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"O" - Health Abstracts:


Antimicrobial susceptibility of Enterococcusfaecalis isolated from canals of root filled teethwith periapical lesionsE. T. Pinheiro1, B. P. F. A. Gomes1, D. B. Drucker2, A. A. Zaia1, C. C. R. Ferraz1 &F. J. Souza-Filho11Department of Endodontic, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil; and2Department of Oral Microbiology, University Dental Hospital


Dr. Blalock - Oral and Maxil ofacial Surgeon POST- OPER ATIVE INSTRUC TIONS No rinsing or spit ting for the f ir st day following surger y. Do not use drinking straws or smoke 7 to 10 days following surger y. No alcoholic beverage s (including mouthwash) for 3 days or while t aking any pain medications. Tomorrow, st ar t rinsing with warm salt water 36 to 4 time s a day for a w

Semi-annual report 2013-06-30

Origin Market Neutral U.S. Equity Semi-annual report 2013-06-30 MANAGER´S COMMENT David R. Webb Origin Investments AB received Finansinspektionen approval Over this period the Fund was substantial y ful y hedged at al to operate the Origin Market Neutral U.S. Equity fund times, employing 200% leverage (100% long/100% short), (the “Fund”) on February 19, 2013. The Fund com

Sem título-

JORNAL IMAGEM SEGURANÇA São Miguel do Oeste ‐ Quarta‐feira, 09/05/2012 17 PM Comemora 177 anos de Segurança Pública São Miguel do Oeste Policiais em treinamento técnico‐profissional Foto: Divulgação: Polícia Militar Criminalidade PM aponta redução São Miguel do Oeste m relatório divulgado ontem, pela Polícia Militar de USão Miguel do Oes

Rbu régional npdc sein simplifié (mars 2010)


Instructions cardiac

OSHAWA SITE PLEASE CALL THE DAY BEFORE THE TEST (BY 3:00) TO CONFIRM 905-723-3110 Patient Name : ____________________________________ A ppointment Date : _________________ Time : ______________ Instructions for Exercise / Persantine Perfusion Heart Test This appointment takes 4-5 hours. If you have any questions prior to the procedure, please call the Nuclear Medicine Clinic

Pid_pc_ e_2013-04

osmed hydrogel expander Plastic Surgery - Product insert data sheet The use of a template is recommended to accurately mark the position. The template indicates the initial expander size, the recommended size of the pocket, and the final size of the expander after swelling. Description The Tissue Expander - Cylinder/Cupola Dental is made of hydrogel, which is a co-polymer of primarily meth


Research Article A STUDY OF COMPARATIVE EFFICACY OF BACLOFEN VS ACAMPROSATE IN REDUCING ALCOHOL CRAVING AND ABUSE *Suvendu N Mishra, **S. P. Swain, **R K Shukla, **P.Sarkar *IMS & SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar. **Mental Health Institute, SCB Medical college,Cuttack BACK GROUND has recently been shown to reduce alcohol INTRODUCTION intake preferring rats and alcoho


Using Palo Alto Networks to Protect the Datacenter July 2009 Palo Alto Networks 232 East Java Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Sales 866.207.0077 www.paloaltonetworks.com Table of Contents Introduction. 3 Granular Policy Control. 3 Isolating the DC With Network Segmentation . 3 User-based Access Control With Active Directory . 5 Monitoring and Inspecting the Content . 5 Datacenter Pr

Analysis of the hiv/aids situation in burundi

OXFAM INTERNATIONAL: A Situation Analysis On The Hiv/Aids Epidemic In Burundi and Oxfam International’s Potential Role In The National Response To The Epidemic. MARCH-APRIL 2003 Oxfam International affiliates working in East and Central Africa:Oxfam GB, Novib, Oxfam Ireland, Oxfam Solidarite, Oxfam Quebec Acknowledgement: This document is the result of research work by AIDS spe

Microsoft word - ear_surgery_peds_post_op_instructions[1][1]

POST-OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EAR SURGERY (Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, ME explorations) What should be expected following EAR surgery? Please remember that your child has had surgery. Please do not allow them to participate in any heavy lifting, exercise or physical contact unless cleared by your surgeon. If they develop an upper respiratory infection, especially with coughin

Purim-pesach connection

contains verses proclaiming the kavod Am Yisrael is still the chosen people andGemara, the Pachad Yitzchak explainsevents—large and small—with a specific Unmasking the Hu performing mitzvot refers to His PurimÑPesach of the kavod of Am Yisrael (such as Connection Carrying this idea further, we can definethe nature of Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s divrei reshut . Hashem con

Vaginal progesterone for asymptomatic cervical shortening and the case for universal screening of cervical length

www.AJOG.org Vaginal progesterone for asymptomatic cervical shortening and the case for universal screening of cervical length C. Andrew Combs, MD, PhD A short cervix detected in midpregnancy by transvaginal short cervix, whether or not there is a history of PTB. Using a sonography carries a high risk of early preterm birth (PTB). sophisticated individual patient data metaanalysis based o

Medical and dental history

Medical and Dental History Patient Name_____________________________________ Date of Birth_______________ Please fill out the form completely to the best of your ability. Health problems that you may have, or medication(s) that you may be taking may have an important interrelationship with the dental care you receive. Thank you. Name of Primary care physician ________________________

Cefh_a_174201 155.165 ++

Education for Health,Vol. 19, No. 2, July 2006, 155 – 165Impact of Educational Outreach Visits on SmokingCessation Activities Performed by SpecialistPhysicians: A Randomized TrialInstitute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Geneva,SwitzerlandObjectives: To find out whether educational visits by a nurse to specialistphysicians improved their self-reporting of smoking cessation a


