Intravenous tranexamic acid and intraoperative visualization during functional endoscopic sinus surgery: a doubleblind randomized controlled trial
Intravenous tranexamic acid and intraoperative visualization
during functional endoscopic sinus surgery: a double-blind
Morgan A. Langille, MD1, Angelo Chiarella, MD2, David W.J. C ˆot ´e, MD1, Graeme Mulholland, BSc1,
Leigh J. Sowerby, MD1, Peter T. Dziegielewski, MD1 and Erin D. Wright, MDCM1
Background: Bleeding during endoscopic sinus surgery
included chronic rhinosinusitis without polyposis (n = 5),
(ESS) can hinder surgical progress and may be associated
chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis (n = 23). The use of
with increased complications. Tranexamic acid is an antifib-
the tranexamic acid was not associated with a statistically
rinolytic that is known to reduce operative bleeding. The
significant decrease in estimated blood loss (201 vs 231 mL;
current study was designed to assess the effect of adjunc-
p = 0.60) or Wormald grading scale (5.84 vs 5.80; p = 0.93).
tive intravenous tranexamic acid on intraoperative bleed-
There were no adverse events or complications during the
ing and the quality of the surgical field during ESS. Methods: Double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Pa- Conclusion: Adjunctive intravenous tranexamic acid does
tients undergoing ESS for the primary diagnosis of chronic
not appear to result in a clinically meaningful reduction in
rhinosinusitis with or without polyposis were included.
blood loss or improve visualization of the surgical field dur-
Sample size calculation based on a clinically relevant differ-
ence in the Wormald surgical field score yielded a sampleof 28. In addition to standard measures to minimize blood
loss, study patients received intravenous tranexamic acid
endoscopic surgical procedures; hemorrhage; sinusitis;
with control patients receiving intravenous normal saline.
Outcome measures included the Wormald grading scale toassess the intraoperative surgical field and estimated blood
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loss based on suction container contents with irrigation
Langille MA, Chiarella A, Cˆ e DWJ, et al. Intravenous tranexamic acid and intraoperative visualization during functional endoscopic sinus surgery: a double-blind ran- Results:
Twenty-eight patients (median age, 45 years;
domized controlled trial. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2012;
range, 23–80 years) were included in the study. Diagnoses
00: X-XX. Functionalendoscopicsinussurgery(FESS)isfrequently inintraoperativevisualizationcanhindersurgicalprogress.
used in the treatment of recalcitrant chronic rhinos-
In an effort to reduce bleeding and thus improve visual-
inusitis (CRS) and chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis
ization many surgeons use techniques such as hypotensive
(CRSwP). Excessive bleeding and the consequent reduction
anesthesia or total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA),1 eleva-tion of the head of the bed during surgery, and administra-tion of local vasoconstrictors.
1Division of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, University of
Tranexamic acid is a medication that can be adminis-
Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; 2Department of Anaesthesiology,
tered topically or intravenously. In the clotting cascade,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
it serves to stabilize the fibrin clot2 and reduces overall
Correspondence to: Erin D. Wright, MDCM, Alberta Sinus Centre, Universityof Alberta Hospital, Room 1E4 W.C. Mackenzie Centre, 8440-112 Street,
bleeding. Tranexamic acid has been used extensively in
Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7, Canada; e-mail: [email protected]
certain surgical procedures and has been shown to limit
Potential conflict of interest: E.D.W. has received travel and research
bleeding with no increase in adverse events. In coronary
funding from Medtronic Canada and Stryker Canada; he has served as a
artery bypass graft surgery, tranexamic acid was shown to
consultant for Johnson & Johnson Medical Products, and has been a paidspeaker for Merck and GlaxoSmithKline. None of the other authors have
reduce bleeding and the need for blood transfusions.3 A
review of using tranexamic acid in orthopedic surgery has
Received: 15 March 2012; Revised: 24 June 2012; Accepted: 17 July 2012
shown it to be safe and decreases perioperative blood loss.4
DOI: 10.1002/alr.21100View this article online at
For nasal bleeding, tranexamic acid has been suggested to
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, Vol. 00, No. 0, Month/Month 2012
reduce the frequency of epistaxis in patients with heredi-
tary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.5 Furthermore, it improveshemostasis and improves the surgical field when admin-
istered topically.6 However, the topical gel would impair
visualization of the underlying structures during ESS. Top-ical tranexamic acid can only be effectively applied at the
conclusion of the operation and would not serve to reduce
bleeding during the surgery when visualization is necessary.
