in turn, feel strongly about mentoring others, particularly those with the potential to be highly successful leaders.”In my case, I re


Aanwinsten van LUC — Genetics and immunobiology of pathogenic neisseria,proceedings of an EMBO workshop / [edit.] Dan Danielson ; Zonder udc [edit.] Staffan Normark. — Hemavan : 1980. — 307 p. —ISBN 91–7174–068–6 Methodiek van de preventieve projectwerking / Frits de Cauter ;Lode Walgrave. — 2 ed. — Leuven : Acco, 1999. — 270 p. —ISBN 90–334–4377–5 Immune me


Quinta-feira, 2 de Fevereiro de 2006 Número 24 I A Esta 1.a série do Diário da República é apenas constituída pela parte A DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA Sumario24A Sup 0 S U M Á R I O Assembleia da República Ministério da Administração Interna Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros Ministério da Saúde DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA — I SÉRIE-A ASSEMBLEIA DA

Newsletter victoria - june 2010

Friends of Vellore, Victoria N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2010 The Friends of Vellore – Victorian Branch Newsletter, 2, 2010 You and your friends are invited to the cost $50 per person Junior Common Room, Queens College, the University of Melbourne Deputy Director Christian Medical College Vellore

Seth f

Autista lány a fıiskolán A fıiskolán általában meg voltam kukulva. Néha, hébe-hóba, megkérdeztem egy-egy ember születési dátumát, és utána ismét visszavonultam önmagamba. Teljesen üvegbúra alá kerültem. De mivel az Alkalmazott Pszichológia Tanszékre jártam, egy pszichológus kiszúrt magának a személyiségfejlesztı szeminárium elsı óráján, és foglalkozni kez

Intravenous tranexamic acid and intraoperative visualization during functional endoscopic sinus surgery: a doubleblind randomized controlled trial

Intravenous tranexamic acid and intraoperative visualizationduring functional endoscopic sinus surgery: a double-blindMorgan A. Langille, MD1, Angelo Chiarella, MD2, David W.J. C ˆot ´e, MD1, Graeme Mulholland, BSc1,Leigh J. Sowerby, MD1, Peter T. Dziegielewski, MD1 and Erin D. Wright, MDCM1 Background: Bleeding during endoscopic sinus surgery included chronic rhinosinusitis without po

Randstreifen vimun 2007

V I E N N A I N T E R N A T I O N A L M O D E L U N I T E D N A T I O N S 0 2 - 0 6 A u g u s t 2 0 0 9 Preparation Paper Commission on Population and Development (CPD) "The Effect of HIV/AIDS on Population in Sub-Saharan Africa" UNITED NATIONS YOUTH AND STUDENT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRIA Dear Delegates and Observers, Our team of the Vienna International Model Uni

Microsoft word - tema 01-lenguaje y comunicación.doc

José Mª González-Serna Sánchez IES Carmen Laffón (San José de La Rinconada, Sevilla) La comunicación consiste en un acto mediante el cual un individuo (ser humano, animal u objeto) establece con otro u otros un contacto que le permite transmitir una determinada La realización de un acto comunicativo puede responder a diversas finalidades: a. Transmisión de información. b. Intento de i

Management of adhd in adults

Management of ADHD in Adults Lenard A. Adler, M.D., and Hong C. Chua, M.D. Although first identified in children in the 19th century, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder© Copyright 2002 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc. (ADHD) in adults was not described in the literature until 1976. The symptoms of adult ADHD re-semble the symptoms of childhood ADHD, but symptom intensity, especia

Management strategies for funding and sustaining early childhood education in nigeria

Introduction human capital development and knowledge economy and taking care of the child'sdevelopmenchild can attain (UNICEF Nigeria, Undated). The learning process starts from theparI tegrated Early Childhood Development (IEthe education that children receive during the early stage of their childhood(Rlearning (Bowman, Donovan and Burns. 2001). Furthermore, Early Childhood Education


Valorizziamo i nostri monumenti dimenticati La chiesa d'Itria, una delle più antiche di Piazza Armerina, non può restare chiusaa città di Piazza Armerinaè situata al centro dellasalire. Non esistono differenze tra l'uo-volersi bene, riflettere sul fatto che la CHIESA D'ITRIA La violenza sugli animali: crudeltà inutililtimamente non si fa che parlare di crisi. Cri-gran

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Kort verslag or 23 feb 2011_pfizer

Kort verslag OR 23 februari 2011 Hierbij een samenvatting van de belangrijkste punten uit de ondernemingsraad van 23/02/2011. Het volledig relaas van de besproken agenda vind je in het eigenlijke verslag van deze OR dat later verschijnt. 1.Goedkeuring verslag O.R. 26/01/2011 Verslag goedgekeurd. 2. Statusrapport en opvolgpunten - Camera bewaking, wordt later besproken wanner de came

Microsoft word - coming events march 17-24 2006.doc

COMING EVENTS March 17 -24 2006 FRIDAY PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION Castelliotissa Hall, St. Maron Street, Paphos Gate, Nicosia, 8pm. Vangelis and Angelos Kassias’ Ten Years in Cannes and Castles in Greece. Until Monday, March 27. Presented as part of the Cyprus International Film Festival - CIFF Concept, in cooperation with the Cyprus Photographic Society. ART EXHIBITION Castelliotissa Hall,

Carta intestata - uso interno

SALIX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. PRESS RELEASE Salix Pharmaceuticals Announces License Agreement for a New Extended Intestinal Release Formulation of Rifaximin EIR (Extended Intestinal Release) Formulation of Rifaximin to be Studied for Crohn's Disease RALEIGH, N.C.--[1])--Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. (NASDAQ:SLXP) and Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. today announced that they have entered into

Microsoft word - quitsmokinghealthylifect.doc

Quit It! How to stop smoking -- forever Abby Luby Published: 05:41 p.m., Monday, January 17, 2011 It's time for that daunting, self-inflicted promise: the New Year's Resolution. The annual unwavering tradition urges us to "turn over a new leaf," "face the music" and "Do It Now!" But deep in the doubtful recesses of our psyches grumbles the question: "Can I

Actu labo n°102:actu labo master

M e r c r e d i 1 6 a v r i l 2 0 0 8 - n ° 1 0 2 Les laboratoires pharmaceutiques ont inventé un fait attendre. Le 3 avril, trois jours seulement après nouveau traitement miracle contre les douleurs la publication des résultats de l’étude Enhance, le boursières : la réduction d’effectif, ou downsizing CEO Fred Hassan annonçait un plan d’économie de dans le langage de


ATLA 35 , 641–659, 2007 641 Systematic Reviews of Animal Experiments DemonstratePoor Human Clinical and Toxicological Utility Animal Consultants International, London, UK Summary — The assumption that animal models are reasonably predictive of human outcomes provides the basis for their widespread use in toxicity testing and in biomedical research aimed at developing cures for human dise


Esplendor i Caiguda de l’Imperi Freudià Si bé Sigmund Freud ha estat un dels personatges que ha definit la cultura europea amb més intensitat, la seva petja s’ha fet sentir més en l’art (surrealisme), en la literatura (escriptura automàtica) o en el cinema tant o més que en la psicologia. Freud va revolucionar la vida quotidiana al segle 20; la seva obra fou essencial per tal d’allib


Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitor Use and Hearing Impairment Objective: To compare use of phosphodiesterase type Results: The overall prevalence of self-reported hearing 5 inhibitors (PDE-5i) between participants with and with-impairment and PDE-5i use in each group was 17.9% andout self-reported hearing impairment using logistic2%, respectively. Men who reported hearing impairmentre


A123 Systems, Hydro-Quebec, and the University of Texas Settle Lithium Metal Phosphate Battery Chemistry Patent Dispute WALTHAM, Mass., Oct. 31, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (Nasdaq:AONE), Hydro Québec, and the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, on behalf of the University of Texas at Austin (UT) today announced that they have settled their patent disputes regarding lithium met

Microsoft word - agscience38 lea stening.doc

NZIAHS Forum “Where do we want our dairy industry to be in 20 years time?” Friday 3rd September, 2010 – Lincoln University Is the production and consumption of dairy products ultimately to our detriment dietetically? By Lea Stening Dietitian & Nutrition Consultant Before we look to the future of the dairy industry it may be helpful to consider the past. Take for ins


Bocconiani ● Newsletter per i laureati dell’Università Bocconi Numero 15 - Settembre 2005 Notiziario in formato elettronico (pdf file), diffuso via e-mail. A cura della Direzione Sviluppo e Relazioni Esterne - Università Bocconi Per segnalazioni, informazioni, suggerimenti: [email protected] - Sito web dei laureati Bocconi: www.bocconiani.net News dalla Bocconi Attiv

Microsoft word - form6 application form complete.doc

Poisons Act 1971 Section 27 Poisons Regulation 2002 62(2)(a) APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO SELL OR SUPPLY CERTAIN SUBSTANCES To the Minister for Health and Health Services I, . (name, address and nature of business) hereby apply for a licence/renewal of licence to sell or supply the following substances to which Section 27 of the Poisons Act 1971 applies: SCH

Microsoft word - cv_siegal.doc

Curriculum Vita ALAN P. SIEGAL, M.D. EDUCATION: 1975, B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York: Biology 1979, M.D., University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky BOARD CERTIFIED IN GERIATRIC AND ADULT PSYCHIATRY POST GRADUATE TRAINING: 1979-80 Intern in Medicare, Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CT Resident Psychiatry, Yale University S

Human relations commission


Canadian guidelines on sexually transmitted infections, 2006 edition

Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2006 Edition This article highlights the changes that have occurred during the revision process of the 1998 Canadian STD Guidelines. The complete Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2006 edition and the companion document, Quick Reference: Canadian STI Guidelines are available on the web in HTML and PDF


EXPERIENCE Art direction, design and conception of consumer/trade advertising, direct mail, sales promotion, broadcast, logo/brand development, annual reports, websites and sales aids. Management/supervision of creative and production staff while handling multiple projects and meeting all deadlines. Effective team player working with creative directors, copywriters, account executives, project man

Azerbaijan in the world

AZERBAIJAN IN THE WORLD ADA Biweekly Newsletter In this issue : Anne-Marie Lizin, “The European Union and the South Caucasus: Available Options and a Strategic Necessity” Paul Goble, “Newly-approved Military Doctrine Reaffirms Baku’s Right to Use Force to Liberate Occupied Territories”Ramil Maharramov, “Converting Petro Wealth Into Sustainable Human Development” -- A


Form 10-3e Academic Year 2010-11 Drug-Testing Consent − NCAA Division II Sign and return to your director of athletics. Due date: In sports in which the Association conducts year-round drug testing, at the time your intercollegiate squad first reports for practice or the first day of competition (whichever date occurs first). Required by: NCAA Constitution and N


AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 1209 MontgomeryHighway • Birmingham, Alabama 35216-2809 • T E L (205) 978-5000 • FAX (205) 978-5005 • E-MAIL a s r m @ a s r m . o rg • URL w w w. a s r m . o rg PATIENT’S FACT SHEET Cancer and Fertility Preservation In the United States there are approximately 800,000little evidence to support suppression of the ovaries reproduct


The no-compromise security solution is at hand. Schlage Recognition Systems brings the true security and convenience of biometric technology easily within reach of most access control applications. The HandKey® II utilizes field-proven hand geometry technology that maps and verifies the size and shape of a person’s hand all in less than one second. The benefits of biometric security w


In: Companion and Exotic Animal Parasitology , Bowman D.D. (Ed.) Publisher: International Veterinary Information Service (www.ivis.org) Respiratory System Parasites of the Dog and Cat (Part II): Trachea andBronchi, and Pulmonary Vessels (20 Apr 2000) D.D. Bowman Department of Microbiology & Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca,New York


Chimica e… Ambiente Catalizzatori zeolitici: alternativa pulita nelle sintesi di Friedl-Crafts L’articolo ha per oggetto l’applicazione delle zeoliti in sintesi organicheacido catalizzate. In particolare, sono esaminate le loro potenzialità nellapreparazione dei chetoni aromatici, in alternativa ai catalizzatori di Friedel-Crafts convenzionali. I vantaggi e gli svantaggi connessi co

Contraceptifs hormonaux feminins la pilule a bon dos

CHRONIQUE MEDICALE De nombreuses femmes 1987, retiré lanoréthistérone de la 1987, il était apparu aux toxico- logues du CIO que les pilules anti- mêmes métabolites que la nortes- tostérone (nandrolone), un stéroï- auparavant en s’administrant une A - ASPECTS PHARMACOLOGIQUES La confusion était possible. Ainsi, contrôle antidopage. En effet, dans à l�

Microsoft word - documento

El SPAM no sólo es un problema para los usuarios de Internet que reciben diariamente en sus buzones docenas de e-mails no deseados en los que se les oferta variados artículos para aumentar su potencia sexual o conseguir una tupida melena. También es un problema muy serio para las empresas que ven cómo sus correos publicitarios o comerciales por algún misterioso motivo son catalogados como SPA

June 2009 p&t minutes 7.23.09 final.web.xls

AmeriChoice Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee Minutes June 17, 2009 Meeting Date: June 17, 2009 Location: Via conference call D. Morgan, J. Bellicini, R. Brekosky, J.Weiss, R. Justman, S. Nichols, C. Freed, M. Mahler, S. Stein, E. Francis, B. Selius, A. Burkins, M. Reich, J. Carlson, V. Members in Attendance: Members Absent: J. Hancovsky, S. Bush, G. Fleszar, D. Rose, K. Top

Microsoft word - anglicans ablaze prayer diary dec 2012 - feb 2013

Mon 04 Pray for more opportunities for local missions in order to Tues 26 Continue to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit grow teams for missions outside our country SA Tues 05 Please pray for SOMA UK for mission teams to DR Wed 27 Pray for Mission Agencies in their endeavour to reach the lost. Pray for HAGGAI & OMF in training missionaries Wed 06 Pray for an incr


Umschlaggestaltung: Silvia Wahrstätter, vielseitig.co.atGesetzt aus der 11,5 auf 14,5 pt Goudy OldstyleVorwort von Armin Wolf 9 Zu diesem Buch 11 Geht’s? 13 Die hose fällt – und alle Fragen offen 15 Aufsteigende Grausbirnen 18 the power of tacheles 20 Sie lachen, wir zahlen 23 hase statt hace 25 Der Provokateur 28 Der erste Schritt zur Besserung 30 häupl heut




The Effect of Short-Contact Topical Tretinoin Therapy for Foot Ulcers in Patients With Diabetes Wynnis L. Tom, MD; David H. Peng, MD, MPH; Atabak Allaei, BS; Daniel Hsu, DPM; Tissa R. Hata, MD Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of short- Main Outcome Measures: The proportion of ulcers that contact administration of topical tretinoin on foothealed in each group and the degr


ACTION TO BE TAKEN If you discover that your patient is using Calabash Further information is available at chalk, they should be dissuaded from doing so. If the Food Standards Agency website: the patient is pregnant, standard advice regarding www.food.gov.uk the treatment of morning sickness and nutrition The UK Teratology Information Service can be The UK Teratology I


Erfahrungsbericht über eine Katarakt (“Grauer Star”) -Operation und Einsatz einer Multifokallinse - aus der Sicht des Patienten Durchgeführt in der Augenklinik Berlin-Marzahn, Brebacher Weg 15, 12683 Berlin im Februar 2002 Behandelnder Arzt und Operateur: Dozent Dr. med. habil. Dietze, Ärztlicher Direktor dieser Klinik Vorbemerkung: Auch als aufgeklärter Patient ist man bei der

Mapping the latin enlightenment

Mapping the Latin Enlightenment 1 Latin Enlightenment: A Contradiction in Terms? 1 ‘Mapping the Latin Enlightenment’ is a research project funded by the Australian Research Council (2009-2011), led by Yasmin Haskell (Cassamarca Foundation Professor of Latin Humanism, University of Western Australia, Perth). A reading of the French philosophes could lead one to believe that ‘La


Atomic Absorption Spectrometer ZEEnit P series Technical Data ZEEnit® series | Update 07/2012 | DoM Analytik Jena AG | Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 | 07745 Jena/ Germany | www.analytik-jena.com | [email protected] ZEEnit P series Variable high-end AA Spectrometer with Deuterium and Zeeman Background Correction with “Third Generation” Magnetic Field Control. Technique


Addendum bij de NHG-Standaard Stoppen met rokenVarenicline voortaan ook bruikbaar bij stoppen met roken Wiersma Tj en Chavannes NH, namens de werk- Van belang is ook dat er inmiddels enkele chiatrische aandoening, een gevolg van het groep Stoppen met roken, met uitzondering van Van der Laan. NHG-Standaard Stoppen met resultaten van varenicline bij rokers met verschijnsel) of een combina

Microsoft word - rci inactivation of hep a.doc

Inactivation of Picornaviruses using EcoQuest Radiant Catalytic Ionization Introduction The viral family Picornaviridae , which includes Hepatitis A virus, is characterized as including viruses which are non-enveloped with single stranded positive sensed RNA genomes known to be very resistant to physical and chemical means of inactivation (1). Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is known t

Bisphosphonate im Überblick

Einleitung Bisphosphonate wurden erstmals 1865 syn-thetisiert [1] und bei zahlreichen industriellenProzessen z. B. als Wasserenthärter oderAntikorrosiva angewendet. Nach den grund-legenden Arbeiten von Fleisch [2, 3] zurknochenmineralisierenden und osteotropenWirkung der Substanzen erfolgte ihre Ent-wicklung zur Therapie metabolischer Kno-chenerkrankungen. Die Indikati


UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PRE-GRANT(Note: This is a Patent Application only.)Tea Tree Oil and Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Treatment INVENTOR: Liegeois, Nanette - Lutherville, Maryland, United States (US) APPL-NO: 307969 (11) FILED-DATE: March 1, 2006 LEGAL-REP: GREENBERG & LIEBERMAN, LLC - 2141 WISCONSIN AVE, N.W., SUITE C-2, WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20007 PUB


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J CATARACT REFRACT SURG - VOL 32, JANUARY 2006Transient light sensitivity after femtosecond laserflap creation: Clinical findings and managementKarl G. Stonecipher, MD, Jon G. Dishler, MD, Teresa S. Ignacio, MD, Perry S. Binder, MDPURPOSE: To describe the constellation of subjective and objective findings associated with unusualoccurrences of photosensitivity after laser in situ keratomileusis


