"H" - Health Abstracts:

Microsoft word - de omgeving maart 2007.doc

Maart 2007 , Jaargang 4, Nummer 1 Een publicatie van Familieraad Mentrum voor ‘relaties van bij Mentrum in zorg zijnde cliënten’. Beste Lezer, Familiedag 14 april 2007 over rehabilitatie, laten we zeggen: herstel! Inhoudsopgave: “herstelvisie”. Wat betekent dit voor Familieraad Mentrum Maart 2007 Jaargang 4 Nummer 1 FAMILIERAAD: EVEN VOORSTELLEN

Microsoft word - pti1 pii v5 manual quickref.doc

PipeTech inspection interface 5.x QuickRef Switches the display of a preset work order on and off. Functionality is similar to displaying the Switches the display of the static zone on and off. The static zone statically displays user definable Pressing Mode Key + F5 will display a utility on the information about the current inspection. The screen. Follow the instructions di

Microsoft word - smsc policy summer 2012.doc

Social, moral, spiritual and cultural education (SMSC) Review Date: Summer term 2014 AIMS The personal development of pupils spiritually, morally, socially, and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high s


Mucegaiurile de interior un pericol pentru sanatate de Luke Curtis, MS, CIH; Allan Lieberman, MD; Martha Stark, MD; William Rea; Marsha Vetter, MD, PhD [Articol extras din Nexus Magazine, Anul IV, Numarul 12 (decembrie 2008 - februarie 2009)] Mucegaiurile si micotoxinele produse de catre acestea constituie o amenintare tot mai mare la adresa sanatatii, fiind necesara adoptarea pe scara l

Microsoft word - bureocracy.doc

“Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON): involvement of mitochondrial permeability transition in the pathogenesis and protective actions of minocycline” Summary: Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) is a retinal ganglionic neurodegenerative disorder caused by a maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA point mutation. The dysfunction of complex I of the respiratory chain, af

Muscle damage

Muscle Damage from Interactions Between Statins and Other Commonly Prescribed Drugs Worst Pills Best Pills Newsletter article July, 2009 Some of the widely used class of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins may causerhabdomyolysis (severe, sometimes fatal, muscle damage) when taken with many othercommonly used drugs, such as clopidogrel (PLAVIX) and trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazo


00031 FLUVASTATIN SODIUM 40 MG CA 4.37319 2013-12-01 9999-12-3100120 DIGOXIN 50 MCG/ML SOLUTION 0.67339 2013-03-01 9999-12-3100132 DIGOXIN 125 MCG TABLET 1.48425 2013-11-01 9999-12-3100133 DIGOXIN 250 MCG TABLET 1.48425 2013-11-01 9999-12-3100161 ASPIR-LOW EC 81 MG TABLET 0.00900 2014-01-01 9999-12-3100223 VITAMIN D 1,000 UNIT TABLET 0.02445 2013-07-01 9999-12-3100295 WOMANS LAXATIVE TABLET

Protocolo de diagnostico y tratamiento de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda

GUÍA DE PRÁCTICA CLÍNICA INSUFICIENCIA RESPIRATORIA AGUDA EN EL ADULTO I. NOMBRE Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda J96.0 II. DEFINICIÓN Severa alteración en el intercambio gaseoso pulmonar debido a anormalidades en cualquiera de los componentes del sistema respiratorio, que se traduce en hipoxemia con o sin hipercapnia Es la incapacidad del sistema pulmonar de satisfa


Clinical Oncology (2007) 19: 616e627doi:10.1016/j.clon.2007.06.002Lifestyle During and After Cancer Treatment*Bedford Hospital, Cranfield University & Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge University NHS Trust, c/o The Primrose Unit,Bedford Hospital, Bedford MK42 9DJ, UK; yCranfield Health, c/o Cranfield University, Wharley End, Cranfield MK43 0SU, UKABSTRACT:The aim of this overview was to e

Microsoft word - abstract_vol_3_01_.doc

HÉMA-VIGIE…always on the lookout! A Monthly Newsletter Summarizing Important Advances in Transfusion Volume 3, Number 1 West Nile virus – infected birds: an early tral role in the peripheral circulation problems commonly warning sign of upcoming human infec- encountered in sickle-cell disease patients. Reiter, C. D., et al. (2002). Cell-free hemoglobin limits nit


SINUSITIS A sinus infection is a bacterial infection of one of the seven sinuses that normally drain into the nose. The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull which are lined with mucus membranes. Normally their mucus secretions are drained through tiny openings into the nose and then swallowed with the saliva. Swelling in the nose from any cause leads to blockage of normal mucus drainage.

Skin endpoint titration (s

Skin Endpoint Titration (S.E.T.) Skin Endpoint Titration is a method of testing the skin to determine the presence on allergic disease. Small amounts of diluted allergen extracts are injected into the skin. After waiting ten minutes, the skin is examined for a reaction. This procedure is repeated using two to three dilutions of the extracts, getting subsequently stronger each time. Once your

Nhg doornemen voor praktische dingen

- Nuchter glucose > 10 mmol/l→ Stap 2 - Nuchter glucose > 20 mmol/l → Stap 4 - Bij onvoldoende effect na drie maanden→ Stap 2 - Elke 2-4 weken dosering verhogen (om kans op gastro-intestinale bijwerkingen te - Controleer nierfunctie: - creatinineklaring < 60 ml/min: verlaag dosering - creatinineklaring < 30 ml/min: stop metformine - Bij intolerantie, contra-indicatie, onvoldoen

Referat rudolf joss.doc

Schulmedizin und Alternativmedizin – Die Sicht der Schulmedizin Prof. Dr. Rudolf Joss, Luzern „Natural-born killers“ – so titelte kürzlich die angesehene Zeitschrift Nature Medicine einen Beitrag über Phytotherapie. Steve Bechler, ein Baseball-Spieler der Baltimore Orioles hatte mit Hilfe sogenannter „herbal supplements“, also mit pflanzlichen Nahrungsmittelzusätzen vers


Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 1 Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens · Produktidentifikator · Handelsname: BENGALROT-AGAR (mit CHLORAMPHENICOL) (RBC) · Artikelnummer: AE24 · Registrierungsnummer Eine Registriernummer für diesen Stoff ist nicht vorhanden, da der Stoff oder seine Verwendung nachArtikel 2 REACH Vero


Material Safety Data Sheet Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Contact Information: Catalog Codes: SLM3889 Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd. CAS#: 2375-03-3 RTECS: TU4154060 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) in


Aprobada en la UE la terapia de combinación PEGINTRON(TM) y REBETOL(R) para la hepatitis C KENILWORTH, Nueva Jersey, June 25 /PRNewswire La terapia de combinación con PEGINTRON(TM) y REBETOL(R) aprobada en la Unión Europea para el tratamiento de la hepatitis C en pacientes coinfectados con VIH Schering-Plough Corporation (NYSE: SGP) ha anunciado hoy que la Comisión Europea ha apr


Articles Adjuvant capecitabine in combination with docetaxel and cyclophosphamide plus epirubicin for breast cancer: an open-label, randomised controlled trial Heikki Joensuu, Pirkko-Liisa Kellokumpu-Lehtinen, Riikka Huovinen, Arja Jukkola-Vuorinen, Minna Tanner, Raija Asola, Riitta Kokko, Johan Ahlgren, Päivi Auvinen, Akseli Hemminki, Outi Paija, Leena Helle, Lauri Nuortio, Kenneth


Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2002 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation and the American Heart AssociationACC/AHA/NHLBI CLINICAL ADVISORY ON STATINSACC/AHA/NHLBI Clinical Advisoryon the Use and Safety of Statins WRITING COMMITTEE MEMBERS TABLE OF CONTENTS and Blood Institute (ACC/AHA/NHLBI) Clinical Advi-sory is intended to summarize for professionals the cur

Microsoft word - p2642.docx

Policy 2642 STUDENTS Discipline Random Drug Testing Policy For the safety, health and well being of the students of the Harrisburg R-VIII School District, the district has adopted this policy for Harrisburg students in grades 7-12 who participate in extracurricular activities, co-curricular activities, and the student parking permit program. The objectives of the Harrisburg R-VIII School

Opdaterede guidelines vedrørende diagnostik og behandling af hjerteinsufficiens

Tillæg til Cardiologisk Forum Oktober 2002 Nye retningslinjer vedrørende diagnostik og behandling Olav W.Nielsen, Niels Gadsbøll, Lars Køber, Per Hildebrandt, Henrik Villadsen Fra Arbejdsgruppen om Hjerteinsufficiens under Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab Introduktion 2. Objektiv dokumentation for kardial dysfunktionI 2001 udkom en task-force rapport om diagnostik3. Ved tvivl kan diagnosen


Chapter 3 Defects of Androgen Metabolism and Androgen Mediated Disease Introduction Significant clues leading to the development of safe and effective treatments for AGA can be found in the exploration of how androgenic hormones act to influence other pathophysiological processes. Well described studies have been conducted with eunuchs, pseudohermaphrodites, and others sufferin


