Ezra D. Hausman, Ph.D. Senior Associate Synapse Energy Economics 22 Pearl Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 661-3248 ext. 242 • fax: (617) 661-0599 www.synapse-energy.com [email protected]
I have worked since 1998 as an electricity market analyst with a focus on market design and market restructuring, as well as pricing of energy, capacity, transmission, losses and other electricity-related services. I have recently performed market analysis, prepared testimony and/or provided other expert support to clients in a number of areas, including:
• Electricity and generating capacity price forcasting and asset valuation • Electricity and generating capacity market design
• Efficient pricing of generating capacity
• The impact of environmental and other regulations, including future CO2 regulations, on
• The role of the electric sector in addressing global climate change
• The impact of increased Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imports in the U.S. natural gas
I hold a Ph.D. in atmospheric science from Harvard University, a Master’s degree in applied physics from Harvard University, a Master’s degree in water resource engineering from Tufts University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wesleyan University. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Synapse Energy Economics Inc., Cambridge, MA. Senior Associate, 2005-present Conducting research, writing reports, and presenting expert testimony pertaining to consumer, environmental, and public policy implications of electricity industry regulation. Focus of work includes:
• Electricity industry regulation and restructuring • Efficient pricing of generating and transmission capacity
• Long-term electric power system planning and market design
• Electricity market analysis and price forecasting • Impact of air quality and environmental regulations on electricity markets and pricing
• Natural gas and Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) market dynamics
• Energy efficiency and renewable energy programs and policies, including avoided
• Power plant performance and economics
• Market power and market concentration analysis in electricity markets
• Consumer and environmental protection.
Charles River Associates (CRA), Cambridge, MA. Senior Associate, 2004-2005 CRA acquired Tabors Caramanis & Associates in October, 2004. Tabors Caramanis & Associates, Cambridge, MA. Senior Associate, 1998-2004 Modeling and analysis of electricity markets, generation and transmission systems. Projects included:
• Several market transition cost-benefit studies for development of Locational Marginal
Price (LMP) based markets in US electricity markets
• Long-term market forecasting studies for valuation of generation and transmission assets, • Valuation of financial instruments relating to transmission system congestion and losses
• Natural gas market analysis and price forecasting studies
• Co-developed an innovative approach to hedging financial risk associated with
transmission system losses of electricity
• Designed, developed and ran training seminars using a computer-based electricity market
simulation game, to help familiarize market participants and students in the operation of LMP-based electricity markets.
• Developed and implemented analytical tools for assessment of market concentration in
interconnected electricity markets, based on the “delivered price test” for assessing market accessibility in such a network
• Performed regional market power and market power mitigation studies
• Performed transmission feasibility studies for proposed new generation and transmission
• Provided analytical support for expert testimony in a variety of regulatory and litigation
proceedings, including breach of contract, bankruptcy, and antitrust cases, among others.
Global Risk Prediction Network, Inc., Greenland, NH. Vice President, 1997-1998 Developed private sector applications of climate forecast science in partnership with researchers at Columbia University. Specific projects included a statistical assessment of grain yield predictability in several crop regions around the world based on global climate indicators (Principal Investigator); a statistical assessment of road salt demand predictability in the United States based on global climate indicators (Principal Investigator); a preliminary design of a climate and climate forecast information website tailored to the interests of the business community; and the development of client base. Hub Data, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Financial Software Consultant, 1986-1987, 1993-1997 Responsible for design, implementation and support of analytic and communications modules for bond portfolio management software; and developed software tools such as dynamic data compression technique to facilitate product delivery, Windows interface for securities data products. Abt Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Environmental Policy Analyst, 1990-1991 Quantitative risk analysis to support federal environmental policy-making. Specific areas of research included risk assessment for federal regulations concerning sewage sludge disposal and pesticide use; statistical alternatives to Most-Exposed-Individual risk assessment paradigm; and research on non-point sources of water pollution. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Charlestown, MA. Analyst, 1988-1990 Applied and evaluated demand forecasting techniques for the Eastern Massachusetts service area. Assessed applicability of various techniques to the system and to regional planning needs; Ezra D. Hausman, Ph.D. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc.
and assessed yield/reliability relationship for the eastern Massachusetts water supply system, based on Monte-Carlo analysis of historical hydrology.