Byungho Kim 1974 Born in Seoul, Korea Lives and works in Seoul Education 2004 M.S in Major of Technology Art, Graduate School of Advanced Imaging science, Multimedia & Film, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, KOREA 2000 B.F.A in Dept of Printmaking, College of Fine Arts, Hong-Ik University, Seoul, KOREA Selectd Solo Exhibitions 2011 A System, Arario Gallery samcheong, Seoul, Kor


TECh RoUnDUP TECh RoUnDUP -->> Cleantech/Renewable will allow Israel to meet its goal of with related professional services tronE and GibbsCAM for the pro- for the building of a 4G wireless duction of turbine blades. Dong-UK magazine Global Water Intelli- of water per year that is based on broadband network in rural India fang Turbine Co., a subsidiary of gence named I

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Assessment and Evaluation Client Number and Name: #1221 John Smith* Assessment Date: February 5 Assessed By: Sue, Aging Wisely Care Manager Demographics Current Living Arrangement: Own home Phone: (727)555-5555 Address: 275 West Dr., Clearwater, FL 33761 DOB: 2/1/29 Social Security #: 222-22-1111 Marital Status: Widow US Citizen: Y


MARKINGS ON LABELS AND SALES PACKAGES There are directions on labelling, presentation, and advertising of alcoholic beverages in the Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (http://eur-lex.europa.eu) – and in Finnish: in the Finnish legislation by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and further instructions by National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (

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Sexuelle Probleme des Dialysepatienten 1. Problemstellung, Definition und Prävalenz Störungen der männlichen Sexualfunktion lassen sich für klinische Zwecke einteilen in solche der Libido, der kohabitativen Potenz (Erektionsschwäche, Ejakulations- /Orgasmusstörungen) und der generativen Potenz oder Fertilität (s. Tab. 1). Tab. 1 Störungen der männlichen Sexualfunktion

What are systemic enzymes and what do they do

What Are Systemic Enzymes and What Do They Do? By: Dr. William Wong ND, PhD The word “systemic” means body wide. Systemic enzymes are those that operate not just for digestion but throughout your body in every system and organ. But let’s take first things first, what is an enzyme? An enzyme is a biocatalyst - something that makes something else work or work faster. Chemical reactions a


Membrane transporters regulating inhibitory neurotransmitter signaling in health and disease A.J. Moorhouse,1,2 M. Watanabe2 and J. Nabekura,2 1School of Medical Sciences, The University of New South Wales, NSW 2052, Australia and 2National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS), Okazaki 444-8585, Japan. The efficacy of inhibitory signalling at GABA and glycinergic synapses depends on a


Christine D. Young, M.A. [email protected] Fellow, The Association of Medical IllustratorsCertified Medical Illustrator 1992 through December 31, 2013President, The Association of Medical IllustratorsEditor, Medical Illustration Source Book www.medillsb.com 2106 Maple Avenue Evanston, Illinois 60201 professional experience Young, McKenna & Associates, Inc. Science visua

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PRODUZIONI 2009 - 2010 CONCERTO PALAZZO APERTO ORCHESTRA GIOVANILE DI FIRENZE INTERVENTO MUSICALE ORCHESTRA PETIT ENSEMBLE DI SCANDICCI Musiche di A.Corelli, W.A.Mozart, E.Elgar In collaborazione con il Comune di Gambassi Terme Musiche di S.Nelson, K & H. Colledge PIEVE DI S.MARIA A CHIANNI - GAMBASSI TERME In collaborazione con Consiglio regionale della Toscana AU


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NOTIZIARIO INTERNO dopo tanto tempo mi ritrovo a scrivervi per mettervi al corrente delle ultime novità: 1. Un nostro progetto scolastico protrebbe essere finanziato dalla regione. Riguarderà le strutture scolastiche dell’infanzia, primaria e secondaria di primo e secondo grado e sarà realizzato nelle scuole con un alto tasso di bambini e ragazzi con diabete. Questo corso di f

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Program Philosophy The Area Substance Abuse Council (ASAC) is a private, nonprofit corporation organized to provide comprehensive alcohol/drug abuse treatment and prevention services in Benton, Jackson, Jones, Clinton, and Linn counties. ASAC services a variety of clients, including persons who want to explore the effects of their substance abuse, concerned others, persons who habitually abu


Indumentaria acompañados por ambos padres: además del D.N.I. o C.I. vigentes, libreta dematrimonio o partida original de nacimiento de los hijos.Menores de 21 años noPara la vida a bordo aconsejamos ropa liviana o deportiva y calzadoacompañados o acompañados por un solo padre: autorización ante escribanoconfortable, de taco bajo. Durante cada crucero se realizan noches de gala pa

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Miguel Andreoli Actio 5 Octubre 2004 ISSN 1510-8082 El deber de ayudar en Kant Miguel Andreoli Instituto de Filosofía Fac. de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación Afirmar que es una característica fundamental de la acción humana intencional, el ser realizada en vista a algún fin, tiene un valor de definición. De aquí se deriva naturalmente la creencia de que la estimaci�


Lyme Disease in Horses Lyme disease is caused by the bacterial spirochete: Borrelia burgdoferi. Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks. Lyme disease was first diagnosed in man in 1975 in Lyme Connecticut, thus the name Lyme disease. Medical scientists however, in retrospectively reviewing the medical literature recognized Lyme disease symptoms being reported by European physicians in the la

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VIIIes Journées Nationales de L'ANGH Beaune 2000 SPLENOMEGALIE MYELOÏDE : UNE CAUSE D'ASCITE REFRACTAIRE (3 CAS) J. DENIS(1), A. DEVIDAS(2), A. PARIENTE(3), D. GRANGE(4), F. KEMENY(5) (1) Service Hépato-Gastroentérologie - C.H. Sud-Francilien - 59, Bd Henri- Dunant - 91106 CORBEIL ESSONNES CEDEX (2) Service Hématologie - C.H. Sud-Francilien - 59, Bd Henri-Dunant - 91106 CORBEIL ESS

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Item No: 9.1. Ref: ASA AGM 280913 REPORT BY DR NEVILLE GIBBS, CHIEF EDITOR, ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE TO THE 72nd AGM – 28 SEPTEMBER 2013 1. Journal Performance (based on AIC Editorial Board Annual Report 2012/2013) a. Subscriptions. There has been an increase in the number of subscriptions from ASA members (+38) and NZSA members (+17). There has been a decrease in subscrip


AMATEUR SWIMMING ASSOCIATION Asthma and the competitive swimmer Introduction: One in seven children and one in 25 adults in Great Britain have asthma and the number is growing. Thus every swim squad or club will have a number of asthmatics and it is important for coaches and club officials to have at least a basic knowledge of the condition. Asthma is a disorder of the small airways of t


www.AJBlood.us /ISSN: 2160-1992/AJBR1105005 Review Article Mouse models as tools to understand and study BCR-ABL1 diseases Steffen Koschmieder, Mirle Schemionek Medizinische Klinik A, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Münster, Germany. Received May 16, 2011; accepted June 3, 2011; Epub June 7, 2011; published June 15, 2011 Abstract: Mouse models of human malignancy have greatly enhanced our


Neuropsychopharmacology (2006) 31, 1310–1317The Effect of Olanzapine on Craving and AlcoholConsumptionKent E Hutchison*,1, Lara Ray1, Erica Sandman1, Marie-Christine Rutter1, Annie Peters1, Dena Davidson21Department of Psychology, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA; 2Institute of Psychiatric Research, Indiana UniversityUniversity of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 3Pr

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LEARNING TO LOSE CONTROL Part 1 – Implementing Personal Change As a fully paid up member of Control Freaks Unlimited I had a bit of a shock recently. I had to spend a lengthy time in hospital and found out that I couldn’t call the shots anymore, not even with decisions about my own health and Not a great situation to be in: my distinct lack of knowledge about the complex medical


Regulation of atrogin-1 and protein degradation following incubation with dexamethasone and TNF α in mouse C2C12 and primary human myotubes A.E. Larsen, T.C. Crowe and A.P. Russell, The Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research (C-PAN), School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, VIC 3125, Australia. Introduction: Atrogin-1 is a muscle specific E3-ligase involv

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Annapolis Radiology Associates Kerry J. Thompson, M.D., Timothy S. Eckel, M.D. and Azar P. Dagher, M.D. DISCOGRAM – Patient instructions Your test is scheduled for ____________________________ at ___________. Please call 1-800-952-7246 the day before to confirm your appointment time. (Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm) Preparing for your procedure: Please complete the encl


Atomic Absorption Spectrometer ZEEnit P series Technical Data ZEEnit® series | Update 07/2012 | DoM Analytik Jena AG | Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 | 07745 Jena/ Germany | www.analytik-jena.com | [email protected] ZEEnit P series Variable high-end AA Spectrometer with Deuterium and Zeeman Background Correction with “Third Generation” Magnetic Field Control. Technique


View this email on your | View this email as August 2011 / Learn Product Recall A major producer of pain relief medicine has had to advise the publicvia the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products RegulatoryAgency) alert system that packs of their product are to be returnedto the point of purchase. The reason for the recall is that some rogue packets had been foundto c

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Association des Disciplines Orthodontiques et Maxillo-Faciales Le chirurgien maxillo-facial peut réaliser les extractions dentaires difficiles. - cas de dent dévitalisée et ankylosée. - cas d'extractions dents multiples. - présence de kyste plus ou moins volumineux attenant aux dents. - risques de complications hémorragiques du fait de traitement anti-agrégant (Aspégic®, Kardégic®, P


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Das RLS Restless legs - Syndrom der unruhigen Beine Dieter Volc, Gerhard Daniel Korrespondenzadresse: Primarius Dr. Dieter Volc Facharzt für Neurologie&Psychiatrie Initiative Restless legs Schottenfeldgasse 45 A-1070 Wien Tel: (+43-1) 522 13 09, FAX +20 [email protected], www.restless-legs.at Wenn die Beine nicht zur Ruhe kommen Es besteht der quälende Drang


The Arthritis Trust of America and The Arthritis Trust ® The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation areprojects of The Roger Wyburn-Mason & Jack M. Blount Foundation for the Eradi- proved by The United States Internal Rev-enue Service, Chartered in The State ofTennessee, U.S.A. Licensed physicians and doctors below have indicated to The Arthritis Trust/The Rheumatoid Disease Foundati

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Assessing the Potential Value of Rare Metals in Urban Mines: A Comparative Look at Korea and Japan By JUNG Ho-Sung Co-authored by KIM Hwa-Nyeon and CHOI Myeong-Hae September 2011 I. The Rise of Rare Metals Rare metals refer to metals which are scarce in the earth’s crust, or which are scarce because they are difficult to extract and process. Rare metals are also met

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Agricultural implements, manually operated or animal driven Aids and Implements used by handicapped persons Aquatic feed, poultry feed and cattle feed including grass, hay and straw, *[husk and bran of cereals and pulses, supplements, concentrated and additives of such feed and de-oiled cakes, but excluding (i) other oil cakes and (ii) rice bran]. Betel leaves and betel nuts (excluding* supar


Paula PetrikDepartment of History & Art HistoryGeorge Mason UniversityFairfax, VA 22030January [email protected]://www.archiva.net Grammar for Historians and Others Grammar and mechanics are important for a variety of reasons—all of them good. All your posts and papers should be grammatically correct in all their particulars. Correctness includes spelling, punc-tuation, diction, and


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1. Koichi Mayumi, and Kohzo Ito, "Structure and Dynamics of Polyrotaxane and Slide-Ring Materials", Polymer, 51(4), 959-967(2010). 2. Koichi Mayumi, Hitoshi Endo, Noboru Osaka, Hideaki Yokoyama, Michihiro Nagao, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, and Kohzo Ito, "Mechanically Interlocked Structure of Polyrotaxane Investigated by Contrast Variation Small-Angle Neutron Scattering", Macromolecule

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Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust FEBRUARY 2003 While interacting with the masses, he would keep a very simple approach, never making a show of his achievements, knowledge, neither make a deliberate attempt to make himself feel humble to the people. He would be his true self. Rather than displaying his own talents he would try and bring out the talents of those around him. With his

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“medicamento genérico – Lei 9.787/99” 1) Nome do medicamento: micofenolato de mofetila 2) Nome do principio ativo/DCB: micofenolato de mofetila / 0290 O micofenolato de mofetila é efetivo na profilaxia da rejeição de órgãos e no tratamento da rejeição refratária, em pacientes que receberam transplante renal, transplante cardíaco ou transplante hepático. O Micofenolato de mofe

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A Healthy and Effective Weight Loss Management Formula Take This Product Until Desired Weight Reduction is Achieved Finally Slim contains the missing “Link”! Many weight-loss products or programs are missing a link! This “link” has to do with facilitating proper nutrition so as to feed the body what it needs, helping to decrease cravings which many of us tend to fill with “empty,”


Research claims battery-electric cars are greener than expected Published on 1 September 2010 Manufacturing newsdesk A detailed life-cycle assessment of the modern lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles has shown that they are lessenvironmentally harmful than previously thought. Added to a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of a complete electric car, the research showed that e-cars, pow

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19th Annual Kansas Angus Association – Sponsored Commercial Angus Female Sale Saturday, December 4, 2010 Pratt Livestock, Pratt, Ks 1 p.m. Bred Cows (all 7 years and younger) 5-7 yr. old Angus cows bred to calve starting Jan. 16 for 90 days to Benoit Precision 1023 sons. Vaccinated with Virashield 6, Scour Boss, AD&E, and poured with Ivomec. Last year’s steers graded 58% CA

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 03200 Chemical Product and Contact Information Product Name: LECOSET 7000 Part Numbers: Powder 813-083 LECO Corporation 3000 Lakeview St. Joseph, Michigan 49085 813-004 813-005 Information: 269-983-5531 813-005-HAZ 813-056 Chemtrec: 800-424-9300 813-056-HAZ 813-056-010 (Chemtrec Int'l: 703-527-3887)

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LETTERATURA PRIMARIA IN LINGUA INGLESE (testi direttamente attinenti alle pratiche filosofiche) monografie e articoli AGASSI, J. - JARVIE, I.C. (eds.), Rationality: The Critical View , Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1987. AMIR, L. B., Don’t Interrupt My Dialogue , in CURNOW, T. (ed.), Thinking Through Dialogue , Practical Philosophy Press, Oxted, 2001, pp. 239-243. AMIR, L. B., Pri

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Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Glaxo faces drug fraud lawsuit Go to: Guardian Unlimited home Glaxo faces drug fraud lawsuit Firm accused of keeping back negative trial results David Teather in New York and Sarah Boseley Thursday June 3, 2004 Britain's biggest drug company, GlaxoSmithKline, is facing fraud Search this site charges in the United States for allegedl

What is killing the nuclear renaissance?

What is killing the Nuclear Renaissance? 10th IAEE European Conference Steve Thomas ([email protected]) PSIRU ( ), Business School University of Greenwich 2. Shortages of skills and manufacturing capability;3. Unnecessary delays in licensing and planning; The US programme • Announced 2001, first plants to be in service by 2010 but orders not now likely before 2012


Client Number 6881 Laboratory Services - Wellington Laboratory PO Box 31242, Lower Hutt, 5040 1C Quadrant Drive, Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt, 5010 Telephone 04 570-8800 www.asurequality.com 04 570-8176 Authorised Representative Mrs Charlene Gerber Quality Systems Manager Programme MAF Laboratory Approval Scheme - Accredited Laboratory Accreditation Number 877 Initial

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3rd Internationl European Cngress of TCM Brussels, Belgium, 4th & 5th October, 2003 Presentation title: Anorexia nervosa – a study case of mother-daughter relationship in the light of Five Phases Cycle. Author: Henryk Dyczek, Ac.M., D.C., B.Sc. in Chiropractic (Oxford) The strength of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) rests in its diagnosis and treatment protocol, which takes into

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Santhera Pharmaceuticals Holding AG Hammerstrasse 49 CH-4410 Liestal / Switzerland Phone Santhera’s MICONOS Trial with Catena®/Sovrima® in Friedreich’s Ataxia Misses Primary Endpoint Liestal, Switzerland, May 20, 2010 – Santhera Pharmaceuticals (SIX: SANN) announced today that its MICONOS Phase III study evaluating Catena®/Sovrima® for the treatment of Frie- dreich’


P r o v i d e :• Fast digestion times. • Temperatures to 250 °C. • Pressures to 1200 psi. • Complete containment of volatiles. • Freedom from metal contamination. Microwave Digestion VesselsTo expand the usefulness of its unique acid digestionbombs, Parr has developed a line of chemically inertvessels in which microwave heating can be used for rapidsample dissolution in a sealed vess

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Grant No. 15 Grant No. 15 - Irrigation Revenue: Amount surrendered during the year Grant No. 15- Contd. Capital: 4711 Capital Outlay on Flood Conrtol Projects Amount surrendered during the year Grant No. 15- Contd. Revenue: Voted Grant 1. Of the ultimate saving of `3,66,75.48 lakhs, `2,37,27.04 lakhs remained unsurrendered. 2. In view of the overall saving of `3,66,


Oral Multiparticulate Dosage Forms – What's new? International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology Oral Multiparticulate Dosage Forms – What's new? Tuesday, 13th November 2012 09:00 to 18:00 hOpening remarks and scope of the workshop - Table top exhibition – Manufacturing technologies Peter KleinebuddeHeinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, GermanyAli R. Rajabi-Siahboo

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CUSTOM SOLUTIONS REPORT ——————————————————————————————————————— Project: Efficacy of Poly-Pore® 145BP in Reduction of P. Acnes Bacteria Purpose: To compare the efficacy of benzoyl peroxide (BPO) entrapped in Poly-Pore to free benzoyl peroxide in its ability to reduce P. acnes bacteria counts from a facial scr

Swine flu facts handout

Swine Flu (H1N1 Flu) Facts Definition: Swine Flu is a viral infection that causes a cough, sore throat, runny nose and fever. If you don’t have a fever, you don’t have Swine Flu. Cause : Swine Flu is caused by the H1N1 virus. After exposure (close contact), 20% of people come down with respiratory symptoms in 4 to 6 days. It’s not caused by eating pork. Diagnosis: How to kn


WorldLink Medical Setting the Record Straight on Hormones and Cancer No Study Shows that Testosterone Causes Cancer With all due respect, the doctor that suggests that HRT causes cancer is perhaps unaware of the medical literature. Testosterone does not cause cancer. It may cause it to grow once prostate cancer is established, but no study shows that testosterone causes the cancer. On