Trattamento della spalla dolente non traumatica con l’utilizzo dell’Horizontal Therapy seguito da Kinesi contro resistenza adattata secondo il metodo Bourdiol-Bortolin R. SAGGINI, R. CARNIEL Cattedra di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa Università “ G. D’ ANNUNZIO “ Chieti S. FRACCARO Gemmer Italia La patologia flogistica degenerativa della spalla deve essere conside


short report Haematologica 1996; 81:152-154 ALL-TRANS-RETINOIC ACID AND PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI IN A YOUNG ADULT WITH ACUTE PROMYELOCYTIC LEUKEMIA: A POSSIBLE DISEASE ASSOCIATION Giuseppe Visani,* Giovanni Bontempo,° Silvia Manfroi,* Alberto Pazzaglia,# Roberto D'Alessandro,° Sante Tura* *Institute of Hematology “L. & A. Seragnoli”, University of Bologna; °Servizio di Neurol

Microsoft word - orangefield primary school - electrical

Orangefield Primary & Nursery School Belfast Schools Project Orangefield Primary & Nursery School Main Contractor Harvey Group Role Electrical Design & Build Contractor Contract Value Electrical Value Electrical Duration The Project Data Network Installation Orangefield Primary School, Belfast, is a great The building is wired in Category 6E da


PRESS RELEASE What Makes You, You? The Singapore HeritageFest 2006 – 12 Days of Journey to Discover Your Identity **This year’s festival provokes thought and offers an alternative platform to discuss the question of Identity ** Singapore, 12 July 2006: Beginning from now till 23rd July, the Singapore HeritageFest 2006 brings you on a 12-day journey to disco


B I O T E C H ’ S M O S T R E S P E C T E D N E W S S O U R C E F O R 2 0 Y E A R S Arena Defends New Phase III Pfizer Seeks New Indications Data, Plans Lorcaserin Path Using Biovista Bioinformatics Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. released data from its Phase A research collaboration between Pfi zer Inc. and III BLOOM-DM trial of weight loss drug lorcaserin in obese Biovista Inc.


DEUTSCH-SCHWEDISCHE HANDELSKAMMER • TYSK-SVENSKA HANDELSKAMMAREN Miljöservice Recyclinginformation sedan 1997 Amiralsgatan 17, 211 55 Malmö • Telefon: +46-40-304940, Telefax: +46-40-304943 Nyhetsbrev Internationell Recycling # 78 Tysk-Svenska Handelskammarens Nyhetsbrev Internationell Recycling publiceras 10 ggr/år och är en helt kostnadsfri tjänst. Vi informerar om ak

Microsoft word - lpmwork.docx

Associate Researcher at the 'Laboratoire de Physique Moléculaire' (LPM) of Besançon (December 2002 - June 2005). During my stay at the LPM, I have contributed to develop the group of Biophysics which had beeninitiated by Prof. Christophe Ramseyer (physicist). The essential part of my work consisted in theoretical computational studies dealing with lipidicsystems and the membrane protein Kc

Hhc depression.pages

Pharmaceutical antidepressants are designed to alter the body's biochemistry, for example to increase levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin that helps keep us happy, or adrenalin/noradrenalin that helps keep us motivated. But brain health and neurotransmitter production can also be improved in other ways. A herbalist can prescribe a mixture of herbs from a wide range of plants that are k

Highlights of prescribing information

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION (NSAID) or colchicine upon initiation of treatment) may be beneficial These HIGHLIGHTS do not include all the information needed to use ULORIC safely and effectively. See full prescribing • Cardiovascular Events: A higher rate of cardiovascular information for ULORIC. thromboembolic events was observed in patients treated with ULORIC tha

Microsoft word - 15500689_7.docx


Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET   1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Composition Concentration 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION OF PREPARATION Major Health Hazards: The onset of symptoms varies depending upon such factors as the route of absorption and quantity involved. In patients with occupational poisoning, skin symptom

Beschreibung laa 17.08.12

Vorhofohrverschluss Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern haben ein individuell unterschiedlich hohes Risiko ei-nen Schlaganfall zu erleiden. Ursache dieses Schlaganfalls ist ein Gerinnsel, wel-ches sich bei Vorhofflimmern im Bereich des linken Vorhofohrs bildet. Teile dieses Gerinnsels können sich lösen und werden mit dem Blutfluss dann in der Regel zum Gehirn transportiert, verschließen dort ein G


Originalien im "peer-review" Verfahren Malessa R, Agelink MW , Diener HC. Dysfunction of visual pathways in HIV-1 Infection. J Neurol Sci 1995, 130: 82-87. Malessa R, Agelink MW , van Schayck R, Mertins L, Brockmeyer NH. Elektrodermale Reflexaktivität und 30:15 Ratio bei HIV-1 Infektion. Akt Neurol 1995, 22: 131-135. Dammers S, Zeit T, Leonhardt M, Schär V, Agelink MW . Maligne

Asthma protocol

PROTOCOL Recognition of Committee Members: The following are thanked for their dedication and expertise in developing the Halton Asthma Protocol for the Public and Catholic elementary and secondary schools in the Halton Region. Co-Chairs: Bob Soroko, Halton Catholic District School Board Jacki Oxley, Halton District School Board Rebecca Lewis, Public Health School Asthma Project, Hal


DIAGNOSIS OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI It is very important that prior to any testing (except the blood test) for H.pylori , you have not takenany antibiotics or Pepto Bismol for one month, Losec for one week, or Pepsid, Zantac, Axid, orTagamet for 24 hours before the tests are done. To decide which is the best treatment for H.pylori , it may be necessary to do an endoscopy andtake a biopsy (a


+(3$7,7,6: a general term meaning inflammation of the liver . • Alcohol• Drugs• Chemicals• Toxins• Autoimmunity (your immune system attacks your own body)• Viral infections (hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, G). − The viruses were named in order of their discovery. − Hepatitis C is a very small RNA virus. − Hepatitis C enters the bloodstream, goes into liver cells and reproduces (r


Sample Report Description This document is a sample of an actual CliniCom™ report. This report has been de-identified in compliance with HIPAA privacy policies. This report is exactly what all CliniCom™ Doctors see when their patients complete the CliniCom™ digital intake and assessment. This sample report helps demonstrate the capacity that CliniCom™ has for thoroughly assessi

Rev hce 03 - 2007.pmd

REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DO HCE • ANO Il • Nº 02 15 REVISÃO DE LITERATURA Avaliação renal pela medicina nuclear na esquistossomose hematóbica Nuclear medicine: renal functional evaluation in schistosomiasis haematobia Carmelindo Maliska1, Joaquim d’Almeida2 1. Médico do Serviço de Medicina Nuclear do Hospital Central do Exército/RJ e do HUCFF/RJ; Mestre em Biociências Nu

Microsoft word - jayapura guide 2003.doc

JAYAPURA GUIDE 2003 by At Ipenburg Contents Introduction Jayapura is very much the product of the Pacific Campaign of the Second World War. Before the war the place was called Hollandia. What is now called Jayapura was then Hollandia Haven, while the real Hollandia was Hollandia-Binnen, present-day Abepura. There were no good road connections between “Haven“ and “Binnen”. By


Treatment of head louse infestation with 4% dimeticone lotion: randomised controlled equivalence trial Ian F Burgess, Christine M Brown and Peter N Lee 2005;330;1423-; originally published online 10 Jun 2005; BMJ doi:10.1136/bmj.38497.506481.8F Updated information and services can be found at: References This article cites 10 articles, 1 of which can be accessed free at: 5 onlin

Ta75 hepatitis c - pegylated interferons, ribavirin and alfa interferon: guidance

NHS National Institute for Clinical Excellence Interferon alfa (pegylated and non-pegylated) and ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C This guidance is a review and extension of Technology AppraisalGuidance No. 14 issued in October 2000. Technology Appraisal 75 January 2004 Technology Appraisal Guidance 75 Interferon alfa (pegylated and non-pegylated) and ribav

Microsoft word - 3.2 notes and exercises

Name ____________________________________ 3.2 Notes and Exercises Exponential Decay Model y = I*(1 − r)t I = the Initial Amount r = the rate of return (%) and t = is a unit of time Most major cities population is declining. Detroit is a good example of this. Detroit is declining at an average rate of 1.53% per year. If Detroit hit its peak population in 1950 of aroun


MEDICAL HISTORY Name Birth date Please circle any of the following which you have or have had in the past Do you require antibiotics before dental treatment? Y N PRE-MED DOSEAGE Heart Conditions (Murmur, Rheumatic heart disease, Congenital defect, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Coronary Pregnant or breast-feeding currently (Women only) artery disease, Irregular heart beat, Co

Discontinuing medication you currently take newsletter

A c u p u n c t u r e a n d H o l i s t i c H e a l t h A s s o c i a t e s F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 8 5 0 0 W . S i l v e r S p r i n g D r i v e , S u i t e K - 2 0 5 G l e n d a l e , W I 5 3 2 1 7 N e w s l e t t e r P h o n e : ( 4 1 4 ) 3 3 2 - 8 8 8 8 w w w . h o l i s t i c a c u p u n c t u r e . n e t D I S C O N T I N U I N G M E D I C A T I O N S Y O U C U R R

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Microsoft word - parkinsonsdisease.docx

