PRESS INFORMATION Development of TEQ Series of Compact Analog Tuners and TMQ Series of Compact Analog Tuner Units with Built-in IF+MPX Thinner Units for LCD and Plasma Televisions
ALPS Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan: Masataka Kataoka, President) has
developed two new tuners for use in thin televisions such as LCD and plasma
TVs. The TEQ Series is a compact analog tuner that is 50% smaller thanALPS’ previous products. The TMQ Series is 60% smaller, and integrates in a
single unit an analog tuner with an IF (intermediate frequency) unit
compatible with MPX (sound multiplex broadcasting). The first commercial
samples of both series will be shipped from September 2003.
Television is making the transition from the familiar cathode-ray tube to new
set types such as LCD and plasma. The Japanese market especially is expectedto grow quickly. More than 630,000 LCD televisions were produced in Japan
in 2002, with a projected 1.6 million units in 2004 and 3.1 million by 2007.
More than 190,000 plasma TVs were produced in 2002, with a projected
550,000 units in 2004 and 1.2 million by 2007. (Source: JEITA) The mainappeal of LCD and plasma televisions is their thinness, and that they require
less space, which has in turn stimulated demand for thinner, more compact
These two new series were developed to answer the need for thinner,
more compact tuners. All components, including resistors, condensers and
coils, have been made smaller, while the mixer, oscillator and PLL circuitry
have been compacted into a single package in a ful y custom IC, made
possible by ALPS’ high-density mounting technology. The dimensions of theTEQ Series tuners are 55.0mm (W) x 25.6mm (D) x 16.0mm (H), with a cubic
content of 22.5ml. The TMQ Series tuner units measure 55.0mm (W) x 44.5
mm (D) x 12.5mm (H), with a cubic content of 30.5ml, and are the smallest
tuner units in the industry to incorporate an ordinary antenna terminal. *1
* 1 There is currently a need for notebook computers and even mobile telephones to receive analogbroadcasts, but the size of ordinary antenna terminals (F connectors) has been a bottleneck tomaking them more compact. For this reason, F connectors are not used in tuners for mobile
Both of these series, in addition to being more compact, also offer
greater functionality. By using a custom IC, designed using ALPS’ RF
technologies, the noise figure*2 has been lowered approximately 1.5dBcompared to our previous products, while the gain*3 has been increased
approximately 3.0dB. As a result, compared to our previous products, stable
reception is possible even when the signal is weak. *2 The measure of noise picked up, hindering reception*3 The extent a weak signal is amplified to a level that can be received
Both series are lead free, having been designed with greater
consideration for the global environment.
In addition, the TMQ Series incorporates sound multiplex
demodulation circuitry in the IF circuit component, compatible with thesound multiplex broadcasting systems in Japan and the U.S. This helps make
Features Thinner and more compact units for use in increasingly popular LCD and other thin televisions. The TMQ Series contains an integrated tuner and IF unit, and is the smallesttuner unit in the industry to incorporate an ordinary antenna terminal.
1. Use of small, custom-built ICs and compact components, made possible
by ALPS’ high-density mounting technology, allow the TEQ Series to be
50% smaller than ALPS’ previous products, and the TMQ Series 60%
2. Greatly improved noise figure and gain provide high-quality stable
3. The TMQ Series is compatible with sound multiplex broadcasting
Principal Applications
Color televisions, LCD televisions, plasma televisions, projection televisions,DVD recorders
Sales Plan(both products)
Soma Plant, Communication DevicesDivision (Soma City, Fukushima
Specifications TEQ Series TMQ Series Mass media inquiries:
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28.4 Correspondence NR 25/4/05 4:57 pm Page 1067 correspondence A drug is effective if better than a harmless controlValid trials can still be held, as with HIVNET 012, when ethics rules out a placebo group. Sir — In his Correspondence letter “HIVis not harmful (thus replacing a placebo),the effectiveness of the experimental drugtrial” ( Nature 434, 137; 2005), Valendar Turner a