Fighting Malaria in Kala and Mwange Camps Malaria constitutes a major public health problem in Zambia, exerting the largest toll on vulnerable groups like chil-dren and pregnant women. According to 2008 Ministry of Health bulletin, 3.2 million cases of malaria (confirmed and unconfirmed) were reported countrywide in Zambia with 3,871 deaths. The annual malaria incidence was estimated at 252 c


anaesthetic a combination aindicat aindications DIRECTIONS FOR USE r , g k / L 8 . 1 d n a g k / L 4 . 2 s i s t a c d n a s g o d n i n a x a f l A f o s e s o d l a c i n i l c f oo i t c e j n i e l g n i s a r e t f a n o i t u b i r t s i d f o e c i t r a p c i t e n i k o c a methadone, morphine sulfate, butorphanol DESCRIPTION 1 CTIVE INGREDIENT A Anaesthetic In


Serotonin syndrome after taking CASE REPORT citalopram BHW Cheng MBBS, MRCP (UK), WWY Mok MBBS, FHKCP (Medicine) Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Correspondence to: Dr Benjamin Cheng, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong. E-mail: benjamin_cheng@ admission gave a reading of 6.1. When her postural INTRODUCTION blood


bridging card Heparin-Dosierung bei perioperativem Pausieren von Vitamin K- Antagonisten (Marcumar®, Falithrom®, Coumadin®, Sintrom® etc.) Auszug aus den Leitlinien der ACCP 2012 mit Darstellung einiger Empfehlungen für hohes und niedriges Thromboembolie-Risiko (Chest FEB 2012; 141 (2 suppl). Die Heparin-Dosierung für die perioperative Pause des Vitamin K-Antagonisten

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Title: Clinical Trial of Ceftriaxone in Subjects With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Principal Investigator: Merit Cudkowicz, MD, MSc., Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital Contact: Sarah Titus, MPH (617) 726-1398 [email protected] This trial is currently enrolling patients. Primary Outcome Measures: evaluation of multiple upper extremit

Abstract number: 951308

Abstract Number: 951308 Contact/Presenting Author Evaldo Favi, MD , Roma - Italy Abstract Title: A prospective trial comparing Tacrolimus with Everolimus and low dose Cyclosporine Evaldo Favi, MD1, Franco Citterio, MD1, Gionata Spagnoletti, MD1, Vincenzo Tondolo, MD1, Jacopo Romagnoli, MD1 and Marco Castagneto, MD1. 1Surgery, Catholic University, Rome, Italy. Body: Introductio


Unerwünschte kardiovaskuläre Wirkungen von Psychopharmaka Pathophysiologie und Risikominimierung Katharina Wenzel-Seifert, Regensburg, Claus-Peter Ostermeier, Werneck, Nagia Ben Omar und Ekkehard Haen, Regensburg, für die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arzneimittel therapie bei psychiatrischen Erkrankungen (AGATE e. V.) Literatur 21. Druteika D, Zed PJ. Cardiotoxicity following bupropion overdose


RESPONSE SPECTRA RECOMMENDED FOR AUSTRALIA Malcolm Somerville, Kevin McCue and Cvetan Sinadinovski Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra Response spectra suitable for intraplate regions such as Australia differ in shape from the familiar response spectral shapes derived from early accelerograph data from interplate regions. In applications such as building code provisions wh


Patienteninformation des Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz® Norfloxacin Adico 400 ADICO PHARMA AMZV 9.11.2001 Was ist Norfloxacin Adico 400 und wann wird es angewendet? Norfloxacin Adico 400 ist ein Arzneimittel zur Behandlung bakterieller Infektionen (Antibiotikum) und darf nur auf Verschreibung des Arztes oder der Ärztin angewendet werden. Norfloxacin Adico 400 besitzt ein


(Actos cuja publicaça˜o é uma condiça˜o da sua aplicabilidade) DIRECTIVA 2000/31/CE DO PARLAMENTO EUROPEU E DO CONSELHO de 8 de Junho de 2000 relativa a certos aspectos legais dos serviços da sociedade de informaça˜o, em especial do comércio electro´nico, no mercado interno («Directiva sobre comércio electro´nico») O PARLAMENTO EUROPEU E O CONSELHO DA UNIA˜O EURO-(3)

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Working with our National portfolio Our National portfolio organisations represent some of the best arts practice in the world today. They are our most significant strategic partners – and we want every National portfolio organisation to collaborate with us to deliver our mission. Ambition, artistic exploration and pioneering spirit are a prerequisite. We expect and support inspiration

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PRE AND POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BREAST AUGMENTATION 1. You should make arrangements to be off from work for one week following surgery. The amount of time varies between patients and is determined by your level of comfort after surgery. 2. If you have small children someone should help you with childcare for at least 1 week due to lifting restrictions. 3. Do not drive for 24 hours

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Nuclear Associates 84-317 and 84-317-7000 Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Ultrasound Phantoms Users Manual February 2005 Manual No. 84-317-1 Rev. 2 © 2004, 2005 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies Fluke Biomedical Radiation Management Services 6045 Cochran Road Cleveland, Ohi

Effects of the principal nutrients on lovastatin production by monascus pilosus

Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 70 (5), 1154–1159, 2006Effects of the Principal Nutrients on Lovastatin Productionby Monascus pilosusTsuyoshi MIYAKE,1;y Kumiko UCHITOMI,2 Ming-Yong ZHANG,1;3 Isato KONO,1Nobuyuki NOZAKI,1 Hiroyuki SAMMOTO,1 and Kenji INAGAKI1Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture, Haga 5301, Okayama 701-1296, Japan2Department of Biofunctional Chemistry, Graduate


La intención de estas actividades es facilitar a los alumnos y a las alumnas la lectura de esta adaptación de La Celestina . Para ello, al principio y al final se incluyen unas fichas con preguntas de carácter general acerca de la obra, de la época o del autor. El resto de las fichas se compone de actividades específicas (de comprensión, análisis y expresión), relacionadas con el conten

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INFLAMMATION CONTROL WITH ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCY SOUND Lyn Paul Taylor, A.A., B.A., M.A., R.P.T. ( Editing Assistant and Computer Consultant: Joanna Soon, B.S.) I t has been demonstrated that ultrahigh frequency sound ( ultrasound ) may be used to drive chemicals into living tissues. This process is called phonophoresis . It is thought that ultrasound's demonstrated ability t

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Procter & Gamble MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Macrobid® Page 1 of 5 SECTION 1 – CHEMICAL / PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PROCTER & GAMBLE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Hazard Rating PO BOX 191 NORWICH, NY 13815 EMERGENCY PHONE: 24 HOUR SPILL RESPONSE PHONE: 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC Chemical Nitrofurantoin monohydrate: 1-[[(5- Macrobid® Capsule


NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Cefuroxime Axetil Actavis 250 mg film-coated tablets Cefuroxime Axetil Actavis 500 mg film-coated tablets 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each tablet contains 250 mg cefuroxime as cefuroxime axetil Each tablet contains 500 mg cefuroxime as cefuroxime axetil For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM

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BREVE ESCÓLIO HISTÓRICO ACERCA DO INQUÉRITO POLICIAL Impingido no juízo de processo criminal estão os “actos de investigação do delicto e do delinquente; actos de formação da culpa; e actos de acusação, defesa, prova e julgamento. As duas primeiras series de actos constituem as phases da intrucção, para verificação do facto criminoso e de suas circumstancias, para serem col

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Les chutes chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile Mercredi matin, après avoir fait sa toilette, M. Petitpas glisse dans la salle sa tension artérielle, qui ont été à de bain, perd l’équilibre et fait une chute. la hausse dernièrement. Maintenant,il reçoit des services d’aide ménagère En tombant, il amortit le choc avec son bras droit, mais se heurte sur l

Escapade à bangalore

Promenade naturaliste autour du VISHALAKSHI Pour tous les curieux de la nature Raphaël présente quelques observations qu’il a pu effectuer lors de son séjour à Bangalore à l’occasion des fêtes de Navrati 2009. Il vous invite ce mois-ci à admirer la remarquable fleur du Lis glorieux qui est cultivé dans les jardins indiens et notamment en bordure des allées qui mènent au

Pour isa activites nantes.pdf

Nantes Center Research project Cardiac diseases and sudden death The cardiac diseases and sudden death group gathers 5 different themes THEME A: Clinical and molecular genetics (JJ Schott) THEME B: Functional genomics and transcriptional control of ion channel remodeling (S Demolombe) THEME C: Molecular and cellular physiology (I Baró) THEME D: Experimental arrhythmias and transgen

Does an aspirin a day make your brain bleed?

Does an Aspirin a Day Make Your Brain Bleed? If you or someone you love are one of the 50 million Americans that take aspirin daily in an effort to prevent a heart attack, you’re at risk of getting tiny leaks from blood vessels in your brain. These cerebral microbleeds are linked to memory and language problems, difficulty reasoning and intracranial hemorrhages – full-scale bleeding insid


M usculoskeletal complaints improve with homeopathy M illions of people suffer from musculoskeletal complaints including rheumatic diseases in countries all across the world1-3. M any consult with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM ) practitioners4 and homeopathy is one of the most frequently used CAM modalities5. $Q LQFUHDVLQJ DPRXQW RI GRFXPHQWDWLRQ FRQILUPV KRPHRSDWKV¶

Microsoft word - documento

A chuvarada caiu repentina e a praça esvaziou depressa. Mas era daquelas chuvaradas que despencam sem mais nem menos, de repente o céu fica preto e ela desaba estrondando, sem conversa fiada, espanta desocupados, relampeja, ronca grosso e do mesmo jeito que chega vai. O povaréu correu, a roda embaixo do oiti grande dispersou-se. O alvoroço era geral. A chuva interrompera o jogo de dominó


Target Publication: Barrel Horse News A horse turns the third barrel and heads back to alley. After crossing the timer and stopping at the alley gate, the horse coughs. The rider dismounts, the horse drops his head, and the rider notices a stream of blood trickling out the horse's left nostril. The rider, like many, is in "My first reaction was ok, call your vet, get him scoped and find

Microsoft word - seks zonder stress - wilfried van craen.doc

Seksuoloog Wilfried Van Craen helpt ons op weg naar seks zonder stress Over hoe we ons bedgenot moeten verhogen zijn al ontelbare boeken bijeengepend. Seksuoloog en psychotherapeut Wilfried Van Craen bundelde zijn jarenlange ervaring hieromtrent in drie dunne boekjes. Hapklare brokken die zonder veel omhaal naar de essentie gaan, boordevol praktijkgerichte oefeningen. In de eerste tw


Aamulehti Maanantai 26. joulukuuta 2011 | A37 Nettikampa Kampaamme verkosta parhaat linkit, päivän puheenaiheet, tukevimmat uutislähteet, hauskimmat videot ja tar- kimmat taustat. Verkon terävimpien analyysien lähteille klikkaat kätevästi Aamulehti.fi-sivuston kautta:O www.aamulehti.fi/ nettikampa Väärin äänestänyt Aamulehti.fi/blogit ei kelpaa enää kav

Protocolli di idoneità.pdf

COMITATO TECNICO-DIRETTIVO DMTE DELLA PROVINCIA DI CREMONA PROTOCOLLI OPERATIVI PER L’ ACCERTAMENTO DELL’ IDONEITA’ DEL DONATORE DI SANGUE E DI EMOCOMPONENTI E LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE UNITA’ RACCOLTE Premesse • Le Strutture Trasfusionali e le Associazioni di volontariato collaborano per mettere a disposizione di tutti i candidati donatori materiale educativo


THE PONTIFICAL, UNIVERSITY "ANTONIANUM' The intuitive genius of Francis of Assisi recognized immediately in Brother Anthony, a native of Lisbon, but later known as St. Anthony of Padua, a holy and wise friar and, as such, a trustworthy master of authentic theology. The «Theological School» which Francis initiated in the extraordinary personality of Brother Anthony was soon transformed i

Microsoft word - midwife - french.doc

AVIS DE DÉROGATION EN VUE DE RÉALISER UN OBJECTIF LÉGITIME EN VERTU DU CHAPITRE 7 DE L’ACCORD SUR LE COMMERCE INTÉRIEUR APPROUVÉ PAR LE GOUVERNMENT DU MANITOBA Métier ou profession : SAGE-FEMME Nom de la (des) Province(s)/Territoire(s) dont les travailleurs sont visés : Colombie Britannique, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Ontario, Quebec .

Press release - pension fund abp settles with merck in securities class action

Press Release Pension Fund ABP Settles with Merck in Securities Class Action Five-year litigation related to Vytorin ENHANCE study ends in $215 million class settlement Heerlen/Amsterdam, 14 February 2013 - The Dutch pension fund Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP (“ABP”), together with three co-lead plaintiffs, has reached a settlement with Merck and certain of its current and former offic

Microsoft word - adoption supply and to do list.doc

China Trip – Supply & To Do List This list was given to Adoption Horizons by one of our families preparing for their China trip. Before We Leave • Appt. with Cindy to go over paperwork and Visa application • Meet with Pediatrician and pick up prescriptions. Does he have an email address? Will Bactrum handle Giardia? Get powdered version of Zithromax appropriate for baby. �

Speedpost service to afghanistan

SPEEDPOST EMS SERVICE TO KOREA FACILITY SHEET NO. 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________ SERVICE TITLE In Singapore - known as “Speedpost EMS”In Korea DATE OF SERVICE INTRODUCED DELIVERY AREAS STANDARD OF DELIVERY FROM DAY OF POSTING Item addressed to rural areas may be subject to delay GUARANTEE Yes (Pleas

Microsoft word - class 14 announcement media release.doc

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 5, 2011 Announcing Ontario’s 2011-13 AALP Class 14 (Guelph, ON) The selection of thirty individuals to participate in the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) Class 14 was recently made by the AALP advisory committee, a working group of the board of directors of the Rural Ontario Institute. These current and emerging leaders within Ontari


Bluterkrankungen bei Hunden aus dem Mittelmeerraum Diese Informationen sollen dazu dienen, Ihnen einen Überblick über die sogenannten Mittelmeerkrankheiten zu geben. Unser ASPA -Team beantwortet selbstverständlich ihre persönlichen Fragen vor, während und nach einer Vermittlung. Ebenso selbstverständlich sind wir bei auftretenden Unklarheiten und Problemen für Sie da. Auch möchten

Microsoft word - 2012 eana annual report_121213.doc

2012 EANA Annual Report 1. What is EANA? EANA, the European Astrobiology Network Association, was founded in 2001 as a scientific non-profit organisation with the purpose to bring together European researchers interested in that new field of astrobiology, to foster their cooperation, to attract students and young scientists and to popularize astrobiology. EANA is registered at the Prefec

In defense of metaphor

IN DEFENSE OF METAPHOR "That's how they all squeal at first," he said. "As if the world could be changed without killing someone."Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Grieche sucht Griechin Mephistopheles: No Lord, I believe that, as always,A few years ago, the papers announced that the government ofSouth Africa was going to set up a programme to import and producelow-cost drugs to trea

Microsoft word - el10014 prolactin (anogen).doc

Human Prolactin ELISA Kit For the quantitative determination of human Prolactin ANOGEN Email: [email protected] ♦ Web Site: www.anogen.ca TABLE OF CONTENTS S7.5 (03) Prolactin 1 INTENDED USE This Human Prolactin ELISA Kit is to be used for the in vitro quantitative determination of human Prolactin concentrations in serum. This kit is intended FOR LABORATORY RESEA

Recipient medication

Recipient Medication* IFER – PDF IV *The endometrium can be prepared with or without a GnRH agonist (Lupron Depot 3.75 mg). Below you will find the schedule for each one: • Schedule A) “Oral contraceptive pills only” Oral contraceptive pills: on the first or second day of your next menstrual period you will have to start with oral contraceptives. At this ste

Interventions for preventing ophthalmia neonatorum

Interventions for preventing ophthalmia neonatorum (Protocol) Kapoor VS, Whyte R, LaRoche RR This is a reprint of a Cochrane protocol, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The CochraneLibrary 2009, Issue 1 Interventions for preventing ophthalmia neonatorum (Protocol) Copyright © 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Lt


Clinical Trial Received: July 17, 2003Accepted after revision: September 2, 2003 Early Drug Therapy and In-Hospital Mortality following Acute Myocardial Infarction Paul Ernea Dragana Radovanovic b Philip UrbandJean-Christophe Stauffere Osmund Bertelc Felix GutzwillerbaDivision of Cardiology, Kantonsspital, Luzern, bAMIS Plus Data Center, Institute for Social andPreventive Medicine, Univer

La història que us explicaré a continuació succeí fa molts anys, però que molts anys

La història que us explicaré a continuació succeí fa molts anys, però que A Sant Pere de Ribes, un poblet situat a la comarca del Garraf, hi havia un regnat compost per trenta-vuit reis i un súbdit. Cada rei tenia esposa, un fil i una fil a, és a dir, que en total estem parlant de cent cinquanta-dues persones de la reialesa, més el súbdit, que es deia Pepet. Tots

23-ppiano ok

IL MONDO WIRELESS IL MONDO WIRELESS a cura di LUCIA MILANI (*) N el bel mezzo di un dibattito critico per l’industria sul- l’evoluzione della tecnologia wireless, il BluetoothSpecial Interest Group ha presentato durante il proprio WorldCongress la specifica della versione 1.2 in via di ratifica. Ipareri riguardanti Bluetooth ‘medium rate’ e ‘high rate’, inve-ce, rimang

Aquawood-imprägniergrund 51320ff

Pullex Aqua-Imprägnierung 51320 ff Product description Water-thinnable wood protection impregnation for DIY and professional use, on a special alkyd/acrylic dispersion base for external areas. Special properties The substances used provide protection according to the Austrian standard ÖNORM B 3802-2 and/or DIN 68800-3 against blue stain (inspection accordin


Conditions générales Serveur dédié virtuel PHPNET 1. Hébergement physique L’hébergement du serveur dédié se fait exclusivement dans les locaux de PHPNET. Le serveur est stocké dans une salle blanche, climatisée conforme aux normes européennes. L’accès au datacenter est contrôlé 24h/24. Le client ne dispose pas d’un accès à la salle dans le cadre d’une locatio


Guidelines for Air Quality, WHO, Geneva, 1999 GUIDELINES FOR AIR QUALITY This WHO document on the Guidelines for Air Quality is the outcome of the WHO Expert Task Forcemeeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, in December 1997. It bases on the document entitled “Air QualityGuidelines for Europe” that was prepared by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and regionalbackground papers. Note to t