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease By Susan Locke, M.D. Healthnetwork Medical Director Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects the brain’s ability to control movement. It is a progressive disease that worsens over time, although the rate of deterioration greatly varies from person to person. It is a common disorder that affects more than 1 million people in the U.S., most of w


of the authors and THE JOURNAL and not those of High-Dose Statins in Acute Coronary Syndromes Not Just Lipid Levels Steven E. Nissen, MD statin clinical trial literature. Two other trials in ACS pa- tients showed safety and efficacy ( TABLE ). The Myocardial FORMORETHANADECADE,STATINDRUGSHAVEACCU- IschemiaReductionwithAggessiveCholesterolLoweringmulated a remarkable record of successful clini

Microsoft word - whose blood sugar is it, anyway 2 23 05.doc

Whose Blood Sugar Is It, Anyway? I have a peculiar, old fashioned, out of date notion: I believe that my medical information, my blood sugar, my eating habits, my cardiovascular status, my dietary virtues and vices, and, if they don’t impact you, my mental health, are matters between me and my doctors, should I care to confide in them. More, as a practicing physician, I believe that when you


NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HIRCO PLC (a company incorporated in the Isle of Man with registration number 118221C)NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Hirco Plc (the “Company”) will be held at the offices of Cains Advocates Limited, Fort Anne, South Quay, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5PD on 28 March 2012 at 11.30 a.m. local time for the transaction of the followin

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4.5-0-2.5 Liquid Fertilizer for Turf and Ornamentals GUARANTEED ANALYSIS DERIVATION STATEMENT Derived from: Potassium Hydroxide, Vegetal Extracts, Sea Weed ex-tracts and Amino Acids (Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Alanine, Ar-ginine, Cystine, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine,Methionine, proline, phenylalanine, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan,4.5 % Water Soluble Nitrogen de

Studie volltext doc

Jacobson et al Cancer Outcomes at the Hufeland (Complementary/Alternative Medicine) Klinik: A Best-Case Series Review Judith S. Jacobson, DrPH, MBA, Victor R. Grann, MD, MPH, Michael A. Gnatt, MD, Hanina Hibshoosh, MD, John H. M. Austin, MD, Wil iam S. Mil ar, MD, and Alfred I. Neugut, MD, PhD Purpose: A best-case series review is an efficient tool herbal agents and specific

Seite 12 (qm)

Externe Qualitätssicherung Übersicht über Teilnahme an Ringversuchen In der nachfolgenden Tabelle, die regelmäßig aktualisiert wird, sind die Ringversuche zusammengestellt, an denen das Labor regelmäßig teilnimmt. Sollten Sie an Detailresultaten zu einzelnen Labor-Methoden interessiert sein, stellen wir Ihnen gern das Zertifikat und einen Ergebnis-Ausdruck über den Ringversuch zur V


P a t h o p h y s i o l o g y / C o m p l i c a t i o n s O R I G I N A L Benfotiamine Prevents Macro- and Microvascular Endothelial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress Following a Meal Rich in Advanced Glycation End Products in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes LIN STIRBAN, MD KNUT KLEESIEK, MD ONICA NEGREAN, MD MICHAELA MUELLER-ROESEL, MD E ndothelial dysfunction is


Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical 124 (2006) 49 – 55Effects of long-term angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition onValdo Jose´ Dias da Silva a, Nicola Montano b, Helio Cesar Salgado c, Rubens Fazan Ju´nior c,*a Department of Biological Sciences, School of Medicine of Triaˆngulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG Brazilb Department of Clinical Sciences, Internal Medicine II, L. Sacco Hospi


Specialist Dermatologist Topical Corticosteroids – What are the risks? Note – this is a detailed fact sheet prepared for general practitioners Topical corticosteroids (CS) are extremely effective, beneficial preparations in the management of infantile and childhood atopic dermatitis. Unfortunately, “corticophobia” abounds, with fears about potential adverse effects greatly excee


(Includes: Undergraduate Students and Non-Supported The American College Student Association (ACSA) Student Health Insurance Plan underwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company and serviced by Gallagher Koster is available to all Undergraduate students taking a minimum of 6 credit hours and non-supported Graduate Students taking 3 credit hours are eligible to enrol in this insurance pl


Fachärzte für Dermatologie und Venerologie Informationsblatt Peeling mit Trichloressigsäure das Trichloressigsäure-Peeling (TCA) ist eine ästhetische Behandlungsmethode, die in dieserForm nur in der Hautarztpraxis durchgeführt wird. Abgestimmt auf Ihren Hauttyp erfolgt einemitteltiefe Schälung der Haut. Das TCA-Peeling gehört nicht zu den Pflichtleistungen der gesetzlichen Krankenkass


Natural Hair Transplant Medical Center, Inc. 1000 Dove Street, Suite #250, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone-949-622-6969 Finasteride (PROPECIA®) Acknowledgement Finasteride is an oral medication, manufactured by Merck Pharmaceuticals, that blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone largely responsible for male pattern baldness. It does this by inhibiting the a


AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE Formerly The American Fertility Society 1209 MONTGOMERY HIGHWAY • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 35216-2809 • TEL (205)978-5000 • FAX (205)978-5005 • E-MAIL [email protected] PATIENT’S FACT SHEET: PROLACTIN EXCESS PROLACTIN: A MILK-PRODUCING HORMONE Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland which is located at the base of the brain. I

Microsoft word - hedley-tempephoneix-medicalhistory.docx

DATE:__________________ PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY FORM HEIGHT: WEIGHT: CHIEF COMPLAINT: WHY are you here today? WHICH side is involved: ___Right ___Left ___Both HOW did the INJURY or PROBLEM Happen? ___Accident ___ Auto Accident ____Work Accident __Other WHEN did the INJURY or PROBLEM Begin? SURGICAL HISTORY: Have you ever had a general anesthesia? ___Yes ___No

Microsoft word - 2734-ceremonial y protocolo i

DEPARTAMENTO DE HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES TECNICATURA UNIVERSITARIA EN CEREMONIAL y PROTOCOLO Cátedra: 2734 1º y 2º CUATRIMESTRE 2012 CEREMONIAL Y PROTOCOLO I Prof. Adjunto: Lic. Diego L. MONASTERIO Carga horaria cuatrimestral: 4 (cuatro) horas semanales. 1) Fundamentación Según narra la historia, aproximadamente desde el año 3100 a de Cristo, exis


Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation (DG-HAL): a safe treatment of II-III degree hemorrhoids for all patients. Could it be potentially also good prophylaxis? Aim. Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery lig- Department of Surgery, S. Peter Hospital ation (HAL Doppler) is an innovative hemor- rhoid treatment mainly utilised for II-III degree where bleeding is a predominant s


The plane – a shabby old Dakota – bumped twice in thenoonday heat, then settled down on its steady course. Windhoek was left behind, a dusty town set in arid scrubdesert: presently the plane crossed the South-West Africancoastline, and headed out over a pale blue, hazy sea – duewest for Pharamaul. The pilot checked his instruments, held up a thumb tothe navigator behind him, set the automa


News Flash: What French Women Know About Estrogen…and American Women Don’t! By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. Founder of HER Place: Health Enhancement and Renewal for Women, Inc. The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Hormone Headlines: What America Got Wrong About Estrogen Many of you saw the national news reports in late ing bioidentical estradiol, was approved by the French February 2007

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3M UK PLC 3M CENTRE, CAIN RD, BRACKNELL, BERKSHIRE RG12 8HT Tel: 01344 858000 ======================================================================== MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ======================================================================== Document id : 06-4622-4 Issue date : 20/05/2003 Version : 9.01 Supersedes date : 09/05/2003 Document status : Issued Format : 1 -----------------


IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2681 OF 2007 KRANTI APPELLANT VERSUS UNION OF INDIA & ORS. RESPONDENTS O R D E R 1. Learned counsel for the appellant has brought to our notice that the Central Government, in spite of our earlier order and directions, have not complied with the same fully. The learned senior counsel for the appellant, Shri Colin Gons


Ergebnisübersicht: Pferd International München 2012 [ 891221002 ] 17.05.2012 - 20.05.2012 CSI 3* - Springprüfung mit Stechen - international Jumping Competition with jump-off Hindernisse / Obstacles 1,50 m 1st Qualifier for Comp. No. 4 (Grand Prix) CSI 3* - Springprüfung - international Jumping Competition acc. to Penalties and Time Hindernisse / Obstacles 1,50 m - 2nd Q


Annals of Internal Medicine BiDil for Heart Failure in Black Patients: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Perspective Robert Temple, MD, and Norman L. Stockbridge, MD, PhD Critics of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval oftrials in racially mixed patient populations that compared hydral-the fixed combination of hydralazine hydrochloride, 37.5 mg, andazine hydrochloride�

Microsoft word - changzhou lithium batteries lid.doc

This specification Polymer applies to the Lithium Polymer Rechargeable Button Battery serial LIRXXXX. 2. Type and Model z Type: Lithium Polymer rechargeable button battery. z Model: Lithium Polymer rechargeable button battery serial LIRXXXX 3. Produce Introduce Polymer LBA Lithium Polymer battery, depending on “ better technology, better management” concept and leading technique equi

E-circus pre kick-off meeting

e-Circus internal meeting : Monday 8th May 2006 10:30 - 12:30 Present: Sarah, Scott, Steve, Megan, Rafal, Kerstin Purpose of meeting: review progress with: scenarios, refugee workshop plans. Receive report from Steve. Items covered • scenarios (cultural issues; fleshing of scenarios) • refugee workshop • report from Steve • I Power I National Anti-Bullying Conf.

