
Tardive Dyskinesia is a side effect of antipsychotic medications. If an antipsychotic medication or Amoxapine is prescribed, this policy must be followed in combination with the "Psychotropic Medications Administration Policy”. Persons who receive the service of medication administration and/or monitoring of medications from Home and Community Options, Inc. shall be free from chemical restraints unless restraints are: 1) Authorized by the person or their legal guardian, 2) Authorized by the physician, 3) Used under emergency conditions according to Agency policy, or 4) Used during a behavior modification program as part of the individual's program plan which is approved by the Interdisciplinary Team in consideration of standards governing the use of psychotropic medications and the use of aversive or deprivational procedures. Of particular concern with the use of neuroleptic medication and Amoxapine, is the development of dyskinesias which may be persistent and irreversible. Home and Community Options, Inc. recognizes the necessity and responsibility to monitor individuals for dyskinesias. This policy supports the following guidelines: Neuroleptic medication and/or Amoxapine must be used as judiciously as possible, for only the proper situations. The medication must have documented effectiveness. Psychotropic medications shall be used only after it is determined that the potentially beneficial effects of the medication outweigh the harmful effects of the behavior for which the medication is prescribed, and only if the harmful effects of the behavior outweigh potentially harmful effects of the medication. The lowest effective dose of the medication will be used, and will be administered only in the presence of goals and objectives designed to reduce or eliminate the necessity for the use of behavior modifying drugs. The individual and/or the legally authorized representative must be informed of the possibility of Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) and receive information on the Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS). Information shared must also include a description of the signs and symptoms of TD. The individual must be systematically monitored and assessed for TD using the DISCUS. If symptoms occur, a diagnosis must be pursued. The effectiveness of the neuroleptic medication must be documented, or plans made to reduce and eliminate the medication's use. The medication administration plan must be re-assessed if TD or developing signs occur. Psychotropic medications shall not be used for the convenience, or as a substitute for active treatment or in doses that interfere with an individual's capability to function. Psychotropic medications will be reviewed as ordered by the physician, but at least quarterly. During reviews, the physician and the Interdisciplinary Team will assure that the dosage is appropriate and evaluate the potential for medication reduction. The guidelines specified in the Psychotropic Medication Administration Policy shall be followed in combination with this policy. Tardive Dyskinesia is an involuntary movement disorder that may appear after long-term use (generally one to two years, or more) of a neuroleptic medication. It may be permanent or transient and is characterized by a variable mixture of facial, ocular, oral, lingual, and limb movements. Examples of such movements are grimacing, tics, lip smacking, puckering, tongue thrusting, worm-like hand movements, and ankle flexion. "Positive" ratings are defined as meeting all three prerequisites of the Research Diagnoses for Tardive Dyskinesia (RD-TD) by Schooler, M. and Kane, J. (ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, 39, 486, 1982). These are: At least 90 days cumulative neuroleptic exposure; The presence of a total score of five (5) or above. Be alert for any change from baseline, or scores below five, which have at least a "moderate" (3) or "severe" (4) movement on any item. Also be concerned with at least two "mild" (2) movements on two items located in different body areas. No other conditions are responsible for the movements. "Negative" ratings are defined as not meeting one or more of the prerequisites. Persistent tardive dyskinesia is defined as meeting the three RD-TD prerequisites and doing so for greater than three months. Masked persistent tardive dyskinesia is defined as meeting the three RD-TD prerequisites for greater than three months, but upon a neuroleptic medication or Amoxapine increase, movements no longer meet the scoring criteria prerequisite. Neuroleptics are also referred to as antipsychotics, or major tranquilizers. Such medication includes the phenothiazines, thioxanthenes, butyrophenones, dibenzazepines, indolones, and rauwolfias. Examples are: Thorazine, Mellaril, Prolixin, Navane, Loxitane, Haldol, Moban, etc. Neuroleptics and Amoxapine are the only medication regularly associated with persistent tardive dyskinesia. Individuals receiving a neuroleptic medication or Amoxapine shall be rated using the Dyskinesia Identification System - Condensed User Scale (DISCUS) once every six months. Individuals not currently receiving a neuroleptic medication or Amoxapine shall be rated according to the following guidelines: Ratings shall be completed annually. If the rating is/becomes negative, ratings may be discontinued. If it can be documented that the individual has never received neuroleptics, no rating is necessary. Individuals who have a neuroleptic medication or Amoxapine discontinued shall be rated one month, two months and three months after discontinuation. (Does not apply to PRN medications) Individuals whose rating is positive after three months shall be rated again at six months and then one year after discontinuation of the neuroleptic. a. If rating is positive after 12 months, individual shall be rated b. If rating is negative after 12 months, the ratings may be Individuals whose three-month rating is negative may have ratings If, however neuroleptic medication or Amoxapine is reinstituted, the rating schedule shall revert to every six months. It is recommended that individuals not currently receiving a neuroleptic medication or Amoxipine who are placed on a neuroleptic medication shall have a rating completed within seven days prior to initiation. Certain individuals may require a neuroleptic medication or Amoxapine be initiated on an emergency basis. The documented emergency precludes the baseline ratings described above. One to two ratings within six months shall be made as soon as conditions or control of other short-term movement related side effects allow. Persons who receive the service of medication administration and/or monitoring of medications from Home and Community Options, Inc. shall be considered for TD rating if there is a history of previous psychotropic medication use or there is a history or potential for a behavioral disorder. The Interdisciplinary Team shall review the need for a rating at the time of admission. Individuals who are of particular concern may be rated on a more frequent basis, with the frequency of rating dependent upon the specifics of the individual's case. Trained personnel shall be responsible for scheduling and facilitating ratings. Dyskinesia ratings shall be documented on the DISCUS form, which is located in the individual’s Permanent File. It is recommended that the rater make a brief written chart entry noting any observations in addition to the assessment data. If an individual who displays TD requires continued neuroleptic treatment, the physician shall document the benefits and risks of continued neuroleptic use. Unless neuroleptic efficacy can be documented in a specific manner, individuals who display TD or signs of TD shall have neuroleptic medication discontinued. Such discontinuation may need to be gradual. If seen as necessary that the person continue on the neuroleptic, or that it be resumed to control behavior or psychosis, or to mask the TD, informed consent shall be obtained from the legally authorized representative. Tardive Dyskenisia Policy, Pg. 5: III. WARNING OF TD A. All individuals who are prescribed neuroleptics or Amoxapine shall be informed about the possibility of TD and what signs and symptoms to be aware of and when to report. This information must also be shared with the legally authorized representative when the person is not competent. There may be times when informing the individual about TD is contraindicated and it is the responsibility of the Interdisciplinary Team to make this determination. The information must be shared orally and in writing before neuroleptic initiation unless emergency conditions are documented, in which case such warning shall occur within 14 days. The legally authorized representative shall receive the written Side-Effects Warning Lists specific for that neuroleptic or neuroleptic class (or Amoxapine). Warnings of TD shall be documented in the individual’s Permanent File. Neuroleptic benefits specific for that individual may also be presented.

Source: http://www.hco.org/documents/TardiveDyskinesiaPolicy9-2010.pdf

Paying respect

Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Perspectives Tore Ellingsen is the Ragnar Söderberg Professor of Economics and Magnus Johannesson is Professor of Economics, both at the Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden. Their e-mail addresses are < JEL classification: D01, D23, D82, Z13 Keywords: Esteem, Incentives, Recognition, Personnel economics. Why do people work? Economic theory

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