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Annapolis Radiology Associates
Kerry J. Thompson, M.D., Timothy S. Eckel, M.D.
and Azar P. Dagher, M.D.
DISCOGRAM – Patient instructions
Your test is scheduled for ____________________________ at ___________.
Please call 1-800-952-7246 the day before to confirm your appointment
time. (Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm)

Preparing for your procedure:
Please complete the enclosed pre-procedure pain diagram form and bring this form
with you
the day of your procedure. Include a list of any and all medications you are
currently taking.
If you have had an MRI, CT scan or other films, please bring copies with you. The
procedure will be canceled if films are not available.
Arrange to have a driver accompany you on the day of your procedure. You will be
receiving IV sedation. If a driver is unavailable, the procedure will be canceled
per hospital policy. We must be able to contact your driver before, during and
after your procedure
either by phone or pager (Pagers are available at the Short Stay
Unit front desk…please ask). Someone should stay with you at home after the
procedure because you may be tired and unsteady on your feet.
If you are having a CERVICAL(neck) discogram and have an ALLERGY to Penicillin
or Cephalosporins
please call 443-481-1385 to inform the nurses.
Plan to be at the hospital for as long as 3 hours. Please do not bring young children withyou.
If you live more than 4 hours from Annapolis, we recommend you stay in town overnight.
Please call 1- 800-952-7246 for nearby hotel information.
The day of your procedure:
Report to the Short Stay Unit on the second floor of the Acute Care Pavilion on the
day of your exam.

Wear loose comfortable clothing. A sweat suit is optional.
Please withhold pain medication for at least 4 hours prior to the exam time. If youreceive pain medication by a skin patch, you must call the nurses at 443-481-1385 forfurther instructions. You may bring your pain medication with you to take after the test, ifdesired.
Please do not eat or drink for at least 4 hours prior to the exam. You may bring a snackwith you to eat after the procedure and a drink will be provided.
If you are DIABETIC:
If your test is before 12 noon do not eat or take any diabetic medication before
the procedure. Bring your medication with you.
If your test is 12 noon or after please eat breakfast before 7 am and take your pill or _ your morning dose of insulin. Bring your medication with you.
Please take all your routinely prescribed medications the day of the procedure
including blood pressure, heart, thyroid pills, etc. NOTE : If you take BLOOD
THINNERS ( example : coumadin or heparin) please contact the prescribing
physician for instructions. You should stop taking this medication for 48 hours
prior to the test.
You must be healthy the day of the exam. You cannot have a fever, infection, sore
throat or cough. Please call 443-481-1385 Monday thru Friday 8 – 5 pm and ask to
speak to one of the nurses if you have a question regarding your possible illness.
REGISTRATION: On the day of your procedure report directly to the second floor of
the Acute Care Pavilion at least one hour prior to your scheduled appointment time to
get registered. (If your appointment time is 7:30 am, report _ hour earlier at 7:00 am).
There, you will be seen by Dr. Eckel, Dr. Thompson or Dr. Dagher prior to the procedureto discuss your condition, x-rays, and purpose of the test.
After the procedure:
You will be given written discharge instructions before you leave and the test results will
be explained to you and your driver.
You will receive copies of the discogram films that are taken. The films you broughtwith you will be returned upon your discharge. Please take the discogram copies toyour referring physician when you return for your follow up appointment.
Your referring physician will receive a dictated report from Dr. Thompson, Dr. Eckel orDr. Dagher 8 – 10 days following your visit.
You can expect the pain you had before the procedure to continue after the numbingmedicine wears off. You may experience a flare up of your pain for 3 – 5 daysfollowing the procedure.
If you are in physical therapy check with your patient manager or physician beforeresuming treatment. Dr. Eckel, Dr. Thompson and Dr. Dagher recommend delayingphysical therapy 48 – 72 hours post procedure.
If you have any questions regarding your procedure, please call the nurses at



Daniel de Beer Né le 18 octobre 1953 Belge Rue du Viaduc 35 1050 Bruxelles Tél. : + 32.(0)2.646 42 27 Courriel : [email protected] Licencié en droit (1977 - UCL) Docteur en droit (juin 2008 - VUB) Activités professionnelles - professeur invité aux Facultés Universitaires Saint Louis (cours de « Sources et principes du droit » ; séminaire interdisciplinaire et Séminair

Semaine du 17 au 21 octobre 201

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