Literaturrecherche Elektrotherapie und Ultraschall 2006 Legende zur Bewertung nach /erste Ziffer Evidenzgrade der Bewertung von Studien Ia Evidenz aufgrund von Metaanalysen von randomisierten, kontrollierten Studien Evidenz aufgrund mindestens einer randomisierten, kontrollierten Studie Evidenz aufgrund mindestens einer gut angelegten, kontrollierten Studie ohne Evidenz aufgrund mindest


Onco type DX , developed by Genomic Health, is a diagnostic test that quantifies the likelihood of disease recurrence in women with early-stage hormone estrogen receptor (ER) positive only ( prognostic significance) and assesses the likely benefit from certain types of ( predictive significance). Onco type DX analyzes a panel of 21 genes within a tumor to determine a Recurrence Sco

Microsoft word - 5b - cv-completo-per pagine web

CURRICULUM VITAE - Chiara Noli, DVM, DipECVD Date of completion of CV: 23.02.10 Name: 1971-1984 German School "Istituto Giulia", Milan 1982 "Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom" (Degree of German language) 1983 "Proficiency of English, Cambridge University" (B), 1985 "Certificat Pratique de Langue Francaise, Universitée de Grenoble" (Degree of French language)

Learning about health care in africa: a physician's experience in lagos, nigeria

Learning about health care in Africa: A physician’s experience in Lagos, Nigeria A frica has long been a destination for medi- cal and religious missions. As far back as the mid-1400s, Britain and other European countries sent missionary teams into the interior of what was at that time referred to as “The Dark Continent.” In later years, medical by Larry N. Smith, MD, FA

Message from governor services manager

Message from Governor Services Team Dear Governors, The Department for Education has been very busy in the past few months and, as a result, this edition of the Briefing Sheet contains a lot of information about changes which affect governing bodies from September. In particular, you should be aware of changes to the Ofsted inspection framework, requirements to publish online inform


Schizophrenia What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history. About 1 percent of Americans have this illness.1 People with the disorder may hear voices other people don't hear. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. This can terrify peo

Dcli_a_570590 302.320 ++

Updated IMS recommendations onpostmenopausal hormone therapy andpreventive strategies for midlife healthD. W. Sturdee and A. Pines on behalf of the International Menopause Society Writing GroupWriting Group: D. F. Archer, R. J. Baber, D. Barlow, M. H. Birkha¨user, M. Brincat, L. Cardozo, T. J. de Villiers,M. Gambacciani, A. A. Gompel, V. W. Henderson, C. Kluft, R. A. Lobo, A. H. MacLennan, J. M


Chester County Health Department School Influenza Vaccination Program Dear Parent, The Chester County Health Department will be offering the influenza vaccine to school students. The goal of this program is to minimize absenteeism in the school and the community from influenza related illness. Influenza is a very serious disease that strikes even healthy children. Health authorities are n


Winter Newsletter~ February 21, 2010 Here is a brief synopsis of what’s been happening in classes with the students of OMJS…. From Morah Ilona’s class… The K/1 (Gun/Kita Aleph) class was very busy in the last months. We continued learning the Hebrew alphabet, introducing two new letters each week. Right now, we are learning the letters Kuf and Resh. All letters and themes are rein

Microsoft word - Öges-newsletter-final110405.doc

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Essstörungen ÖGES Austrian Society on Eating Disorders (ASED) c/o Zentrum für Essstörungen ZfE Tel. +43-664-65 10 697 Weiherburggasse 1 A Fax +43-512-29 10 84 A-6020 Innsbruck [email protected] Newsletter Frühjahr Mitgliederstand & Mitgliedsbeiträge 2005 ÖGES-Online-


Web address: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/ 070301081810.htm Green Tea And COX-2 Inhibitors Combine To Slow Growth Of Prostate Cancer ScienceDaily (Mar. 2, 2007) — Drinking a nice warm cup of green tea has long been touted for its healthful benefits, both real and anecdotal. But now researchers have found that a component of green tea, combined with low doses of a


Subjects Category I.F. (ISI Elenco Pubblicazioni 2008 in ordine alfabetico Amengual AM, Drago V , Foster PS, Leiguarda R, Heilman KM. Vertical scanning biases and their possible influence on reading direction: celtic wisdom or folly. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2008; Atanasković-Marković M, Gaeta F, Medjo B, Viola M, Nestorović B, Romano A.

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE Franz Schaefer, M.D. ADDRESS: Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Email: [email protected] EDUCATION: Department of Neurosurgery, University of Würzburg Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences Postgraduate Course ‘Quality Management in Medicine’ Dept. of Medical Informatics, University of Heidelberg INTE

Effexor xr - drugs - pharmaceuticals - s.s.r.i.s - antidepres.

