Yahoo! Infringes Patent for Background Advertising System
On May 15, 2009, Creative Internet Advertising
the jury returned an award of over $6.5 million, or
Concepts, Inc. received a unanimous jury verdict
against Yahoo! Inc. in a patent infringement trial in
According to Yahoo! ’s web site, an IMVironment
the Federal District Cout for the Eastern District of
(IMV) in its Messenger software is a “themed
environment that you can choose to show in the
Creative Internet Advertising Concepts, Inc., a
conversation area of your [Instant Messaging] IM
subsidiary of Acacia Research, Corp., a large patent
window while instant messaging a contact. The
holding company, asserted U.S. Patent No.
contact sees the same IMV and has the option of
6,205,432 (the “‘432 patent”) against Yahoo! on
turning it off or selecting a different IMV to share
the grounds that Yahoo! ’s Messenger program,
with you. Each time you instant message this
including “IMVironments” was infringing.
contact, the same IMV displays in your IM window
The jury decided that Yahoo! infringed the
until you change it or turn it off.” Yahoo! allegedly
patent both literally and under the Doctrine of
inserted advertisements into the background of e-
Equivalents, and further that such infringement was
willful. Although a defense expert witness testified
The ‘432 patent, which was filed in November,
that the total amount of damages to compensate for
1998, and issued in March, 2001, is directed to an
infringement should be approximately, $300,000,
advertisement system and method for “inserting into an end user communication message a background reference to an advertisement.” The advertisement is often a graphical file that is stored
at the message server. The message server
maintains records on each end user recipient, to
allow for “selective enablement of background reference insertion and overwriting based upon end
Federal Circuit Decision Sharply Limits 2
Acacia had previously named America Online as
District Courts Reach Opposite Conclusions 3
a defendant in the suit. America Online has since
Yahoo! was reportedly weighing its options,
including whether to appeal the Decision.
Federal Circuit Decision Sharply Limits Scope
In an unusual move, the Court of Appeals for the
a ruling could have on the enforcement of similarly
Federal Circuit ("CAFC") acted sua sponte, (on its
drafted patent claims currently in force.
own accord) en banc to address the construction of
On the merits of the en banc holding, Judge
a product-by-process claim, without taking
Newman described the long history of product-by-
additional briefing and holding no additional oral
process claiming. The practice is rooted in what had
argument. In Abbott Laboratories v. Sandoz, Inc.
been called the “rule of necessity”, i.e., that in
(Fed. Cir., May 18, 2009), the court construed a
certain circumstances, no more can be known about
product-by-process claim including a crystalline
a product except the process by which it was made.
form of cefdinir "obtainable by" specified process
In those cases, the policy encouraging early
to treat bacterial infection of the ear,
composition that is "obtainable by”
process is limited to the composition Public Domain; The dissent takes issue with
out those steps. The Court held that the same
characterization of the precedents upon which they
product (e.g., chemical composition) created by a
relied, and detailed extensive contrary decisions of
different process, even though the product is
the Federal Circuit and its predecessor, the CCPA,
identical, would does not infringe the claim.
holding that product-by-process claims extend to
The procedural and doctrinal peculiarities of the
no more than the product, including that a known
case are brought forth in a stinging dissent
product cannot be ‘re-patented’ in terms of a
authored by Circuit Judge Pauline Newman, and
product-by-process claim including a new method of
joined by Circuit Judges Mayer and Lourie. Judge
Judge Lourie wrote separately to note that his
In her dissent, Judge Newman pointed out that
dissent from the en banc holding would also have
the the Court departed from the Federal Rules of
considered the particular language by which the
Appellate Procedure and its own operating
process steps were invoked. For example, he
procedures by giving no notice of the en banc
considered the present case of a compound
consideration of the matter. It received no
“obtainable by”, distinguished from a compound
additional briefing from the parties, nor any from
“obtained by” or “when made by” certain steps.
amici that might advise the Court of the effects such
by Joel J. Felber & David J. Torrente
District Courts Reach Opposite Conclusions
The Federal Circuit may soon be called to
of qui tam actions, and found both that §292 was
resolve two opposing rulings on whether a member
properly considered a qui tam statue, and further
of the public has Article III standing to bring a qui
that as applied in this case, the statue did not
tam action for false marking under 35 U.S.C. §292.
undermine separation of powers. The Court noted
Section 292 prohibits marking “an unpatented
that in this case, the qui tam action was for civil
article” with “the word ‘patent’, or any word or
damages, not criminal enforcement — generally
number importing that the same is patented, for the
considered the province of the executive. Moreover,
purpose of deceiving the public”, and prescribed a
the executive branch, acting as intervenors,
fine of “not more than $500 for every such offense.”
Moreover, and at issue in the present decisions,
“Any person may sue for the penalty, in which event
A similar Issue came before District Judge
one-half shall go to the person suing and the other
Sidney H. Stein in Stauffer v. Brooks Brothers, Inc.,
District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema addressed
the issue in Pequingnot v. Solo Cup Co., 2009 U.S.
Dist.LEXIS 26020 (E.D.Va, Mar 27, 2009). Plaintiff
Matthew A. Penquignot, a licensed patent attorney, brought suit under §292 against Solo, alleging that the company marked several of its products with two expired patents, No. RE 28,797 (“Lid”), and No.
2009 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 40785 (S.D.N.Y., May 14,
4,589,569 (“Lid for Drinking Cup”). In a second
2009). In that case, plaintiff Raymond Stauffer also
motion to dismiss, Solo alleged Pequingnot lacked
alleged §292 violations, in this case against Brooks
standing, and if not, then §292 was unconstitutional
Brothers and its parent Retail Brand Alliance, Inc. At
for violating the separation of powers doctrine, and
issue here were bow ties marked “The Original
specifically the “Take Care” clause of U.S. Const., Art.
Adjustolox Tie Reg’d & Pat’d U.S. Pat. Off. 279346 -
II, § 3. Judge Brinkema denied the motion.
2083106 - 2123620”. Each patent was expired
The court rejected Solo’s contention that “any
person” should be construed narrowly to mean a
In Stauffer, Judge Stein dismissed the complaint
competitor. It contrasted the language of §292 with,
for lack of standing. He cited, but differed with, the
for example, the Lanham Act, giving standing to any
result in Pequingnot, holding that Stauffer had only
Resolution of regional differences, instilling
national uniformity, was the primary animating
purpose for the creation of the Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit in 1982, and for vesting the new
court with exclusive jurisdiction over all appeals in
cases arising under the U.S. patent laws.
relator. The court 3
OSTROLENK FABER Proud to Bring Back Historic Name, Debuts New Logo
Samuel Ostrolenk left his position as a Patent
Today, we are proud to announce that we have
Examiner with the United States Patent Office in
changed the firm name to OSTROLENK FABER LLP.
1928 to began his private practice in Washington,
Our new firm name, reminiscent of our beginnings,
D.C, later moving his practice to New York. Some 10
is mindful of over 80 years proud history serving
clients in intellectual property matters, making
litigation case, Mr. Ostrolenk met New York
OSTROLENK FABER one of the country’s oldest
trial lawyer Sidney Faber. Mr. Faber’s
substantial litigation experience and his
At the same time, we are by no means lingering
aptitude for understanding new technologies
in our past. Therefore, we are also proud to
and complicated inventions founded the basis
debut a new logo (left). This simple, modern
and effective symbol communicates who we
are, both now and then. With the new “OF” logo,
formally signed papers to change the firm name to
our version of “Something old, something new”
even includes something blue. Look for our new
name and logo in all future firm communications.
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