Press information

PRESS INFORMATION Development of TEQ Series of Compact Analog Tuners and TMQ Series of Compact Analog Tuner Units with Built-in IF+MPX Thinner Units for LCD and Plasma Televisions ALPS Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan: Masataka Kataoka, President) hasdeveloped two new tuners for use in thin televisions such as LCD and plasmaTVs. The TEQ Series is a compact analog tuner that is 50%

Microsoft word - alegrar2giovanofinal.doc

“Doutor, minha pressão está normal? Quero fazer exame de colesterol para ver se estou bem. Neste ano devo fazer outra mamografia? É normal alguém ser assim?” Essas frases são muito comuns nos dias de hoje em qualquer consultório médico. Por trás delas escondem-se séculos de debates entre duas linhas muito diferentes da medicina. Esses debates são, como se verá, atualíssimos e fund


Le iniezioni intravitreali http://www.medicitalia.it/giuliobamonteLe Iniezioni Intravitreali di Avastin, Lucentis, Macugen e altri farmaci servono a curare princpalmente le malattie neovascolari ed edemigene dell'Occhio. • Che cosa sono Numerosi farmaci possono essere iniettati all’interno dell’occhio per il trattamento di alcune malattie retiniche e maculari. Le iniezioni intravi

Alan m

ALAN M. FIXELLE, M.D. Personal Information Education Columbia College, Columbia University, New York A.B. 1975 Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois M.S. 1976 New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York M.D. 1980 Professional Training/Post-Graduate Training 1985 to present: Gastroenterology Consultants, P.C. ( formerly Drs. Cohen & Fixelle, P.C.) 1983

Microsoft word - document

Insights on Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome, by Dr Olin Balch … this is a subject that I extensively investigated in the last year and wrote about with Truman Prevatt for the EN. Frankly, in the process of co-writing that article, I learned a great deal. I learned even more when I asked internal medicine specialists Gary Magdesian, Todd Holbrook, Hal Schott, Trisha Dowling, and others to review t

Complementary and alternative medicine approaches to pain management

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approachesto Pain ManagementGabriel Tan and Julie A. Alvarez Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Centerand Baylor College of Medicine Mark P. Jensen University of Washington School of Medicine This article argues for and illustrates incorporating complementary andalternative medicine (CAM) interventions into pain treatment plans. TwoCAM treatments,

Ministerio de economia y finanzas

MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y FINANZAS Resolución 201-831 (de 23 de marzo de 2007) No 25779 Gaceta Oficial Digital, jueves 26 de abril de 2007 "Por la cual se reglamentan los numerales 3 y 4 del artículo 764 del Código Fiscal según quedaron modificados por la Ley N° 6 de 2005" LA DIRECTORA GENERAL DE INGRESOS en ejercicio de sus facultades legales, Consider

Microsoft word - fatoxen injetável

FAT O X E N I N J E T Á V E L 1 – CARACTERÍSTICAS Fatoxen Injetável é um anti-helmíntico especialmente indicado no tratamento de infestações parasitárias pulmonares e gastrintestinais de ruminantes causadas por nematódeos (vermes redondos), cestódeos (vermes chatos) e trematódeos de bovinos. Composição: Cada 100 ml de Fatoxen Injetável contém 2 -


The Journal of Neuroscience, May 1, 1998, 18 (9):3138–3146 G-Protein-Coupled Modulation of Presynaptic Calcium Currents and Transmitter Release by a GABA Receptor Tomoyuki Takahashi, Yoshinao Kajikawa, and Tetsuhiro Tsujimoto Department of Neurophysiology, University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo 113, Japan Presynaptic GABA receptors play a regulatory role in central(GDP␤S) abo

Pone.0001350 1.5

External Validation of a Measurement Tool to AssessSystematic Reviews (AMSTAR)Beverley J. Shea1,2*, Lex M. Bouter3, Joan Peterson4, Maarten Boers5, Neil Andersson1,6, Zulma Ortiz7, Tim Ramsay4, Annie Bai8, Vijay K. Shukla8,Jeremy M. Grimshaw41 Community Information and Epidemiological Technologies (CIET), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2 Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine (EMGOInstitute), Vr

Direct-to-consumer branding of prescription medicines in australia

Direct-to-Consumer Branding of Prescription Medicines in Australia Danika V. Hall, Sandra C. Jones, Centre for Health Behaviour and Communication Abstract For prescription pharmaceuticals, branding primarily targets the medical profession in an effort to achieve brand recognition, brand preference and brand loyalty and, in turn, increase prescriptions. Despite direct-to-consumer-advertis


DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration Silver Spring, MD 20993 TRANSMITTED BY FACSIMILE Fadwa Almanakly, Pharm.D. Associate Director, Advertising and Promotions Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc. 6 West Belt Wayne, NJ 07470-6806 RE: NDA 21-225 Mirena® (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system) MACMIS # 18166 The Division of Drug Marketing, A


Articles Women’s groups’ perceptions of maternal health issues in rural Malawi Mikey Rosato, Charles W Mwansambo, Peter N Kazembe, Tambosi Phiri, Queen S Soko, Sonia Lewycka, Beata E Kunyenge, Stefania Vergnano, David Osrin, Marie-Louise Newell, Anthony M de L Costello Lancet 2006; 368: 1180–88 Background Improvements in preventive and care-seeking behaviours to reduce mate


Sensitization on weekly iron folic acid supplementation One day Sensitization Programme on Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) programme was held to sensitize the School Nodal Teachers of Hunli and Roing Block at Anchal Samiti Hall, Roing on 7 December 2013. The training programme was organized by District Health Society under the aegis of National Rural Health Mission, Roing

Retirees chapter

The Retiree Newsletter Jack Judd Prepared the Following Report on the Speakers: Appearing at the November 2 meeting was Steve London, Executive Officer of the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund and First Vice-President of the PSC, and Larry Morgan, the newly installed Administrator of the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund, who came to speak to us on the topic: “The Current Situation of the Welfare Fund.” P

Microsoft word - disaster_displaced_hiv_care.doc

Guidance for Non-HIV-Specialized Providers Caring for HIV-Infected Residents Displaced from Disaster Areas Essential Information for Managing HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy August 26, 2011 Prepared by: HHS Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents HHS Panel on Treatment of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Prevention


The Use of (Catha edulis) in Yemen Social and Medical Observations Wijdan Luqman, B.Sc., M.B.Ch.B. (Edin); and T. S. Danowski, M.D., F.A.C.P. (1975). Annals of Internal Medicine 85:246-249. Catha edulis, or khat, a plant indigenous to Yemen, Ethiopia, and East Africa, has sympathomimetic and euphoriant effects. Its role in the economic, social, and political lives of people in North and


Allergen-induced Synthesis of F2-Isoprostanes in Atopic Asthmatics Evidence for Oxidant Stress RYSZARD DWORSKI, JOHN J. MURRAY, L. JACKSON ROBERTS II, JOHN A. OATES, JASON D. MORROW, LAURA FISHER, and JAMES R. SHELLER Center for Lung Research and Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tenessee It is thought that

Microsoft word - dr abel murillo md cv.doc

Abel Murillo M.D. Advanced Intervention & Pain Management Research Clinic EDUCATION: Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Management University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Management University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital POST-GRADUATE TRAINING: 1999 to University of Miami/J

1997 aavp program

American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Saturday, July 19, 1997 4:45 (6) Development of a Swine Animal Peppermill Hotel & Casino Model Where Opportunistic Invasion of the Colon by Campylobacter jejuni Occurs Spontaneously 12:00-3:00 AAVP Board Meeting 1:00-8:00 Speaker Prep Refreshments 2:00 Registration - Ballroom Lobby 5:15 (7) Anthelmintic Use on Saskatc

Actos, inn-pioglitazone hydrochloride

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS 1. NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Pioglitazone Accord 30 mg tablets 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each tablet contains 30 mg of pioglitazone (as hydrochloride). Excipient(s): Each tablet contains 74.46 mg of lactose monohydrate (see section 4.4). For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM


Fiche pratique n° 61 Le Spam CCI d’Alençon – 1er septembre 2008 Sommaire Le spamposting. 3 Le NetBios Messenger Spam . 3 Comment passer au travers des mailles du filet . 4 Brouiller les pistes . 4 Exploiter votre logiciel de messagerie . 5 Des services anti-spam . 5 Le logiciel anti-spam . 6 Les mesures juridiques. 6 Contact. 6 CCI d’Alençon – 1er septembr


Newsletter Ausgabe 5/2013 der AFC Risk & Crisis Consult GmbH. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, neben reellen Katastrophen und Krisen bestimmt heute die Konfrontation von Unternehmen mit einer zunehmenden Skandalisierung echter und „gefühlter“ Missstände die Agenda der Lebensmittelbranche. Dahinter steht oft das eingespielte Team aus Nichtregierungs-Organisationen (NGOs) und Medien

Microsoft word - df front winter 2006.doc

Winter 2006 FROM THE DIRECTOR H. Leon Thacker, DVM, PhD As this is written, winter has been mild and quite pleasant compared with some of those of past years. OK with me if it continues. Activity in the ADDL continues to be high; the faculty and staff of the Laboratory continue to provide dedicated, beyond the call of duty, hustle to diagnostic requests and submissions. We have


International Pharmacy Bridging Program Describing Pain Opener: Describe a time you experienced pain. Can you recall the character, intensity, onset, duration, annoying and alleviating factors? What did the pain feel like? Vocabulary ACHE (noun) – continuous pain; usually used in combination with a body part (compound noun) ACHE (verb) - to feel a continuous pain

Pertussis case track record

Immunization Division, Texas Department of Health 1100 West 49th St., Austin, TX 78756 (800) 252-9152 (512) 458-7544 fax Pertussis Case Track Record FINAL STATUS : NETSS CASE # : Patient’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Reported By: ___________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________

Chronic med ben app

CHRONIC MEDICINE BENEFIT APPLICATION FORM APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (please complete this application as follows) The application must be completed in black ink. Please print clearly and legibly. One application form must be completed per patient. Kindly take note of the clinical entrance criteria for the various chronic conditions. These are detailed on pages 6 to 8. Certain entry


Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 8, Issue 3, June 9002, Pages 912-991 Evaluating the potentiating effect of galbanic acid from Ferula szowitsiana on three common antibiotics against resistant hospital isolates of Staphylococcus aureus Bazzaz, B.S.F.ab , Du, A.R.a, Iranshahi, M.ab, Naderinasab, M.c, Karamodin, M.K.d a School of Pharmacy, Mashhad University

Microsoft word - samplepsychiatricreport.doc

IDENTIFICATION OF PATIENT: The patient is a 34-year-old Caucasian female. CHIEF COMPLAINT: Depression. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient's depression began in her teenage years. Sleep has been poor, for multiple reasons. She has obstructive sleep apnea, and has difficulties with a child who has insomnia related to medications that he takes. The patient tends to feel irritable, and has cryin


alleo review © - alberto rodriguez ripodas Género de DON QUIJOTE O EL SUENO DE CERVANTESEl género de Don Quijote o el sueño de Cervantes [la primera obra teatral de CarlosAnsó, publicada por Pamiela, Pamplona- España 1998] es - como indica el propio autor- una "elegía farsesca en dos actos". La elegía ha sufrido, a lo largo de los tiempos,una notable evolución: fue en su origen

Microsoft word - negi et al.pdf

Journal of Poisonous and Medicinal Plant Research Vol. 1(1), pp. 001-006, May, 2013 Available online at http://www.apexjournal.org ISSN 2315-8834© 2013 Apex Journal International Naturally occurring saponins: Chemistry and biology J. S. Negi1*, P. S. Negi2, G. J. Pant2, M. S. M. Rawat2, S. K. Negi3 1Herbal Research and Development Institute, Mandal, Gopeshwar (Chamoli) - 246 401, Utta


Harmonise 30 minute treatment A unique facial massage including deep relaxation, incredible stimulation for resultsyour face won’t be able to recognise. Discovery 45 minute treatment Awaken your senses as your skin is pampered and refreshed, an invigorating boost todelight and lift your spirits. You choose whether your Discovery treatment leaves yourface feeling enhanced, stimu

Astronomy cast episode 214 for monday

Fraser: Welcome to Astronomy Cast, our weekly facts-based journey through the Cosmos, where we help you understand not only what we know, but how we know what we know. My name is Fraser Cain, I’m the publisher of Universe Today, and with me is Dr. Pamela Gay, a professor at Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville. Hi, Pamela. How are you doing?Pamela: I’m doing well, Fraser. How are you

Antarctic science bursary progress report

Antarctic Science Bursary Progress Report Melanie Massaro Gateway Antarctica and School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Are fluorescent yellow penguin feathers reliable indicators of fitness and health? Project Collaborators: Dr. Phil Trathan (British Antarctic Survey), Dr. Glenn Crossin (formerly British Antarctic Survey) and Dr. Kevin McGraw (Arizona State


Asia Pacific Journal of Family Medicine Volume 5 Issue 1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Application of research evidence in family practice: a case discussion of a patient with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Department of Family and Community Medicine, UP College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, Manila, The Philippines Introduction There is a lar


Client/patient consent to treatment: My signature acknowledges that I have read the following and agree to receive the treatments or series of treatments listed below. I, ________________________________________________________________, consent to and authorize: Jeanne L. Whitman, CCE, CME, to perform ultrasound and electrotherapy (DermaWave) treatments and other services. Reason for


Conversion Technique - By Jack Carpenter I have never used anything other than Colchicine circulate air around the treated crowns are in my opinion (DMSO has sometimes been used) to effect conversion. The use of DMSO did not seem to cause greater amounts of conversions. I am simply not familiar with the CRITICAL importance as crown rot may occur. Always several other things I have heard


Emergency Contraception Sometimes called the morning after or after sex pill Emergency contraception (EC) may be used to reduce the chance of pregnancy when intercourse has occurred without contraception, when you suspect contraception has failed, or forced intercourse or sexual assault has occurred. What is EC? EC consists of a single dose of an oral contraceptive pill. The pill cont

Microsoft word - material safety data sheet lithium tetra-meta borate small _2_.doc

Material Safety Data Sheet Printing date 17/09/2004 Rev 1: 25/01/2008 Rev 2: 10/01/2009 Rev 3: 15/06/2011 1 Identification of substance and supplier: • Trade name: X-Ray Flux, Lithium tetra/meta borate, Lithium tetraborate, Lithium metaborate (Types LT100,LM100,12;22,66:34,50:50) Manufacturer/Supplier: XRF Chemicals Pty Ltd 88 Guthrie Street Osborne Park, Perth We


A Randomized Control Trial of Acupuncture in The Treatment of Depression: How to Bridge the Gap between Flexibility of Treatment and Standardization. Rosa N. Schnyer, L.Ac. University of Arizona One of the main challenges when designing acupuncture research studies is finding a way for staying true to the fundamental principles of Chinese medicine, while at the same time holding the

Cerebral aneurysms

Anaesthesia for Cerebral Aneurysm Repair Epidemiology Exact incidence is unclear but probably about 4%. An annual incidence rupture is about 15-20 per Sex : Male to Female 2 : 3 but more males below 40 and more females after. Rupture : 90% < 12mm, 5% 12-15mm, 5% > 15mm. First aneurysm clipped in 1931, Operating microscope first used for clipping in 1960. Aetiology It had been


Gebrauchsinformation Liebe Patientin, lieber Patient! Bitte lesen Sie folgende Gebrauchsinformation aufmerksam, weil sie wichtige Informationen darüber enthält, was Sie bei der Anwendung dieses Arzneimittels beachten sollen. Wenden Sie sich bei Fragen bitte an Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker. Monoclair ® 100 mg retard Retardtabletten Wirkstoff: Isosorbidmononitrat ZUSAMMENSETZUNG �

Apasl liver week in singapore

APASL Liver Week 2013 in Singapore Largest No of Abstracts 2,114 (double of APASL 2012) Largest SQM occupied 1,004 sqm net (cannot be verified – but 50% larger then BKK 2011) Total delegates (Auditable) 3,926 SPEAKERS There were a total of 204 speakers and chairpersons who attended Liver Week 2013. SUBMITTED ABSTRACTS A total of 2,104 abstracts were submitted with the


ADN KRONOS PILLOLA DEL GIORNO DOPO, INDAGINE ONLINE SVELA DONNE NON SI FIDANO SESSO: PILLOLA DEL GIORNO DOPO, INDAGINE ONLINE SVELA DONNE NON SI FIDANO BANALIZZIAMOLA Milano, 27 mag. (Adnkronos Salute) - Le donne non si fidano della pillola del giorno dopo: il 63,5% delle conversazioni online in tema di contraccezione 'last minute' evidenzia una generale sfiducia sull'efficacia della Pdgd, m

Microsoft word - health questions on the job.doc

Health Questions on the Job: FAQ Q: I’ve applied for a new job and I have to take a drug test. The drug test form asks if I take any medication. What do I do? A: If you are taking any medication that may show a false positive on a drug test (for example, Sustiva or Marinol) you should be sure to list it on the form. Usually the test is performed not by your employer, but by an outsid

Fiches de donnees de securite

FICHE DE DONNEES DE SECURITE (Règlement CE n° 1907/2006) Nom produit : SEPTILIN LINGET’ FICHE DE DONNEES DE SECURITE 1 – IDENTIFICATION DE LA SUBSTANCE/PRÉPARATION ET DE LA SOCIÉTÉ Identification de la préparation : SEPTILIN LINGET’ Code produit : A.730 Boîte de 6 canisters de 100 lingettes Utilisation de la préparation : Antiseptie, désinfec

Microsoft word - 05-coppin.doc

PCO ET OBESITE Les femmes avec un syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK) présentent une anovulation chronique et un excès d’androgènes non attribuable à une autre cause, il s’agit donc d’un diagnostic d’exclusion. Ce syndrome est présent chez environ 4% des femmes. La lésion fondamentale pathophysiologique n’est pas encore connue. Toutefois, on implique la résistance

Great lakes consortium for international training and developme

GREAT LAKES CONSORTIUM FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SOME IMPORTANT THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TRAVEL IN TANZANIA EAST AFRICA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Tanzania is a vast country filled with beauty and wonderful hospitable people. It is also a very poor country with a GDP of less then 65 cents per day per person. You will witness the depth of their poverty



Dizziness history questionnaire

DIZZINESS HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE NAME:____________________________________AGE:__________ DATE: ____________ When was the first time ever in your life you had dizziness? ____________________________________________________________________________ What were the circumstances? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________


ENHANCE YOUR INVATI ™ EXPERIENCE Start your regimen off right with invati ™ treatment for thinning hair , our professional in-salon treatment. It helps energise with the Tap the wisdom of Ayurveda – the ancient healing art of India – power of turmeric and ginseng, with a refreshing scalp massage with densiplex ,™ an