Effexor XR - Drugs - Pharmaceuticals - S.S.R.I.s - Antidepressants - De. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/25/magazine/25memoir-t.html?ei=5. On a blustery fall New England day in 2001, a friendly representative from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals came intomy office in Newburyport, Mass., and made me an offer I found hard to refuse. He asked me if I’d like to givetalks to other doctors about usin

Bio-159 patient handbook

O n e o f t h e m o s t n a t u r a l w a y s t o b e a u t i f u l s k i n . H A N D B O O K ß-LIFTx® (Beta-Lift®) procedures during the week leading up to your ß-LIFTx® procedure:• Retinol (AFIRM®)• Tretinoin (Retin-A®, Renova® or Avita®) ß-LIFTx® is an extraordinary skin renewal agent from TxSystems®or other retinoid (Differin® or Tazorac®)ß-LIFTx® is powe

Home training, local corticosteroid injection, or radial shock wave therapy for greater trochanter pain syndrome.pdf

AJSM PreView, published on May 13, 2009 as doi:10.1177/0363546509334374 Home Training, Local Corticosteroid Injection, or Radial Shock Wave Therapy for Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome Jan D. Rompe,*† MD, Neil A. Segal,‡ MD, Angelo Cacchio,§ MD, John P. Furia,ll MD, Antonio Morral,¶ PT, and Nicola Maffulli, MD, MS, PhD, FRCS(Orth), FFSEM(UK) From the † OrthoTrauma Evaluation Cent

Vibramycin injection prescribing information

VIBRAMYCIN doxycycline hyclate for injection INTRAVENOUS FOR INTRAVENOUS USE ONLY DESCRIPTION Vibramycin (doxycycline hyclate for injection) Intravenous is a broad-spectrum antibioticsynthetically derived from oxytetracycline, and is available as Vibramycin Hyclate(doxycycline hydrochloride hemiethanolate hemihydrate). The chemical designation of thislight-yellow crystalline powd

Great glen way on horseback

GREAT GLEN WAY on Horseback The GGW is easily accessible to horse riders and the way well marked and for the most part easy to ride (as far as we went!). If you are an experienced trail/endurance/TREC rider then you and your horse should be well prepared and find it enjoyable and straightforward provided you do a little prior planning and preparation. If not, do not despair but be aw


In der Diskussion Krebserkrankungen und präventives Potenzial der Ernährung Teil 2: Sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe und Mammakarzinom nen, in hexagonaler Anordnung be-steht. In den Extrazellularraum ragen- Bestimmte Inhaltsstoffe vieler Gemüsesorten, Früchte und Getreidearten zeigen beim Tier und in vitro eine vorbeugende Wirkung gegen verschiedene Krebsarten. Die Forschung ist


Biphasic changes in heart rate variabilities and skin temperature observed through learning process of Spectrometric Characteristics and Tumor-Affinity of a novel photosensitizer: ABCA case of obsessive compulsive disorder relieved with cognitive behavioral therapyIn modern Japan, fluvoxamine is the only choice adopted for OCD, although Kamijima et al. in 2004 have provided evidence for clini

Retinal clinical trials

SAVE SIGHT INSTITUTE & RETINAL CLINICAL TRIALS SYDNEY EYE HOSPITAL CLINICAL TRIAL OPTIONS FOR YOUR PATIENTS CONDITION KEY CRITERIA* TRIAL DETAILS Diabetic macular oedema > 300 μm; 3 yr trial VEGF Trap-medication in study eye VA ~6/7.5 – 6/60; Laser unlikely to benefit and at least (FOV2304) trial; Oedema #3 3 months since previous laser, ste


Let us call “tense logic” the programme of explaining tense in natural lan-guages by means of a model theory similar in structure to possible worlds seman-tics for modality. This programme would make the following claims. 1) Tense is best represented formally by intensional sentential operators whichshould be read as “it was the case that” and “it will be the case that”. 2) These o

Microsoft word - raporti i trepces ne ang me komente1.doc


E-bulletin 05.07.2013

E-Bulletin OAC Students on TV Technology Show SWiPE, Sky TV, Friday 5th July, 8.45pm On Friday, 5th July students from Oasis Academy Coulsdon will feature in a special report on young people’s involvement with social media on Sky News’ flagship technology programme, SWiPE broadcast at 20.45. Students took part in

Microbial pathogen data sheets : mycobacterium bovis

MYCOBACTERIUM BOVIS THE ORGANISM/TOXIN (N.B. The absence of a sanitiser/disinfectant fromThis is one of two species of the “tubercle bacilli”this section does not necessarily imply that it is(the other is M. tuberculosis ) that are able to causetuberculosis. Unlike M. tuberculosis , M. bovis infects cattle and other animals, and so the disease THE ILLNESS can be spread to hu

Pharmacy payments in the oregon workers' compensation system, first quarter 2004

Pharmacy Payments in the Oregon Workers’ Compensation System, First Quarter 2004 Department of Consumer & Business Services The estimated medical payments for treating injured workers during the fi rst calendar quarter of 2004 totaled $66,215,300. This represents a 12 percent increase from the estimated $59,090,500 in total medical payments re-ported during the fi rst calendar


State-of-the-Art UROLOGY AND UROLOGIC SURGERY In a Minimally Invasive Way No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy (Please also refer to our vasectomy web site at www.VasectomyNoNeedle.com) Vasectomy is a procedure performed in your urologist’s office. The vas deferens, the tube connecting the testicle to the urethra, is cut to prevent sperm from being added to the semen. Al

Advances in osteoporosis therapy

Advances in osteoporosis therapy 2003 update of practical guidelines OBJECTIVE To review evidence for current therapies for postmenopausal osteoporosis and to establish practical guidelines for management of osteoporosis by family physicians. QUALITY OF EVIDENCE MEDLINE was searched from January 1990 to January 2003. Articles retrieved were graded by level of evidence (I to III). Recommenda


MINOXIDIL BAILLEUL 2 %, solution pour application cutanée Veuillez lire attentivement cette notice avant d'utiliser ce médicament. Elle contient des informations importantes pour votre traitement. Ce médicament est une spécialité d'AUTOMEDICATION qui peut être utilisée sans consultation ni prescription d'un médecin. La persistance des symptômes, l'aggravatio