The goal of the current study is to determine if the
adjunctive measure of intravenous tranexamic acid has
any effect on intraoperative visualization and bleeding
9–10 points of ooze (sphenoid fills in 60 seconds)
Mild bleeding/oozing from entire surgical surface with slow
accumulation of blood in postnasal space (sphenoid fills in
Moderate bleeding from entire surgical surface with moderate
Patients who had failed medical management for the di-
accumulation of blood in postnasal space (sphenoid fills in30 seconds)
agnosis of CRS or CRSwP and were thus undergoing ESS(bilateral complete sphenoethmoidectomies) were eligible
Moderately severe bleeding with rapid accumulation of blood in
for the study. The patients in this study represent a single-
postnasal space (sphenoid fills in 20 seconds)
surgeon series from a tertiary care center. Patients were ex-
Severe bleeding with nasal cavity filling rapidly (sphenoid fills in
cluded from the study if they had a history of hypertension,
renal failure, or vascular disease, or if they were AmericanSociety of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class III or greater. Pa-tients undergoing any additional surgical procedures such
was responsible for preparing tranexamic acid solution or
as a septoplasty were also excluded. Health Research Ethics
normal saline solution. This investigator was not involved
Board (HREB Protocol #00005621) approval and a Health
in data extraction or analysis. The randomization scheme
Canada no objection letter was obtained prior to patient
was not revealed until data had been collected from all
enrolment. The study was registered with
patients. The tranexamic acid or normal saline solutions
on September 15, 2009. Informed written consent was ob-
were prepared in 100 mL normal saline intravenous bags
so that they appeared indistinguishable to the case anesthe-siologist and operating surgeon. The experimental group
received tranexamic acid bolus (15 mg/kg) then infusion(1 mg/kg/hour) for the duration of the operation. The con-
Sample size calculation was based on a clinically relevant
trol group received the equivalent volume of normal saline.
reduction in surgical field bleeding with the intranasal use of
All patients received inhalational anesthetic, end-tidal
tranexamic acid.6 This previous work utilized the Wormald
grading scale (Table 1) to assess the operative field.7 For
2 was maintained between 30 and 35 mmHg, the head
of bed was elevated 15 degrees, and mean arterial pressure
the purpose of the current study, a difference of 1 on the
was maintained between 60 and 70 mmHg. All patients
Wormald scale was deemed clinically relevant. The cal-
underwent decongestion of the nasal mucosa, initially with
culation determined that 28 participants total (14 in the
oxymetazoline and subsequently with nasal pledgets soaked
tranexamic acid arm and 14 in the placebo arm) would be
in 1:1000 epinephrine. A bilateral intranasal injection was
required for a study with a power of 0.80 and an alpha of
performed in the region of the sphenopalatine artery with
1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine. The surgery wasthen carried out in a standard fashion using intraoperative
image guidance, mucosal sparing technique, and a com-
Continuous variables were compared using the Mann-
bination of through-cutting instrumentation and microde-
Whitney U test. Categorical variables were compared using
brider (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN).
the Fisher’s exact test. A level of significance was considered
The primary outcome measure was the Wormald grading
at p < 0.05. Analyses were performed with SPSS Statistics
scale. This scale requires an endoscopic video of each pa-
tient as described.6 Videos were viewed independently by2 investigators (E.D.W., L.J.S.) who assigned a Wormald
grade for each side of each patient (Fig. 1). Secondary
Our design was that of a double-blind, randomized,
outcome measures included the Peri-Operative Sinus En-
placebo-controlled trial with block randomization used to
doscopy (POSE) score,8 Lund-Kennedy endoscopic score
ensure an even distribution of treatment allotment. Only
(assigned on the 1 week postoperative follow-up visit),
1 study investigator (A.C.) knew the randomization and
and total estimated blood loss as calculated by measuring
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, Vol. 00, No. 0, Month/Month 2012
TABLE 3. Outcome comparison between patients
undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery for TXA
121.5, 24.2 (63–152) 131.5, 26.3 (83–177) 0.14
*Data are reported as: median, standard deviation (range). a Scores are reported as an average between left and right sides.
FIGURE 1. Surgical field visualization of the tranexamic acid group vs the
EBL = estimated blood loss; OR = operating room; POSE = Perioperative Sinus
placebo group using the Wormald grading scale.
TABLE 2. Intraoperative variables between patients
undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery for TXA
radiologic grading scores were equivalent for both groups
(p = 0.85). The POSE scores are shown in Table 3. Thepreoperative and postoperative POSE score showed no dif-
ference between groups. There was no difference in surgicaltime between groups (p = 0.14).