TOENAIL FUNGUS What is Toenail Fungus? Onychomycosis (toenail fungus) is an infection of the nail and sometimes surrounding tissue. It is extremely common with 20% of the general population and 75% of individuals over 60 years old affected. Frequently the problem causes cosmetic concerns, but many patients also experience pain, and infrequently toenail fungus can allow more serious inf


Chronological List of Past Exhibitions and Installations on View at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and its Renwick Gallery 1958-2013 ■ = EXHIBITION CATALOGUE OR CHECKLIST PUBLISHED R = RENWICK GALLERY INSTALLATION/EXHIBITION May 1921 ■ 2/23/58 - 3/16/58 Sixth Biennial Creative Crafts Exhibition Capital Area Art Exhibition - Landscape Club 71st Annual Exhibiti

Product information

PRODUCT INFORMATION ACHROMYCIN DESCRIPTION Composition ACHROMYCIN Tetracycline HCl is a broad spectrum antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces aureofaciens . It is a yellow, crystalline, hygroscopic powder soluble 1 in 10 parts of water. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Tetracycline is rapidly but incompletely absorbed from the stomach and small intestine. Absorption is impaired by admini


Informationen Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient, Nach dem Eingriff Nach dem Eingriff bleiben Sie mindestens 1 Stunde, je nach Art des Eingriffs auch länger, in unserem Überwachungsbereich. Sie wer- einer ambulanten Operation zu unterziehen. Um Komplikationen zu den entlassen, wenn der Narkosearzt und der Operateur Sie noch einmal untersucht haben. Nach der Operation erfolg


Original Contributions Primary Prevention of Acute CoronaryEvents With Lovastatin in Men andWomen With Average Cholesterol LevelsJohn R. Downs, MD; Michael Clearfield, DO; Stephen Weis, DO; Edwin Whitney, MD; Deborah R. Shapiro, DrPH;Polly A. Beere, MD, PhD; Alexandra Langendorfer, MS; Evan A. Stein, MD; William Kruyer, MD;Antonio M. Gotto, Jr, MD, DPhil; for the AFCAPS/TexCAPS Research Grou


Brief Communication Reconstitution of telomerase activity in normal human cells leads to elongation of telomeres and extended replicative life span Homayoun Vaziri and Samuel Benchimol Normal somatic cells have a finite life span [1] and lose and pBabest2-AS retroviruses were transfected into the telomeric DNA, present at the ends of chromosomes, packaging cell line Phoenix-E and vir

Prof. guggenbichler

Infektionen im Kindesalter – Unterschiede zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen J.P. GuggenbichlerUniv.-Klinik für Kinder und Jugendliche der Universität Erlangen/Nürnberg(Vorstand: Univ.-Prof. Dr. W. Rascher) Einleitung enzae , Moraxella catarrhalis oder Mycoplasma pneumoniae oder Chla- mydia pneumoniae sind in Industrie-Makrolid-resistenter Streptococcus von multiresistenten

Microsoft word - modelo_carta

José Carlos Van Cleef de Almeida Santos USUCAPIÃO Legitimidade 1. Conceito . Instituto regulado pelo direito das coisas que representa modo originário de aquisição da propriedade e de outros direito reais suscetíveis de exercício continuado (entre eles servidões e usufrutos) pela posse prolongada no tempo, acompanhada de certos requisitos exigidos por lei1. 2. Função so

Isolation, selection, and characterization of lactic acid bacteria for a competitive exclusion product to reduce shedding of escherichia coli o157:h7 in cattle

Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 66, No. 3, 2003, Pages 355–363 Copyright q, International Association for Food Protection Isolation, Selection, and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria for a Competitive Exclusion Product To Reduce Shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Cattle M. M. BRASHEARS, 1* D. JARONI, 2 AND J. TRIMBLE 2 1 Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas

Microsoft word - swine influenza facts.doc

What is swine flu? Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine flu viruses have been reported to spread from person-to-person, but in the past, this transmission was limited and not sustained beyond three people. Are


Comments of Morgan Stanley Capital Group on AESO Intertie Framework Morgan Stanley Capital Group appreciates the opportunity to comment on AESO’s Recommendation Paper on Intertie Framework. As a recent active participant on the interties, Morgan Stanley feels that it can contribute to the discussion to minimize seams issues with neighboring control areas in order to achieve a fair, ope


II Encuentro Iberoamericano en Políticas, Gestión e Industrias Culturales. “Promocionando Derechos a Través de la Cultura” General Roca. Río Negro. Argentina 22, 23,24 de Mayo 2013 1. Convocatoria La comisión Organizadora del I Encuentro Iberoamericano en Políticas, Gestión e IndustriasCulturales, con el patrocinio oficial del Museo Patagónico de Ciencias Naturales, convoc

Microsoft word - sample list of drugs withdrawn for safety reasons or bbwed.doc

Sample List of Drugs Withdrawn for Safety Reasons or BBWed, with details and sources. From: Dan Carpenter, partial and incomplete as 20080325. Do not distribute without express approval of Dan A general note: It is very important, in pointing to these examples of pre-deadline approvals that later encountered safety problems, to understand the limitations of a statistical analysis.

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CLASSIFIEDS AD SEARCH YELLOW PAGES TRAVEL DEALS SEARCH SITE FOR: BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT RECREATION LIFESTYLES PRINT THIS STORY | E-MAIL THIS STORY Stock show honors Anschutz-Rodgers Philanthropist and rancher named 2006 Citizen of the West By Mark Wolf, Rocky Mountain News September 27, 2005 BUSINESS Technology Western lifestyle since childhood, is the

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Planeettojen kanssa niin ylhäällä kuin alhaallakin Ylennysmerkkien tausta Perinteisen astrologian kulmakiviä on periaate planeettojen painoarvosta, missä planeetan toimivuutta arvotetaan sen mukaan, miten suotuisasti tai epäedullisesti se on kartalle sijoittunut. Planeetan toimivuuteen vaikuttavat sen merkki- ja huonesijainti sekä millaisissa yhteyksissä se on toisiin planeettoih


Escritos del paciente. EL ESKAPE DEL PANÓPTICO. "Psicosis fuera del sistema" Habitación de contención. Una cama con base metálica. El metal está corroído. La habitación es pequeña y no tiene ni aberturas ni ventana. Todo es color amarillo desgastado. La puerta es de metal gris y está toda arañada. En una esquina hay un inodoro blanco sin tapa. Y una canilla de agua

Gas 32#2 200

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 32: 142–144 © February 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia Could Local Anesthesia While Breast-Feeding Be*Michele Giuliani, †Giovanni Battista Grossi, ‡Mauro Pileri, *Carlo Lajolo, and *School of Dentistry, Catholic University of Rome; and the Departments of †Dental and ‡Clinical Chemistry, IRCCS “Casa

Cv lars erik andreas ehnbom (english 2012 04 28)

Curriculum Vitae - Lars Erik Andreas Ehnbom Educational Background Fall 06 - Spring 13 Undergraduate studies in chemistry at Lund University, Sweden. M.Sc. obtained in Organometallics under 2013 working with Professor Ola F. Wendt. See enclosed course record with transcript of grades. B.Sc. completed in organic chemistry under supervision of Professor Kenneth Wärnmark. Fall 11 – Sprin

Microsoft word - declenchement-compil.doc

Alliance Francophone pour l’Accouchement Respecté (AFAR) Compilation « Déclenchement de l’accouchement » Base de données de l’AFAR http://afar.info Etude réalisée le 27 juillet 2004 (c) AFAR 2004 - Nous autorisons la reproduction de ce document exclusivementdans sa version intégrale, pour une diffusion non-commerciale. Compilation « Déclenchement de l’accouche

Médicalisation de la pauvreté et discipline des corps reproductifs : la famille et l’utilisation des contraceptifs hormonaux en milieu rural burkinabé

Médicalisation de la pauvreté et discipline des corps reproductifs : la famille et l’utilisation des contraceptifs hormonaux en milieu rural On ne peut pas parler de planification familiale à une femme qui a faim. On ne peut pas en parler non plus à une femme dont l’enfant est mourant. Dr. Bisi Ogunleye (Sala-Diakanda 2000) Assise en face de moi dans une petite pièce mal éclai

Microsoft word - fw_p200.doc

FW-P200 INTRODUCTION The FW-P200 has unique Alarm Power Saver The FW-P200 is an advanced, fully supervised (APS) mechanism that enables transmitter low-current wireless PIR that includes a FreeWave activation only 2 min after the last movement has FREEWAVE™ WIRELESS PIR transmitter. Both transmitter and detector circuits are powered by long life Lith


Erfahrungsbericht über eine Katarakt (“Grauer Star”) -Operation und Einsatz einer Multifokallinse - aus der Sicht des Patienten Durchgeführt in der Augenklinik Berlin-Marzahn, Brebacher Weg 15, 12683 Berlin im Februar 2002 Behandelnder Arzt und Operateur: Dozent Dr. med. habil. Dietze, Ärztlicher Direktor dieser Klinik Vorbemerkung: Auch als aufgeklärter Patient ist man bei der


TITLE: NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF BPSD ( BEHAVIORAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF DEMENTIA) IN SUBJETS SUFFERING FROM ALZHEIMER DEMENTIA AUTHORS: Melania Cappuccio M.D., Physician Geriatrician and Clinical Director Ivo Cilesi D, Psycological and Consulent non pharmacologycal therapy Fondazione “C. Gusmini” Vertova ( Bergamo) ITALY ABSTRACT Backgroun


Press Release - 2th April, 2009 Air-IT – Announce Sponsorship deal with the Nottinghamshire Squash Racquets Association Nottingham based IT specialists Air-IT are proud to announce a three- year sponsorship deal with the Nottinghamshire Squash Racquets Association. The package includes sponsorship of the Nottinghamshire squash League, the prestigious County Cup and the developmen

Microsoft word - public report jan - mar 2008.doc

PUBLIC REPORT ON AUDIENCE COMMENTS AND COMPLAINTS JANUARY – MARCH 2008 ABC Complaint Handling Procedures . 3 Overview . 4 Summary of complaints upheld by Audience and Consumer Affairs . 7 Matters of fairness, accuracy and independence . 7 Corporate / Infrastructure………………………………………………………………. 29 Summary of investigations compl

Flyer erkältungskrankheiten

A r b e i t s m e d i z i n , E r g o n o m i e Verhütung von Erkältungskrankheiten – das Wichtigste in Kürze Erkältungskrankheiten sind eine typische Begleiterscheinung der kalten Jahreszeit und gehen mit Schnupfen, Husten, Abgeschlagenheit, Halsschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, sowie gelegentlich mit leichtem Fieber einher. Es handelt sich um Tröpfcheninfektionen, die insbesondere durch Nies

Fertility of beef cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures

NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCES ON REPRODUCTION: EFFECTS OF ENDOPHYTE-INFECTED TALL FESCUE F. N. Schrick, J. L. Edwards, J. C. Waller, and F. M. Hopkins Department of Animal Science, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Introduction Tall fescue, a cool-season perennial grass, is one of the most commonly grown forages for over 8.5 million cattle in the United States [Hoveland, 1993].

Microsoft word - prof robert a cocks-full list of publications.doc

Professor Robert A Cocks Publications in peer reviewed journals Cocks R A. Study of 100 patients injured by London Underground Trains 1981-1986. British Medical Journal 1987; 295: 1527-1529. Cocks R A. Trauma in the tube - the problems of railway suicide and its consequences. Stress Medicine 1989; 5: 93-97. Cocks R A., Yates D W. How to perform diagnostic peritoneal lavage. British Journ


A N D Y N A R E L L | b i o g r a p h y A N D Y N A R E L L With his first solo album in 1979 Andy Narell took the steelpan out of the steelband and brought it into the jazz band, and with every recording and concert since, he has explored the possibilities and expanded the role of the pan in contemporary music. 2011 marks the release of Narell’s DVD package ‘ALIVE,’ which includes t

Microsoft word - st9_en.doc

M. A. Sulamanidze, MD, P. F. Fournier, MD, T. G. Paikidze, MD, and G. M. Sulamanidze, MD. Removal of Facial Soft Tissue Ptosis With Special Threads // Dermatologic Surgery. May 2002. Number 5. Volume 28. P. 367-371. Removal of Facial Soft Tissue Ptosis With Special Threads M. A. Sulamanidze, MD, P. F. Fournier, MD, T. G. Paikidze, MD, and G. M. Sulamanidze, MD Clinic of Plastic and Aest


codici identificazione aeromobili (dettagliato) Congo, Repubblica del TN-AAA fino a TN-ZZZ B-00001 fino a B-99999 (eccetto B-2000 fino a B-9999) C-IAAA fino a C-IZZZ (solo ultraleggeri) CC-CAA fino a CC-CZZ (velivoli di linea) CNA-AA fino a CNA-ZZ (velivoli militari) CS-AAA fino a CS-ZZZ (velivoli generici, eccetto i CU-A1000 fino a CU-A1999 (velivoli per agricoltura) CU-C1000 fino a CU


ENTSORGUNGSTERMINE Garten- und Grünabfallsammlung Gelber Sack sowie im Edeka Markt, Kuckucks- allee in 19065 Pinnow (03860 / 50 Kompostierbare Abfälle sollen vorrangig auf Grundstücken in einer das Wohl Gneven, Gneven Wochenend-Siedlung, 18 50) der Allgemeinheit nicht beeinträchtigenden Art und Weise ordnungsgemäß Vorbeck, Kritzow, Kritzow Wochenend- Hausmüll u

Ley n° 19549

LEY N° 19549 LEY NACIONAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS . TEXTO ACTUALI ZADO CON LAS REFORMAS DE LA LEY 21686 PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS TITULO I Procedimiento Administrativo: Ambito de aplicación. * ARTICULO 1°). Las normas del procedimiento que se aplicarán ante la administración pública nacional centralizada y descentralizada, inclusive entes autárquicos con ex

Idiomatic expressions in c

Idiomatic Expressions in C By Adam Petersen <[email protected]> Patterns exist at all levels of scale. At their lowest level they are referred to as idioms, as they depend upon the implementation technology. This article will present a collection of such idioms for the C language. The Evolution of Idioms As a language evolves, certain efficient patterns arise. These patterns

Ntr-129 physician pi

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION These highlights do not include all the information needed to use NitroMist safely and effectively. • Increased intracranial pressure (4.3) See full prescribing information for NitroMist. • History of hypersensitivity to NitroMist or to other nitrates or nitrites (4.4) NitroMist® (nitroglycerin) lingual aerosol WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS

Performance (notes)

Mark McKeon Session about your individual performance as a leader in your school – complex job, with many nodes inDon’t sweat the smal stuff; operate only in your sphere of influence. Told the story about taking off – then the first officer did not like the sound of the engine, so went back to theairport – passengers sat for hours with no information – then they took off again –

Bijsluiter spermmar

SpermMar IgA Test This can be done by means of the 10 microlitres capillary immunoglobulin class of antispermatozoal antibodies in serum. Am J Reprod Immunol Microbiol, 1985, 7 : 143-147. Test for determination of Sperm Antibodies Note: To use the microcapillary pipettes, insert the end of 4. FRIBERG J: Immunoglobulin concentration in serum and seminal fluid from men with and without

Microsoft word - l234-sce

Annex to ISO/IEC 17025 declaration of accreditation for registration number: L 234 of Handelslaboratorium v/h Dr. A. Verwey Rotterdam This annex is valid from: 28-01-2013 to 01-01-2017 Replaces annex dated: 19-12-2012 Rotterdam, Vlaardingen, Pernis and Oosterhout Material or product Type of activity Internal reference Sampling Sampling for the anal

Pinfo lithium-carbonat

Produktinformation Lithiumcarbonat fine grade 25 für einen reibungslosen Einsatz Charakterisierung Lithiumcarbonat ist ein weißes, frei fließendes Pulver und wird als Beschleuniger in zementären Abmischungen mit Calciumaluminatzementen eingesetzt. CAS-Nr. Chemische Zusammensetzung Physikalische Eigenschaften Lithiumcarbonat wirkt beschleunigende auf Calciu


File Name: Policy Number: Origination: Last Review: Active policy, no longer scheduled for routine literature review. Description of Procedure or Service Sexual Dysfunction describes any of a group of sexual disorders characterized by inhibition either of sexual desire or the physiological changes that usually characterize sexual response. Sexual dysfunction disorders are gen

Despacho de la comision de hacienda y presupuesto (p0464)

LA CAMARA DE DIPUTADOS DE LA PROVINCIA DE SAN JUAN ARTICULO 1º.- OBJETO. La presente Ley tiene por objeto prevenir la violencia laboral, brindando protección a los funcionarios o empleados víctimas de las mismas, los/as denunciantes y/o testigos de los actos o conductas sancionados por la presente Ley.- ARTÍCULO 2º.- CONCEPTUALIZACIÓN. A los fines de la presente ley se considera viol


my Symbicort® asthma Name: _________________________________________ action plan Date: __________________________________________GP: ____________________________________________ Symbicort® maintenance and reliever therapy Usual best PEF: ______________________________ L/minGP phone: ______________________________________ normal mode asthma flare-up asthma emergency my Symb


Las Vegas, NV - 3120 S. Rainbow Blvd, Ste 202 -702.233.4327 Las Vegas, NV - 6475 N. Decatur Blvd, Ste 125 - 702.933.9103 Las Vegas, NV - 9430 W. Lake Mead Blvd, Ste 11 - 702.527.6066 Henderson, NV – 2642 W. Horizon Ridge, Ste A11 – 702.933.9102 Electronstagmography (ENG)/Videonystagmography (VNG) An ENG or VNG has been ordered by your physician to help determine the cause of your diz


29 de Septiembre 4050/52 - Remedios de Escalada 0810-222-0606 [email protected] Los precios no incluyen IVA ni arancel Senasa Lista de Precios De Artículos Descripción - Accesorios - P191 BOLSO FULL C/VENTIL.ANIMAL PLAN MEDIANO (320)BOLSO FULL C/VENTIL.ANIMAL PLAN.CHICO (319)BOLSO FULL C/VENTIL.CHICO ABERTURA ANT.(301)BOLSO FULL DE LUJO CHICO C/COLCHONETA (303)BOMBACHA