Ley 354, ley de patentes de invención, modelo de utilidad y diseños industriales.doc


Microsoft word - dokument

FINAL SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM THURSDAY, JUNE 08, 2006 12.00-15.00 Registration 14.00 SCUR Board members meeting/coffee, tea and sandwiches 14.45-15.00 Opening 15.00-15.30 INVITED LECTURE Chairman: S. Jablonska Slawomir Majewski (Warszawa, Poland) A possible role of epidermodysplasia verruciformis-associated human papillomaviruses in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. 15.30-16.30 FREE COM

Paroxetine in social phobia

The Efficacy of Paxil (Paroxetine) for Panic Disorder Journal : The Current Practice of Medicine Authors : Dr Sean D. Hood, Dr Spilios Argyropoulos, Prof David J. Nutt Corresponding Author : Sean Hood ([email protected]) Introduction Substantial advances into the pharmacological treatment of Panic Disorder (PD) have been made in the lasttwo decades. Although tricyclic antidepres

Microsoft word - documento

A new edition of the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines for the treatment of HIV, HIV and hepatitis C co-infection, and HIV with other co-morbidities were published in advance of the 14th European AIDS Conference currently meeting in Brussels and were presented and discussed at a special session yesterday. There are relatively few changes in treatment recommendations in the 2013 edi

Ocumox brief prescribing information

Brief Prescribing Information COMPOSITION: ADVERSE EFFECTS: No serious ophthalmic or systemic adverse reactions related to Moxifloxacin wereMoxifloxacin Hydrochloride B.P. equivalent to Moxifloxacin . 5 mg. Preservative: None. Product is self - preserved. Adverse reactions were generally mild and occurred at an incidence similar toInactives: Boric acid and sodium chloride. placebo

California state organic program complaint

Subject: Formal complaint filed to California State Organic Program from Organic Consumers Association, regarding Avalon's misleading labeling practices. Date: 5/5/2003 6101 Cliff Estate Rd, Little Marais, MN 55614 As provided in the California Food and Agricultural Code (CFAC) Chapter 10, division 17 under 46016.1 and the California Organic Standards Act of 2003 (COSA)-110940 (a),

(microsoft word - s\374dafrika stefan bericht opel 22.4.2006.doc)

Reisebericht Gerhard Opel Reiseverlauf Samstag, 22.04.2006: Die Anflug-Formation auf Frankfurt bildet einen Stern mit Strahlen aus Düsseldorf, Hannover, Nürnberg und Stuttgart. Ein gutes Omen. Unsere Reise stand allzeit unter einem guten Stern. Flug SA 263 startet pünktlich um 17.25 Uhr. Angekündigte Flugzeit 11 h 15 min., Flugdistanz ca. 9500 km. Der Airbus A 340-400 ist nicht ausg


Schmerztherapie bei Erwachsenen Anleitung zur medikamentösen Tumorschmerz-Therapie Pflegeinterventionen in der Schmerztherapie Herausgeber:Arbeitsgruppe Schmerztherapie im Onkologischen Zentrum Westpfalzfür die Arbeitsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Ch. Madler, Anästhesiologiefür das OZW: Prof. Dr. H. Link, Medizinische Klinik 1Redaktion:Dr. G. Hübner, Medizinische Klinik 1ghuebner@westpfalz-k

Microsoft word - high_altitude_health.docx

HEALTH PROBLEMS AT HIGH ALTITUDE More often than not, attempts to predict performance at altitude are no better than guessing. However,over the age of 50, only very fit people who exercise regularly and have some experience with highaltitude should try to go to 15,000 feet. Narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which occurs ineveryone to varying degrees, further limits the delivery of ox


PROHIBITED LIST INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail. This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2012 THE 2012 PROHIBITED LIST WORLD ANTI-DOPING CODE Valid 1 Ja


Mapping the Contours of European Union Health Law and Policy Tamara K. Hervey, University of Nottingham. This paper has been prepared while the author is in receipt of a Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust (ref RF/8//2000/0138), which is gratefully acknowledged. Introduction Diane Blood relies on free movement rights in Community law to seek fertility treatment in Belgium.

Microsoft word - crystalens patient handout_chung.doc

THE CRYSTALENS IMPLANT FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS There are two different types of premium lens implant options – the multifocal and the accommodating lens - that are designed to reduce your dependence on glasses as compared to if you had received a standard “single-focus” lens implant. When you are not wearing glasses, a standard lens implant will provide your eye with o


8058 Foodhouse internal 30/1/09 2:43 pm Page 3 Healthy Eating Policy healthier eating. Research into health and diet OCS Statement on Healthy Eating continues to confirm what we already know - ignoreOCS Catering have put together some statements on● To ensure that our consumers have the fad diets and follow key pointers to reduce the riskhealthy eating and it’s affect on working perf


Hydroxyurea Associated Leg Ulcer Succesfully Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen in a Diabetic Patient B. Akinci 1 , S. Yesil 1 , A. Atabey 2 , S. Ilgezdi 3 Affi liations 1 Dokuz Eylul University, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Izmir, Turkey 2 Dokuz Eylul University, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Izmir, Turkey 3 Yesilyurt Ataturk Education and Research Hospital, Undersea and

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2405 ATHERHOLT ROAD LYNCHBURG, VA 24501 MRI REQUEST SCHEDULING - (434) 485-8521 MRI APPOINTMENT DATE : ___/____/___ FAX (434) 485-8599 TIME: _________________ am pm PATIENT INFORMATION (PRINT) Patient’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _____ /_____ /_______ First M.I. Last Phone: (_______)______________________ W

