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2010 kaa pratt angus sale consignment listing (2)

19th Annual Kansas Angus Association – Sponsored
Commercial Angus Female Sale
Saturday, December 4, 2010 Pratt Livestock, Pratt, Ks 1 p.m.
Bred Cows (all 7 years and younger)
5-7 yr. old Angus cows bred to calve starting Jan. 16 for 90 days to Benoit Precision 1023 sons. Vaccinated with Virashield 6, Scour Boss, AD&E, and poured with Ivomec. Last year’s steers graded 58% CAB, with a gain of 4.21 and dry conversion of 5.4. Greg Fisher
2 yr. old Angus cows bred to Stucky Predestined son to calve in spring. Vaccinated with Virashield 6VL5, Ultra Boss, and poured with Ivercide. Bar L Cattle Co.
7 yr. old Angus cows bred to sons of Future Direction (all AMF) to calve in Feb and Mar. Vaccinated with Preguard and Dectomax. Past carcass data shows 95+% Choice and up to 73% CAB. Lee Ranch
Angus/BWF 2-7 yr. old cows bred to calve from Apr. 15 to May 15 to GAR sons and grandsons of Objective, Retail Product, and New Design. Vaccinated with Virashield 6 VL5 and poured with Ivermectin. Adams Cattle Co. – XIT Ranch
Fall Cow/Calf Pairs
3-7 yr. old Angus cows with calves at side born Aug. 20-Oct. 15 sired by Express Ranch Angus bulls. Cows vaccinated with Vibrio-Lepto and poured with Dectomax. Cows are open. Chain Ranch
2 yr. old Angus cows with fall born bull calves at side sired by a BR Midland son. Cows vaccinated with Staybred VL5, Triangle 4 + Type II BVD and poured with Ivermectin. Calves vaccinated with Vision 7/Somnus. Cows are open. Cornwell Farms
3-6 yr. old Angus cows of Ultravox and New Frontier bloodlines with Sept./Oct. calves at side sired by TC Rito 416. Cows vaccinated with Vista 3VL5 SQ and poured with Ivermectin. Cows are open. Leigh St. Clair
2-4 yr. old Angus/BWF cows with Sept.-Nov. calves at side sired by a Focus son. Cows are open. Rolland Pederson
2 yr. old Angus cows originating from Doyle Creek Ranch with calves at side born Sept. 24-Nov. 13 sired by sons of New Design 878. Cows vaccinated with Bovishield Gold FP5 VL5, Scourguard 3KC, and poured with Ivomec Jeremy Goosen
2-3 yr. old PB Angus cows with Oct. born calves at side sired by McCurry Objective son. Cows have been vaccinated with Virashield VL5 HB, Blackleg, Pinkeye, and poured with Agrimectin. Delzer Cattle Co.
Bred Heifers
Angus GAR sired heifers synchronized and guaranteed AI bred on May 7, 2010 to GAR Yield Grade. Heifers vaccinated with Preguard, Blackleg, Dectomax. All heifers PI tested negative. Steinert Farm
Angus heifers of Nebraska origin synchronized and guaranteed AI bred on April 28, 2010 to GAR Yield Grade. Heifers vaccinated with Preguard, Blackleg, Dectomax. All heifers PI tested negative. Steinert Farm
Angus/BWF heifers sired by Hinkson Angus bulls guaranteed AI bred to Mytty In Focus due to calve from Feb 3 to Feb 14. Heifers vaccinated with Virashield 6, Guardian, Blackleg w/Pinkeye, and poured with Ivomec. Hinkson Angus Ranch
Angus heifers of Montana origin bred to selected LBW calving ease Angus bulls to start calving Jan. 28 for 67 days. Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold, Presponse SQ, Staybred, Vision 7, and Ivomec injectable. Jack Schlessiger Cattle Co.
Angus heifers bred A.I. to Mill Brae In Focus to start calving Feb. 1 and cleaned up with Benoit and Mill Brae Final Answer and In Focus sons. Vaccinated with Virashield 6 VL5, Scourboss 9, and poured with Ivermectin. Freeze branded. C. W. Remus
Angus heifers bred to In Focus sons to start calving Mar 1 for 40 days. Heifers vaccinated with Virashield Gold, Scourguard, and poured with Dectomax. Chain Ranch
