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"I" - Health Abstracts:

Triamcinolone acetonide-assisted pars plana in high myopia

Introduccion-resumen Curriculum Vitae Fundador y Director Médico del Instituto Oftalmológico Gómez- Ulla. Licenciado (1970-1975) y Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía (1982) por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Especialista en Oftalmología por el Hospital General de Galicia (1979). Amplió su formación profesional en el Hospital de Creteil y Hospital Quince Vingt de P

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Oral Session #5 (Sat am, 10:45-11:45) Scientific Oral Presentation Session 5  Moderator: Dr. Brenna Anderson  High Resolution Profiling of the Vaginal Microbiome of Healthy, Reproductive Aged Canadian Women A Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo controlled, Parallel‐Group, Double Blinded Study to Compare the Therapeutic of 3 Single Vaginal Doses o

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Il Salotto Buono va in soffitta. Chi saranno i nuovi padroni?Il capitalismo famigliare vecchio stile e` al tramonto. La crisi economica potrebbe dargli il colpo di grazia. Come in un film, tre episodi in tre scene diverse illustrano la deca-denza del capitalismo famigliare italiano e la sua possibile rinascita. Espiegano le ragioni di questa inchiesta su fatti e misfatti della nuovagenerazione

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Complete Summary GUIDELINE TITLE Medical therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) Badesch DB, Abman SH, Ahearn GS, Barst RJ, McCrory DC, Simonneau G, McLaughlin VV. Medical therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest 2004 Jul;126(1 Suppl):35S-62S. [191

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Antiinflammatory actions of cat's claw: the role of NF-kB M. SANDOVAL-CHACON, J. H. THOMPSON, X.-J. ZHANG, X. LIU, E. E. MANNICK, H. SADOWSKA-KROWICKA, R. M. CHARBONNET, D. A. CLARK & M. J. S. MILLER LSU Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics and Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA Accepted for publication 22 July 1998 Background: Uncaria tome

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Bayer Environmental Science SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 COOPEX MINI SMOKE GENERATOR 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information 230 Cambridge Science Park Milton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WB Great Britain Emergency telephone number 0800-220876 (UK 24 hr) 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION


l Protección de mujeres migrantes a El derecho de residencia en caso de separación/divorcio i Las mujeres extranjeras que entraron en Liechtenstein por vía de la reagrupación familiar no poseen derecho de residencia autónomo . Su derecho de residencia está vinculado a la autorización de su esposo y depende de las siguientes situaciones: z Separación/divorcio ante

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Instituto para la Formación y Aprovechamiento de Recursos Humanos De estricto cumplimiento para todos los Servidores Públicos de Instituciones Estatales del Gobierno Central, Entidades Autónomas, Semi-Autónomas y Gobiernos Locales. CÓDIGO UNIFORME DE ÉTICA DE LOS SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS DE ESTRICTO CUMPLIMIENTO PARA TODOS LOS SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS QUE SE DESEMPEÑAN COMO FUNCIONARIOS EN

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Avdeling for helsefag i Namsos Fag/enhet: Eksamenskode: Galenisk Farmasi II Dag og dato: Tirsdag, 04.12.2007 Tid (fra – til): kl 09.00-15.00 Eksamen Galenisk Farmasi 2 Oppgave 1 Fentanyl er et sterkt opioidanalgetikum som brukes mot veldig sterke smerter og i sammenheng med kirurgiske inngrep. I Norge finnes tre legemiddelformer, bl.a. en sugetablettformuler


― International Cooperation of the Medical Science Mr. Inamori, Ladies and Gentlemen: The commemorative prize given to the Nobel Foundation is in honor of the many hundreds of Swedish scientists who have been involved in the work of the Nobel Foundation and of the prize committees since the beginning of this century. I have chosen to give a lecture of a more personal nature, relating to the b

Perspectivas bÍblicas e teolÓgicas da igreja local

PERSPECTIVAS BÍBLICAS E TEOLÓGICAS DA IGREJA LOCAL Preparado e apresentado pelo Pr. Isaltino Gomes Coelho Filho à Ordem dos Pastores de S. Paulo – 27.3.6 “E agora, você precisa se decidir, querida Sofia: você é uma criança que ainda não se ‘acostumou’ com o mundo? Ou você é uma filósofa capaz de jurar que isto nunca vai lhe acontecer?” Assim o correspondente da menina S


squall2sparql: a Translator from ControlledCampus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, FranceAbstract. This paper reports on the participation of the systemsquall2sparql in the QALD-3 question answering challenge for DBpe-dia. squall2sparql is a translator from SQUALL, a controlled naturallanguage for English, to SPARQL 1.1, a standard expressive query andupdate language for linked open data. It co


Professor Alyn H MoriceAcademic Department of MedicineCastle Hill HospitalCastle RoadCottinghamEast YorkshireHU16 5JQTel: 01482 624067Fax: 01482 624068Email: [email protected] is the commonest respiratory symptom, indeed it is probably the commonest of allsymptoms which results in a consultation. The ten yearly morbidity Statistics in GeneralPractice Survey reveal that consult


American Society for Reproductive Medicine (67th Annual Meeting) Orland(USA)、2011.10.16-19 Cabergoline helps to prevent the development of severe OHSS Tomoko Inoue, Takao Himeno, Yoko Ohnishi, Keijiro Ito, Yoshiharu Nakaoka, Yoshiharu Morimoto The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility, IVF Namba Clinic Objective: Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is one of serious

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XI International Symposium on Insulin Receptor and Insulin Action Naples, Italy - October 28 - 30, 2010 W ED N ESD AY, OCT. 2 7 REGISTRATION AND HELP DESK OPENING TH URSD AY, OCT. 2 8 OPENING CEREMONY AND WELCOME ADDRESS Chairs: Francesco Béguinot (Naples, IT) and Hans Ulrich Haering (Tübingen, DE) Gabriele Riccardi (Naples, IT) Welcome address of the Pres

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Rabattverträge der AOK-Gemeinschaft und der AOK Niedersachsen Stand: 1. Oktober 2010 Rabattverträge der AOK-Gemeinschaft mit Gültigkeit für die AOK Niedersachsen Wirkstoff AciclovirAlendronsäureAlfuzosinAlfacalcidolAllopurinolAmiodaronAmisulpridAmitriptylinAmlodipinAmoxicillinAmoxicillin + ClavulansäureAtenololAzathioprinAzithromycinBaclofenBeclometasonBetamethasonBezafibratBic


Reporting adverse events: basis for a common representation M´elanie Courtot 1 , Ryan R. Brinkman 1,2 and Alan Ruttenberg 3 1BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, NY, USA Abstract. Reports of adverse events aim to monitor the status of patients in clin

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Scientific Inquiry, vol. 9, No. 2, December, 2008, pp. 123 – 130 IIGSS Academic Publisher LOGISTIC MODEL BASED ON TWO-STAGE FCM CLUSTER AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN CURATIVE EFFECT ANALYSIS SHAN ZENGa, XIAOJUN TONGa,b*, QIUMING HUANGa aDepartment of Mathematics and Physics, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023; bDepartment of Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong


Bio-Rad Laboratories Near IR Spectra Collection of Common Organic Compounds (Low) 587 HN-587 1(2H)-Naphthalenone, 3,4-dihy-515 HN-515 1,2,3-Propanetriol, triacetate1025 HN-1025 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,1028 HN-1028 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,1011 HN-1011 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,1014 HN-1014 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,164 HN-164 1,3-Benzodioxole-5-carboxalde-1030 HN-10