Campus Eeklo Radiologie: 09/376.04.70 CT-scan: 09/376.04.79 NMR: 09/376.06.88 Fax:09/376.07.42 [email protected] CoronaroCT  duur van het onderzoek: het onderzoek zelf inclusief het aanprikken, positioneren, en scannen duurt 10 - 15 minuten. Nadien dienen er door de radioloog nog uitgebreide sofwarematige bewerkingen en reconstructies van de beelden te Bepaling worden uitg


Correction of Large Amblyopiogenic Refractive Errors in Children Using the Excimer Laser Lawrence Tychsen, MD, Eric Packwood, MD, and Gregg Berdy, MD Purpose: We sought to determine whether laser subepithelial keratomileusis (LASEK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) are effective methods for correcting amblyopiogenic refractive errors in children. Methods: Thirty-six eyes i


REGLAMENTO Y NORMAS DE USO DE LA MEDIATEKA ARTÍCULO 1.- INTRODUCCIÓN El horario de apertura de las instalaciones de la Media-teka - a excepción de la sala de estudio y del espacio La Mediateka ocupa uno de los edificios de nueva plan-Medialab1, cuyos horarios se indican en los apartados ta del Centro de Ocio y Cultura AlhóndigaBilbao (en siguientes - será: adelante, el “Centro”

Icce 2009 publications format

T. Hirashima et al. (Eds.) (2011). Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education Collaboration by Choice: Youth Online Creative Collabs in Scratch Yasmin KAFAIa, Ricarose ROQUEb, Deborah FIELDSa, Andres MONROY-HERNANDEZb a Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, U

Microsoft word - 00180394.doc

ATTORNEY'S FEES Basic Domestic Attorney's Fees OCGA § 19-6-2(a) The grant of attorney's fees as a part of the expenses of litigation, made at any time during the pendency of the litigation, whether the action is for alimony, divorce and alimony, or contempt of court arising out of either an alimony case or a divorce and alimony case, including but not limited to contempt of court or

¿se cree usted diferente

¿SE CREE USTED DIFERENTE? Muchos de nosotros nos consideramos especiales "En mi caso, A.A. no surtirá efecto. He llegado a tal punto que no tengo remedio." "Es bueno para aquella gente, pero yo soy presidente de la Asociación de Padres y Maestros." Soy demasiado viejo. Demasiado joven. No soy lo suficientemente religioso Soy homosexual. Soy un profesional. Soy

Adirondack-appalachian regional emergency medical services council, inc

Adirondack-Appalachian Regional Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc. EMT-B & AEMT-INTERMEDIATE NEBULIZED ALBUTEROL TREATMENT PROTOCOL For patients between one and sixty-five years of age, who are experiencing an exacerbation of their previously diagnosed asthma NOTE: For patients in severe respiratory distress, call for advanced life support assistance. Do not dela


Académie de Lille Inspection hygiène et sécurité http://www2.ac-lille.fr/hygiene-securite/ Définitions issues du Code du travail Article R4411-3 On entend par substances, les éléments chimiques et leurs composés tels qu'ils se présentent à l'état naturel ou tels qu'ils sont obtenus par tout procédé de production contenant éventuellement tout additif nécessaire pour préserver

Echange et congrès entog 2009 090915

L’ENTOG (European Network of Trainees in Obstetrics and Gynecology), l’association européenne des internes de Gynécologie Obstétrique a organisé du 8 au 13 juin 2009 un programme d’échange et un congrès portant sur la formation des internes. L’événement se déroulait à Budapest en Hongrie et fut suivi d’un conseil général de l’ENTOG. L’AGOF et le CNGOF ont envoyé ce

Microsoft word - morocco_ amendment to tax agreement execution version_2_.doc

EXECUTION VERSION FIRST AMENDMENT TO TAX AGREEMENT This FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE TAX AGREEMENT dated as of September 15, 2008 (this “ Amendment ”), is entered into by and among the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a United States government corporation (“ MCC ”), the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco (the “ Government ”) represented by the Ministry of Economy an

Psrc meeting may 22, 2004

PSRC Meeting May 22, 2004 Introduction and Overview: Members present (in no particular order and without titles): Joseph Cravero, George Blike, Desmond Henry, David Polaner, Jeffrey Galinkin, Susan Kost, Steven Freilich, Esther McClure, Peter Foley, Charlene Cowley, Rosemary Orr, Michelle Rhoads, Kim Barber, Arvind Kasaragod, Marc leder, Patricia Cantwell, Jill Fitch, Sally Webb, Joh


Patient Information Up to 40% of the residents in your community will get the flu How Do I Prevent the Flu? this winter. This handout is designed to ensure that you aren’tOne of the best ways to prevent the flu is through vaccinationevery year. The shot can be given to adults and children of any What is the Flu? age at any time during the flu season. If you’re pregnant, it’s saf


Lab Animal Cell Culture and Animal Models of Viral Hepatitis. Part I: Hepatitis B Chandan Guha, MD, PhD, Sankar Mohan, PhD,According to estimates, the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infects ∼2 billion people glob-ally, producing a spectrum of disease including acute and chronic viral hepatitis,cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV)infections constitute t

Diocese asthma action plan page 1 and 2 2006.doc

OFFICE OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS DIOCESE OF ARLINGTON ASTHMA ACTION PLAN PROCEDURES ON REVERSE TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT: Student ________________________________________ DOB _____________ School ___________________________________ Grade __________ Emergency Contact ________________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Phone _____________



Topics in gynaecology - part one - menopause

JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE NUMBER 33 MAY 1990 TOPICS IN GYNAECOLOGY MENOPAUSE JANE LYTTLETON INTRODUCTION concentration of these hormones. Although the type ofoestrogen responsible for the menstrual cycle is no longerThis series of articles addresses the health problemsproduced, there is still a form of active oestrogen prducedparticular to women in their forties, fifties and

Microsoft word - chapter10site.doc

Conclusions and issues for future research 10.1.1 Conclusions about the description of genericity in the literature The first part of this dissertation discussed the description of genericity in the (formal) semantic literature and in some traditional grammars of Dutch. The following main • Habitual sentences cannot be treated on a par with characterizing sentences. One contrast between hab


Em mais de 15 anos de atuação experimentamos distintas linhas de pensamento para inspirar nosso processo e diversas metodologias para organizar nossa forma de trabalhar. Com este repertório vivenciado, concluímos que o modelo perfeitamente adequado para o nosso negócio é a soma de melhores práticas específicas, usadas ao redor do mundo todo, cujas bases teóricas já testamos na práti

Andreas krüger bufo rana

http://www.andreaskruegerberlin.de/pressemappe/bufo_rana1.htmDAS ARZNEIWESEN VON BUFO RANA: DIE KRÖTE, vorgestellt von HpANDREAS KRÜGER auf dem HOMÖOPATHISCHEN SONNTAG(fleißig aufgeschrieben und zusammengefaßt von HpA Angelika LEX und Hp MarionRAUSCH)ES ist ein Thema, worauf ich mich schon Monate freue, worüber ich gerne rede. DieMenschen, die mit diesem Thema zu tun haben, sind mir sehr


EARLY USE OF THE VACUUM ERECTION DEVICE AFTER RADICAL RETROPUBIC PROSTATECTOMYKÖHLER et al. A pilot study on the early use of the vacuum erection device after radical retropubic prostatectomy Tobias S. Köhler, Renato Pedro, Kari Hendlin, William Utz*, Roland Ugarte*, Pratap Reddy*, Antoine Makhlouf, Igor Ryndin, Benjamin K. Canales, Derek Weiland,


Conduta clínica do cirurgião-dentista ante a avulsão dental: Revisão de literatura Clinical conduct of the dentist toward the dental avulsion: Literature review Sandra Maria Alves SAYÃO MAIA*Rosana Maria Coelho TRAVASSOS*Érika Barbosa MARIZ**Samuel do Monte MACÊDO**Thiago Alves de ALENCAR** Endereço para correspondência: Sandra Maria Alves Sayão Maia Rua Professor Aluísi

Microsoft word - 5201b-ajbas

Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 520-525, 2011 ISSN 1991-8178 The Effect of Combination Therapy with Fluoxetine and Clonazepam in Myofacial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome. 1Abbas Javadzade Bolouri, 2Zahra Delavarian, 3Hamed Mortazavi, 4Hamid RezaToufani Asl, 5Ali 1Associate professor, Oral & Maxillofacial Diseases Research Center, Faculty of Dentistry, Vakilabad


Medical data is for informational purposes only. You should always consult your family physician, or one of our referral physicians prior to treatment. term and extensive use the benefits of chelates are lost with thenonspecific removal and reduction of the essential trace metals. Chelation therapy can be a double edge sword like steroid therapythat can help or put the patients at greater ris


Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 2005 , 2, 55-67 QSAR Modeling of Carcinogenic Risk Using Discriminant Analysis and Topological Molecular Descriptors Joseph F. Contrera*, Philip MacLaughlina, Lowell H. Hallb and Lemont B. Kierc Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Pharmaceutical Science, U. S. Food and Drug Administration,Rockville, MD 20857; aMDL Information System

Microsoft word - fsa claim form - direct deposit.doc

FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT (FSA) REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FORM Employer _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Name _____________________________________________________ Soc.Sec.No. _________________________ Last Home Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Num

Microsoft word - arnold & porter llp.eu regulation procedures in the pharmaceutical sector.competition law360.july 22 2010.docx

Published by Competition Law360 and Health Law360 on July 22, 2010. EU Regulatory Procedures In The Pharmaceutical Sector By Marleen Van Kerckhove, Asim Varma and Marco Ramondino, Arnold & Porter LLPLaw360, New York (July 22, 2010) -- On July 1, 2010, the European Union’s General Court upheld a2005 decision from the European Commission that found that AstraZeneca PLC had abused its

Microsoft word - lyrinel pi jul12 cl.doc

ו קדבנ ונכותו תואירבה דרשמ י ע MEDICINAL PRODUCT Tradename LYRINEL 5mg, 10mg® International Non-Proprietary Name QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each extended [ prolonged ] release tablet contains 5 mg or 10 mg of oxybutynin chloride 3. PHARMACEUTICAL Extended [ prolonged ] release tablets for oral use: • 5 mg: Pale yellow, round, table

Microsoft word - horsesalesa-ss09 results

Scone AUSTRALIAN STOCK HORSE SALE 1st March 2009 SALE RESULTS The Breed for Every Need 44 Lots Catalogued - 25 sold, 9 withdrawn, 10 passed in Gross: $100,350.00 Average: $4,014.00 Top Priced Horse (Broodmare): Top Priced Ridden Horse: Top Priced Led Horse: Full Sale Results – following: TWORIVERS PRINCESS ROSA Breeding Purposes Only Foaled: 21 Nov 1999

011321 1.4

Fachinformation (Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels/SPC)bis zu 500 mg Naproxen] bis zu 750 mg Naproxen]12 Jahren und ErwachsenenWirkstoff: Naproxen1 Tablette enthält 250 mg Naproxen. Sonstiger Bestandteil: Lactose-Monohydrat. Die vollständige Auflistung der sonstigenDolormin GS darf bei Kindern unter 12 Jah-Bei älteren Patienten kommt es unter NSAR-ren nicht angewendet werde

Microsoft word - 130926_new_staff_members

ALLEGRA MARKETING · PRINT · MAIL OF LANSING ANNOUNCES THREE NEW EMPLOYEES LANSING, MI, October 4, 2013 – Allegra Marketing · Print · Mail recently announced the addition of three new employees to expand their services and help support their clients’ orders. Rob Horneber has joined the organization as a Sales Representative and, with 15 years of experience, is responsible for outside sa

Microsoft word - resume akac,final,5.doc

RESUME FOR PROFESSOR DR. ABUL KALAM AZAD CHOWDHURY 1. PERSONAL DETAILS: Chairman (State Minister) , University Grants Commission of Vice Chancellor , University of Dhaka, Sept’ 96 to Nov 2001. Invited Professor , 2003, Dept. of Biology, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), 75003 Paris, France. Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Microsoft word - 946234_f_gi_10-09-21_aspirincomplex.doc

PACKUNGSBEILAGE GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Aspirin Complex – Granulat zur Herstellung einer Suspension zum Einnehmen Wirkstoff: Acetylsalicylsäure 500 mg und Pseudoephedrin 30 mg Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen für Sie. Dieses Arzneimittel ist ohne Verschreibung erhältlich. Um eine

Mod. 266 preparazione alla colonscopia

Casa di Cura Ambrosiana S.p.a. ISTRUZIONE OPERATIVA PREPARAZIONE ALLA COLONSCOPIA • Nei 7 giorni che precedono l’esame evitare accuratamente frutta, verdura e cibi integrali. Aumentare • Nei 3 giorni che precedono la vigilia dell’esame, assumere alla sera una compressa di purgante (es • Sospendere eventuali terapie a base di ferro almeno 2 giorni prima dell’esame. •


Cold Medications During Pregnancy We are frequently asked what pregnant women can take for a cold or virus. Most medicationsthat are felt to be safe during pregnancy have not been carefully studied. The information that isavailable about medication use in pregnancy is based on experience rather than research. Forthis reason, it is always wise to avoid taking any medications during pregnancy

Agilent in sports drug testing backgrounder

Agilent in Sports Drug Testing For more than 30 years, Agilent Technologies has been a leading provider of analytical instruments for drug testing in sports. In 1972, Agilent supplied drug testing equipment to the first Olympic Games in which testing was required. Since then, Agilent equipment has played a role in each of the Olympic Games as well as major events such as World Cup Soccer. A

Alexandra marine and general hospital

ALEXANDRA MARINE & GENERAL HOSPITAL 120 Napier Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1W5 Medical Imaging - Exam Prep Sheet • The medical imaging booking clerk will be calling or emailing you (if you provided an email address) • If you need to cancel or change your appointment please contact the booking clerk at 519-524-8689 • If you are diabetic, pregnant or nursing please mention thi

Microsoft word - tables-hdf5-comparison.doc

LOFAR Data Format revisited In document LOFAR-DATAFORMAT-001 Sydney Cadot describes the requirements for the LOFAR data format and shows that HDF5 meets about all requirements. The casacore table system has not been discussed in this document, but meets all requirements with the exception of: - fully nestable data types - binding to Matlab and IDL - installable on Windows A few requirements

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Paragliding Vedere il mondo di sopra-e` una sensazione assolutamente nuova. Planare per il cielo con il paracadute e` un’avventura. Vedrete l’Armenia di sopra con una delle nostre spedizioni di paragliding, con la guida degli unici paragliders in Caucaso, licenzati dalla FAA che vi garantisce un’avventura allegra e senza pericolo. Se anche mai avete volato il panorama dell’A


ALLERGY AND ASTHMA CARE, P.A. 12000 ELM CREEK BLVD. #200 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 TEL (763) 420-1010 Your appointment for a consultation has been scheduled. Please bring along the completed forms and any medications you are presently taking. If you have been receiving allergy injections, please bring a record of these injections. Do not reorder new injection vials from your present do

Event day and sample

Arab British Academy for Higher Education   Event Day It’s finally here! The big day! After all the planning, prodding and producing, you’re probably feeling a range of emotions from excitement to nervousness to sheer terror . Use those feelings to keep your energy up (you’re going to need every ounce of it today!) but don’t give in to the jitters. To ensure the day


Updating article CURRENT CONCEPTS IN OSTEOARTHRITIS Márcia Uchôa de rezende1, GUstavo constantino de caMpos1, alexandre Felício pailo1 AbstrACt is not purely mechanical and / or aging, and clarification of Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of joint disease, the inflammatory pathways involved led recently to the clinical affects mainly the hips, knees, hands and feet, leadin


INTENDED USE The Urinalysis Reagent Strips test for glucose, bilirubin, ketone, specific gravity, blood, pH, protein, urobilinogen, nitrite and leukocytes. The strips may be read visually or instrumentally, using the appropriate Urine Chemistry Analyzers such as the Clinitek family of readers. SPECIMEN COLLECTION & PROCEDURE Use a fresh urine specimen, less than 4 hours old, and


Reproduction Permission Granted with 1) full attribution to Daryll E. Ray and the Honey that's not so sweet 2) Copy of reproduction sent to Information Specialist, More and more of the food offered for sale in theUS is produced elsewhere and shipped into the coun-As Schneider tells the story, the US consumestry. Typical is a package of whole yellow and greenabout 450 million pounds of h


Migrazione Se decidete di offrire un posto di tirocinio a una persona immigrata o domiciliata in una zona limitrofa alla Svizzera, dovete considerare diverse condizioni legali. Oltre alle indicazioni generali, nel presente promemoria troverete le riposte alle seguenti domande: Chi è autorizzato a seguire una formazione professionale di base in Svizzera? Quale permesso per stranieri richiede

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CAPITOLUL 9. SUBSTAN E I PREPARATE CHIMICE PERICULOASE 9.1. Introducere periculoase pentru mediu i s n tatea uman , activit ile care implic folosirea lor presupun un interes deosebit, din partea tuturor factorilor interesa i. Agen ii economici trebuie s ob in documente care con in prevederi pentru substan ele si preparatele chimice periculoase puse pe pia , comercializate sau utili


[re-typed from the letter from the patient – below is the original] I would like to thank you for changing my life. I give God the credit, but he used your hands and mind to do his work. When I met you, I was 42 years old and not aging very gracefully. I came in for some restylane and was very happy with the results. You helped make a scar less noticeable and give my face a more youthful appear


Annals of Internal Medicine Sildenafil (Viagra) May Help Improve Control of Pulmonary Hypertension Summaries for Patients are a service What is the problem and what is known about it so far? provided by Annals to help patientsSome diseases can narrow the blood vessels in the lungs, which leads to high bloodpressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension) even when blood pressure in th


Dow Jones Sustainability Indices In Collaboration with RobecoSAM Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index Industry Group Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life SciencesSemiconductors & Semiconductor EquipmentPharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life SciencesPharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life SciencesPharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life SciencesPharmaceutical

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AccuDipTM Salbutamol Rapid Test Strip General Description Salbutamol (albuterol) is a β2-adrenergic receptor agonist, and has been marketed to treat bronchospasm caused by asthma or exercise, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. When added to animal feed, it can increase body muscle percentage, slow down fat deposition and promote animal growth. However, when residual salbutamol


Acupuncture reduces crying in infants with infantile colic: a randomised, controlled, blind clinical study Kajsa Landgren, Nina Kvorning and Inger Hallström Acupunct Med doi: 10.1136/aim.2010.002394Updated information and services can be found at: References This article cites 52 articles, 10 of which can be accessed free at: Open Access This paper is freely available online under


Dentistry design for your perfect smile. We’re pleased to have you as a client and want to assure you that we intend to do everything possible to ensure your comfort and confidence in our services. We strive to provide the highest quality care using only the very best, proven techniques and materials — while catering to your ultimate relaxation in a pampering, nurturing environment. Plea

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INTRODUCTION . 274 I. THE EXISTENCE OF INEQUALS . 276 II. INTRODUCING A PATENT REGIME IN INDIA. 278 A. The Background . 278 B. Towards an Indian Patent Policy . 281 1. Patents and Underdeveloped Nations . 282 2. Inventions Relating to Chemicals, Food, and Pharmaceuticals. 283 3. Industrialization. 286 III. ESTABLISHING AN INDIAN PATENT REGIME . 289 A. Indian Patent Legislation . 289 1.


