my Symbicort® asthma
Name: _________________________________________ action plan
Date: __________________________________________ GP: ____________________________________________ Symbicort® maintenance and reliever therapy
Usual best PEF: ______________________________ L/min GP phone: ______________________________________ normal mode
asthma flare-up
asthma emergency
my SymbIcort aSthma treatment IS:
If over a perIod of 2–3 dayS:
SIgnS of an aSthma emergency:
• My asthma symptoms are getting worse OR • Extreme difficulty breathing or speaking • I am using more than 6 Symbicort reliever • Little or no improvement from Symbicort my reguLar treatment every day:
I should:
Continue to use my regular everyday treatment If I have any of the above danger SIgnS,
PLUS 1 inhalation Symbicort whenever needed I ShouLd dIaL 000 for an ambuLance and
Say I am havIng a Severe aSthma attack.
use Symbicort 1 inhalation whenever needed
WhILe I am WaItIng for the ambuLance
for relief of my asthma symptoms
Start my aSthma fIrSt aId pLan:
I should always carry my Symbicort turbuhaler
courSe of prednISoLone tabLetS:
• Take 1 inhalation of Symbicort. Wait 1–3 minutes. my aSthma IS StabLe If:
If there is no improvement take another inhalation • I can take part in normal physical activity without of Symbicort (up to a maximum of 6 inhalations).
• If only Ventolin® is available, take 4 puffs as • I do not wake up at night or in the morning • Start a course of prednisolone tablets (as If I need more than 12 SymbIcort
directed) while waiting for the ambulance other InStructIonS:
InhaLatIonS (totaL) In any day,
• Even if my symptoms appear to settle quickly, I must see my doctor or go to hospital
I should see my doctor immediately after a the same day
What is Symbicort® maintenance and
does Symbicort work like other relievers/rescue
how long do I use it?
reliever therapy?
inhalers (bricanyl®, ventolin®, asmol®, airomir®
Use Symbicort Turbuhaler every day even if you feel Symbicort® Maintenance And Reliever Therapy is and epaq®) and do I still need them?
well. Symbicort Turbuhaler helps control your asthma, a new Symbicort dosing schedule for managing In some ways, Symbicort works like other relievers but does not cure it. Keep using it unless your doctor asthma. With this schedule, Symbicort is used BOTH (Bricanyl®, Ventolin®, Asmol®, Airomir® and Epaq®), for regular daily maintenance treatment AND for relief of breakthrough symptoms. A separate rescue • YES, like other relievers, Symbicort has been shown do I need to carry my Symbicort turbuhaler
inhaler is not necessary. Symbicort can be used in this to effectively relieve symptoms when they occur.
way because it is an effective reliever (like Bricanyl®, • NO, unlike other relievers, Symbicort also treats Yes, you should carry your Symbicort Turbuhaler with Ventolin®, Asmol®, Airomir® and Epaq®) and continues inflammation and can therefore be used as regular maintenance therapy to help prevent symptoms.
Is there an increased risk of side effects using
Why is this treatment approach different?
A separate reliever/rescue inhaler is therefore not Symbicort as both my regular daily maintenance
necessary in addition to Symbicort. Your doctor will Symbicort® Maintenance And Reliever Therapy not only and reliever?
advise you if you need any other inhaler in addition relieves symptoms, but also treats inflammation (the All asthma medicines can have side effects. Serious underlying problem in asthma) with every inhalation. side effects are rare with Symbicort Turbuhaler. Therefore, you only need one inhaler to work as both What is the maximum number of Symbicort
See the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) leaflet, a preventer and reliever. Other treatment approaches inhalations that I can take in one day?
which is available from your doctor or pharmacist, for a require two or more medications for different situations.
full list of potential side effects. There is no additional It is uncommon to need more than a couple of extra risk of side effects with Symbicort® Maintenance And can I use any other inhaler the same way?
reliever inhalations of Symbicort in one day. At times, Reliever Therapy if taken as instructed by your doctor. you can use more as long as you follow your written No. Symbicort is the only asthma inhaler that can be You should tell your doctor or pharmacist as soon as Asthma Action Plan. You should not take more than used for both maintenance and reliever treatment. possible if you do not feel well while you are using 6 inhalations of Symbicort on a single occasion or This is because it has rapid onset of action (1–3 minutes) more than a total of 12 inhalations on any one day. for symptom relief that lasts at least 12 hours, as well If you require more than 12 inhalations in any day as an inhaled corticosteroid that treats inflammation. you should see your doctor or go to the hospital the The Symbicort Maintenance And Reliever Treatment dosing schedule should not be used with any asthma
medications other than Symbicort 100/6 or 200/6.
AstraZeneca Australia Pty Ltd, ACN 009 682 311 ABN 54 009 682 311, Alma Road, North Ryde NSW 2113. L-AST-SY-788-P 05/07


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Literatuur bij: Vilmar Dijkstra Over muizen en boommarters, Zoogdier 24-3 (herfst 2013) , pag. 1-3 Dijkstra, V., 2000. Het gebruik van boomholten op de Veluwezoom door de boommarter Martes martes . Lutra, 43: 171-184. Dijkstra, V., 2013. Over muizen en boommarters, relaties tussen muizenstand en reproductiesucces bij de boommarter. In: B.A. van den Horn & E. van Maanen. Marterpass

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