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Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich, P.O. Box 68, CH-8029 Zurich, Switzerland Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich, Division of Clinical Psychiatry MEDICATION AND SIDE EFFECTS RATING DAY CARD NUMBER [ _ _ : _ _ : _ _ ] DATE (dd.mm.yy) [ _ _ : _ _ : _ _ ] INTERVIEWER HOSPITAL PATIENT ID (the hospital’s internal PID) [ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] 6

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Donald J. QUIGG, Assistant Secretary of Commerce United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit. Donald O. Beers, Arnold & Porter, Washington, D.C., argued for plaintiff-appellee. With him on the brief were Stuart J. Land, John Agar and David E. Korn. Also on the brief was Richard E. Fichter, Bacon & Thomas, Alexandria, Va., of counsel. Irene M. Solet, Dept. of Justice, Washingt

Minister of health and others vs

Minister of Health and Others vs. Treatment Action Campaign and Others 2002 (5) SA 721 (CC), 2002 10 BCLR 1033 Children's rights - basic health care services; Health rights - access to health care; Socio-economic rights - minimum core obligations; Women's rights - reproductive health. Facts This case related to a challenge brought by the Treatment Action Campaign, Dr Haroon Saloojee and


Vol. 19, No. 17 International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers August 23, 2012 Pharma’s Dilemma Within The Eurozone (Source: Edited excerpts from an article written by Katrina Megget, edited by Claire Bowie and Jenny Hone and published in the Pharma’s dilemma with respect to the Eurozone market is Spain and Portugal: Germany and the UK are also being subjected two-fold: a ri

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AllianceBernstein— Global Equity Blend Portfolio Market Overview during the month. The US economy detractors. Société Générale was In a highly volatile August, equity continued to falter as manufacturing also hit by speculation that France markets worldwide fell sharply, as was slower than expected and could be downgraded, after S&P’s mounting global economic woes personal

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HISTORIAL DEL GRUPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN QUMIOPLAN El equipo multidisciplinar que compone este Grupo de Investigación posee una amplia experiencia en el aislamiento, elucidación estructural y determinación de actividades biológicas de productos naturales, así como en la semisíntesis de productos naturales bioactivos y el estudio de relaciones estructura-actividad (estudios SAR y QSAR). E


Predication-based Semantic Indexing: Permutations as a Means to Encode Predications in Semantic Space Trevor Cohen, MBChB, PhDa, Roger W. Schvaneveldt, PhDb, Thomas C. Rindflesch, PhDc aCenter for Decision Making and Cognition, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University, Phoenix Arizona bDepartment of Applied Psychology, Arizona State University cNational L


Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2012, 28 (1-2), 43-52 Review Article CRAVING IN SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS Shobit Garg, Ambrish S. Dharmadhikari, V.K. Sinha Abstract Drug addiction constitutes a chronic central nervous system disorder and one of the most serious public health problems globally. Most prominent feature of addictive behaviour is craving which can be described as the psy


war resisters’ international internationale des résistant(e)s á la guerre internationale der kriegsdienstgegner/innen internacional de resistentes a la guerra internacio de militrezistantoj 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX, Britain A military constitution for the European Union? Or: The European Union too is on a course towards war This text was written by Tobias Pflüger fr

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============================================= INETMEDIA - om Informationen på Internet Nr 20-2010 - 11 juni 2010 ============================================= Årgång 14 - nr 601 ============================================= Berätta om INETMEDIAs nyhetsbrev för en vän eller kollega. Hon eller han kan prenumerera gratis genom att logga in på adressen: <ht

Session #6 mac and phy proposal evaluation scoring results:summary

IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Session #6 MAC and PHY Proposal Evaluation Scoring Results: Summary 2 0 0 0 - 0 3 - 0 8 These results fulfill part of the “Development Plan for 802.16.1 Air Interface Standard” 802.16-99/05. The results are output from 802.16 session #5. They are the output from the session #5score compilation committee. At session #6, 802.16 observ

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MOZAMBIQUE CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL STANDARDS MOZ-CATS-MR MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS Mozambique Civil Aviation Technical Standards – Part 67 – Medical Requirements MOZAMBIQUE CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL STANDARDS: CATS Each Chapter is re-printed from the amended page onwards. Parts Title Control Date MOZ-CATS-FCL63 Flight Engineer Licensing MOZ-CATS-GSPL Ground Service


IMPLANT DENTISTRY / VOLUME 20, NUMBER 1 2011 Effect of Sinus Membrane Perforation on Dental Implant Integration: A Retrospective Study on 128 Patients Eric Oh, DDS,* and Richard A. Kraut, DDS†Sinusaugmentationasreportedby Acommoncomplicationofsinus patient who had an intact sinus. All augmentation is perforation of the four infections resolved after culture sensitivity and p

Co-occurring disorder-related issue briefs

Co-Occurring Disorder-Related Quick Facts: NICOTINE Nicotine: Nicotine, a component of tobacco, is the primary reason that tobacco is addictive, although cigarette smoke contains many other dangerous chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide, acetaldehyde, nitrosamines, and more.1 In 1988, the Surgeon General concluded that cigarettes and other forms of tobacco (i.e., cigars, pipes

Effect of asparagine or glutamine on growth

Bioscience Research, Bioscience Research , 8(1): 08-14, 2011 Research Article Available online at www.isisn.org ©ISISnet Publishers Print ISSN: 1811-9506 Antilipidemic activity of Coriandrum Sativum S. Kousar*, N. Jahan, Khalil-ur-Rehman and S. Nosheen Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan . *Corresponding author


IV Trimestre de 2013 El santuario Lección 4 Lecciones del Santuario Sábado 19 de octubre Dios ordenó a Moisés respecto a Israel: “Hacerme han un Santua-rio, y yo habitaré entre ellos”, y moraba en el Santuario en medio de su pueblo. Durante todas sus penosas peregrinaciones en el desierto, estuvo con ellos el símbolo de su presencia. Así Cristo levantó s


Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation Drug Formulary Website: www.pplusic.com Last Updated 7/08 This is a summary by category of formulary alternatives. Physicians Plus reserves the right to change the formulary at any time. When an acceptable generic is available, the generic productis considered the covered, formulary product. Prior Authorization FAX # 608-258-1905, Pharmacy Services phone #

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CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITA DEI PRODOTTI I prodotti contenuti nel catalogo virtuale alla pagina web www.ivecostore.com (qui di seguito "Prodotti") sono offerti in vendita da: Seri System S.p.A. (di seguito "Seri") sede legale in Via Martiri, 10042 Nichelino (TO), Italia C.F. e P.IVA 06657970015, n. iscrizione Registro imprese 803871. Seri è autorizzata da Fiat Gr


pORF9-mIL-15 An expression vector containing the murine Interleukin 15 open reading frame PRODUCT INFORMATION • mIL-15 Gene Content: Murine IL-15 gene (intronless ORF) from the ATG to the stop codon. - 1 disk of lyophilized GT100 E. coli bacteria transformed by pORF9-mIL-15. - GT100 genotype is: F-, mcrA , Δ (mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) , Ø80lacZ∆M15 , • SV40 pAn: The Simian V