Bruxelles, 11.4.2011 COM(2011) 175 definitivo RELAZIONE DELLA COMMISSIONE AL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E AL CONSIGLIO sull’attuazione dal 2007 della decisione quadro del Consiglio del 13 giugno 2002 relativa al mandato d'arresto europeo e alle procedure di consegna tra Stati membri MODIFICHE LEGISLATIVE INTERVENUTE NEGLI STATI MEMBRI DAL 1° APRILE 2007IL MANDATO DI ARRESTO EUROPEO E


L-Arginin Allmänt om L-Arginin L-arginin är en mycket viktig aminosyra och en av de åtta essentiella (under tillväxtåren), d.v.s. vi är beroende av tillförsel via kosten. L-arginin påverkar kroppen positivt på många sätt och under lång tid var det ingen som kunde förklara argininets mångfald, men 1988 upptäcktes det att denna aminosyra är en förelöpare till kväveoxid (

Bedford laboratories

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Section I - IDENTITY Common/Trade Name: Doxycycline for Injection, USP Chemical Names: 2-Napthacenecarboxamide,4-(dimethylamino)-1,4,4a,5,5a,6,11,12a-octahydro- 3,5,10,12,12a-pentahydroxy-6-methyl-1,11-dioxo- Synonyms: Vibramycin Intravenous, Doxycycline, Liviatin, Doxiciclina, GS-3056 Manufacturer's Name: Address: Emergency Telephone Number:

2yd report 2156

Investigation Report No. 2156 Licensee Type of Service Name of Broadcast Date of Broadcast Relevant Code Clauses 1.3(c)(ii) and 5.6 of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice and Guidelines 2004 Date Finalised Decision No breach of clause 1.3(c)(ii) or 5.6 of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice and Guidelines 2004. ACMA Investigation Rep

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HilverdaKooij 1430 AA Aalsmeer Holland T: +31 297 382038 F: +31 297 382020 E: [email protected] I: www.hilverdakooij.nl LIMONIUM SINUATUM 'STATICE' Botanical family : Plumbaginaceae. genus: limonium species: sinuatum common name : 'statice' The great success of limonium and the increasing interest for limonium made HilverdaKooij decide to develop their o

Microsoft word - stoncv10 _3-10_.doc

Bradley Philip Stoner Personal Information: Sex: Citizenship: Address and Telephone Numbers: Division of Infectious Diseases Washington University School of Medicine Tel. 314-935-5673 FAX 314-935-8535 e-mail: [email protected] Present Position: Associate Professor of Anthropology Director, Medicine and Society Program Director, Undergraduate Minor in Public

[modèle de monographie de produit – norme]

PART III: CONSUMER INFORMATION What dosage forms it comes in: PrBIAXIN® clarithromycin for oral suspension, USP ● liquid forms (BIAXIN®, 125 mg/5mL and 250 mg/5mL). ● extended-release tablets (BIAXIN® XL, 500 mg), This leaflet is Part III of a three-part “Product Monograph" published ● regular tablets (BIAXIN BID®, 250 mg and 500 mg). when BIAXIN® was approved f

Batch certificate rev 5 final _adopted during 62th gmdp iwg meeting in may 201

Internationally harmonised requirements for batch in the context of Mutual Recognition Agreements, Agreements on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products and other appropriate arrangements on GMP with the European Union. 7 Westferry Circus ● Canary Wharf ● London E14 4HB ● United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0)20 7418 8400 Facsimile +44 (0)20 7418 8595 E-mail

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Name of the Drug Company Name Date of Issue Date of Expire License No. Renewal Date from/to Name of the Drug Company Name Date of Issue Date of Expire License No. Renewal Date from/to Zecuf Hony and Lemen Blavear ABC Pharma Services (Pvt) Name of the Drug Company Name Date of Issue Date of Expire License No. Renewal Date from/to Name of the D


Robust Inference in Semiparametric ModelsEast China Normal University, Shanghai, China • Semiparametric Models for Longitudinal Data • Influence Diagnostics of Semiparametric Models1. Case Deletion and Subject Deletion Analysis • Robust Estimation of Semiparametric Models { ( xij, tij, yij ) , i = 1 , . . . , m, j = 1 , . . . , ni}. yij = XTijβ 0 + g ( tij ) + eij, • β


REV ARGENT NEUROC | VOL. 27, Nº 4 : S020-S038 | 2013 RESúMENES Resúmenes de los Trabajos Presentados en TRABAJOS DE PRESENTACIÓN ORAL VASCULAR Marcos Daniel Chiarullo, Juan Manuel Lafata, Marcelo Orellana, Jorge Bustamante, Pablo Rubino, Jorge Lambre. Servicio de Neurocirugía. Hospital Alta Complejidad En Red COILS/CLIP, ISAT vs BRAT. Revisión Bibliográfica “El Cruc


Metformin inhibits leptin secretion via a mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathway in brown adipocytes Johannes Klein*, Sören Westphal*, Daniel Kraus, Britta Meier, Nina Perwitz, Volker Ott, Mathias Fasshauer1 and H Harald Klein2 Department of Internal Medicine I, University of Lübeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23538 Lübeck, Germany1Department of Internal Medicine III, Universit

Bioetica 71.indd

El artículo analiza el derecho a la objeción de conciencia de los profesionales sanitarios en las sociedades multiculturales. Se sostiene la tesis de que el relativismo ético que caracteriza a estas sociedades convive con un aparentemente paradójico recorte del ejercicio del derecho a la objeción de conciencia. «Aparentemente» por-que, en el fondo, el relativismo ético tiende a la adopci�

Microsoft word - parvis and akhtar.doc

P – Akhtar everyone calls her. Akhtar which is AKHTAR. P – and that’s in Langroud, a little town in North of Iran. That’s around Caspian Sea, northof Iran. Both your own family and when you were younger, so how many in your family?P – My mother’s got two sisters and one brother. She’s got two sons and one daughter. And where were you in the family, which number?P – Her brother


Penicillin family Penicillins - one of the oldest type of broad spectrum antibiotics, share common chemical structure with Ampicillin Bacampicillin B e t a - l a c t a m a n t i b i o t i c s . Carbenicillin Indanyl Aminopenicillins such as Ampicillin and Amoxicillin have extended spectrum of Mezlocillin Piperacillin Ticarcillin Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid Ampicillin-Sulbac


Minnesota Racing Commission The Minnesota Racing Commission provides thorough and multi-layered oversight of horse racing but needs to do more to effectively oversee card club activities. The commission, through its stewards, veterinarians, barn technicians, investigators, and other staff, adequately protects the integrity of horse racing in the state. In contrast, the commission relies heavi

050400 ventilation with lower tidal volumes as



TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 59, 291–296 (2001) Copyright © 2001 by the Society of Toxicology Mercury Vapor and Female Reproductive ToxicityB. J. Davis,*,1 H. C. Price,† R. W. O’Connor,† R. Fernando,‡ A. S. Rowland,* and D. L. Morgan** National Institute of Environmental Sciences, MD A2-01, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709; † ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc., Resea


Survey Results for University of Tasmania - Workplaces make an important contribution to the Health promoting workplaces have policies and practices that ensure their workplace environment supports the uptake and maintenance of healthy behaviours around smoking, alcohol, nutrition, physical activity and emotional well-being. A healthy, happy and motivated workforce will have benefits fo


Fencheltee im Kindesalter terinärmedizin (BgVV), das heutige Bun- desamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebens-mittelsicherheit (BVL), vom 11. 5. 2001, in Nutzen-Risiko-Abschätzung der aus Gründen der Vorsorge zur Ein-schränkung der Verwendung von Fenchelals Tee geraten wird, hat deshalb weiteKreise der Konsumenten verunsichert. Imdarauf folgenden Hintergrundpapier vom15.1. 2002 hält das B



Microsoft word - joaoxxi_mencaohonrosa_.doc

Bioethical reflections about the situation of the elderly Adjunct Professor of Ethics in the Superior School of Health of the University of Aveiro Correspondence to José Augusto R. Simões, Escola Superior de Saúde, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal, [email protected] The progresses of medicine, by increasing longevity, as well as in geriatrics, by improving the elderly�

Charte atsem de la ville de rouen



Running heads: First page: Development in Practice, Volume 16, Number 6, November 2006 Verso: Mike Powell Recto: Which knowledge? Whose reality? GUEST INTRODUCTION Which knowledge? Whose reality? An overview of knowledge used in the development sector Mike Powell This article provides an overview of issues relating to the use of knowledge by development organisations. It starts

Jaarverslag 2009 & jaarplan 2010

KWALITEITSVERSLAG & KWALITEITSJAARPLAN 2010 APOTHEEK BOOGAARD Amstelplein 27, 1421 SB, Uithoorn Datum 01-03-2010 Mevr. M.P.C. Samsom, kwaliteitscoördinator Inhoudsopgave Introductie 5.1 Functioneringsgesprekken medewerkers 6.5 Evaluatie veranderproject afhaalsysteem 7.1 FPZ-project “Adviesgesprek Incontinentiematerialen” Introductie Voor u ligt h

Microsoft word - fall trip information grade 7

7th Grade Fall Trip 2011 Dear Seventh Grade Parents, T he Grade 7 team philosophy behind the Fall Trip is to give students an opportunity to get to know each other as well as learn about our host country, Hungary, introducing an important aspect of the school’s Mission, Vision, and Values. The beginning of the school year is an ideal time to develop friendships for new and returning s


EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR THE SAFETY OF AIR NAVIGATION EUROCONTROL This document is issued as EATCHIP Reference Material. The contents are not mandatory. They provide information and explanation or may indicate best practice. Human Factors Module HUM.ET1.ST13.2000-REP-01 Edition Date 15.03.1996 Released Issue EUROPEAN AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL HARMONISATION AND INTEGRATI

Academy orthopedics ambulatory surgery center

Post-op Instructions for: ________________ SURGEON’S INSTRUCTIONS: - Keep dressing / operative area clean and dry. □Remove the dressing(s) in ____ hours. If you have small tape strips, do not remove them. Apply a clean dressing Post-op Appointment Scheduled for: CUMMING OFFICE or band aid over the incisions. Don’t use any type of ointment on incisions such as Neosporin. ______


Diseño e Impresión, formador Me considero una persona imaginativa y técnica en el desarrollo de composiciones digitales, restauración de fotos,retoque digital y escaneado de imágenes, carteles publicitarios, caricaturas, creación de logos y vectorización deimágenes para plotter de corte. Experiencia en utilización de maquinaria de montaje de impresiones y vinilos sobre paneles foam, f


Conducted at the Center for Experimental and Applied Skin Physiology and Clinical Research Center for Hair and Skin Physiology of the University Clinic Effectiveness Study Tests regarding the penetration of caffeine from a shampoo formula Following successful tests at the University of Jena on the hair organ culture model regarding the effi cacy of caff eine as a hair g

Government of pakistan

NOTIFICATION S.R.O.574(I)/2012. - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 19 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following further amendments shall be made in its Notification No. S.R.O. 567(I)/2006, the brackets and letters “PACCS” shall be omitted; and in clause (a), for the expression “Ministry of Health”, the expres

Microsoft word - document

Sober Talk Article for July 2009 Energy Drinks Carry Unexpected Risks By; Kathleen M. Blair, LCSW-R Energy drinks have been integrated into our culture since the 1990’s. An energy drink is defined as any beverage that contains legal stimulants and/or vitamins, added for the specific purpose of giving the consumer a short-term boost of energy. Many people do not realize that these popular drink


Aquafin start twee nieuwe membraanbioreactoren op de voorbije jaren is meermaals aangetoond dat, afhankelijk van de randvoorwaarden, mem- braantechnologie haalbaar en interessant kan zijn voor de zuivering van huishoudelijk en industrieel afvalwater. de Vlaamse waterzuiveraar aquafin is één van de europese trekkers in de optimalisatie en toepassing van deze technologie voor de behandeling

Agilent technologies in drug testing

Media Backgrounder – perspective and detail for journalists: AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES IN SPORTS DRUG TESTING For more than 30 years, Agilent Technologies has been a leading provider of analytical instruments for drug testing in sports. In 1972, Agilent supplied analytical instrumentation to the lab serving the first Olympic Games in which testing was required. Since then, Agilent technolog

Microsoft word - il campo da golf

Racconto pubblicato su “Il Mondo del Golf” – marzo 2010 “Madre Letizia, che cos’è quel posto laggiù?” Dal grande terrazzo in cima all’edificio Giuliano guardava l’orizzonte. “E cos’è un campo da golf madre?” “Non lo so bene nemmeno io, ma credo si tratti di un percorso dove le persone tirano una pallina con mazze speciali. Una specie di grande minigolf. Sai cos’è


Motor driver ICs Reversible motor driver BA6246N / BA6247 / BA6247N / BA6247FP-Y The BA6246N, BA6247, BA6247N and BA6247FP-Y are monolithic ICs incorporating two reversible-motor drivers. TheICs differ in the control logic and output mode. FFeatures1) Two reversible-motor drivers in each unit. 4) Available in a compact SIP10pin package2) Built-in thermal shutdown circuit. (BA6246N, B

Microsoft word - 35rowlands.targeting the hepa.doc

Targeting the Hepatitis C virus ion channel p7 for anti-viral therapy Stephen Griffin, Dean Clarke, Steve Evans, Alastair Smith, Joachim Jäger, Introduction Hepatitis C virus (HCV) currently infects over 3 % of the world population and is the major indicator for liver transplant surgery in the west. Acute infection is usually asymptomatic but leads to persistence in the majority

Atlanta heart diagnostic center

Northside Cardiology P.C. 5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite 880 Atlanta, GA 30342 Office 404.256.2525 Fax 404.845.4720 www.AtlantaNorthsideCardio.com Barry D. Silverman, M.D. Jack P. Chen, M.D. Michael A. Balk, M.D. Van Crisco, M.D. Narendra Singh, M.D. Evan B. Weisman, M.D. Nabeel Hafeez, M.D. Kim Champney, M.D. NUCLEAR STRESS IMAGING STUDIES ■ Nuclear imaging studies take

Pcn 02182011.ai

18.02.2011 Cheeses of t Saint Loup / Trinity Buche Delice de Bourgogne Pont L’Eveque 1kg 1.8kg 1.4kg white mould - goat milkWestern-Loire, FranceThis decadent triple cream is incredibly rich, delicate white penicillin mould rind, this lushness of it’s pastures. The aroma of yellowish-white with a soft-delicate

Jan feb 2004.pdf

Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple System Atrophy: an Update Abstract the common parkinsonian variant (MSA-P) from PD. InThis review provides an update on the diagnosis a clinicopathologic study1, primary neurologists (whoand therapy of multiple system atrophy (MSA), afollowed up the patients clinically) identified only 25% ofsporadic neurodegenerative disorder characterisedMSA patient


Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 290: R139 –R144, 2006; CALL FOR PAPERS Metabolic Syndrome Improvements in insulin resistance with weight loss, in contrast torosiglitazone, are not associated with changes in plasma adiponectin Fahim Abbasi,1 Sang-Ah Chang,2 James W. Chu,1 Theodore P. Ciaraldi,2 Cindy Lamendola,1 Tracey McLaughlin,1 Gerald M. Reaven,1 and Peter D. Reaven3 1 Depart



(14) the perpetual quest

Alco_1893007162_6p_01_r5.qxd 4/4/03 11:17 AM Page 388 This lawyer tried psychiatrists, biofeedback, relax- ation exercises, and a host of other techniques to con-trol her drinking. She finally found a solution,uniquely tailored, in the Twelve Steps. W hen i wasa newly minted lawyer starting outin the practice of criminal law, there were fiveof us in our law office. My favorite lawyer was the


The Arapahoe Sertoman Song: Rick Campbell Pledge: Dave Miley Prayer: Doug Harder Quote: “ Always do sober that which you said you’d do while you were drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut”. Ernest Hemmingway Announcements Word is that Gus may be going home this weekend but don’t bother them yet until he says he is ready for visitors. Our new member, Jim

National asthma education & prevention program – expert panel report 3

National Asthma Education & Prevention Program – Expert Panel Report 3 2007 - Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma Highlights of Major Changes in the EPR-3 The following are highlights of major changes in the EPR-3. Many recommendations were updated or expanded based on new evidence. See EPR—3: Full Report 2007 for key differences at the beginning of each section and

Microsoft word - abn short guidelines, sept 2002

The medical management of motor neurone disease – a UK perspective of current practice The UK MND Interest group# Guidance on the management of motor neurone disease (MND), sometimes also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), has previously appeared in documents including the Practice Parameter on the Care of the Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [1] and the Pract


Gesù chiama a una sequela libera 27 giugno 2010 – XIII Domenica tempo ordinario anno C Prima lettura – 1Re 19,16.19-21 In quei giorni, il Signore disse a Elìa: 16 «Ungerai Eliseo, figlio di Safat, di Abel-Mecolà, come profeta al tuo posto». 19 Partito di lì, Elìa trovò Eliseo, figlio di Safat. Costui arava con dodici paia di buoi davanti a sé, mentre egli stesso guid

Microsoft word - indice por temas.doc


Microsoft word - aps_formulary_4q2009.doc

BRAND GENERIC BRAND ANTIHISTAMINE / DECONGESTANTS Other Anti-Infectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prescription Drug Formulary Nitrofurantoin generic/Macrodantin Pyrazinamide Pyrazinamide INTRODUCTION EXPECTORANT AND COUGH PRODUCTS--------- This condensed formulary is designed to serve as Antifungal Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Microsoft word - bu 12_revectina_profissional_maio.2013_site

MODELO DE BULA PARA OS PROFISSIONAIS DE SAÚDE I) IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO MEDICAMENTO: Revectina® ivermectina APRESENTAÇÕES Comprimidos (6 mg): cartuchos com 2 e 4 comprimidos VIA ORAL USO ADULTO E PEDIÁTRICO (crianças acima de 5 anos de idade ou com mais de 15 kg) COMPOSIÇÃO Cada comprimido de REVECTINA® (ivermectina) contém: ivermectina.6 mg Excipientes: ce