Microsoft word - faq_mutations.doc

Antiviral resistance Position Neuraminidase (SUBTYPE) isolates inhibitors genicity Ose. Zan. Table 1 : List of mutations used to compute antiviral resistance and putative human adaptation. Ose.: Oseltamivir. Zan.: Zanamivir. Per.: Peramivir. Adam.: Adamantanes. Hum. adapt.: Human adaptation. Ref.; bibliographic reference number. High pathogenicity: could contribute,

Ofgs newsletter jj09.pub

Yahoo! Infringes Patent for Background Advertising System On May 15, 2009, Creative Internet Advertising the jury returned an award of over $6.5 million, or Concepts, Inc. received a unanimous jury verdict against Yahoo! Inc. in a patent infringement trial in According to Yahoo! ’s web site, an IMVironment the Federal District Cout for the Eastern District of (IMV) in its Me

3.10.09 agenda

Jerry Tao, President Victor Klausner, D.O., Vice President Huiwen Zhang, O.M.D., Secretary/Treasurer Farolyn McSweeney, O.M.D., Member STATE OF NEVADA BOARD OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE PUBLIC NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING Tuesday, March 10, 20098 at 6:00 P.M. The Nevada State Board of Oriental Medicine will conduct a public Board meeting on Tuesday, March 10 beginning at 6:00 P.M. The

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Sejarah Seksualitas dalam Kekristenan 1 Stephen Suleeman Pendahuluan Permintaan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan makalah “Sejarah Seksualitas dalam Kekris-tenan” adalah sebuah permintaan yang menantang namun juga tidak mudah ditulis. Permintaan ini menantang, sebab sejauh ini orang biasanya meminta pendeta untuk menyampaikan pandangan etika-teologi tentang seksualitas menurut agama Kristen. Namu

Chronic kidney disease

Caring for your pet with chronic kidney disease. Pets with kidney disease generally drink more and urinate more. They are more prone to urinary tract infections because their urine is more dilute than normal. They also tend to have a reduced ap-petite, due to their general state of ongoing mild dehydration and to the buildup of toxins in their bodies which normally would be removed by the k


THIS OPINION IS NOT A PRECEDENT OF UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE THE T.T.A.B. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board P.O. Box 1451 Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 Mailed: June 12, 2008 Opposition No. 91179748 Schering Corporation Diagnostic Test Group LLC Before Quinn, Rogers, and Mermelstein, Administrative Trademark Judges. By the Board: Diag


SELKIL HSE 4828 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Staden Lane Business Park, , Buxton, Derbyshire. SK17 9RZUnited KingdomTel : 01298 26226Fax : 01298 26540Email : [email protected] 2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION R12 Extremely flammable., R40 Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect., R50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-te

Microsoft word - yasmin_mistry_resume.doc

YASMIN MISTRY VFX / MOTION GRAPHICS DESIGNER http://www.idesygn.com EXPERIENCE Recent Clients Include: ABC NEWS | Freelance Visual Effects Artist Worked with a team of 2D and 3D artists to create visual effects for television specials aired in HD and SD, including Emmy nominated “20/20; Last Days on Earth,” which aired in HD. Responsibilities included compositing, r

Microsoft word - ohpd media report 02-27-13.docx

CALLS FOR SERVICE ‐ 02/27/13  Following is the Oak Harbor Police Department Calls for Service for the period of 6:00 a.m. on 02/26/13 to 6:00  a.m. on 02/27/13.  02/28/13 OAK HARBOR POLICE 592 08:23 Law Incident Media Summary Report, by Date Page: 1 Number Nature Date -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-O01869 Alarm C


A CASE OF THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME IN A HORSE FROM USA EXAMINED IN DUBAI (UAE). Author: W. Tarello , DVM, C.P. 1644, 06129 PERUGIA 5 (ITALY) Accepted for Poster presentation at the THIRD INTERNATIONAL CLINICAL AND SCIENTIFIC MEETING: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a serious legitimate diagnosis. Sydney, 1-2 December 2001. ABSTRACT - A six-year old castrated male warm-blood horse with a two-year


Protocol for Using Antibiotics in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Disease It is important to read the entire protocol. This use of antibiotics for rheumatoid diseaseis different from the traditional manner in which antibiotics are prescribed. _____________________________________ _______ C) 1998, The Road Back Foundation _____________________________________ _______ This protocol su

Microsoft word - neonomadi con orgoglio.doc

NEONOMADI CON ORGOGLIO Alla tribù dei neonomadi, costituita per lo più da giovani neolaureati,e in generale a chi rinuncia al tradizionale concetto di carriera lineare , offriamo un aiuto concreto: in collaborazione con alcune ambasciate dei paesi dove potrebbe esistere una prospettiva occupazionale , è stata elaborata questa lista di siti istituzionali e privati cui possono rivolgersi i


LAURENTIAN ROGAINE Prévost, Piedmont, St-Hippolyte, Ste-Adèle - Québec September 29, 2001 - 12 Hour Event A Map and Compass Adventure Sport ROGAINE is an acronym for a Rugged Outdoor Group Activity Involving Navigation and Endurance. Originating in Australia, it is rapidly becoming popular in North America. Participants in a Rogaine come from diverse backgrounds: Hikers, Run