Head Injuries and Helmet Laws in Australia and New Zealand Victoria was the first Australian State to introduce bicycle helmet laws, on 1 July 1990. Over the next few years, all other States passed similar legislation, because of threats by the Federal Government to reduce road funding if States failed to comply with a 10-point road safety program including bicycle helmet laws. New Zeal


Monitoring Report - Institution for the Execution of Penal Decisions in Fushë-Krujë The Institution for the Execution of Penal Decisions in Fushë-Krujë was monitored by the experts of the European Institute of Tirana on 12 May 2011 . The maximum housing capacity of this facility is 312 people. At the time of the visit, there were 387 people in the institution of whom 29 pre-de

Draft (v2) position statement on behalf of:

Antihypertensive medications and exercise International SportMed Journal , Vol.9 No.1, 2008, pp.32-38, http://www.ismj.com International SportMed Journal FIMS Position Statement Antihypertensive medications and exercise Associate Professor Wayne Derman UCT/MRC Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Sport Science Institute of South Africa, Boundary Rd, Newlands,


NUTRITION ISSUES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, SERIES #82 Carol Rees Parrish, R.D., M.S., Series Editor Nutritional Recommendations for Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Evidence Based Review Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes a spectrum of liver disorders due to abnormal fat deposition in the liver. These range histopathologically from simple steato- sis to st

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Specification Sheet CP-2170-0498 AMETEK EPC 2000® Electronic Pressure Calibrator ❑ +0.05% Accuracy of Reading Traceable to NIST ❑ UL and c-UL Division 1, Class 1, Group C,D and CENELEC EEx ib IIB T3 (179°C) Instrinsic Safety Approved, CE Mark Compliant ❑ Modular, Interchangeable Pressure Ranges up to 2,000 psi (135 bar ) ❑ Current, Voltage & Pressure Switc

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TEMA 3. LA FE SOBRENATURAL 1. NOCIÓN Y OBJETO DE LA FE El acto de fe es la respuesta del hombre a Dios que se revela (cfr. Catecismo, 142). «Por la fe el hombre somete completamente su inteligencia y su voluntad a Dios. Con todo su ser da su asentimiento a Dios que revela» ( Catecismo , 143). La Sagrada Escritura llama a este asentimiento «obediencia de la fe» (cfr. Rm 1, 5; 16,

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Auteurs espagnols Aguilera, La folie de Dieu (Fantastique) Moyen âge Le sommeil de la raison (Fantastique) Les enfants de l’éternité (Science-fiction) Rihla (Fantasy) Asensi, Matilde Iacobus Moyen âge Barba, Andrés Et maintenant, dansez La soeur de Katia Adolescents Blasco Ibáñez, Arènes sanglantes Cela, Camilo José L


Evaluation of insulin-like growth factor-I in postmenopausal women with breast cancer treated with raloxifene Benedito Borges da Silva, Cleicilene Gomes Pires, Edílson Carvalho Sousa-Junior,Alesse Ribeiro dos Santos, and Pedro Vitor Lopes-Costa Department of Gynecology, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil Corresponding author and requests for reprints: Benedito Borg

Bioassay- guided fractionation and anti-fungal activity studies on pisonia grandis r

International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2013; 5(1); 1-3Bioassay- Guided Fractionation and Anti-Fungal Activity Studies on*Shubashini K. Sripathi, Poongothai G. Department of Chemistry, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT Bioassay- guided fractionation of ethanol extract of leaves of Pisonia grandis was studied for its anti-fu

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International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2013 Women’s Rights in Sri Lanka: An inquiry into the Rights of Plantation Women R. Ramesh, Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Susantha Rasnayake, Thushara Kamalrathne, Abstract The Sri Lankan Constitution of 1978 and the CEDAW1 are two of the most important key contributors to the promotion of

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European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, K. Majava, and O. Pironneau (eds.) COMPARATIVE IDENTIFICATION OF LINEAR MODEL OF MULTIFACTOR CHOICE Eduard G. Petrov , Atageldy O. Ovezgeldyev and Konstantin E. Petrov National University of Radio Electronics, Lenin Avenue, 14, 61166, Kharkov, Ukraine National University of the

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Dr.Lalitha.V et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) ANTIFUNGAL AND ANTIBACTERIAL POTENTIALITY OF SIX ESSENTIAL OILS EXTRACTED FROM PLANT Department of Studies in Botany and Microbiology Maharanis Science College for Women, Palace Road CMR Institute of Management Studies(Autonomous) C.A. #2, 3rd ‘C’ Cross, 6th ‘A’ Main, HRBR layout, 2nd B

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FEMALE INFORMATION Name: _____________________________________________ Birth date: ____________________________ Age: ________ Occupation: _________________________________________ Term births: ________________________________ How long have you been trying to achieve a pregnancy? ________ months of unprotected intercourse How long have you been trying to achieve a pregnancy with current par


METHOD DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS ESTIMATION OF PIOGLITAZONE AND GLIMEPIRIDE – A UV SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC APPROACH Kottu P. K*., Gadad A.P. and Dandagi P. M. (Received 01 June 2012) (Accepted 12 october 2012) ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of the present work was to design a simple, accurate, economical and reproducible Uv spectrophotometric method for th

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www.ijohey.it - Italian Journal of Occupational and Environmental HygieneProfessional exposure to antineoplastic drugs in oncology wards:environmental pollution levels found in several oncology wards andrisks reduction strategiesEsposizione professionale a chemioterapici antiblastici in ambito sanitario: con-siderazioni sui livelli di contaminazione degli ambienti di lavoro e strategie diminimizz


“ W h at E m p lo y e r s Wa n t B u t B u s i n e sssection introduces inspiring, timeless ideas in lighthat Employers Want But Business Schools Don’tof problems encountered by people in their everydayTeach is one such book that tries to address the needsof a career-oriented employee. In the past, muchThe authors call the First Chapter “Life’s has been written on attitudes, mo


Congé d'allaitement Secteur public Aucun congé d'allaitement n'existe en temps que tel pour le secteur public (par contre l'interruption de carrière et le congé parental sont un droit). Toutefois, si les conditions sont réunies, la travailleuse peut bénéficier du "congé d'écartement pour allaitement" (voir plus bas). Secteur privé Plusieurs situations so


JOBNAME: meno 12#2 2005 PAGE: 1 OUTPUT: Tue February 22 18:09:19 2005lww/meno/82367/GME149345Prod#: GME149345Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause SocietyVol. 12, No. 2, pp. 232-237DOI: 10.1097/01.GME.0000130927.03993.5C Ó 2005 The North American Menopause Society s Text printed on acid-free paper. Percutaneous administration of progesterone: blood levelsand endometrial prot


Innovation NJ: New Jersey’s Famous Inventors and Innovations Howard Aiken – Aiken invented the MARK I Computer Jack Avins – invented the industry standard FM detector for radio and television resources. John Bardeen, William Shockley, Walter Brattain – This trio invented the transistor and eventually would go on to receive the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. Donald L. Campb

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David R. Simonsen, Jr., Esquire 8003 Franklin Farms Drive Suite 131 Richmond, Virginia 23229-5107 Carl W. Isbrandtsen, P.C. 589 Yopps Cove Road White Stone, Virginia 22578 Robin K. Wilson v. Osama S. Modjadidi, D.D.S. CL06-4670 This case comes before the Court on Defendant's Demurrer to Counts I and II of Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint. I have reviewed the pleadings and the memoran