Microsoft word - crohn's disease local retrospective and future prospective.doc

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Dissertation for Exit Assessment December 2000 Crohn’s Disease Local Retrospective and Future Prospective Dr. Leung Chi Man MBBS (HK), MRCP (UK) Department of Medicine Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital 3 Lok Man Road Chai Wan Hong Kong Abstract Crohn’s disease (CD) is more common in the Western than the Asian countries. L

Microsoft word - guidelinesforparentstocontrolheadlice

GUIDELINES FOR PARENTS TO CONTROL HEAD LICE Head lice are parasitic insects that are transmitted by contact with an infested person or item such as a rug, couch or car seat and/or by the exchange of hats, clothing, helmets, headphones, or personal hair items. Head lice are more likely to be transmitted at home than in the school setting. 1. INSPECTING A CHILD'S HEAD FOR LICE AND NITS


CLINICAL ■ Yelena Rozenfeld, MPH; Jacquelyn S. Hunt, PharmD,Craig Plauschinat, PharmD, MPH; and Ken S. Wong, PharmD Objective: To evaluate adherence to oral diabetes medications (ODMs) in patients with type 2 T ype 2 diabetes is a growing worldwide epidemic, with approx- imately 20 million diagnosed and undiagnosed persons in theUnited States.1 Of national concern is the finding th

Self care guide for influenza

Self Care Guide for Influenza Written by Clinicians of University Health Services at University Park Any questions please feel free to contact PSH Student Health Services: 717-948-6015 Following these basic guidelines can help ease your discomfort and speed your recovery. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN. ·
 Increase your fluid intake. Drinking more fluids will help you stay hydrated and bett


myeloom 2012Guidelines for the treatment of multiple myeloma 2012 S. Zweegman, H.M. Lokhorst, M-D. Levin, E. de Waal, G.M.J. Bos, M.J. Kersten, P. Ypma, S.K. Klein, M.C. Minnema, P. Sonneveld, namens de Myeloom Werkgroep van HOVONDe laatste richtlijnen voor de behandeling van het multipel myeloom zijn opgesteld in 2010 namens de Myeloom Werkgroep (MWG) van stichting Hemato-Oncologie Volwassenen

Haloperidol dose when used as active comparator in randomized controlled trials with atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia: comparison with officially recommended doses

Haloperidol Dose When Used as Active Comparator in Randomized Controlled Trials With Atypical Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia: Comparison With Officially Recommended Doses Gerard W. K. Hugenholtz, Pharm.D., Ph.D.; Eibert R. Heerdink, Ph.D.; Joost J. Stolker, M.D., Ph.D.; Welmoed E. E. Meijer, Ph.D.; Antoine C. G. Egberts, Pharm.D., Ph.D.; and Willem A. Nolen, M.D., Ph.D. Con


Holy Cross School Centennial stories By Ed Langlois You could walk a straight shot from Holy Cross School, only a block, to Charlie's Candy Shop. Classes had just let out for the day, the pupils frolicsome and buzzing on the inside, barely holding it together to bid farewell politely to Sister Alodia McHale in her black gown and seagull-like headdress. They liked Sister Alodia just fine, but this


Express Scripts/Medco Prescription Plan Information For Drug Coverage Review, Prior Authorization Process and Personalized Medicine Information The endowed health plan offers faculty and staff members and their families a very comprehensive prescription drug program at relatively low costs to the consumer. Prescription drugs have become an important part of health plan coverage. The prescrib


OMIDA Echinacea Globuli Homöopathisches Heilmittel Wann werden die OMIDA Echinacea Globuli angewendet? Gemäss homöopathischem Arzneimittelbild können die OMIDA Echinacea Globuli – bei fieberhaften Erkältungskrankheiten und Grippe – zur Steigerung der Abwehrkräfte, bei Neigung zu infektiösen Erkältungen angewendet werden. Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Wenn Ihnen Ihr Arzt an


Dr Mathew Leese: Publications, Patents & Conferences - 1997-2012 Publications Steroidomimetic tetrahydroisoquinolines for the design of new microtubule disruptors. Leese, M. P.; Jourdan, F.; Dohle, W.; Kimberley, M. R.; Thomas, M. P.; Bai, R.; Hamel, E.; Ferrandis, E.; Potter, B. V. L. ACS MedChemLett 2012 , 3, 5-9. Structure-Activity Relationships of C-17-substituted estrat

3- antibiotiques

[email protected] LES ANTI-INFECTIEUX II. ANTIBIOTIQUES A. Les pénicillines B. Les macrolides 1. Inventaire 2. Spectre bactérien 3. Pharmacocinétique 4. Indications et contre-indications 5. Effets indésirables 6. Interactions médicamenteuses LES ANTI-INFECTIEUX II/A/3. Les pénicillines du groupe A L’ampicilline TOTAPEN® → problèmes d

Microsoft word - hip 2013 11 15~submitted

1. Cover Page a) Preliminary study grant b) D-Cycloserine and virtual reality exposure therapy delivered on an iPad: Increasing access to treatment for social anxiety disorder c) Page Anderson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Chair and Director of Clinical Training, Clinical Psychology Georgia State University [email protected] Barbara Rothbaum, Ph.D. Profe


JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Hue University, N0 61, 2010 MILK FORTIFICATION WITH IRON ETHYLENE DIAMINE TETRAACETATE (NAFEEDTA) SUPPOSED TO BE A PREVENTIVE MEASURE AGAINST IRON DEFICIENCY FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN THAILAND Panomai N, Sanchaisuriya P, Lowirakorn Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, University of Khonkaen,Thailand Institute of Tropical Medicine, Ch

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REYE'S SYNDROME Reye's Syndrome is a very serious disease that you should know about. Some people develop Reye's Syndrome as they are getting over a viral illness, such as the flu or chicken pox. Reye's Syndrome usually affects people from infancy through young adulthood; however, no age group is immune . Although Reye's generally occurs when someone is recovering from any viral illness, it c

Acne treatment and control

Almost all teenagers get acne at one time or another. Whether your case is mild What doesn’t cause acne? or severe, the information here can help you keep your acne under control. • Acne is not caused by foods you eat. Despite what you may have heard,there is no proof that soft drinks, chocolate, and greasy foods cause acne. What causes acne? • It’s not caused by dirt. The b


Shorter Days (Kürzere Tage) HALMA The European Network of Literary Centres e.V. 2010 Judith smokes in a hurry, her back against the door of their apartment. She inhales the smoke deep into her chest and exhales through her nostrils. Wanting a cigarette -worse than a full bladder - has taken over her entire day. In the morning, the children had slipped into bed beside her before she'd

Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial evaluating the treatment of plantar fasciitis with an extracoporeal shockwave therapy (eswt) device: a north american confirmatory study

Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind ClinicalTrial Evaluating the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis with anExtracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) Device:A North American Confirmatory StudyPatricia Kudo,1 Katie Dainty,1 Michael Clarfield,2 Larry Coughlin,3 Pauline Lavoie,4 Constance Lebrun11Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic, 3M Centre University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A


This article was downloaded by: [University Library Utrecht]On: 15 August 2008Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 789272000]Publisher RoutledgeInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKEuropean Planning StudiesPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscr

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African Traditions in a Global Context Helmut Danner What is happening in the encounter of European civilisation with African cultures? We can understand this encounter in the sense of globalisation and, undoubtedly, this globalising process strongly bears the features of the European mind-set . What are its characteristics? How do they differ from African social structures, African


A study of patients presenting to an emergency department having had a "spiked drink" Hywel Hughes, Rachael Peters, Gareth Davies and Keith Griffiths Emerg. Med. J. doi:10.1136/emj.2006.040360 Updated information and services can be found at: References 1 online articles that cite this article can be accessed at: Rapid responses One rapid response has been posted to th

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Informationsdienst SHLV Schweizerischer Heiligland-Verein Solidarität mit den Brüdern und Schwestern in den Ländern christlichen UrsprungsHans Rahm und Jakob Hertach, Boulevard de Pérolles 18A, CH-1700 Fribourg Unruhen auf Jerusalemer Tempelberg Editorial Auf dem Jerusalemer Tempelberg kam es Ende Februar zu Unruhen. Die israelische Polizei stürmte den Platz Lieber Leser, lieber


Effects of Blood Pressure Lowering With Perindopril and Indapamide Therapy on Dementia and Cognitive Decline in Patients With Cerebrovascular Disease Background: High blood pressure and stroke are as- (7.1%) of the 3054 randomized participants in the pla-sociated with increased risks of dementia and cognitivecebo group (relative risk reduction, 12% [95% confi-impairment. This study aimed