BROODJES Halve baguette (wit/meergranen). Pain Pyrénée (donker zuurdesem) 0,60 extra WORSTEN & HAMMEN o.a Mortadella. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,50 Salame Toscane / Spianata Romana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,50 Chorizo de


The Reta Trust Pharmacy Schedule of Benefits for 2-Tier Formulary Summary of Benefits Formulary Brand Retail Pharmacy Copayment (per Prescription Unit or up to 30 days) Mail-Service Pharmacy Copayment (up to 3 Prescription Units or up to 90 days) ** There is a $2000.00 max out of pocket benefit. Once you meet the out of pocket maximum your cop


ORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY An International Open Free Access, Peer Reviewed Research Journal Spectroscopic and Chemometric Analysis of Illegally Manufactured Formulations of Selected Medicines SAFWAN M. OBEIDAT* and BAN AL-TAYYEM Department of Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid (Jordan). *Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected](Received: May 14, 2012; Accepted: June

Microsoft word - 9-13-2005 cents quarterly meeting minutes.doc

COMMUNITY EAR, NOSE and THROAT SPECIALISTS (CENTS) Monday, September 13, 2005 (6:30 p.m.– 8:30 p.m.) Catherine Palmer, PhD Opening of Meeting-Jonas Johnson, MD Dr. Johnson opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. by welcoming the members who were able Introduction of Residents in Attendance-Jonas Johnson, MD No residents in attendance at this meeting. Overview of ENT Products offered by S


Dr Loh Seong Feei was interviewed by the Straits Times, in “ More S'pore couples turn to IVF ”, by Ms Jessica Jaganathan, 17 Aug 2008, article below and More S'pore couples turn to IVF At least 2,000 women seeking IVF treatment each year, and couples are spending at least $40 million annually on the fertility treatment. Sun, Aug 17, 2008 The Straits Times BY: Jessica Jaganathan MOTHER

Ковальчук Борис Юрьевич

Kovalchuk, Boris Yuryevich Born in 1977. Citizenship: Russian Federation. Education St. Petersburg State University. Branch of study: Jurisprudence. Graduated: 1999. Positions in the last five years: 2006 to 2009 Assistant to the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev (during D.A. Medvedev's tenure), Director of Priority National Projects D


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Ocbc bank is first to offer a complete insurance plan that provides customers with hospitalisation & surgical benefits (hns),

MEDIA RELEASE OCBC CONTRIBUTES RM100,000 TOWARD ESTATE AGENTS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Kuala Lumpur, 12 January 2008 – OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad today presented RM100,000 to the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) to kick-start a year-long development programme that aims to catapult estate agents to new heights of professionalism during 2008. The presentation, wit


SPECIAL ONE TIME SETTLEMENT SCHEME (OTS) FOR NPA ACCOUNTS IN MSME SECTOR Coverage of the Scheme • The approved policy will also cover eligible cases in which the Bank has initiated actions under SARFAESI Act, cases pending before Courts/ DRTs /Lok Adalat and decreed accounts subject to obtaining consent decree from the Court/ DRT/ Lok Adalat. • The approved OTS scheme will cover


WEEKEND T O DAY • OCTOBER 9-10 • 2004 Wealth Management brought to you by HOW TO GROW YOUR MONEY QI read in your article last week that a portfolio’s performance largely depends on asset allocation. What is the best way to decide on my portfolio’s allocation between equities and bonds? A Your asset allocation decision depends largely on factors such as your in


17 - COUNTY CLERK RECORDING & FILING FUND $183.60 32 - BOLES ACRES FIRE DISTRICT $1,856.46 56 - SIXTEEN SPRINGS CANYON FIRE DISTRICT $41.54 65 - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FUND $5,230.03 72 - ENVIRONMENTAL/CONVENIENT CENTER FUND(72) $6,434.71 ------------- TOTAL EXPENDED $158,276.87 The following claims now on file with the County Manager were examined, audited and approved for payment

Microsoft word - qasmoke_free_policyfinal

Q: I currently smoke. Does this mean I have to quit A: No. These policies only requires that you refrain from the use of tobacco products at any facility owned or operated by the Health Department and from using tobacco products outside designated tobacco zones. This encompasses all employees, clients, volunteers, contracted employees and visitors from the use of tobacco products while on prop


Treating Nicotine Dependence Among Patients With Mental Health or Addictive Disorders Full Reference List 1. Amering M, Bankier B, Berger P, Griengl H, Windhaber J, Katschnig H. Panic disorder and cigarette smoking behavior. Compr Psychiatry. 1999;40(1):35-38. Breslau N, Novak SP, Kessler RC. Daily smoking and the subsequent onset of psychiatric disorders. Psychol Med. 2004;34(2):323-333.


Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, HyderabadProfessor, Sri Krishnadevaraya Institute of Management,Srikrishna Devaraya University, Anantapur. promote the brand names as thecompany’s name to create a marketdiscover or patent the drug, now youcan give your name to the medicineit is more expensive than generics, stillbefore the most popular brand recalls. counterfeiting an

Microsoft word - research activities.docx

Research Activities: Mr Mark Gaston Research Experience: (i) University (student): Commenced medical research during the BA (Hons) Medical Sciences degree completed at Cambridge University. During this a pharmacology research project was carried out in Parke-Davis Neuroscience Research Centre. Experience was gained in literature review, medical statistics, frozen section histology,