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Access-produkter v9 släpps onsdag 12 Mars Version 9 (på svenska) av Supernova, Hal, Lunar och LunarPlus släpps den 12 mars 2008. Omskriven kod för Internet Explorers Document Object Model (DOM) Våra utvecklare har skrivit om koden för Internet Explorers DOM från grunden. Detta innebär bland annat mer konsekvent och tillförlitlig navigering när du läser Internetsidor med hjä

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List of Items for Flood Relief by Categories BY ITA & Emergency Focal Hubs/Persons Only medicines collection is handled by the Lahore Office – All other deliveries to ITA Hubs No Clothes to be sent please unless new from wholesalers of different sizes Kindly send materials to Flood Relief Hubs only: List ITA Hubs on next sheet w. addresses Food Items Dry Items Hardy Biscuits;

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Dr Geoff Bower Patient History for HEART SCANS (Myocardial Perfusion Studies) Patient Name: ___________________________________ Date of birth: _____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Home: ______________ Mobile: _____________________ Work: _________________ Name of contact person in case of emergency: ______


Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis-Clinical Characteristics of Infection 1. What if spot fades on the SNAP a bunch then is darker next time around? The intensity of the color reaction does not correlate with the level of antibody titer; the SNAP is designed and should only be interpreted as a qualitative yes/no assay and not a quantitative test. 2. When do you re-check the CBC? 6 months later?


Allegra, Giorda, and Paris Reply: In our Letter [weaddressed the evolution of photon-number entangled statesstate of a harmonic oscillator in noisy channels describedA ¼ 12 Àð1 þ NTÞ, B ¼ 12 ÀNT, where À is the dampingfactor of the channel and NT the average number of thermalexcitations of the channel. Upon exploiting several non-equivalent separability criteria we found evidence tha


Psychiatry Naturalistic Impact of Second-Generation Antipsychotics on Weight Gain Diana I Brixner, Qayyim Said, Patricia K Corey-Lisle, A Vickie Tuomari, Gilbert J L’Italien, William Stockdale, BACKGROUND: While second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) have had benefits over earlier antipsychotic treatments, their use has been associated with reports of weight gain. Body mass index (B


Material Safety Data Sheet NOT CLASSIFIED AS HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO CRITERIA OF NOHSC 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY Product name 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Not classified as hazardous according to criteria of NOHSC Not classified as a Dangerous Good according to the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail. Not classified as


Congeneric and (Essentially) Tau-Equivalent Estimates of Score Reliability: What They Are and How to Use Them Educational and Psychological Measurement The online version of this article can be found at:http://epm.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/66/6/930 can be found Educational and Psychological Measurement Additional services and information for (this article cites 4

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Interface: a journal for and about social movements Volume 2 (2): 149 - 167 (November 2010) Lucas, Patient-centred strategies… Patient-centered strategies to counter stigma, oppression and forced incarceration in the C/S/X and medical cannabis movements Philippe Lucas Abstract Under the guise of protecting personal health and public safety, federal and regional gove


After sponges have been removedFrom this point on you need to keep to the following These terms are used to describe the rods or routine. You do not need a new toothbrush each time, but wires that connect your fixator to the bone. make sure it is new from the start and is kept clean. The external device that holds your fracture in 1 Do the following every morning and every the right positi


Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science 1(1): 1-6 (2009) ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Quality and standardisation of Royal Jelly Anna Gloria Sabatini1*, Gian Luigi Marcazzan1, Maria Fiorenza Caboni2, Stefan Bogdanov3, Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian 4 1 CRA- Istituto Nazionale di Apicoltura, Bologna, Italy. 2 Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti, Università di Bologna, Ital


MACCARTY - MAYNOR Genealogy Notebook #35 urname(s), First Name D escription Mac-Mc MacCarthy, Theaddeus Suffolk Court Records MacCallon, Walter New London in New England 1679 Macoone, various Newspaper Articles MacCoy, Hugh Civil Records MackDaniel, Dennis Suffolk Court Records McDaniel, various Newspaper Articles - Notes MacGregory, Le

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In vitro models for the determination of drug mode of action IBAM GbR Dr. Rainer Knörle & Dr. Peter SchnierleFerdinand-Porsche-Str. 5, 79211 Denzlingen Our service offering includes several models for the identification of the molecular targets of a drug and of its off-target effects It has been shown that melanin a pigment found in the skin and other parts of the body has an ability



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Intuit and CVS Caremark are always looking for ways to offer you more choices and help you save money on your prescriptions. Your plan is designed to help you and your employer maintain affordable prescription drug coverage, and save on prescription costs by encouraging the use of lower-cost generic drugs. Starting August 1, 2011 , the following pharmacy plan changes will be implemented. Bran

Active vision: fixational eye movements help seeing space in time

12. Smith, R.J.F. (1992). Alarm signals in fishes. 1. von Frisch, K. (1938). Zur Psychologie desFisch-Schwarmes. Naturwiss. 26, 601–606. 13. Pfeiffer, W. (1962). The fright reaction of fish. 14. Rehnberg, B.G., Bates, E.H., Smith, R.J.,bedeutung. Z. Vergl. Physiol. 29, 46–149. Sloley, B.D., and Richardson, J.S. (1989). Brain3. Mathuru, A.S., Kibat, C., Cheong, W.F.,benzodiazepine recep

Types of tea

Types of Tea Tea can be divided into five basic categories: black, green, oolong, white, and puerh. Tisanes are herbal/fruit or rooibos. All teas come from the same basic plant, the Camellia Senensis plant. The difference in tea arises from geography, growing conditions, and processing. With over 3,000 varieties, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world after water. Black

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Deer Damage Control Options Recruit Effective Hunters White-tailed deer are enjoyable to watch,photograph and hunt, but they can cause damage in rural asable and capable. Landownerstypically manage hunting opportuni-well as suburban areas of Kansas. As deer have increased inour state, they are becoming more of a problem in some areas. enjoyment of their family and friends. Hunting pro

Correlation between motor and phosphene thresholds: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study

r H uman B rain M apping 29:662–670 (2008) r Correlation Between Motor and Phosphene Thresholds: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study Choi Deblieck, 1 Benjamin Thompson, 2 Marco Iacoboni, 1,3,4 and Allan D. Wu 1,5* 1Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, California2Department of Psychology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California3Department of Psychiatry and

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DESARROLLO DE UN MÉTODO ANALÍTICO BASADO EN LA EXTRACCIÓN CON DISOLVENTES PRESURIZADOS Y ANÁLISIS CROMATOGRÁFICO PARA LA DETERMINACIÓN DE RESÍDUOS DE ANTIBIÓTICOS FLUOROQUINOLONAS EN HUEVOS S. Herranz, M.C. Moreno-Bondi and M.D. Marazuela* Departamento de Química Analítica, Facultad de CC. Químicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. * Contacto: El empleo ru


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Competence Centre - Clinical and Epidemiological Main axes of research The main objectives of the CIEC are to promote clinical research and to assist and support clinical research projects in Luxembourg. It can provide any kind of logistic support to hospitals or physicians interested in clinical trials. It is also a contact partner for pharmaceutical industries interested in conducting clinic


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Doctors or horticulturists

Green fingers or pink Viagra? Female sexual dysfunction and medicalisation in contemporary medical discourse In January 2003, the British Medical Journal published an article by one of its resident journalists, Ray Moynihan, called “The making of a disease: female sexual dysfunction”. Moynihan wrote in this article that ‘A cohort of researchers with close ties to drug companies are