Angus heifers bred A.I. to Sitz Dash and cleaned up with a full brother to Matrix to calve starting Feb. 1 for 60 days. Vaccinated with Staybred, Blackleg, and poured with Iverside. Laflin Ranch
Angus/BWF heifers sired by In Focus or In Focus sons, Strategy, Objective, and Imagemaker bred A.I. to CAR Efficient due to start calving Jan 20 to Apr 8. Clean up bulls after A.I. all sons of Objective. Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold FP5 L5HB, Spirovac, and Dectomax. All PI tested negative and tattooed in left ear. Luke Hoeme
Angus heifers bred to Leachman Final Answer G359U to start calving Feb. 1 for 60 days. Heifers vaccinated with Virashield 6 VL5HB, Vision 7 Somnus, Bovishield Gold FP5, Maxiguard Pinkeye, and poured with Promectin B. Danny Steward
Angus heifers of New Design, Alliance, and 6I6 bloodlines bred to sons of Prime Cut and New Level due to calve from Feb. 1 to Apr. 12. Vaccinated with Staybred VL5, Triangle 4 + Type II BVD, and poured with Ivermectin. Cornwell Farms
Angus heifers bred to proven calving ease sons of New Design 878, Objective, and Traveler 71 to calve in March & April. Vaccinated with Preguard and Dectomax injectable. EID tags. Lee Ranch
Angus heifers of New Design, Focus, and Traveler 004 bloodlines bred AI to SAV Final Answer and cleaned up with sons of Net Present Value and In Focus due to calve from Jan 22 to Mar. 14. Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold L5, Scourguard 3KC, and poured with Avermectin. Steer mates graded 67% CAB with 98% Choice or higher. 69% yield grade 1 & 2. PB Angus heifers sired by Stucky Lead On sons bred AI to ABS sire New Level on Apr. 25, then exposed to a New Standard son. Heifers are all pregnancy checked 6-7 mo. bred. Vaccinated with Virashield VL5 HB, Blackleg, Pinkeye, and poured with Agrimectin. Delzer Cattle Co.
Open Heifers
10 mo. old Angus heifers sired by Molitor sons of Future Direction & In Focus, and Stucky Predestined son. Vaccinated with Pyramid 5 + Presponse, Vision 7, (boosted) and poured with Ivomec. OCV Larry Rudd
11 mo. old Angus heifers sired by In Focus, Objective, Lead On, and Dealer. Vaccinated with Pyramid 5 + Presponse, Vision 7, (boosted) and poured with Ivomec. OCV. Allyson Rudd
10 mo. old Angus heifers sired by New Design 1407 and Traveler bloodlines. Vaccinated with Vibrio-Lepto 5, and poured with Promectin B. OCV. Todd Shepherd
9-10 mo. old Angus heifers sired by sons of Final Answer and Objective. Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold, Blackleg, Pinkeye, and poured with Ivermectin. OCV. Swayze Cattle
10-11 mo. old Angus heifers sired by New Standard and other Angus sires. Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold, TSV 2, Vision 7, and poured with Cydectin. OCV. Steven Winter
9-10 mo. old Angus heifers sired by McCurry Freedom sons. Vaccinated with Triangle 4 + Type II BVD, Bar Somnus 2P, Virashield 6, Vision 7 20/20, and poured with Ivermectin. OCV. Willard & Brenda Ray
9-10 mo. old Angus/BWF heifers sired by grandsons of New Design 1407 and In Focus. Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold FP5VL5 HB, and poured with Dectomax. OCV. Harold Hazelton
8-9 mo. old Angus heifers A.I. sired by Final Answer, Predominant, Bushwacker, 1I2, and Predestined. Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold, Vision 7, and poured with Ivermectin. No implants or brands. OCV. Mark Sherman
For more information contact: Gordon Stucky, 620-532-4122, sale chairman, or Jake Lewis,
Pratt Livestock, 620-770-1069.

Source: http://www.anguselist.com/volume1210/docs/2010%20KAA%20Pratt%20Angus%20Sale%20Consignment.pdf

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