Somerville High School, Somerville, MA. Math Teacher, 1986-1987 Courses included trigonometry, computer programming, and basic math courses. EDUCATION Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Sciences. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1997 S.M., Applied Physics. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1993 M.S., Civil Engineering. Tufts University, Medford, MA, 1990 B.A., Wesleyan University, Psychology. Middletown, MA, 1985 FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS AND AFFILIATIONS President, Burr Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, 2005-present UCAR Visiting Scientist Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1997 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Harvard University, 1997 Certificate of Distinction in Teaching,Harvard University, 1997 Graduate Research Fellowship, Harvard University, 1991-1997 Invited Participant, UCAR Global Change Institute, 1993 House Tutor, Leverett House, Harvard University, 1991-1993 Graduate Research Fellowship, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, 1989-1990 Teaching Fellowships: Harvard University:Principles of Measurement and Modeling in Atmospheric Chemistry; Hydrology; Introduction to Environmental Science and Public Policy; The Atmospher. Wesleyan University: Introduction to Computer Programming; Psychological Statistics; Playwriting and Productio. Professional affiliations Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science Member, American Economic Association PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS Hausman, E.D., K. Takahashi, D. Schlissel and B. Biewald, “The Proposed Broadwater LNG Import Terminal: An Analysis and Assessment of Alternatives” Synapse Energy report on behalf of the Connecticut Fund for the Environment and Save The Sound, March 2, 2006. Ezra D. Hausman, Ph.D. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Hausman, E.D., P. Peterson, D. White and B. Biewald, “RPM 2006: Windfall Profits for Existing Base Load Units in PJM: An Update of Two Case Studies” Synapse Energy report prepared on behalf of Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate and the Illinois Citizens Utility Board, February, 2006. Hausman, E.D., K. Takahashi, and B. Biewald, “The Glebe Mountain Wind Energy Project: Assessment of Project Benefits for Vermont and the New England Region” Report prepared on behalf of Glebe Mountain Wind Energy, LLC., February, 2006. Hausman, E.D., K. Takahashi, and B. Biewald, “The Deerfield Wind Project: Assessment of the Need for Power and the Economic and Environmental Attributes of the Project” Report prepared on behalf of Deerfield Wind, LLC., January, 2006. Hausman, E.D., P. Peterson, D. White and B. Biewald, “An RPM Case Study: Higher Costs for Consumers, Windfall Profits for Exelon” Synapse Energy report to the Illinois Citizens Utility Board, October, 2005. Hausman, E.D. and G. Keith, “Calculating Displaced Emissions from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Initiatives” Content for EPA website, 2005 (in prep.) Rudkevich, A., E.D. Hausman, R.D. Tabors, J. Bagnal and C Kopel, “Loss Hedging Rights: A Final Piece in the LMP Puzzle” Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, January, 2005 (accepted). Hausman, E.D. and R.D. Tabors, “The Role of Demand Underscheduling in the California Energy Crisis” Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, January, 2004. Hausman, E.D. and M.B. McElroy, The reorganization of the global carbon cycle at the last glacial termination, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 13(2), 371-381, 1999. Norton, F.L., E.D. Hausman and M.B. McElroy, “Hydrospheric transports, the oxygen isotope record, and tropical sea surface temperatures during the last glacial maximum” Paleoceanography, 12, 15-22, 1997. Hausman, E.D. and M.B. McElroy, “Variations in the oceanic carbon cycle over glacial transitions: a time-dependent box model simulation” presented at the spring meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 1996. EXPERT TESTIMONY South Dakota Public Utilities Commission (Case No EL05-22) – June 2006 Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Docket TR-05-1275) – December 2006 Submitted prefiled and live testimony on the contribution of the proposed Big Stone II coal-fired generator to atmospheric CO2, global climate change and the environment of South Dakota and Minnesota, respectively. Ezra D. Hausman, Ph.D. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Arkansas Public Service Commission (Docket No. 06-070-U) – October 2006 Submitted prefiled direct testimony on inclusion of new wind and gas-fired generation resources in utility rate base. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Docket Nos. ER055-1410-000 and EL05-148-000) – May-Sept 2006
• Participant in settlement hearings on proposed capacity market structure on behalf of
State Consumer Advocates in Pennsylvania, Ohio and the District of Columbia
• Invited participant on technical conference panel on PJM’s proposed Variable Resource
• Filed Pre- and post-conference comments and affidavits with FERC.
Illinois Pollution Control Board (Docket No. R2006-025) June-Aug 2006 Prefile and live testimony presented on behalf of the Illinois EPA regarding the costs and benefits of proposed mercury emissions rule for Illinois power plants. Long Island Sound LNG Task Force – January 2006 Presentation of study on the need for and alternatives to the proposed Broadwater LNG storage and regasification facility in Long Island Sound. Iowa Utilities Board (Docket No. SPU-05-15) – November 2005 Whether Interstate Power and Light’s should be permitted to sell the Duane Arnold Energy Center nuclear facility to FPLE Duane Arnold, Inc., a subsidiary of Florida Power and Light. PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPS ASPO-USA 2006 National Conference: Invited speaker and panelist on the future role of LNG in the U.S. natural gas market, October, 2006. Market Design Working Group: Participant inFERC-sponsored settlement process for designing capacity market structure for PJM on behalf of coalition of state utility consumer advocates, July-August 2006. NASUCA 2006 Mid-Year Meeting: Invited speaker on the topics, “How Can Consumer Advocates Deal with Soaring Energy Prices?” June 2006. Soundwaters Forum, Stamford, CT: Participated in a debate on the need for proposed Broadwater LNG terminal in Long Island Sound, June 2006. Energy Modeling Forum: Participant in coordinated academic exercise focused on modeling US and world natural gas markets, December 2004. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Guest lecturer in Technology and Policy Program on electricity market structure, the LMP pricing system and risk hedging with FTRs. 2002-2005. LMP: The Ultimate Hands-On Seminar. Two-day seminar held at various sites to explore concepts of LMP pricing and congestion risk hedging, including lecture and market simulation exercises. Custom seminars held for FERC staff, ERCOT staff, and various industry groups. 2003-2004. Ezra D. Hausman, Ph.D. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Learning to Live with Locational Marginal Pricing: Fundamentals and Hands-On Simulation. Day-long seminar including on-line mock electricity market and congestion rights auction, December 2002. LMP in California. Series of seminars on the introduction of LMP in the California electricity market, including on-line market simulation exercise. 2002. Ezra D. Hausman, Ph.D. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc.
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