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Publikationsliste Originalarbeiten 1. Ledergerber B., Bettex J-D., Joos B., Flepp M. , Lüthy R. (1985) Effect of standard breakfast on drug absorption and multiple-dose pharmacokinetiks of ciprofloxacin. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 27:350-353 2. Joos B., Hugentobler A., Ledergerber B., Flepp M. , Bettex J-D., Lüthy R. (1985) Comparison of high-pressure liquid chromatograp

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“Innovazione e sicurezza”: ecco i vincitori Sicurezza stradale, incendi, lotta al crimine ambientale: questi i temi dei progetti premiati a TechFOR 2010 Sono dieci i progetti vincitori della prima edizione del Premio “Innovazione e sicurezza” , istituito in collaborazione con TechFOr , il Salone Internazionale delle Tecnologie per la Sicurezza. Il premio è nato con l�

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE SILVIA LUCIA CUFFINI EDUCACIÓN B.Sc. University of Córdoba. Argentine. 1989 Ph.D. University of Córdoba. Argentine. 1994 POSITIONS -CONICET – Full-time Researcher (since 1997) -Responsible Researcher of X-Ray Diffraction Sector-Radiation Laboratory CEPROCOR (Technological Center of Cordoba) (2000-2010) -Visited Professor in Universidade Federal de Santa C


MARKET INFO FOR THE WEEK – Monday 18 January 2010 Table of Contents 1. SA Dividends equities paying out dividends and their last trading day. 2. IdealCFDs Events Calendar Dates for all upcoming Seminars / Profit Centers and Trading 3. Company Calendar 4. SA Publications 5. Foreign Events for the week Summary of daily foreign announcements for the week.

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CPCC is a national leader in workforce development. inside.cpcc.edu Number 6 February 12, 2009president for 23 years, who led the College froma trade school with 1200 students to the state’sWith the February 4 closing because of inclementNominations are being sought for individu-weather, faculty are reminded that they areobligated to make every effort to make up theMaking up missed c

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The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease Review: Autonomic neuropathy: a marker of cardiovascular risk British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease 2003 3: 84The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease Additional services and information for Autonomic neuropathy: a marker of c

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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 1381–1390Pretreatment of Miscanthus for hydrogen production byT. de Vrije ∗ , G.G. de Haas, G.B. Tan, E.R.P. Keijsers, P.A.M. ClaassenDepartment Bioconversion, Agrotechnological Research Institute (ATO B.V.), P.O. Box17, 6700 AA Wageningen, NetherlandsPretreatment methods for the production of fermentable substrates from Miscanthus, a

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: throughout the Lifespan Roland Rotz, Ph.D. AD/HD…Current definition A lifespan neurobiological condition characterized by behavioral difficulties in the areas of inattention, poor impulse control, and/or hyperactivity impacting relationships and/or activities of daily living such as work or school. Presence of symptoms

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CUYAHOGA COUNTY AGENCY OF INSPECTOR GENERAL SECTION 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLE Consistent with the premise that government at all levels exists first and foremost to serve the interests of the people, it is the mission and intent of the Cuyahoga County (“County”) Agency of Inspector General (“AIG”) to at all times fully comply with and abide by both the spirit and the letter


PRODUCTION OF DRUG NANOPARTICLES OF CONTROLLABLE SIZE USING SUPERCRITICAL FLUID ANTISOLVENT TECHNIQUE WITH ENHANCED MASS TRANSFER Gupta R.B1, and Chattopadhyay P.*2 1-Auburn University, 2-Ferro Corporation. Ferro Corporation, 7500, E. Pleasant Valley Road, Independence, OH 44133. U.S.A. Email: [email protected] Fax: (216) 7506915 ABSTRACT The use of supercritical


Highland Park Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir Saturday 10:30 A.m. Winspear Opera House (Gold track) Friday 2:00 p.m. Meyerson Symphony Center (Blue Track) Since its founding in 1926, the Highland Park Presbyterian Church has placed a strong emphasis on the importance of music in worship. The church’s principle ensemble, the Chancel Choir, serves its faith community in more than 100 worship


Acta Theriologica 50 (2): 161–166, 2005. PL ISSN 0001–7051 Winter mortality rates of bats inhabiting man-made shelters (northern Poland) Ireneusz RUCZYÑSKI, Iwona RUCZYÑSKA and Krzysztof KASPRZYKRuczyñski I., Ruczyñska I. and Kasprzyk K. 2005. Winter mortality rates of batsinhabiting man-made shelters (northern Poland). Acta Theriologica 50: 161–166. Non-predator and non-accid

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International Journal of Veterinary Science CASE REPORT Induction of Fertile Estrus in Bitch (Pug) With Cabergolin - A Case Report S Shinde*, B Krishnappa1, Brijesh Kumar1, P Perumal1, HK Gupta2 and SK Srivastava2 1 Ph.D scholars; 2Pr. Scientist, Division of Animal Reproduction, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, (U.P.) India A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C

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Management of Over-Granulation in a Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Clinical Experience Krishnaprasad I N1, Soumya V2, Abdulgafoor S3 Abstract Over-granulation or exuberant granulation tissue is a common problem encountered in the care of chronic wounds,especially that of diabetic foot ulcers. There are several potential options for the treatment of this challenging problem. Some have an immedia

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www.spitiecosphere.com Trip Essentials Months: June to October Duration: 17 days Route: Delhi - Manali – Spiti – Manali – Delhi Maximum Altitude: 5000 mts. Key features: Volunteering on projects mitigating the impacts of climate change, Homestays, weekend excursions During this journey you will be assisting the local community in construction of a Solar bath/ Greenhouse. Th

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Saharan et al. Dissolution Enhancement of Drugs Reprinted from International Journal Health Research Peer-reviewed Online Journal Abstracting/Indexing African Index Medicus, Open-J-Gate, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Socolar, Saharan et al. Dissolution Enhancement of Drugs International Journal of Health Research The International Journal of Health Res


La Viagra reina entre los productos más falsificados de la UE En 2012 se interceptaron 1.000 millones en imitaciones, el 23% de medicamentos Impreso por Eva Pallas . Prohibida su reproducción. Jeff Bezos en la presentación de la tableta Kindle Fire de Amazon, en Nueva York en 2011. / BLOOMBERG El fundador de Amazon compra el ‘Washington Post’ macéuticos de EEUU señala

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Bioidentical Hormone Therapies Functional and integrative medicine is the focus of this practice. Integrative and functional medicine is a lens by which a practitioner examines the patient from their social and cultural perspective, genetics, environmental influences, personality, hormonal influences and other components that may affect their health. She concentrates on a preventive medica


Medicines Shortages 01 March 2014 © IPU Services Ltd These materials are provided for the use,in their respective pharmacies, by members of the Irish Pharmacy Union. These materials, the information contained in these materials or any other contents of these materials may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, downloaded, modified, distributed, altered in any way, inte

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6. SUBSTANCE ABUSE: ALCOHOL AND DRUGS OVERVIEW In this module, we examine the different kinds of drugs, both those accepted by Western Society and those which are banned. We explain how people become dependent, and show how you can help people conquer their addiction, using the "disease concept" as your guideline. Extract THE EXTENT OF THE PROBLEM One hundred


Emerging Role of Sildenafil in Neonatology MANISH MALIK AND RAHUL NAGPAL From the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, India. Correspondence to: Dr Manish Malik, Senior Consultant Neonatologist, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi 110 017,India. [email protected] Over the last few years, sildenafil is increa