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PRODUCT LIST (Therpapeutic Categories as per WHO Essential Drug List) Brand name Active Ingredient Strength Dosage Form Packaging Anaesthetics General Anaesthetics KETALEM Local Anaesthetics LEMOCAIN Non-opioid Analgesics & NSAIDs KALEMFENAC Antiallergics and Drugs Used in Anaphylaxis LEMEPIN PRODUCT LIST (Therpapeutic Categories as per WHO Essenti

Artigo recomendado

NASCER E CRESCER revista do hospital de crianças maria pia ano 2004, vol. XIII, n.º 2 Intestinal microflora in breastfed colicky and non-colicky infants Savino F, Cresi F, Palumeri E, Tullio V, Roana J, Silvestro L, Oggero R. in Acta Paediatr Scand 2004; 93: 825-829. Stockholm. ISSN 0803-5253 Background : Infantile colics are a Comentários a propósito do artigo e sobre um

Managing your

PATIENT & FAMILY EDUCATION / NYU Medical Center Coumadin® (Warfarin) Managing Your Coumadin® (Warfarin) A Patient’s Guide PATIENT & FAMILY EDUCATION / NYU Medical Center Coumadin® (Warfarin) A Message To You The goal of anticoagulation therapy with Coumadin® ( Warfarin) is to decrease the clotting ability of your blood so that blo


Saffron has been used traditionally to treat fever, respiratory diseases, and depression. In children it has been used for respiratory infections, colic and to relieve teething pain. Constituents Saffron contains water-soluble pigments called crocins, bitters (eg. picrocrocin), and an essential oil containing safranal. It also contains flavonoids and carotenoids (which give it its colour). Recent

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Succession and Wealth Protection Seminar - 3 December 2013 The family Michael and Yasmin Black have been married for over 40 years. They have three children, Alex, Richard and Aspen. Company Issues Michael and Yasmin established a family owned and run business called Sedgley Manufacturing Ltd (“the Company”) around 25 years ago. Michael and Yasmin have been running the business since its i

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Amaryllis House A review of the service model and the added value of the service for residents and their family/whanau Prepared by Alison Gray Amaryllis House Advisory Group January 2008 Acknowledgements This research could not have been done without the willing cooperation and generosity of many people. These include the residents of Amaryllis House and their family


Material Safety Data Sheet for Lithium coin battery Document Number: MCRA100 Note : Blank spaces are not permitted if any item is not applicable or no information is available, the space must be Section II - Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information Hazardous Components: Description: Section III - Physical / Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Section IV – Hazard Classifica


P a t h o p h y s i o l o g y / C o m p l i c a t i o n s O R I G I N A L Influence of Caffeine on Heart Rate Variability in Patients With Long- Standing Type 1 Diabetes RISTAN RICHARDSON, MRCP JACQUELINE RYDER DRIAN ROZKOVEC, FRCP CANDY MECKES, BSC ETER THOMAS, PHD DAVID KERR, FRCP (Ͼ5 years) type 1 diabetes and 10 controlsubjects with similar sex and age distrib


Global Network (As of June 30, 2013) Company and Sales Office Names and Addresses●8 Hitachi Koki (Singapore) Gulf Branch P.O. Box 261502, Jafza Lob 19, Flat No. Lb192207 South Zone, Jebel Ali, Dubai, U.A.E. 15-1, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6020, Japan Tel: 971-4-8-865-865 Fax: 971-4-8-865-8671060 Takeda, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-8502, Japan Workshop 01-05, 10th Floor, King




Informed consent – Diamox/Aldactone ter stimulatie van de zout excretie in acuut gedecompenseerd hartfalen PATIËNTENINFORMATIE Vergelijkende studie over diuretica (plaspillen) bij mensen met hartzwakte en congestie (opstapeling van water in het lichaam) U wordt uitgenodigd om vrijwillig deel te nemen aan een klinische studie voor de behandeling van hartfalen, ook wel hartzwakt


Les deux faces de la réforme de la santé L eMexiquesecaractériseparun Un système de santé inégalitaire profondes inégalités. Depuis la crise de ladette de 1982, il connaît un processus deréformes permanent qui porte sur tous lesaspects d’un modèle spécifique dont les– la sécurité sociale regroupe diversesbases actuelles ont été établies durant lainstitutions auxq

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CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE, VELLORE – 632 002. 07 July 2012 ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES DEGREE FINAL SELECTIONS - 2012 The following candidates are provisionally SELECTED for admission to the AHS Degree courses. Admissions to the courses are subject to the approval by the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical BACHELOR OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (003) SPONSORED SELECTED WA

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Main Issues Frequently Raised in the Office Action Han Sung International Patent & Law Office 1. Pharmacological Use in the Composition Claim [Art. 42(4) of KPA] A. Pharmaceutical composition comprising a novel compound • Use is not required to be defined in a composition claim if the characteristic inventiveness lies in a novel compound itself in the composition. • But, in practice,

101094 1.9999

14th Annual Congress ± Geneva, Switzerland ± 30 September±3 October 2001HOME MADE COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEM TO IMPROVE ICUOUTSOURCING AN ICU: A SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCEADMINISTRATION AND CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESSSouza PP. ICU, HospitalEspanholdo Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilTagan DO, Penseyres T, Jaermann Y, Joseph A. Medicalintensive care unit, Riviera Hospital,INTRODUCTION. Outsourcing a

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HEATHFIELD AND WALDRON PARISH COUNCIL 73 High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 8HU TENANCY AGREEMENT FOR ALLOTMENT HOLDERS A N A G R E E M E N T made this 1st day of April 2012 , BETWEEN Heathfield and Waldron Parish Council (hereinafter called the Council) of the one part and XXXXXX , (hereinafter called the Tenant) of the other part whereby the Council agree to let and

Pt pharm cases april08

Cases - Pharmacology for Physical Therapists Please answer the Pre-Case Questions prior to the course Case 1 - Pre-Case Questions: 1. What are some of the common adverse effects from traditional chemotherapy (antineoplastic) medications? 2. What are the potential issues and strategies for the physical therapist while managing a patient who might be immunocompromised?


Annual Project Report 2013 Monitoring of mycotoxins and other contaminants in UK cereals used in malting, milling and animal feed Project number Start date Project aim and objectives To survey levels of key contaminants in commercial samples of UK-grown wheat, barley and oats and co-products wheatfeed and oatfeed destined for milling, malt production, and animal feed to e

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Treatment Areas Target Pest These pests are commonly found around or nearfoundations of houses as well as in lawns. Certain of these pests may enter houses. Applya 5-foot band of granules uniformly. Water lightly PERMETHRIN .25G Apply when grass is dry. Water lawn lightly after Kills: Grubs, Fleas, Ants, Crickets, Brown Dog Ticks, Fire Ants, Chinch Bugs, Armyworms, Billbugs, Cutwor

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TABLE OF CONTENTS OF Why are Artists 1. Art is What People Call Art / 2. Cultural Inferiority and Superiority Color the Economy of the Arts / 2. ‘Art is Sacred' / 4. ‘Art is Authentic' / 5. ‘Art is Superfluous and Remote' / 6. ‘Art Goes Against the Rules and so Adds to Cognition’ (Goodman) / 7. ‘Artists Resemble Magicians’ (A personal view) / 8. The Mythology of the Arts Inf

Herbal constituent’s and drug interactions involving cytochrome p450

Bioinformation by Biomedical Informatics Publishing Group open access www.bioinformation.net Current Trends _____________________________________________________________________________________  Pharmacovigilance: Effects of herbal components on human drugs interactions involving Cytochrome P450 Akansha Saxena, Kumar Parijat Tripathi, Sudeep Roy, Feroz Khan, Ashok Sharma


• One-piece, roll-formed 19 x 19mm (3⁄4 x 3⁄4 in) angle-frame • Type 304• One-piece, 13 x 13 x 13mm (1⁄2 x 1⁄2 x 1⁄2 in) channel-frame • Type stainless steel angle with satin finish • Corners heliarc welded, ground430 stainless steel with bright polished finish • Mitered corners • Frameand polished smooth • Beveled frame edge at mirror for improvedscrew permits e

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Reservation form 06:Reservation form 05.qxd 14-Mar-07 5:29 PM Page 1Zagreb, April 18-21, 2007Hotel The Regent Esplanade, Zagreb, CroatiaPlease type or use block letters and return this form to: UNIGLOBE PARTNER TRAVEL d.o.o. Ul. A. Hebranga 9, HR-10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA Tel.: +385 1 487 81 68, Fax: +385 1 487 81 77, E-mail: [email protected] I. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION (Daily Hotel Rates

Policystat hospital policy and procedure management system

Current Status: Active PolicyStat ID: 399614 Last Approved Date: Last Revised: Expires: Policy Area: Enteral Nutrition Support I. PURPOSE To provide guidelines for the safe and effective use of enteral tube feedings for inpatients. II. POLICY A. The following patients should be considered for enteral nutrition support:1. Inpatients that have a functional gastroin

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Global epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases Global epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases Urology Department, Mãe de Deus Hospital, Porto Alegre, RS 90450180, Brazil Abstract Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the first ten causes of unpleasant diseases in young adult malesin developing countries and the second major cause of unpleasant diseases in young adult