American Endurance Ride Conference Rule 13 Appendices Revised December 1, 2013, for the 2014 AERC ride season. Appendix A. Prohibited Substances Acepromazine . Atrovet, Notensil, PromAce® Benazeprilat, Benazepril and MC-tab .Lotrel, Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) .Tylenol, Tempra, etc. Carticaine (see articaine) . Septocaine; Cathinone (khat, kat, qat, quat, chat, catha, Albuterol (Sa

Microsoft word - bff-catfood-ingredients.doc

Tuna & Bonito Be Mine Recipe (in Aspic) Ingredients: Tuna, Water Sufficient For Processing Balance, Bonito, Sunflower Seed Oil, Locust Bean, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Tricalcium Phosphate, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Vitamin E Supplement, Zinc Sulfate, Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3), Ferrous Sulfate, Calcium, Vitamin A Supplement, Potassium Iodide, Manganese

Ec113 120.123

Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 109 (2001) 120 ± 123Fatigue and hyponatremia in a 75-year-old woman:unusual presentation of hypophysitisJ. Klein, W. Kern, H. L. FehmDepartment of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Lübeck, GermanyKey words: Hypophysitis, hyponatremia, hypopituitarismsecondary hypothyroidism. Hormonal substitution with hydro-Summary: A 75-year-old woman presented with ge


Help for your patients who suffer from specific Unlike other anxiety disorders, specific phobias Specific phobias are the most prevalent and primordial of anx- iety disorders. Long lists of phobias with myriad Greek rootsare often cited in consumer press articles on anxiety, but generally do not respond these terms are of little use to clinicians. The research and clinical literat


Report Q205 Exhaustion of IPRs in cases of recycling and repair of goods Questions Analysis of the current statutory and case laws In your country, is exhaustion of IPRs provided either in statutory law or under case law with respect to patents, designs and trademarks? Exhaustion of IPRs is provided in statutory law for patents, designs and trademarks. What legal provisions are appl

David a

DAVID A. YEAGER, DPM, FASPS, FACFAS Practice Information: KSB Foot and Ankle Center/ Wound Care Center Dixon, IL 61021 Residency Director of KSB Hospital; Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency with Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford C

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Inhalers for Double-Blind Clinical Trials Author: Martin Lamb – VP Business Development – CTS Global. Summary: The world market for asthma treatment was valued at $11.5 billion in 2003, a figure which is expected to almost double to $20.9 billion by 2010. Within the same timeframe the global market for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is expected to more than treble f


(Actos cuja publicação é uma condição da sua aplicabilidade) REGULAMENTO (CE) N.o 247/2006 DO CONSELHO de 30 de Janeiro de 2006 que estabelece medidas específicas no domínio agrícola a favor das regiões ultraperiféricas da União Europeia Para esse efeito, em derrogação do artigo 23.o do Tra-tado, é conveniente que não sejam aplicados direitos deimportação a certos pr


Formas honoríficas y actos de habla corteses en el español de México 221 Formas honoríficas y actos de habla corteses en el español de México Hye-Jeong Jeong (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)∗ ? . Introducción ? . Formas honoríficas del español ? . Actos de habla corteses en español ? . Conclusiones I. Introducción La cortesía es una forma de comportamiento que, d

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0215PVM revised.qxp 1/27/2005 11:28 AM Page 532 Compendium of measures to control Chlamydophila psittaci (formerly Chlamydia psittaci) infection among humans (psittacosis) and pet birds, 2005 Kathleen A. Smith, DVM, MPH; Kristy K. Bradley, DVM, MPH, DACVPM; Mary G. Stobierski, DVM, MPH, DACVPM; Leslie A. Tengelsen, PhD, DVMwith no identified leisure time or occupational risk canPsi

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Simultaneous Assessment of Cytochrome P450 Activity in Human Hepatocytes for Ligand-Mediated Activation of the Pregnane X Receptor (PXR), Constitutive Androstane Receptor (CAR), and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor ( Ah R) Abstract # 197 Susan P. Rhodes*, Jennifer N. Otten, Scott D. Kragerud, Gary P. Hingorani, Dylan P. Hartley, and Ronald B. Franklin, Array BioPharma Inc,


Monkey Diet Jumbo Monkey Diet D E S C R I P T I O N C H E M I C A L C O M P O S I T I O N 1 Monkey Diet and its companion product, Monkey Diet Jumbo, Nutrients2 Sulfur, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.23are Constant Nutrition™, complete life-cycle diets for all Old Protein, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.7 Sodium, % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.25World Primate

Pharmaceutical preparations, except biologicals

Current Industrial ReportsU.S. Department of CommerceEconomics and Statistics AdministrationBureau of the CensusPharmaceuticals, Except Biologicals - 1997Information about the scope of the survey, methodology, explanation of terms,and historical notes for this survey may be found in the 1996 ManufacturingProfiles issued July 1998. Obtaining reports: Current data are released electronically on I


GI_Ibu-acis_600mg_März2013_Layout 1 27.03.13 17:02 Seite 1 Gebrauchsinformation: Information für den Anwender Ibu-acis® 600 mg Filmtabletten Wirkstoff: Ibuprofen Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen. – Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. – Wenn Sie weiter

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MOTION PICTURE DIVISION Technical Data Colour print film AGFA PRINT CP30 is a multilayer colour print film designed for use in optical or contact printers for making co lour release prints from original colour negatives, duplicate negatives or internegatives. AGFA PRINT CP30 is characterized by its consistency, excellent sharpness, very fine grain and outstanding dy e stability. AGFA

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Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs and the Processes of Change Jack C. Richards, Patrick B. Gallo, Willy A. Renandya SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore Introduction The nature of teacher change is crucial to the field of second language teacher education. Since most of what we do in teacher education seeks to initiate change of one sort or another it is important to try to better


i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f m e d i c a l i n f o r m a t i c s 7 6 S ( 2 0 0 7 ) S205–S211j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / i j m i Incident reporting schemes and the need for a good story J. Rooksby , R.M. Gerry , A.F. Smith a Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK b Department


Sub - sector Project No. Project Title Project Description The proposed project envisages setting up of a Medical Herbs extraction unit, which will producefinished products in the form of powder, oil, paste or aqueous solutions from extracted herbs. Thisproject is suggested considering the availability of wide range of natural herbs in Gujarat. Product Application Medicinal herbs

L'ayurveda, une rponse naturelle chaque ge de la vie d'une femme

L'ayurveda, une réponse naturelle à chaque âge de la vie d'une femme Texte de la Conférence donnée au Salon "Médecines Douces" le 27 janvier 2006 par Laurence CAUSSADE- MAUPIED Educatrice de Santé en Ayurveda Bonjour, je m'appelle Laurence CAUSSADE-MAUPIED, j'ai 40 ans, et je suis Educatrice de Santé en Ayurveda. C'est un terme qui peut vous paraître

11-105 estimate of veterinary antibiotic usage in nl in 2011; based on preliminary results of the first half year

Estimate of veterinary antibiotic usage in NL in 2011 based on preliminary results of the first half year Published on MARAN website18 November 2011 This is a publication of LEI, part of Wageningen UR. The information presented on the MARAN website is a collation of data from on-going surveillance systems on the sales and use of antimicrobial agents in animal husbandry in the Netherlands. T

Material safety data sheet

1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Formulator: Emergency Phone: For 24-Hour Emergency Assistance (Spill, Leak, Fire, or Exposure), Call CHEMTREC®: Inside the U.S.: (800) 424-9300 Outside the U.S.: (703) 527-3887 For Medical Emergency: Product: EPTAM® 20-G EPA Signal Word: EPA Registration No.: Active Ingredient: Chemical Name:

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NEWS RELEASE Antares’ Oxybutynin Gel Product Approved by FDA for the Treatment of Overactive Bladder -- Novel Formulation Provides Convenience, Efficacy and Excellent Tolerability -- Watson to Launch Product in Spring 2012 -- PARSIPPANY, NJ and EWING, NJ – December 8, 2011 -- Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE: WPI) and Antares Pharma, Inc. (NYSE Amex: AIS) today ann


Issue 4 Vol 9 April 2008 Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo. Tel: 071 9186500 Fax: 071 9185239 e-mail: [email protected] www.connachtgold.ie Connacht Gold DIY & Garden Centre Ballina Connacht Gold launched its latest DIY & Garden Centre in Ballina on Saturday 29th March 2008. The new store will ensure Connacht Gold andgardening will be considered synonymouswith each other, as the completely co

Dosing of antimicrobial agents in renal insufficiency

Dosing of Antimicrobial Agents in Renal Insufficiency Yi Guo, PharmD Penicillins Usual Dose Dosage Adjustment Drug Name (normal renal (in renal (ml/min) function) insufficiency) Ampicillin Ampicillin/Sulbactam (Unasyn) Penicillin G Piperacillin/ Tazobactam Cephalosporins Usual Dose Dosage Adjustment (in Drug Name


Mi chiamo Alessio Evangelista, dopo una formazione scientifica, mi sono diplomato nel 1999 all ’IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) con il massimo dei voti come grafico ed illustratore pubblicitario ed ho subito iniziato a svolgere lo splendido lavoro di designer. “Chi smette di fare pubblicità per risparmiare soldi è come se fermasse l’orologio per risparmiare il tempo”. Hen


Action Research: The Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI) and its Implications for Teacher Education Jim Parsons Professor, Department of Secondary Education, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Larry Beauchamp Professor, Department of Secondary Education, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Canada. Abstract This paper reviews data from four

Impaginato bif 1/2005

Bif XIII N. 5 Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione con Iperattività (ADHD): le tappe per un uso razionale dei farmaci Riassunto Scenario Il Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione con Iperat-tività (ADHD, dall’inglese attention deficit hyperactivity I l Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione con Iperat- tività (ADHD) è una patologia neuropsichiatrica disorder ) è un disordine dello svilu


ALLIANCE FAMILY DENTAL  IAN GASKIN D.D.S   * DAVID MILLHOUSE D.D.S  716‐282‐4641  You've just had a tooth extracted, or your dentist has recommended that a tooth be extracted, the following information will help you get through the first few days after your extraction. Should anything occur that does not seem normal, do not hesitate to call our office. POSTOPERATIVE

Témoignage de carmen

Témoignage de Carmen J’ai un trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC) depuis à peu près l’âge de six ans. A cette époque je ne me rendais pas compte de ce qui m’arrivait. Maintenant je me rappelle trois événements qui m'ont fait réaliser que le TOC est apparu dès cette période. Un jour, mon père m’a grondée car il avait trouvé dans ma corbeille à papiers beaucoup de feuilles pres

Directions for use

ALLERGENIC EXTRACT STANDARDIZED SHORT RAGWEED Final container label would reflect AU/ml For Physicians Use Only WARNING: This product should be diluted prior to use. WARNINGS Standardized Short Ragweed allergenic extract is intended for use by, or under the guidance of, physicians who are experienced in the administration of allergenic extracts for diagnosis and/or

4 july, 200

A Specialist Maths and Computing College SATs Results We have just received provisional figures for our SATs results for Maths and Science. Both exceeded their targets and gained their best results ever. Maths achieved 82% of students with level 5 and above, with Science gaining 83%. At the top end, an astounding 33% of students gained level 7 and above in Maths and nearly

Microsoft word - no 9 - prevention and management of pph

A O M C L I N I C A L P R A C T I C E G U I D E L I N E This guideline has been reviewed and approved by the AOM Board of Directors on March 30, 2006. Principal Authors AOM Clinical Practice Guideline Working Group Lynne-Marie Culliton, R.M., Owen Sound, ON Kathelijne Keeren, R.M., Mississauga, ON BACKGROUND countries. The midwife plays a central role in prevention and trea


Available online at www.sciencedirect.comGary Heit, MD, PhD, and Americare Neurosurgery InternationalPursuing a medical education followed by additional longArias Villena. They operated on 25 patients. Cases rangedyears in specialty training requires vision, commitment, hardfrom reconstruction of complex spinal deformities to repair ofwork, perseverance, and an unwavering desire to achievep

Microsoft word - dietarysupp.doc

Alameda County District Attorney Combats Fraud and Unscrupulous Dealings in the 20 Billion Dollar Dietary Supplement Market The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office is protecting consumers from dangerous and ineffective diet supplements. As part of a ten county task force that regulates and investigates the over the counter healthcare supplement market in California, the Alameda Co

Texto divulgação

Está aberto o processo eleitoral para escolha dos representantes dos Participantes Ativos e Assistidos nos Conselhos Deliberativo e Fiscal da Aceprev – Acesita Previdência Privada. De 27/01 a 05/02/2014, os Participantes Ativos e Assistidos poderão se inscrever para se candidatar à eleição. O edital de convocação, o Requerimento de Inscrição e todas as informações necessárias j


ARKTIS STUDENTFÖRENINGS STYRELSEMÖTE § 1 Mötet öppnas Ordförande Sebastian Engsner förklarar mötet öppnat. § 2 Val av sekreterare Andreas Storm § 3 Närvarande § 4 Godkännande av föregående protokoll Godkännes § 5 Godkännande av dagordning och sluttid Godkännes § 6 Uppföljning av föregående aktivitet § 7 Praktikkväll Informationsbrev

Microsoft word - volumes agents cancérogènes classés par le monogra

Volumes agents classés par le Monographies du CIRC, 1-100N ° CAS Année Volume Agent groupe000075-07-0 Acétaldéhyde associés à la consommation de boissons alcooliséesboissons 1 100E en préparationvapeurs acides, minéral fort 1 54, 100F en préparation001402-68-2 aflatoxines 1 56, 82, 100F en préparationBoissons alcoolisées 1 44, 96, 100E en préparationLa production d'aluminium 1 34, Su


Partie III Bibliographie 1 Fraser DW, Tsai TR, Orenstein W, et al. Legionnaires’ disease: description of an epidemic ofMaladie des légionnaires en Europe, 1997. pneumonia. N Engl J Med 1977, 297: 1189–97. Relev Epidémiol Hebd 1998, 73, No 34: 257–61. 2 McDade JE, Shepard CC, Fraser DW, et al. Legionnaires’ disease: isolation of a bacterium andLa sous-déclaration de la légione


BEFORE THE ALASKA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ON REFERRAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION ORDER GRANTING SUMMARY ADJUDICATION S E is a retiree under the Teachers’ Retirement System (“TRS”) and is entitled to benefits of the AlaskaCare Retiree Health Plan (“Plan”). On September 26, 2007, Mr. E underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy surgery at the Mayo Clinic.

Perth bible class – january - march 2005

PERTH BIBLE CLASS – January - March 2005 Reading: Esther 2 v 5 – 11, 16 - 20 Esther 4 v 10 - 17 Esther 7 v 1 – 8 v 2 In the book of Esther the name of God is never mentioned, yet His sovereignty, the over ruling of God in the affairs of men is clearly seen. We see that God is on the throne and he has a care for His people. The Danger to God’s People – Chap 1 – 4 v 3 The a

Appendix i: standard kit list

Short Trip Packing Checklist You should consider that whatever you pack, you wil have to carry with you. Therefore, be careful not to get too excited and take too much. Ideal y you should have a 60-80 litre rucksack or holdal and a smal day sack (30-35 litres). You should use the fol owing checklist as a guide: Essential Items  Photocopies of your passport and cash cards in ca


Documento descargado de http://www.doyma.es el 21/09/2006. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato. CURSO OTORRINOLARINGOLOGÍA PARA PEDIATRAS Servicio de Pediatría. Centro de Salud el Naranjo. Fuenlabrada. Madrid. España. MONOGRAFÍAS DEFINICIÓN dolor de garganta, afonía ligera y sin dificultad respi-El crup es una causa

Cv fumiko watanabe

Fumiko Watanabe, Ph.D. CURRENT POSITION Researcher Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Liege Sart-Tilman B18, Allée du 6 Août, B-4000, Liege, Belgium E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Researcher Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) Paleolimnology of Siberian and Mongolian Lakes Stable Isotope Geochemistry o


J. J. Appl. Sci., 2006: Vol. 8, No. 1, 28-43 Spectrochemical Methods for the Determination of Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra) in Bulk Powder and in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Minia University, Minia, Egypt Received 17 October 2004 ; accepted 4 May 2005 Abstract: Three simple, accurate, sensitive and selective methods are described fo


Glutenfrei, lactosefrei, zuckerfrei, frei von tierischen Fetten, Verträglichkeit: Eine Einschränkung zur Teilnahme am Straßenverkehr ist mit frei von Konservierungsstoffen. Die Inhaltsstoffe in TELCOR ® Arginin plus liegen im ernäh- der Einnahme von TELCOR ® Arginin plus nicht gegeben. Gebrauchsanweisung rungsphysiologischen Bereich. Die Filmtabletten sind gut * Hinweis

Modulo no 4

Efectos Adversos de la Terapia Antirretroviral Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Dr. Leslie Soto Arquiñigo Médicos del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Glóbulos rojos en condiciones de anemia Los efectos adversos han sido reportados con el uso de casi todos los antirretrovirales y son una de las condiciones

Microsoft word - october 2012 ingredient list.docx

Corn (corn, water, sugar, salt), Chicken Stock, Potatoes, Light Cream, Onions, Wheat Flour, Soybean Oil, Celery, Sugar, Sea Salt, Worcestershire Sauce (distilled white vinegar, molasses, water, sugar, onions, anchovies, salt, garlic, cloves, tamarind extract, natural flavorings, chili pepper extract), Uncured Bacon (pork, water, brown sugar, salt, vinegar, celery powder, cherry powder, green

Microsoft word - posterisam2013versie3.doc

SPECIFIC TARGETING OF INHALED STEROIDS TO SMALL AIRWAYS IN CHILDREN WITH PROBLEMATIC SEVERE ASTHMA USING THE AKITA: A CASE SERIES H.M. Janssens MD PhD, J.L. Overweel-Uyterlinde Department of Pediatric Pulmonology, Erasmus MC- Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. INTRODUCTION Asthma is an inflammatory disease affecting the small airways. Small airways are a dif

Paper 2

Paper 2.2 Answers 1. There are several requirements to be satisfied for the formation of a contract; one of them is that a party who seeks to enforce a contract must show that he provided consideration for the contract. The general rule is that fresh consideration must be provided. The promisee must give value at the time of or after the entering into the contract: Roscorla v Thomas. Any

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