Presentación de powerpoint

Cultura ciudadana es el conjunto de costumbres-rutinas yque generan sentido de pertenencia, facilitan la convivencia y conducen al respeto del patrimonio común y al reconocimiento de los derechos y deberes ciudadanos en una ciudad Las costumbres-rutinas manifiestan : ellas no son meditadas Las justificaciones aparecen como racionalizaciones frente a situaciones dilemáticas, o en enc

Giordania+gersulamme 29 mar int

A.A.M.S. –A.I.P.O. –ADAS Intercral Parma - ACI Parma - ACLI Parma - ADAS Provinciale – Aeroporto G Verdi SOGEAP - Agenzia Dogane Parma - Agenzie Entrate Fidenza - Agenzie Entrate Parma – Agenzia del Territorio - A.L.F.A. Parma - APLA – ARTA – Ass.ne Pallavolisti Parmensi – U.S. Audace - Autocamionale della Cisa - Banco Sardegna – Banca Popolare di Vicenza - Caprazucc

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DM45624.qxp:DM45624 Meds 11/16/09 1:57 PM Page 1 Anticholinergic Agents COMBINATION BRONCHODILATOR THERAPY The key mechanism of anticholinergic medicationsappears to be the blocking of muscarinic receptors(M1, M2, and M3). By blocking acetylcholine-• Combining bronchodilators with differentmediated bronchoconstriction, the end resultSide effects associated with anticholinergic therapy�

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Java Bytecode to Native Code Translation: The Caffeine Prototype and Preliminary Results Cheng-Hsueh A. Hsieh John C. Gyllenhaal Wen-mei W. HwuCenter for Reliable and High-Performance Computing Abstract exists behind efforts to create such a software distributionlanguage. The progress, however, has been very slow due to The Java bytecode language is emerging as a software distribution

Newsletter 4 draft

MEDICAL NEWSLETTER olume 2 Issue 1 IN THIS ISSUE: NON-STEROIDAL ANTI- INFLAMMATORY DRUGS AND RUGBY PLAYERS November 2012 V INTRODUCTION There are no regulations in Rugby Union that refer to the use of non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), however, there is anecdotal evidence that many players take NSAIDs before and after playing and training. NSAIDs are p

Applying human rights to improve access to reproductive health services

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetricsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i j g oApplying human rights to improve access to reproductive health servicesDorothy Shaw Rebecca J. Cook a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadab Faculty of Law, Univers

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General Advices and Action Plan for Human Swine Influenza (Pandemic (H1N1) 2009) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Human swine influenza (also known as pandemic (H1N1) 2009) is currently circulating among the people in Hong Kong. Even though the symptoms are relatively mild, the lack of antibodies in the human population causes the virus to spread rapidly across the city. This document aims to devel


Efficacia del trattamento riferita da 917 persone con la sensibilità Pamela Reed Gibson, Amy N. M. Elmi, Lisa A. Ruding - James Traduzione dall’inglese di Donatella Stocchi e della dott.ssa Anna CesarettiL'articolo è stato presentato alla Conferenza sulla MCS del Chemical Injury Information Network –Santa Fe, New Messico, 13-15 agosto 2001Corrispondenza: Pamela Gibson, Ph.D., James Madi

The 8th ismo symposium in africa

Social Work & Society ▪▪▪ W. Specht: Street Children and Mobile Youth Work in Africa Street Children and Mobile Youth Work in Africa - the 8th ISMO Symposium October 2003 Walther Specht , Fakultät für Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Introduction The International Society for Mobile Youth Work (ISMO) and the National Counc


Mirror box therapy added to cognitive behavioural therapy inthree chronic complex regional pain syndrome type I patients:a pilot studyY.I.G. Vladimir Tichelaara, Jan H.B. Geertzenb,c, Doeke Keizerd andC. Paul van Wilgenb,dComplex regional pain syndrome type I is a disordersyndrome type I may facilitate rehabilitation. Measuringof the extremities with disability and pain as the mostwhether the


TIBET CLASSICO E FESTIVAL DI GANDEN Estensione: Everest e traversata himalaiana fino a Katmandu Viaggio in collaborazione con l’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa (Pomaia) Dal 6 al 20 o al 24 agosto 2014 Il viaggio inizia con la visita di Lhasa con le università monastiche e la partecipazione all’importante festival di Ganden, un momento intenso della vita culturale e del folclore tib


SwinE flu aSSESSmEnT – clinical algoriThm • This algorithm is intended to be used to assess patients over 1 year old. It is not for assessment of children under 1 year. • The assessment includes a series of questions concerning the patient’s current symptoms and their medical history. • Unless the patient requires an emergency referral to 999, the algorithm should be complete

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Pharmaceutical Update Kristopher May, OD Coldwater Vision Center Southern College of Optometry (Adjunct) Office: 662-622-5173 Fax: 662-622-5590 [email protected] Course Description: The immediate future presents a significant shift in pharmaceuticals for Optometry and Ophthalmology…but not only due to the products, due to industry changes. This course will cover all the new development


To: All Healthcare Professionals Re: Further Education on Propoxyphene Products Date: February 14, 2011 Background for Notice On November 19, 2010, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration recommended the withdrawal of propoxyphene products from the US market. The drug was pul ed from the market in response to study data that demonstrated propoxyphene, even at recommended doses, caused

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t. nr 755429 januari 2007, Rehn & Co: 040 - 611 90 11Riksförbundet för Mag- och Tarmsjuka (RMT), telefon 08-642 42 00 eller www.magotarm.seEuropeiska föreningen för patienter med IBD: www.efcca.org Denna folder har tagits fram som en service till sjukvården i samråd med Rikard Svernlöv, Specialistläkare, Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping. • Hur stor del av min tarm är in�

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INSTITUTO MUNICIPAL DE PESQUISA, ADMINISTRAÇÃO E RECURSOS HUMANOS – IMPARH Prova aplicada em 18 de maio de 2008 (TARDE). PROVA DE ANESTESIOLOGISTA - SMS Este Caderno de Prova contém 40 (quarenta) questões, numeradas de 01 a 40, todas com 04 (quatro) alternativas. Verifique se o caderno está completo ou se há imperfeições. Nestes casos, 01. Sobre a hipotermia, é correto afirmar q

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CURRICULUM VITAE IDENTIFICAÇÃO: HABILITAÇÕES ACADÉMICAS : ACTIVIDADE PROFISSIONAL NO ÂMBITO DO CINEMA E DO AUDIOVISUAL: Lança-se como Casting Director em 1989. É responsável pelo casting de inúmeros filmes, nacionais e estrangeiros, programas e séries para a televisão, bem como de mais de uma centena de filmes publicitários. Dá formação de casting na ACT, na Esco


Abacá en brutoAbacá peinadaAbanicos de papelAbrebocas de odontologíaAbrecartasAbrelatas domésticasAbrigos de algodón, de punto, masculinosAbrigos de algodón, femeninosAbrigos de algodón, masculinosAbrigos de fibra artificial, de punto, femeninosAbrigos de fibra sintética, de punto, femeninosAbrigos de fibra sintética, de punto, masculinosAbrigos de fibras sintéticas, femeninosAbrigos de