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P. O. Box 964 Medford, NJ 08055 [email protected] www.hopealiveclinic.org 8th Annual Hope Alive! Benefit Concert February 24 - Success Abel Civil, Hope Alive! Clinic Administrator, came up from Haiti and shared a little bit of what’s going on at the clinics and pharmacy stations. Talented musicians shared their gifts, and as always, everyone was blessed. Abel filled two large du


H-industri@ Revista de historia de la industria, los servicios y las empresas en América Latina Hernán Thomas y Alfonso Buch (coordinadores), Actos, actores y artefactos. Sociología de la tecnología, Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2008 (296 págs.). No hay dudas de que al enfrentarse con el estudio y análisis de la economía, la industria y la empresa, la

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Zyban ® (bupropion hydrochloride) What is Zyban? Zyban is a prescription pill used to help people quit smoking. Zyban is the same drug as the anti-depressant Wellbutrin®. Wellbutrin is used to help people with signs of depression. How does Zyban work? Over half the people who take Zyban report that cigarettes do not taste as good and the urge to smoke seems to go away or be less. Z


300 American Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032610-264-5471 or 1-800-325-6856Email: [email protected] Today’s Date: / / Date of Birth: / / ☐ Male ☐ Female TRAVEL SPECIFICS Purpose of trip: ☐ School related study/ work What school? ☐ ☐ Visiting ONLY urban areas? If no, explain: ☐ ☐ Staying ONLY in hotels? If no, explain:☐ ☐ Visiting friends and family?☐ ☐ Ascending t

R12-04 alazard penfigoide

Revista del Hospital Privado de Comunidad PENFIGOIDE CICATRIZAL DE MUCOSAS Dres. Gerónimo Alazard1, Andrés Alza1, Hernán Cantú1, Marcelo Guagnini2 INTRODUCCIÓN para descartar lupus eritematoso (anticuerposEl penfigoide cicatrizal de mucosas (PC) es una en-antinucleares (ANA), anticuerpos anti-ADN, célulasfermedad ampollosa crónica autoinmune que afecta pre-LE). Todos los valor

Endergebnisse hengstfohlen fch

12. Süddeutsches Haflinger - Fohlenchampionat am 25.08.2012 in München Hengstfohlen R R a Schwung u. Gesamteindruck u. i s Gebäude mit n se Elastizität des Entwicklung auch P g s Korrektheit la p l i a e g LN Kat. Mutter - Bewegungs- unter Berücksichti-


Managing inadequate response to treatmentFailure of response to initial therapy or loss of initial BP control occurs due to a wide range of prescriber-related, patient-related and drug-related factors. First, check that treatment has followed recommended prescribing guidelines for achieving BP targets (see Drug treatment , page 19). If BP remains above target despite maximal doses of at least tw

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Nobody’s going to lecture you or tell you over-the-top scare stories. You’ll Evidence shows that you’re more just get practical help to stop smoking from people who understand likely to stop smoking for good if what you’re going through. you get the right support. The One in two people who use a local support you need is free of charge NH

Prepared exclusively for:

Prepared exclusively for: Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation This comparison is intended to provide a condensed explanation of plan benefits. Certain limitations, restrictions and exclusions may apply. Please refer to the plan Guide to Benefits or certificate, which may be obtained from your employer, for complete information on benefits and provisions. In the case of a discrepancy between this comp

Cukordietas beteg.qxd

B E T E G T Á J É K O Z TAT Ó Mielõtt elkezdené a gyógyhatású készítményt alkalmazni, olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbibetegtájékoztatót. E recept nélkül kapható gyógyhatású szerrel Ön enyhe, múló panaszokat kezelhet orvosi felügyeletnélkül. Az optimális hatás érdekében azonban, elengedhetetlen a készítmény körültekintõ, elõírásszerûalkalmazása. Tartsa m

Mr scott hepburn mb chb bsc(hons)medsci mrcsed(surg) diplmc fcem

Mr Scott R. Hepburn MB, ChB, BSc(Hons)MedSci, FRCSEd(A&E), FCEM, FIMC, RCSEd, DipFMS Consultant in Emergency Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine Western Infirmary Dumbarton Road Telephone: 0141-211 2731 Fax: 0141-211 6303 (secretary) REPORT FRONT SHEET MB, ChB, BSc(Hons)MedSci, FRCSEd(A&E), FCEM, FIMC, RCSEd, DipFMS Consultant in Emergency Medicin


Bios Life slm™ En vente exclusivement en Suisse ! 60 sachets de 7,25 g (435g)Numéro d’article: 24283 Forme & santé Si l’on vous demande à quel point votre bien-être et votre silhouette sont importants pour vous, que répondriez-vous? Dans la société actuel e, l’apparence joue un rôle de plus en plus important. La plupart des personnes souhaitent être attractive

Microsoft word - table302.doc

Table 302.4_List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities [Note: All Comments/Notes Are Located at the End of This Table] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statutory Final RQ Hazardous substance CASRN codedagger; RCRA waste No. pounds (Kg) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Microsoft word - smoking cessation support in support of the policy on mana…

THE HIGHLAND COUNCIL Resources Committee – 5th October 2005 Report by Director of Corporate Services Smoking Cessation Support in Support of the Policy on Managing Smoking at Work Summary This report proposes that smoking cessation support be made available for elected members and staff in support of the policy on Managing Smoking at Work. Introduction It was agree


opmærksom på: Behandling af ADHD og andre kroniske tilstande skal altid varetages af en professionel behandler. Kroniske og alvorlige tilstande egner sig aldrig til selv-behandling. Vær kritisk i valget af behandler og vælg en, der er veluddannet, og som du har tillid til. En klassisk homøopatisk behandling er baseret på velfun-derede behandlingsprincipper, og det er dem, der henvis

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NUVARING NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT NuvaRing® 2. QUALITATIVE QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION NuvaRing contains 11.7 mg etonogestrel and 2.7 mg ethinylestradiol. The ring releases etonogestrel and ethinylestradiol at an average amount of 0.120 mg and 0.015 mg, respectively per 24 hours, over a period of 3 weeks. For excipients, see 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL NuvaRing is flexible,


up-to-date, evidence-based treatment protocols Hazelden’s response to opioid dependence We at Hazelden will support you every step of the way. Our COR-12 programming offers you the best opportunity for lifelong recovery. Marvin D. Seppala, MD Chief Medical Officer Hazelden Foundation hazelden.org/cor12 800-257-7800 We invite you to call us with questions. We are av


USMEDSA Urology Coordinating Team 2000 Accomplishments vs Objectives OBJECTIVES ACCOMPLISHMENTS Coordinate Merck Activities & Exhibits at Medical Meetings • Very successful exhibit presence at AUA 2000 Annual Meeting, Pri-Med, AACE & AAFP meetings • Sponsored BPH Week as part of AFUD’s 2nd Annual Prostate DUCATE PHYSICIANS Health Month • AUA Annual meeting: hoste


Suffer the Children 1 Doll R, Petro R, Wheatly K, et al. Mortality in relation tosmoking: 40 years observations on male British doctors. BMJ1994; 309:901–911 C igarette smoking makes asthma worse. That simple tenet forms one of the most well-known2 Sethi JM, Rochester CL. Smoking and chronic obstructivecorner stones of asthma management.1 Nevertheless,pulmonary disease. Clin Chest Med 2

2010 publi_docx

Année 2010 Travaux : Service d’Hématologie Clinique et Thérapie Cellulaire & Unité de Recherche Clinique Hématologie Réseau Hématolim Publications Lenalidomide in combination with melphalan and dexamethasone in patients with newly diagnosed AL amyloidosis: a multicenter phase 1/2 dose-escalation study. Moreau P, Jaccard A , Benboubker L, Royer B, Leleu X,


Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > HOSPIRA ISSUES A VOLUNTARY N. Page 1 of 2Home Safety Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts Recall -- Firm Press Release FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse eith


Tardive Dyskinesia is a side effect of antipsychotic medications. If an antipsychotic medication or Amoxapine is prescribed, this policy must be followed in combination with the "Psychotropic Medications Administration Policy”. Persons who receive the service of medication administration and/or monitoring of medications from Home and Community Options, Inc. shall be free from chemical restr


Ryan T. Williams Education Ph.D. Candidate, Research Methodology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (ABD, Expected Completion - 2011) M.A., Research Methodology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Thesis Title: Measurement Properties of the Study DIAD: An Evaluation Using IRT B.A., Psychology, Sociology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Distinctions

Protocolos lourdes

PROTOCOLOS TERAPÉUTICOS Y DE ACTUACIÓN 2006 ÍNDICE Página 1- Crisis de asma. 2 2- Urticaria aguda. 3 3- Shock anafiláctico. 4 4– Alergia/Intolerancia AINES. 5 5- Paciente diabético Hipoglucemia. 6 6– Paciente diabético Hiperglucemia. 7 7-Tratamiento del dolor OMS. 8 8– Insuficiencia cardiaca y edema agudo de pulmón. 9 9– Arritmias cardiacas, Bradiarritmia y Taquiarritmia. 10 10�


