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Gno 15.xls

Grant No. 15
Grant No. 15 - Irrigation
Amount surrendered during the year Grant No. 15- Contd.
4711 Capital Outlay on Flood Conrtol Projects Amount surrendered during the year Grant No. 15- Contd.
Voted Grant
1. Of the ultimate saving of `3,66,75.48 lakhs, `2,37,27.04 lakhs remained unsurrendered.
2. In view of the overall saving of `3,66,75.48 lakhs, the supplementary grant of `1,14,58.10 lakhs obtainedin March, 2010 proved excessive.
3. Saving occurred mainly under the following heads (partly offset by excess under certain other heads)mentioned in note 4 below. Saving occurred mainly under:- Improvement of old/Existing channels under NABARD Interest on Capital & Extension & Improvement Water Resources Consolidated Project (WRCP) Grant No. 15- Contd.
Reasons for non-utilisation of funds in the above four cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Reasons for the augmentation of provision through reappropriation and final saving of `76.96 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Sewani Lift Irrigation Project (commercial) Anticipated saving of `971 lakhs was due to receipt of less demand on Énergy Charges'.
Reasons for the final saving of `359 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Anticipated saving of `14.09 lakhs was due to economy measures.
Reasons for the final saving of `82.41 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
New Minor for Equitable distribution of water Reasons for non-utilisation of funds have not been intimated (August 2010).
Western Jamuna Canal Project (Commercial) Grant No. 15- Contd.
The provision in the above three cases augmented through supplementary estimates for payment of 40% of arrear of pay on account of revision of pay scales reduced through reappropriation mainly due to thefact that calculation of arrear of 6th Pay Commission was on approximation basis.
Reasons for the final saving have not been intimated (August 2010).
Saving was due to closure of dispensaries.
Augmentation of provision through reappropriation due to execution of essential work proved unnecessary as the actual expenditure did not come up even to the original provision.
Reasons for the saving of `6,26.71 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Entire provision was surrendered due to economy measures.
Reasons for non-utilisation of funds have not been intimated (August 2010).
Share to Himachal Pradesh for Renuka Dam Project The provision was made through supplementary estimates to make payment of Haryana Share to Reasons for the saving of entire provision have not been intimated (August 2010).
Reasons for non-utilisation of funds have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Augmentation of provision through supplementary estimates for payment of 40% of arrear of pay on account of revision of pay scales was reduced through reappropriation due to the fact that calculation ofarrear of 6th Pay Commission was on approximation basis.
Reasons for the final saving of `17,38.58 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Assistance to Public Sector and Other Undertakings Reasons for non-utilisation of funds have not been intimated (August 2010).
Anticipated saving of `2,097 lakhs was due to receipt of less demand on 'Energy Charges'.
Reasons for the final saving of `10,73.69 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Reasons for the saving of `805 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Reasons for the total saving of `1,62.50 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Anticipated saving in the above three cases was mainly due to approximation in calculation of arrear of 6th Pay Commission.
Reasons for the final saving in these cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Entire provision was surrendered through reappropriation due to closure of dispensaries.
Augmentation of provision through reappropriation due to execute the essential works proved injudicious in view of the unutilisation of the entire provision; reasons for which have not been intimated(August 2010).
Reasons for the final saving in the above two cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Anticipated saving of `133 lakhs was due to receipt of less demand on' Energy Charges'.
Reasons for non-utilisation of entire provision have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Reasons for the saving in the above eight cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Reasons for the net saving of `115 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Reasons for the saving of `90 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Saving of `44.50 lakhs was due to economy measures.
Reasons for the final saving in the above two cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Entire provision was surrendered due to economy measures.
Western Jamuna Canal Project (Commercial) Reasons for incurring expenditure without provision of funds have not been intimated (August 2010).
Saving of `317 lakhs was due to receipt of less demand on 'Energy Charges' proved injudicious in view of the huge excess of `32,41.39 lakhs; reasons for which have not been intimated (August 2010).
799 Grant No. 15- Contd.
Reasons in the above two cases for incurring expenditure without provision of funds have not been Improvement, upgradation, operation and maintenance The provision was augmented through reappropriation due to execution of essential works and clear the pending liabilities proved inadequate in view of the excess of `25,85.88 lakhs; reasons for which have notbeen intimated (August 2010).
The provision was augmented through reappropriation due to execution of essential works proved inadequate in view of the excess of `2,62.72 lakhs; reasons for which have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Reasons for the excess in the above two cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
The provision in the above three cases was augmented through reappropriation to execute the essential work proved inadequate in view of the excess in these cases; reasons for which have not been intimated(August 2010).