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DIE LUNGE IM ALTERNDEN MENSCHEN Schwerpunkt: chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung + Pneumonie Die Lunge im alternden Menschen Entscheidende Faktoren für eine normale Lungenfunktion:♦ Anzahl der Alveolarkapillaren♦ Dehnbarkeit: - Lunge♦ Geschlecht, Größe, Körpermasse und Zusammensetzung♦ genetische Ausstattung (Rasse, familiärer Hintergrund)Interaktion der Gene

Microsoft word - eis finalfinal commentfrom mary.doc

John Forren U.S. EPA (3EA30) 1650 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Dear Mr. Forren: I want to thank you and the members of the EIS steering committee for the opportunity to comment on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Mountaintop Mining/Valley Fills in Appalachia, and for extending the review period until January 6, 2004. My comments are based on more than a decade of

Oahumpo tac minutes

TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Department of Transportation 5th Floor Conference Room Members Present: Mark Au, Chair FY 2010 Members Absent: Steve Wong (FAA, ex officio), (vacant, FTA, ex officio) Guests Present: OahuMPO Staff Present : Gordon Lum (Executive Director), Lori Arakaki, and Pamela Toyooka The meeting was called to order at 1:02 p.m. by Chair Glenn Yasui. A quo

Microsoft word - cv-ultrashort1page2012uk_inclpubl.doc

C V ( S H O R T ) H E N N I N G B E C K - N I E L S E N Professor Henning Beck-Nielsen, MD, DMSc Odense University Hospital, Department of Endocrinology, Kloevervaenget 6, 4th floor, 5000 Odense C, Denmark28 June 1945 Henning Beck-Nielsen (HBN) is Professor of Endocrinology at the University of Southern Denmark and Consultant and Head of research at Odense University Hospital. He has b


Infectious Disease and the ExtremeSport AthleteCraig C. Young, , Mark W. Niedfeldt, ,Laura M. Gottschlich, Charles S. Peterson, Matthew R. Gammons, MDaDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226, USAbDepartment of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin,9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226, USAcDepartm

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Ley No. 716, sobre las funciones públicas de los Cónsules dominicanos.- G. O. No. 6160, del 19 de Octubre de 1944. EL CONGRESO NACIONAL En Nombre de la República Art. 1.- Las actuaciones que realizaren los funcionarios consulares en los casos y dentro de las condiciones previstas en la presente ley, tendrán el carácter inherente a los actos de la autoridad pública. Párrafo.- Lo


Definitions: “Charge to Mobile” means the service by which O2 enables both prepay and bill pay O2 customers to charge certain goods and services within a limited network to their mobile phone bill; “Merchant” means a third party merchant whom O2 has selected to party to a limited network of Charge to Mobile Merchants who, can as a result, offer Charge to Mobile as a payment option to elig


SIMPLIFICATION DU DROIT Le Conseil constitutionnel ne censure que des cavaliers législatifs Par Alfredo Allegra | LexTimes.fr | 15 mars 2012 19:34Le Conseil constitutionnel a déclaré conforme à la Constitution la loi relativeà la simplification du droit et à l'allègement des démarches administratives,à l'exception des « cavaliers législatifs » notamment celle accordant une


Question 326 ETIOLOGIE ET TRAITEMENT DES PARALYSIE FACIALE PERIPHERIQUES La paralysie faciale a frigore ou paralysie de Bell Les paralysies faciales infectieuses Les paralysies faciales otogènes Les paralysies faciales de cause rare, congénitales ou générales Le nerf facial correspond à la septième paire crânienne. Les atteintes périphériques du VII peuvent résulter de lés

Predictors of adherence to hormonal therapy in breast cancer

Predictors of Adherence to Hormonal Therapy in Breast Cancer Principal Investigator: Specific aims: 1. Describe the pattern of adherence to hormonal therapy in women with early stage breast cancer. Hypothesis 1a. Adherence to hormonal therapy will decrease over time in women with early stage breast cancer. 2. Determine the patient and illness/treatment factors that predict medicati


Silver Jubilee Annual Conference of Orissa Chemical Society (International Year of Chemistry) 24-26 December, 2011 List of Papers (Memorial/Award/Invited/Oral) Name of Author(s) Title of the Abstract AL / IL / OP Tandem Ring Opening-Cyclization of Vinylcyclopropanes and Vinylcyclobutanes: A Facile Synthesis of Chiral V. K. Manchanda Thorium as an Abundant Sou


Jahresbericht wird mit einer grosser Mehrheit angenommen. „nichts haltet mich zurück und was ist so schlimm mit ein paar Mordfällen vor Rechnung 2005 dem Z’vieri“ Blick so leise wie eine Treslag: Startgelderhöhung, Karten etwas günstiger + Wirtschaft ASJM-Schlusslauf kommt ins neue Vereinsjahr Sport-Toto Kartenbeitrag Buechberg erst 2006 Kartenverkauf Zurzacher kommt auch


Material Safety Data Shee t Section 1 – Product and Company Identification Product Name: Produdct Use : Company Identification: MANUFACTURER No. 63, Mingzhubei Road,Xiangzhou District Oversea sales department: Tel: +86 756 8539388 Fax: +86 756 8539389 Emergency call: +86 800- 830- 7918 (24 hours hotline) Section 2 - Composition, Information on Ingredients

Discharge instructions following

DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS FOLLOWING TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT Stephen J. Kelly, M.D. This handout includes many of the questions you might have following your discharge to home. If you have other questions, please call the office at 828-2100. If you should have SHORTNESS of BREATH or CHEST PAIN, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department (ED) CALL OUR OFFICE AT 828-2100 IF