Bronchiëctasieën De dokter heeft vastgesteld dat u bronchiëctasieën heeft. In deze folder krijgt u informatie over wat bronchiëctasieën, de oorzaken, klachten en de behandeling inhouden. Bronchiëctasieën Bronchiëctasieën zijn permanent abnormaal verwijde luchtwegen met beschadigde wanden, waarbij er sprake kan zijn van chronische ontsteking en infectie. Soms in een deel van é


Kristen Riddle, PharmD • Julie Jones, PharmD • Becca Mitchel , PharmD1-800-718-3588 Ext 110 • [email protected] Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Compounded bioidentical hormones are chemical y processed fromprecursors found in yam or soy plants to have exactly the same chemicalstructure as hormones produced by the human body. The benefits of bioidenticalhor

Microsoft word - nsc90.doc

行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計劃成果報告 Coagulation of Thermocapillary Migration between Two Liquid Droplets 執行期限:90 年 8 月 1 日至 91 年 7 月 31 日 主持人:陳時欣 私立華夏工商專科學校化工科 教授 Abstract- This paper presents an analytical study of the thermocapillary motion of an adiabatic gas bubble and a liquid drop with constan


SENIOR BANQUET AWARDS Awards voted upon by class of 2010 CATEGORY MALE Best Dressed Class Clown Biggest Flirt Most Likely to Succeed Best Smile Friendliest Person Most Talkative Most Interesting Most Athletic Proudest Patriot Prettiest Eyes Einstein Award Most Like to Date Cutest Couple AWARDS CREATED BY T

Microsoft word - 2011 wanttoquitsmokingelectronic.doc

Advice for Cutting Back Self Help Resources Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada or Quitting Smoking *One Step at a Time booklets Information and resources to reduce smoking (Canadian Cancer Society) Smokers’ Helpline Helps adults work through the quitting process. (Canadian Cancer Society) 519-432-1137 or 1-877-513-5333 Smo

Canine food comparison

Earthborn Manufacturer 1 → Precise® Blue Buffalo ™ Holistic® EUKANUBA Purina® Purina® Product → Brown Rice Food Chicken Select Adult Maintenance Ingredient ↓ Crude Protein (Min) Crude Fat (Min) Crude Fiber (Max) Moisture (Max) Arginine Linoleic Acid Methionine Phosphorus Selenium Vitamin A Vitamin E Ascorbic Aci

Microsoft word - viagra

Viagra When a man is sexually excited, the penis rapidly fills with more blood than usual. The penis then expands and hardens. This is called an erection. After the man has finished having sex, this extra blood flows out of the penis back into the body. The erection goes away. Some conditions and medicines interfere with this natural erection process. The penis cannot fill with enough blood. The


24th Symposium of the Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society in cooperation with the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (Germany) and the Study Group ‘Comparative Pathology and Pathophysiology of the Respiratory System’ of the German Veterinary Medical Society Respiratory Infections and Zoonoses Jena (Hotel Steigenberger Esplanade), Germany Saturday, 07 October 2006 10

Microsoft word - tally wacker newsletter nov-feb 2009.doc

k Hotel, Cnr Bun da & Sp ence Str eets, Ca irns. Please bring partners along for great food. Atherton meeting. The old “B.V.” has lost Although the turn out was reasonable we do Remember brunch at International on Sun 7th – 11am need to make more of an effort to get to Members – From club funds - Guests – pay cost at function. these meetings. After all Robert Spiller managed


Potentially Dangerous Drug Interactions Missed By Prescribers Research led by The University of Arizona College of Pharmacy has found that medication prescribers correctly identified fewer than half of drug pairs with potentially dangerous drug-drug interactions. These findings raise concern because of the high number of drugs Americans take: an average of 2.3 medications is prescribed duri


F l u o x e t i n e V e r s u s P l a c e b o i n A d v a n c e d C a n c e r O u t p a t i e n t s : A D o u b l e - B l i n d e d T r i a l o f t h e H o o s i e r O n c o l o g y G r o u p By Michael J. Fisch, Patrick J. Loehrer, Jean Kristeller, Steven Passik, Sin-Ho Jung, Jianzhao Shen, Matthew A. Arquette, Purpose: To determine whether fluoxetine improves modeling revealed that


Treatment of head louse infestation with 4% dimeticone lotion: randomised controlled equivalence trial Ian F Burgess, Christine M Brown and Peter N Lee 2005;330;1423-; originally published online 10 Jun 2005; BMJ doi:10.1136/bmj.38497.506481.8F Updated information and services can be found at: References This article cites 10 articles, 1 of which can be accessed free at: 5 onlin

Microsoft word - job applications.doc

JOB APPLICATIONS NREGS: A farce at Latehar The first-ever Lok Adalat on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was held recently in Latehar, Jharkhand. Most petitioners came in the hope of receiving unemployment cheques, or at least having their job applications accepted, but left with neither. 24 March 2009 - A common complaint from people wanting to work under the National Rural Employ


”Localism”, global history and transnational history A reflection from the historian of early modern EuropeFew things are more sensitive to the present than history itself. Few realities are as dependent on our current existences as the way in which we approach, view and reconstruct history. For this very reason, it is in no way strange that the historians of the early twenty-first century sp

Hhc nuclear instruction sheet

THE HUNTINGTON HEART CENTER 172 EAST Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743 Tel: (631) 385-0022 Fax: (631) 385-0896 Raj Patcha MD Marco Papaleo MD, Balveen Singh MD, Raja Varma MD Sotir Polena MD APPOINTMENT DATE:________________________________TIME:______AM / PM PURPOSE OF PROCEDURE: This is a diagnostic test to evaluate chest pain, shortness of breath, to detect the presence of early


STUDENT WITH DIABETES Target range for blood sugar (BS): > mg/dl to < . Monitor Blood As needed for signs/symptoms of low or high blood sugar Blood sugar (BS) at which parent/guardian should be notified: LOW < mg/dl or HIGH > mg/dl. Hyperglycemia: If blood sugar (BS) >300mg/dl with ketones or 2 Hypoglycemia: Do not send student unaccompanied to the office if c

Microsoft powerpoint - ppt_05 067 04 autism testimony 3 scans

Case Presentation #1 Autism & Persistent Developmental Delay (PDD) • 7 year old male who is repeating kindergarten. * Born one week overdue and a difficult labor, becoming “stuck” in the birth canal * Global developmental delay. Patient on Ritalin and Prozac. Main problems included poor enunciation, limited vocabulary, short, nearly unintelligiblesentences, no coordin

Microsoft word - info package

- Any other personal documentation required, - Please note that it is advisable to leave photocopies of important documents at 2) Spending money: - currency: South African Rand, - NO ATM facility on site, - bring cash. 3) Large travel backpack or suitcase as well as a small day backpack - Shampoo and conditioner (if necessary), - Sanitary products for ladies (if necessary), - Insect/tick r

Microsoft word - schummvita2007-1-2.doc

5900 Lake Elbo Road Manhattan, Kansas 66502-8996 Phone: (785) 539-3641 School of Family Studies and Human Services Kansas State University (Justin Hall 311) Manhattan, KS 66506-1403 Phone: (785) 532-5510 Voice-mail: (785) 532-1494 FAX: (785) 532-5505 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.k-state.edu/humec/fshs/faculty/flec/ schumm.htm Army National Guard, 1974-1979 Desert Storm, 1990-1991 U.S.


800-227-6007 Swine Flu: Protecting Yourself and Your Family ou most certainly have heard recent news stories about an outbreak of Swine Flu in Mexico, as well as the diagnosis of a small number of related cases in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Spain. While the news stories can provide useful information, their sensationalist tone can often frighten the lis

Microsoft word - 2007-2008 permission-medical form.docm

Hayes Barton Baptist Church Medical Release and Permission Form 2007/2008 Valid August 1, 2007 – August 31, 2008 Child's Name ______________________________________________________________________________ _____M _____F Last First Middle Birth date _____/_____/_____ Age _________ Grade ________ School Address _______________________________________________ City ________________


Var skall man bosätta sig om inte vid vatten? Vi uppskattar sjöutsikt från huset eller lägenheten. Ekonomiskt värderas bostäder vid vatten högre än andra. Fram till för hundrafemtio år sen var en stad med sjöläge och tillgång till hamn ett måste. De människor, som i omgångar invandrade i Skåne under seklerna före vår tideräkning kom på eller längs vattenvägarna. När de bosa

Talent show 2010 rules regulations _eng-spanish_ 4-15-10.–

SCHOOL CITY OF HAMMOND BILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM TALENT SHOW 2010 • The deadline to register the act is Friday April 23rd, 2010, at which time the permission slips and the name of the act must be turned in at the Bilingual Program Office at the Area Career Center, Room # 300, by 3:30pm. • Students may participate in one group act ONLY . Rehearsals will be held DAILY

Microsoft word - document4

If you suffer from knee pain, it’s possible you have arthritis. Arthritis in the knee is caused by the deterioration of cartilage in the knee joint. The two most common types of arthritis in the knee are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a progressive, degenerative disease in which the cartilage of the knee slowly wears away. Cartilage serves as insulation between the