There was no statistically significant difference (p = 0.89)
between groups in terms of surgical field visualization as
measured by the Wormald grading scale with mean val-ues of 5.84 vs 5.80 for the tranexamic acid and normal
saline groups, respectively. There was no difference be-
tween groups in terms of estimated blood loss (201 vs231 mL mean blood loss in tranexamic acid and normal
saline groups, respectively; p = 0.40).
a Data are reported as: median, standard deviation (range).
All surgical procedures were completed and there was
ETCO2 = mean end-tidal CO2 (intraoperatively); MAC = mean minimal alveolarconcentration; MAP = mean arterial pressure (intraoperatively); TXA = tranexamic
no limitation of surgical progress by bleeding in any of
the cases. There were no operative complications and allpatients were discharged home the same day of surgery.
suction container contents with irrigation fluid subtracted. Data was also collected regarding preoperative acetylsali-cylic acid (ASA) and oral steroid use.
Blood loss during ESS can present a challenge to surgeons,particularly in cases of massive polyposis or in patients
with hypertension. Surgeons and anesthetists have devel-
Twenty-eight patients were enrolled between March 2010
oped several methods to minimize blood loss during surgery
and November 2011. Fourteen patients were enrolled in
such as preparing the nose with local vasoconstrictors, use
the tranexamic acid group and 14 were enrolled in the nor-
of hypotensive anesthesia, and elevating the head of the
mal saline group. Diagnoses included CRS without poly-
bed during surgery. Despite these measures, surgeons may
posis (n = 5) and CRSwNP (n = 23). Table 2 shows
still encounter cases in which bleeding may hinder surgical
the intraoperative variables between groups. The median
progress. Poor visualization during sinus surgery could the-
age of all participants was 45 (range, 23–80), with 17
oretically lead to misidentification of structures and result
males and 11 females. There were no statistically significant
in complications or incomplete surgery. Surgeons have an
differences in age between the study and control groups
interest in decreasing bleeding during surgery and tranex-
(p = 0.55). No patients in either group used ASA preopera-
amic acid has a proven benefit in other surgical procedures.
tively. There was no difference in preoperative oral steroid
The current study was developed to determine if tranex-
use between groups (p = 0.32). There was no difference
amic acid had any impact on intraoperative bleeding or
between groups with respect to the mean arterial pressure
(p = 0.77) and end-tidal CO2 (p = 0.98). Table 3 shows the
The current study employed strict inclusion and exclu-
outcome comparison between groups. The Lund-Mackay
sion criteria to ensure a homogeneous population. Patients
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, Vol. 00, No. 0, Month/Month 2012
with hypertension were excluded to ensure that a standard-
Any medication or protocol that decreases bleeding may
ized anesthetic protocol could be maintained to eliminate
help to increase intraoperative visualization and help with
intraoperative blood pressure as a confounding variable.
surgical progression and allow for a more complete surgical
The strict inclusion criteria led to a relatively long enrol-
procedure. Tranexamic acid is generally a safe medication11
ment period, which is a potential weakness of this study.
and there were no adverse events associated with its use in
A recent work9 found an improvement of the surgical field
our study. However, the current work has employed a rig-
using the Boezaart grading scale10 and a nonvalidated sur-
orous study design and has shown that intravenous tranex-
geon satisfaction scale. For this referenced study a smaller
amic acid offers no benefit as an adjunctive measure during
dose of tranexamic acid (10 mg/kg bolus with no ongoing
ESS. As such, we would not recommend its routine use in
infusion) was used. The populations of the present study
ESS. However, based on other studies it may have a role
and the referenced study are similar in that both patient
in select cases wherein intraoperative visualization presents
groups were treated for CRS. In the referenced study, how-
ever, they did not use any topical vasoconstrictors nor didthey use a microdebrider—thus their study cannot be ap-plied to standard practice in North America. The current
study was designed to assess if tranexamic acid is useful
Used as an adjunct to standard perioperative techniques,
as an adjunct with standard ESS and this work has shown
tranexamic acid does not improve intraoperative visualiza-
that it is not useful for the purpose of reducing bleeding or
tion or result in a clinically meaningful difference in blood
loss during ESS for the treatment of CRS or CRSwP.
Previous studies that have shown a difference in bleeding
with tranexamic acid have looked at cardiac and orthope-dic surgical procedures with large volumes of blood loss.3,4The blood loss itself during ESS is generally not a major
consideration, averaging less than 400 mL in the vast ma-
We thank Lori Anderson from the Northern Alberta Clini-
jority of cases; rather it is the surgical field visualization that
cal Trials and Research Center (NACTRC) for submission
is of greater importance for sinus surgeons. There is a good
of the Health Canada No Objection Letter and the clinical-
rationale regarding the use of tranexamic acid during ESS.
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International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, Vol. 00, No. 0, Month/Month 2012
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