REFERENCES .plosjournals.org/archive/1549-1676/5/3/supinfo/10.1371_journal.pmed.0050067.sd001.pdf. 1. Food and Drug Administration. Developing guidance on conducting scientifi- 9. Joffe HV, Parks M, Meyer R, Jenkins J, Temple R. Rosiglitazone and the FDA. cally sound pharmacoepidemiologic safety studies using large electronic health- N Engl J Med . 2007;357(17):1775-1776. care data set


EVALUATION OF FAMILIES OF INFANTS WITH VERY LOW BIRTH WEIGHT IN HOME CARE 1 Anelize Helena Sassá2, Sonia Silva Marcon3 1 This study is part of the thesis - Nursing care delivery to infants with very low birth weight and families at home, presented to the Graduate Nursing Program (PSE) at Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), 2011. 2 M.Sc. in Nursing. Faculty Member, Nursing Departme


VAN DOORSLAER , PHILIPPE M. HEYNDERICKX , JO1KERMIT, Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and ProcessControl, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure links 653,2EnVOC, Department of Sustainable Organic Chemistry and Technology, Facultyof Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure links 653, B-9000 Ghent,Cellular automata (CA) appeared for the first time in


Behavior and Presence of Antidepressant Pharmaceuticals and Their DegradatesMethods Research and Development Program, National Water Quality Laboratory,Antidepressants are widely prescribed pharmaceuticals. In 2004, six of the 100most widely dispensed pharmaceuticals were antidepressants, including sertraline(Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac), venlafaxine (Effexor), paroxetine (Paxil), citalopram(Cel


J. Indian Chem. Soc., Vol. 86, February 2009, pp. 121-126 Synthesis and characterization of UO VI, ZrO IV and VO IV complexes with Schiff base macrocyclic tetradentate ligand and their derivatives with chloroacetic acid D. C. Dash*, R. K. Mohapatra, (Ms.) S. Ghosh and (Mrs.) P. Naik P. G. Department of Chemistry, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla, Sambalpur-768 019, Orissa,


“FLESSIBILI” IN RUSSIA Soma Engineering ha fornito al gigante del converting russo Borodino una macchina per la stampa flexo UV, caratterizzata da fascia di 800 mm e configurazione a tamburo centrale. D.B. su differenti supporti plastici, di diver-ding che comprende 30 aziende in-dipendenti) produce imballaggi edetichette per molti importanti marchi nelÈ stata apprezzata anche

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Drugs and Disorders: From specialized resources to Web data 1 Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal, 405 Ogilvy suite 101, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. In this article, we focus on the may_treat predicate linking drugs and disorders. Such predicate is expressed in RDF format in the VHA National Drug File Reference Terminology (NDF-RT), a specializ


23. What should the doctors treating dengue do?Patients suspected to be suffering from dengue haemorrhagic feveror dengue shock syndrome should be admitted to a hospital withoutdelay. The progress of these patients should be monitored regularlyat 1-2 hours interval. Platelet counts and haematocrits should bemonitored repeatedly to review the progress of patients. If thehaematocrit levels f

Tegdn, sensitivity reducing ingredient for nitrocellulose based propellants

TEGDN, Sensitivity reducing ingredient for nitrocellulose based Propellants Jaana Suuronen, EURENCO Vihtavuori, Ruutitehtaantie 80, FI-41330 VIHTAVUORI, 1. Background Nitroglycerin is an important and widely used component of explosive materials. In double base propellants it is a main component in addition to nitrocellulose and stabilizers. However, Nitroglycerin is dangerous to ha


Ind. J. Sci. Res. and Tech. 2013 1(1):35-37/Berry et al ISSN:-2321-9262 (Online) Online Available at: http://www.indjsrt.com Research Article ACINETOBACTER: AN OPPORTUNISTIC UROPATHOGEN *Bhumika Berry, Cherry Kedia, Lilly Karamdeep Grewal and Mona Goyal Dr. Lal Path Labs, Ludhiana, Punjab, India ABSTRACT The present study was conducted over a period of one year in the Microbiol

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news release Italian Cultural Institute 686 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10012 Tel. 212.879.4242 Fax 212.861.4018 email: [email protected] ITALIAN FICTION IN NEW YORK I COLORI DELLA GIOVENTÙ – THE COLORS OF YOUTH MARCH 20, 2006 - 6:00 p.m. The Italian Cultural Institute of New York in collaboration with RAI Fiction is honored to present the Italian TV Film,


Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ). Division of Medicinal Chemistry. 4th Brazilian Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry Synthesis of prodrug with therapeutic potential for tuberculosis meningitis using CDS Pinto, L.S.R.1; Fernandes, J.T. 2; Regasini3, L.O.; Peccinini, R.G.1; Silva, M.2*; [email protected] 1 Depto de Princípios Ativos Naturais e Toxicologia - Faculdade de

Growing up and living with the stigma of epilepsy

Bolton Data for Inclusion The Action Research Centre for Inclusion (Sponsored by: The Barrow Cadbury Trust) Data No 15 : July 1997 Author(s) : Margaret R Lea Title : Growing up and living with the stigma of epilepsy Abstract : This essay is written in the first person because it is autobiographical. It is, in parts, from a child’s view, growing up and

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Richtlinie Infektiologie/Spitalhygiene Antivirale Therapie Dieses Dokument soll die einstweilige Empfehlung für die antivirale Therapie und Prophylaxe für Menschen mit möglicher mexikanischer Grippe und deren Kontakte zusammenfassen. Sie wird gemäss den neuesten Erkenntnissen laufend angepasst. Begriffsklärungen a) Infektionsperiode ! Bei einem bestätigten Fal


International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2013; 5(2); 113-119Gastroprotective Efficacy of Folic Acid and Omeprazole in1Samar Morjan , *1Shaza Al Laham , 2Rana Atieh1Pharmacology & Toxicology Department - Faculty of pharmacy- Damascus University- Damascus-Syria2Histopathological Department - Medicin faculty- Damascus University- Damascus-Syria ABSTRACT Gastric and


Scott Martin Vouri, PharmD, BCPS, CGP Assistant Professor St. Louis College of Pharmacy April 12, 2013 Objectives 1. Describe the use of PDE-5 inhibitors in men with BPH 2. Identify potential areas of therapy where PDE-5 inhibitors may be beneficial and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is nearly universal in aging men with a prevalence exceeding 80% i


Síndrome do X Frágil O Retardo Mental tem sido detectado em 2-3% de todas as crianças (Melis, Tranebjaerg) e, embora os problemas genéticos sejam a causa da expressiva maioria dos casos, atualmente não se consegue atribuir uma alteração genética específica em mais de 50-70% dos casos. Entre as causas genéticas especificamente associadas ao Retardo Mental, a Síndrome do X Frágil é a


BBC NEWS | Health | Q&A: Advice about swine flu Q&A: Advice about swine flu Swine flu has spread across the world since emerging in Mexico and is now officially the first flu pandemic for 40 years. Experts fear millions of people will be infected. What is swine flu and what are the symptoms? Typical symptoms: sudden fever (38C or above) and sudden cough 1. Other sympto


Int. J. Odontostomat., 7(2) :193-198, 2013. Antimicrobial Susceptibility to b-lactams and Metronidazole of Microorganisms Isolated from Chronic and Aggressive Periodontitis Susceptibilidad Antimicrobiana a b-lactámicos y Metronidazol de Microorganismos Aislados de Periodontitis Crónica y Agresiva Elerson Gaetti-Jardim Júnior* & Christiane Marie Schweitzer** GAETTI-JAR