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Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation Final Report, June 2011 PROJECT TITLE: Stimulating host defences for control of turfgrass diseasesPRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Drs. Paul H. Goodwin & Tom HsiangSchool of Environmental SciencesUniversity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1Tel: (519) 824-4120 x 52754 (PG), x 52753 (TH), Fax: (519) 837-0442Email: [email protected], [email protected] Sum


Ambulatory Care Clerkship Goals and Objectives COURSE GOALS: Teach the student the rationale of prescribing medication in an ambulatory care setting;Familiarize the student with laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures used in themonitoring of drug therapy;Teach the student both the physical and laboratory parameters for evaluating effectivemedication use in ambulatory patients,Reinforc


Myths & Truths  Cholesterol is produced by almost every cell  Don’t worry about your cholesterol—the stress of unnecessary worry can contribute to heart  Cholesterol in cell membranes makes cells Cholesterol  Do not take cholesterol-lowering drugs—they chemistry on the inside and the outside of  Avoid processed food, especial y foods contain- Cholesterol

Survival text unit 2.pdf

Personal Protection Chapter Title Basic Survival Medicine Plants for Medicine Proper Body Temperature Clothing Shelters CHAPTER 2-1 Basic Survival Medicine Medical Encounters injuries and illnesses. Because there is no“typical” survival situation, the approach toself-aid must be flexible, placing emphasis oncan compromise a survivor’s ability to return

In praise of good penmanship

In Praise of Good Penmanship By Brenda Rishea, former OCHEC editor Is good penmanship dead? In my parents’ day, penmanship was an art, and those who had a beautiful script were greatly admired. In fact, one of the requirements of qualifying for the temporary job of census-taker was that the person has “good penmanship”. While researching family genealogy, I discovered many old document

Final exam solutions

Questions from Lecture and the Oliver Sacks book: 1. Which is NOT true about measures of personality? A) their stability increases with age B) personality traits, according to twin studies, are about 50% heritable C) conscientiousness appears to diminish risk of Alzheimer’s disease D) children are more similar to an adoptive sibling than to any randomly selected unrelated 2. Research


Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 75 (2006) 19–24The bioavailability and pharmacodynamics of differentconcentrations of omega-3 acid ethyl estersM. Bryhna,Ã, H. Hansteena, T. Schancheb, S.E. AakrebaPronova Biocare, R&D, Vollsveien 6, N-1327 Lysaker, NorwayReceived 9 March 2006; received in revised form 6 April 2006; accepted 15 April 2006Omega-3 fatty acids


Pediatric Donor Management Guidelines for Clinical Management of Organ Donors: Weight < 40 kg Organ Perfusion & Hormonal Replacement Guidelines: • Normal HR, SBP: (see chart below) • Urinary output of 1-3 cc/kg/hr • CVP 6-10 mmHg Normal Heart Normal Resp. Fluid Challenge Systolic BP (20 mL/kg) Premature Assessment: • Continuous arterial pressu

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VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIEBLAD Veiligheidsinformatieblad voor chemische producten volgens EG-richtlijn 2001/58/EG Datum: 30 november 2006 PERFACS Houtwormmiddel 1. Identificatie van het product en van het bedrijf Productnaam vergiftiging moet contact worden opgenomen met het Nationale Vergiftigingen Informatie Centrum. Uitsluitend door behandelend arts. 2. Samenstelling - inf


Drug Treatment of Epilepsy in Adults THESE ARE GUIDELINES ONLY First line drugs Available as Average total dose Treatment Possible side effects include the following list (generic name) (brand name) in a day for adults (any severe reactions should be reported to your GP or neurologist) Carbamazepine Carbamazepine: Tablets 100mg, 200mg, Effective against gener

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UC Center Program Courses - Fall 2011 PCC 117. Media in France and the European Union Prof. Joav Toker email: [email protected] Office Hours By appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will explore and critically analyse major institutions, actors and trends in contemporary French Media and attempt to situate them in the larger contexts of “unifying” Europe and “global

Hkan mellstedt, prof

Curiculum Vitae Angelo Paradiso MD – PhD - Scientific Director of NCI Bari (Italy) Function within OECI - Co-opted Board Member, Chairperson Educational Working Group Education • Degrees: Medicine in 1980, University of Bari • Specialization: -Oncology in 1985, University of Bari, -Applied Pharmacology , 1988, University of Bari Professional Experience (fu

Cv - tnh (full - 10/98 - update)

CURRICULUM VITAE Thomas N. Hangartner, PhD, FAAPM 4058 Whitegate Dr. Beavercreek, Ohio 45430 Phone H: (937) 427-2177 Phone W: (937) 775-5070 PERSONAL INFORMATION: EDUCATION: Matriculation,Stiftsschule Einsiedeln, SwitzerlandDipl. Phys. ETH,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ZürichTeaching Certificate (Secondary Education),Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Züric

What does my effort give rise to?

What Does My Effort Give Rise To? June 30, 2010 Olympia Zen Center Eido Frances Carney I want to talk tonight about a word that comes up very frequently in Dogen Zenji's writings, in his encouragement talks, and it's the second one of the spiritual agents that I spoke a little bit about last week (we spoke last week about Genuineness and Trust) the second one is Effort. Also it's one of the Pa


Cidadania na Metrópole Desigual: a cultura política na metrópole fluminense1 Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro (IPPUR/UFRJ) Orlando Alves dos Santos Junior (IPPUR/UFRJ) Discutir a problemática da governança urbana do metrópole do Rio de Janeiro requer não apenas discutir as raízes das enormes desigualdades sociais e urbanas existentes nas suas cidades, mas também a cultura política que

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