Holy cross lutheran church

Valid through May 31, 2014 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FILL OUT COMPLETELY BEFORE SIGNING Emergency contact in case we cannot contact Parent/Guardian: Name (Please attach a copy of insurance card, back and front) Family Physician’s Name Emergency & Health Information Does youth have…(if “yes” please explain) _____yes _____no Food or environmental allergies? Is yo


Dermatologic Therapy S K I N & A L L E R G Y N E W S • A p r i l 2 0 0 7 Imiquimod Useful Before, After Cancer Surgery Pretreatment can shrink a BCC lesion, and use after matol. Surg. 2005;31:1399-403). A total of20 patients who each had two nevi excised surgery may improve scarring and prevent recurrence. were instructed to apply topi


Erityisryhmien investointiavustukset ja saman hankkeen korkotukilainat Valmistelija: toimistosihteeri Asta Juvonen, puh. 03-849 3312,Asumisen rahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskus on antanut ohjeet eri tyis ryh-mien investointiavustusten ja saman hankkeen korkotukilainojen ha-ku me net te lys tä vuodel e 2013. Heinolan kaupunki on julistanut ko. avus tuk set ja korkotukilainat haet ta vik si niin, e

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ORGANISATIE Vemedia behoort tot de top drie van bedrijven op het gebied van zelfzorg- geneesmiddelen, gezondheidsproducten en ongediertebestrijdingsmiddelen. Het productfolio is een mix van eigen merken en merken van diverse nationaal en internationaal gerenommeerde pharmaceutische bedrijven. Naast de eigen producten zoals Dagravit, Sebamed, Valdispert, Rhino, Roxasect, Evasin, LacP

Hl129 1.3

I recognised the prevalence of rabies miasmin this case, which was most clear in bark-ing and growling at moving cars, whichHomeopathic Manage- was also relatively recent. Tom had inten-sity in play that, along with his other char-acteristics, led me to prescribe Belladonna. Idecided to start with 12 C twice daily sincehe was on Florinef twice daily. Once I hadevidence of improvement from the

Microsoft word - article for pam-operation pill crusher _2_.doc

Operation Pill Crusher Report: Saturday, April 18th Local Law Enforcement including the Hendersonville Police Department, Laurel Park Police Department, Fletcher Police Department and the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office participated in “Operation Pill Crusher”, a drop-off service provided to the community to turn in their expired, unwanted and unused medications for safe destruction. Thes


SISC 90 A $20 Anthem Classic PPO PPO In addition to dollar and percentage copays, members are responsible for deductibles, as described below. Please review the B deductible information to know if a deductible applies to a specific covered service. Certain Covered Services have maximum visit e and/or day limits per year. The number of visits and/or days allowed for these se

Microsoft word - covenantshannibalview

AMENDED VERSION HANNIBAL VIEW DEVELOPMENT PROTECTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Beatrice Land Investments, L.L.C., a Nebraska limited liability corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Owner”), is the owner of Lots 1 – 9, Block 1; Lots 1-15, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; Lots 1 – 13, Block 4; all located in Sunridge Second Addition Development, Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska (hereinaf

Microsoft word - document3

SCHEDULE- I. [ See rules 56(a), 70(a) and 71 ] Manner of test and examination before taking lifting appliance, lifting gear and wire Test Loads: 1. Lifting appliances . - Every lifting appliance with its accessory gear, shall be subjected to a test load which shall exceed the safe working load (SWL) as specified in the following Safe Test load. Test load. 25 percent in exc


Sound Advice This is an audio reco in rd g of a telephone interview recorded in September 2010. Marsha Raulerson, MD, FAAP, has been a pediatrician in Brewton, Ala., for more than 30 years. She is a member of the Committee on Federal Government Affairs for the American Academy of Pediatrics. Q: Dr. Rauler son what role does the community play in creating a healthy lifestyle for pe

Voorstel procedure documentbeheer (1e concept)

Reanimatie op de RHD - Protocol Status: Reanimatie op de RHD - Protocol Inhoud: 1. Doel 3. Werkwijze bij reanimatie op de RHD 4. Werkwijze bij reanimatie op het ziekenhuisterrein 5. Werkwijze bij reanimatie buiten het ziekenhuisterrein • Het bieden van adequate hulpverlening in geval van adem- en/of hartstilstand in de wachtkamer of een spreekkamer op de RHD. • Het informere

Microsoft word - cv hit 2000-201

Abelseth, T.K., *Stensvåg, K., Espelid, S., Nygaard, R., *Ellingsen, T., *Bøgwald, J. & *Dalmo, R.A. (2003) The spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen) complement component C3: Isolation, characterisation and tissue distribution. Fish & Shellfish Immunology Available online 1 april 2003Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (722 K) Akse, L., *Birkeland, S., Tobiassen, T., Joensen, S. &a

Filelist convert a pdf file!



Helicobacter pylori gehört zu den Krankheitserregern, der beim Menschen am häufigsten zu Infektionen führt. Die Helicobacter pylori-Infektion wird überwiegend im Kleinkindesalter erworben und besteht in der Regel lebenslang fort, wenn nicht eine gezielte Therapie durchgeführt wird. Die Infektion ist für 80 - 90 % aller chroni-schen Entzündungen der Magenschleim- Eine Helicobacter

Microsoft word - ecmp2-0150653-2.doc

EHV-1/EHM Outbreak By: Kathy Williamson, DVM Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM), is a neurological disease caused the Equine Herpesvirus 1 virus (EHV-1). A recent outbreak in the US is causing concern. The origin of the outbreak appears to be a NCHA event held April 29-May 8, 2011 in Ogden Utah. More than 400 horses competed at this show. At this time, it is recommended that the movement

Elenco aggiornato fermate disabili.xls

Linee e fermate abilitate al servizio disabili sulla rete urbana di Trento Piazza Dante "Stazione FS" Gandhi "Parco Anna Frank" S.Francesco Porta Nuova Gramsci "Materna la Clarina" dei Mille "Villa Igea" Gocciadoro "Poliambulatori" Gorizia Adamello "Gocciadoro Arcate" Bolghera "S.Antonio" Gerola "Osp. S.

Microsoft word - health information and history form_04-30-07.doc

Health Information and History Today’s Date : Patient’s Name : Date of Birth : If you are completing this form for another person: Your name: Emergency Contact : (If not listed above) Primary Physician : Other Physicians & Specialists 1. With in the last 3 years, have you been hospitalized or had surgery? __ Yes __ No 2. Have you ever been instructed to

Microsoft word - osteopenia patient handout.doc

THIS INFORMATION IS FOR OUR PATIENTS ONLY The Center for reproduction & Women's Health Care Robert B. McWilliams, M.D. Osteopenia Osteopenia is defined as a bone density that is somewhat low. The World Health Organization formed a committee in 1994 to define osteoporosis. That committee created four diagnostic categories: Normal, Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, and Established osteo


Quantitative Urolith Analysis Submission Form Visit our website at: www.cvm.umn.edu/depts/MinnesotaUrolithCenter Urinalysis and urinary case history: CLINIC INFORMATION Date: ___________________________________________________Date _________________Composition _________________________Veterinary Surgeon: ______________________________________Date _________________Composition _______

Microsoft word - therapy-follow-up.doc

Details of my illness The first symptom of my AL-amyloidosis in 2001 was a decline in my immunoglobulin IgG level, which had remained a mystery for years. Otherwise, there was nothing unusual about my blood proteins, and the determination of free light chains was neither common nor Starting in the middle of 2003 some other symptoms appeared sporadically, including an occasional slight feel

Microsoft word - peru.doc

COURSE TITLE: PERU: CULTURE, HISTORY & WILDLIFE NO. OF CREDITS: 5 QTR CREDITS CONTACT HRS: WA CLOCK HRS: INSTRUCTORS: CHRIS WEBER, M.S. MICHAEL THIBODEAU (ASSISTANT) 1826 SE 54TH AVE 503/232-7737 PORTLAND OR, 97215 [email protected] COURSE DESCRIPTION: During a 19-day stay in Peru, we will study both the ruins, history, and

Microsoft word - ff treament of bleeding disorders.doc

HEMOPET/HEMOLIFE 11330 Markon Drive, Garden Grove, California 92841 TREATMENT OF BLEEDING DISORDERS VON WILLEBRAND’S DISEASE (VWD) For short-term control of bleeding or prophylaxis for dogs at risk to bleed from vWD (vonWillebrands disease):1. For elective procedures, assess bleeding potential first with a toenail or mucosal bleeding time. Normal2. Use L-thyroxine therapy at 0.1 m


2.1 There are three main suppliers of commercial jet engines, Pratt & Whitney, Gen-eral Electric, and Rolls-Royce. All three maintain extensive support sta¤ at major (andmany minor) airports throughout the world. Why doesn’t one …rm service each airport?Why do all three feel they need to provide service and support operations worldwidethemselves? Why don’t they subcontract this work

Microsoft word - daca 2t project description.doc

Introduction Economic activities in flood-prone areas are increasing around the world. At the same time we face changing weather conditions and a rising sea level as a result of climatic change. If no measures are carried out both probability and impact of floods will increase severely. In the Netherlands flood hazard and flood damage are combined in a risk-approach using a cost-benefit an

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