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TOP FIVE MISTAKES TO AVOID IN YOUR POISONED PATIENTS Associate Director of Veterinary Services In veterinary medicine, with any poisoned patient, the primary treatment for toxicant exposure should be decontamination and detoxification, along with symptomatic and supportive care. Initial steps when presented a poisoned patient should include immediate triage and stabilization, obtaining an ap

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Van Amstel S.R. et al./ Journal of Camelid Science 2 (2009) 41-49 Ivermectin concentrations in serum and cerebrospinal fluid after intravenous administration to healthy Llamas Van Amstel S. R.*, Portmann A. B., Doherty T. J, Newman S. J, Yarbrough J. W and College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, 2407 River drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996. Abstract The res


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EB and pruritus: Pruritus is a problem that plagues most of my children and adolescents with RDEB (as well as other forms). I have tried numerous oral antihistamines (most commonly cyproheptadine) without significant improvement. Recommendations from the group would be appreciated. Amy Theos, M.D. Assistant Professor UAB Department of Dermatology 1940 Elmer J. Bissell Road Birmingham,


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Review and Perspective Infectious Diseases Biobanking as a catalyst towards personalized medicine: M. tuberculosis paradigm Fotini Betsou1* , Shreemanta K. Parida2, Martine Guillerm31Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg; 6 rue Ernest Barble, L-1210 Luxembourg2Vaccine Grand Challenges Program, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi,3The UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special P

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How evidence-based are advertisements in journalsregarding the subspecialty of rheumatology?P. van Winkelen, J. S. van Denderen, C. Y. Vossen, T. W. J. Huizinga1 andF. W. Dekker for the SEDUCE study groupObjectives. In rheumatology, five different billion-dollar drugs have emerged in recent years, making this subspecialty the focusof extensive advertising campaigns. Considering this development

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Perindopril reduces mortality in Duchenne myopathy A team of researcher-clinicians coordinated by Professor Denis Duboc (Cochin Hospital, AP-HP, René Descartes University Paris V) and Doctor Henri-Marc Bécane (Myology Institute, AFM) have published the results of a study into the 10-year follow-up of children affected with Duchenne myopathy treated with perindopril. The study shows a signi


Intangible Economy and Financial Markets Charles GOLDFINGER ■ Intangible Economy That the economy is undergoing a far-reaching, rapid and ubiquitouschange is a largely controvertible statement. What is considerably morecontroversial is the nature of change. Knowledge Economy, DigitalEconomy, Information Society, Experience Economy, names for the neweconomy proliferate to the point of b


International Journal of Generic Drugs ANALYTICAL METHOD AM-V-0206-0300 P R O C E D U R E S of Pages: 24 HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl. ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION 10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationMethod is suitable for:ý In-process controlþ Product Releaseþ Stability indicating analysis (Suitability - US/EU Product)CAUTIONFLUOXETI


BYC10-600 Hyperfast power diode 20 September 2012 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description Hyperfast power diode in a SOD59 (2-lead TO-220AC) plastic package 1.2 Features and benefits • Reduces switching losses in associated MOSFET 1.3 Applications • Continuous Current Mode (CCM) Power Factor Correction (PFC)• Half-bridge/full-bridge switched-m

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Verbal working memory and the role of the phonological loop in Alzheimer’s Disease Introduction In the last few years, the nature of neuropsychological deficits in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) has been intensly researched. There have been a few investigations of verbal working memory in AD, wich reported more difficulties in verbal fluency test (e.g. Martin, A., Fedio, P. 1983; Martin, A., Brouwers,


J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2001) 3(2): 179-184. Enterococcus faecalis MDR Transporters 179 JMMB Symposium Enterococcus faecalis Multi-Drug Resistance Transporters: Application for Antibiotic Discovery Deborah vR. Davis1, James B. McAlpine1*, Christopher class, the first members of which were discovered in 1953 J. Pazoles1 , M. Kelly Talbot1, Elisabeth A. Alder1, Abbie (Charney et

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Int. J. Epidemiol. Advance Access published May 11, 2009 Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological AssociationInternational Journal of Epidemiology 2009;1–4 ß The Author 2009; all rights reserved. Commentary: The appearance of new medicalcosmologies and the re-appearance of sick andhealthy men and women: a comment on themerits of social theorizin


From the editor’s Desk CompoSITeS IN CoNSTRuCTIoN oF RoADS AND Developing Infrastructure and its related systems their identities and properties. In composites, one is integral to the economic and social well being of the materials will be in “Reinforcing phase” of a nation. Such systems affect our daily lives and the other will be in “Matrix phase”. Typically, ranging from


It is a paradox of the work of Artificial Intelligence that in order to grant con-sciousness to machines, the engineers first labour to subtract it from humans, asthey work to foist upon philosophers a caricature of consciousness in the digitalswitches of weights and gates in neural nets. As the caricature goes into publiccirculation with the help of the media, it becomes an acceptable counter


June 2011 A double-blind, crossover study of Effects of cranberry juice consumption Doxazosin and Enalapril on peripheral on vascular function in patients with vascular tone and nocturnal blood coronary artery disease. pressure in sleep apnea patients. Mustali M Dohadwala, Monika Holbrook, Naomi M Hamburg, Zou D, Grote L, Eder DN, Radlinski J, Hedner J.

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C H E S M A L S I R I WA R D H A N A , S U W I N H E WA G E , R U WA N D E S H A B A N D U , S I S I R A S I R I B A D D A N A A N D A T H U L A S U M A T H I PA L A Disasters take place around the globe on a regular basis, creating challenges for various stakeholders responsible for managing the aftermath. Large-scale disasters bring about many challenges regarding human rights, resear


COMUNICA AI LAVORATORI Nella giornata de 15 aprile presso l’ Hotel Hilton di Fiumicino si è tenuto il secondo incontro tra la Direzioni Aziendali di Pfizer, Rappresentata da Dott. Roberto Tocci, Dott.sa. Fanciulli , Dott. Italo Martino, e la Segreteria Provinciale F.I.A.L.C. - CISAL di Latina Rappresentata da Armando Valiani. Pfizer anche nel secondo incontro ha ribadito la volont

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___________________Joseph P Walton, PhD____________________ CURRICULUM VITAE Joseph P. Walton, Ph.D. Personal information Address: Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders University of South Florida PCD 1007 Tampa, FL 33647 Phone (813) 974-6473 E-mail [email protected] Birth place Education 1976 B.A. (Hearing Science) Employment 9/84 to 8/90 Assistant Pr

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Use a flat head screw driver to pry open the top of the 2GIG-DW20R-345 to change tops or access the battery. NOTICE: Before removing the circuit board, notice that it fits inside a channel on the The 2GIG-DW20R-345 is the industry’s most flexible supervised recessed door/window contact, allowing a multitude of applications while hiding the transmitter within a door or window frame. The 2G

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ITC Journal 1997-3/4 Biophysical sustainability of land use systems esting prospects for early warning applications and cropyield forecasting. The “sufficiency” of land unit properties can be gauged by monitoringselected system parameters and matching these with values calculatedfor a rigidly defined “production situation”. Land use system analysismust account for the dynamics of t

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Candida Albicans Possibly two-thirds of M.E. sufferers have their condition made worse by an infection with the yeast called Candida. This is a controversial subject, and there are widely differing opinions within orthodox and alternative medical professions. At one extreme are people who claim that Candida is the No.1 culprit in all M.E. patients, and that if you can get rid of it you will

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