Reasons for incurring expenditure without provision of funds have not been intimated (August 2010).
The provision was made through reappropriation due to execute the essential work.
Reasons for the final excess of `62.07 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Sewani Lift Irrigation Project (commercial) Grant No. 15- Contd.
The provision was augmented through reappropriation to execute the essential work proved inadequate in view of the excess of `68.85 lakhs; reasons for which have not been intimated (August 2010).
Naggal Lift Irrigation Project (commercial) Reasons for incurring expenditure without provision of funds have not been intimated (August 2010).
Voted Grant
5. The expenditure exceeded the grant by `1,77,25,38,840; the excess requires regularisation.
Rehabilitation of Existing Channels/Drainage System Grant No. 15- Contd.
Augmentation of provision through reappropriation to provide essential benefit proved inadequate in view of the excess of `81,12.22 lakhs; reasons for which have not been intimated (August 2010).
001 BML-Hansi Branch-Butana Branch Multipurpose Link Channel Grant No. 15- Contd.
Reasons for the excess in the above five cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Augmentation of provision through reappropriation was due to execute of essential work.
Reasons for the excess of `1,49.56 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Modernisation & Lining of Canal Systems Reasons for the excess in the above two cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
The provision was augmented through reappropriation with a view to tap Kaushalya River Water for drinking purpose proved inadequate in view of the excess of `24,50.80 lakhs; reasons for which have not beenintimated (August 2010).
07 Improvement of old/existing channels under NABARD Reduction in provision through reappropriation due to transfer of budget to S.C component and non- execution of schemes proved injudicious in view of the excess of the `1,23,39.40 lakhs; reasons for whichhave not been intimated (August 2010).
New Minor for Equitable distribution of water Grant No. 15- Contd.
4711 Capital Outlay on Flood Conrtol Projects Flood Protection and Disaster Preparedness Reasons for the excess in the above five cases have not been intimated (August 2010).
New Minor for Equitable distribution of Water Reduction in provision through reappropriation was due to diversion of funds to another scheme.
Reasons for the excess of `44,27.87 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
The provision was made through token supplementary estimates and augmented through reappropriation for implementation of the new scheme proved injudicious in view of the saving of`1,07,00.46 lakhs; reasons for which have not been intimated (August 2010).
80 Reasons for the saving of `2500 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
The provision was augmented through reappropriation due to execution of essential works proved unnecessarily as the actual expenditure did not come up even to the original provision.
Reasons for the saving of `5,84.76 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Anticipated saving of `27.50 lakhs was due to non-execution of works.
Reasons for the final saving of `58.65 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Reasons for minus expenditure of `50.40 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Modernisation & Lining of Canal Systems Anticipated saving of `2,864 lakhs was due to non sanctioning of the project.
Reasons for the final saving of `5,93.53 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes Improvement in Rehablitation of water courses in S.C population in the State Rehabilitation of Existing Channels/Drainage System Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes Improvement in Construction works and Rehablitation of water courses in S.C population in the State Augmentation of provision in the above two cases through reappropriation to provide essential benefit proved injudicious in view of the nil expenditure; reasons for which have not been intimated (August 2010).
Reasons for saving of `72.72 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes Improvement in quality of Irrigaion facilities to S.C population in the State Entire provision in the above two cases was surrendered due to closure of the scheme.
Reasons for incurring expenditure of `7,35.24 lakhs without provision of funds in the first case have Reasons for minus expenditure have not been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes Recharge ground water in Sweet Water in S.C population in the State Augmentation of provision in the above two cases through reappropriation due to execute of essential Reasons for the saving of `2,62.90 lakhs in the first case and `205 lakhs in the second case have not Entire provision was surrendered due to non-execution of works.
4711 Capital Outlay on Flood Conrtol Projects Flood Protection and Disaster Preparedness Augmentation of provision through reappropriation due to execution of essential work proved unnecessary as the actual expenditure did not come up even to the original provision; reasons for which havenot been intimated (August 2010).
Grant No. 15- Contd.
Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes Flood protecion, restoration and Disaster Management in S.C population Area in the State Reasons for the saving of `700 lakhs in the first case and `755 lakhs in the later case have not been Charged Appropriation
Saving of ` 1800 lakhs was due to receipt of less demand of land compensation.
Reasons for the excess of ` 92.67 lakhs have not been intimated (August 2010).


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CITY OF NEWBURYPORT March 21, 2013 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR The Office of Mayor Holaday, Newburyport DONNA H. HOLADAY NEWBURYPORT CITY HALL 60 PLEASANT STREET NEWBURYPORT, MA 01950 The City Health Department would like to advise all City residents that the Arbovirus (Mosquito) season is fast approaching. The City Health Department and the Northeast Massachuset s Mosqu

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