
Prévost, Piedmont, St-Hippolyte, Ste-Adèle - Québec
September 29, 2001 - 12 Hour Event
A Map and Compass Adventure Sport
ROGAINE is an acronym for a Rugged Outdoor Group Activity Involving Navigation and Endurance. Originating in
Australia, it is rapidly becoming popular in North America. Participants in a Rogaine come from diverse backgrounds:
Hikers, Runners, Orienteers, Adventure racers, Eco-challengers, Search and Rescue personnel, Outdoor groups,
Hunters, Military, Police and Fire department personnel.
The basic idea of a Rogaine is simple: Teams consisting of two or more people visit as many controls as
possible and return to the finish in the time allotted. The most important skill is the ability to read a map. It is also
important that team-mates work well together. Each participant is given a printed topographic map with control
locations circled on it prior to the start. Each control will be marked in the field by an orange and white triangular flag.
Each team will use a pin punch located at the flag to punch a card to prove that they were at the location. Each team
will have a listing of the description of where each flag is hung (ex. Hilltop, Valley, Field corner, etc).
Time: The event will start at 9 am on September 29, 2001. Registration will open at 7 am. There will be a mandatory
briefing session at 8:15 am followed by the distribution of the maps. The event will end at 9 pm.
The Map: The map is a 1:30,000 scale modified topographic map. All trails have been GPS surveyed and added to
the topographic map. The map has a contour interval of 10 meters. The map will have magnetic north lines printed on
it for compass users.
Categories: Competitive categories will be Men's Open, Women's Open, and Coed Open.
Rules: No vehicular transport is allowed during the event. No aid from others is allowed during the event.
Food/supply drops prior to the event are prohibited. For safety reasons, team members must stay in sight and
speaking distance throughout the event.
Scoring: Each control will have a score associated with it (easy locations will have a lower score than the tougher
locations). Each team's final score will be determined by adding up the score from each location visited. Teams that
return after the finish time will have their total score reduced for each minute overtime (10 points per minute).
Terrain: The area consists of many hills and some major cliffs. An extensive trail system - mostly backcountry ski
trails - exists in the area. The area is about 90% forested and the runnability is variable.
Equipment: Participants are expected to carry everything they will need during the event. Each team member
must carry a whistle, compass and water bottle. Participants should plan on carrying enough water for the event.
There will be water at some controls but only the most remote. Also recommended are food, long pants, extra clothes
and socks, first aid supplies and a small pack for carrying supplies.
Directions: The event center, start and finish will be at the Prévost Old Train Station (Québec). Prévost is located
55 km nord of Montréal. It is easily reached via Autoroute 15 north Exit 45. Take route 117 north for about 10 Km.
Turn right (east) at the second traffic light (De la Station street). Turn right 50 meters away in the Prévost Old Train
Station parking lot.
Cost and Registration: Pre-registration is required by September 21 to guarantee a map being available for
you and your partners. Pre-registration may be made by mail or e-mail as noted below. Provide your team name, the
team member names, category (male, female, coed), an address of one team member, a phone number for the team,
an e-mail address for the team. The cost for those who pre-register is $20 per person by check payable to Mont Bleu.
Registration on the day of the event will be accepted as long as the supply of maps exists. Registration on the day of
the event will be $30 per person. Pasta dinner after the event is included.
More information: Francis Falardeau, meet director email : [email protected]
Address : 18 Soleil-Levant, Morin Heights, Québec, Canada, J0R 1H0.


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