8 DAYS Day 1: Home - RaRoToNGa
Experience and learn about the beautiful marine
DepaRTuRe DaTe
Departing from the Hunter you make your life of Muri Lagoon & also the surrounding islets
way to Sydney airport through Newcastle, (motu) from your experienced and humorous
Central Coast and Hornsby for your flight. guides. Please bring swim wear, sun screen,
Upon arrival into Rarotonga you will be greeted insect repellent, hat, camera and a towel. This
and welcomed with a Fresh Flower Lei and then evening we have arranged for you to dine at
transferred to your hotel. Take this time to Sand Restaurant at the beach.
settle into your resort and soak in the beauty
that Rarotonga has to offer. This morning you Day 5: LocaL scHooL & HiGHLiGHTs
will be transferred to the markets in town for a HiGHLaND paRaDise
look at all the produce and shops – this will be Today, visit one of the local primary schools
• Experience Cook Island Hymn’s and a big day in the market as “everyone” goes to to interact with our Cook Islands children.
town today – colourful and very alive. You will They will proudly perform for you and their
have plenty of time explore before your return smiles & laughter will put a smile on your face.
transfer back to your hotel to enjoy the rest of Afterwards transfer to Trader Jacks for lunch
the day at our own leisure. Dinner tonight will before travelling back to your resort to prepare
for a Live Sunset Island Night at Highland
• Koka Lagoon Cruise with BBQ lunch 6 Nights: Manuia Beach Resort
Paradise. The mountain home and haven of
the Tinomana tribe of Puaikura is now open
Day 2: RaRoToNGa
for visitors seeking genuine, culturally fulfilling
• Highland Paradise Island Buffet &
This morning you will be transferred to experiences at Rarotonga’s most spectacular
the Cook Islands Christian Church where and photogenic location. Here, people lived
you will enjoy and experience Cook Island their lives under constant threat of attack.
Hymn’s and the colourful outfits and hats one Here legends were born, medicines discovered
wears to church. The church service is from and lost, pagan ceremonies performed and a
10am to 11am. After church you have the dynasty produced. You will take a journey into
opportunity to join our local church delegation Rarotonga’s pre-European past, where you can
for morning tea at their church hall. This is a enjoy a unique experience that will leave you
great opportunity to mix and mingle with Cook entertained, sobered and breathless. (BLD)
Island people and chat to them about their
everyday lives here in Rarotonga. Afterwards Day 6: NaTuRe TouR
• NHT Escort, Local Guides & Driver
transfer back to the hotel and experience all Today join Pa’s Nature Walk - Pa is an icon of
the resort has to offer. This evening you will the Cook Islands. Everyone on the island knows
dine at Kikau Hut Restaurant where the food is him and what he does as do many hundreds of
excellent and the service is warm and friendly.
visitors who have met and accompanied him on
one of his many Nature Tours throughout the
rainforest clad interior of Rarotonga. Of all his
Day 3: RaRoToNGa - LocaL TouR Nature Tours this is the most popular. Along & HospiTaLiTy
the way, Pa will demonstrate the many uses
Explore Rarotonga from the comforts of an of local plants in the making of local medicine.
JoinRoBeRT aiTcHisoN, air-conditioned coach as guides take you on a He has an impressive list of remedies for all NHT Director, for this amazing
half day tour of the island. This is a great way sorts of ailments like his herbal alternative to
to get to know where everything is before Viagra. His knowledge of the local fauna and
you head out to explore Rarotonga on your flora and their significance in local cultures
own. Your tour of the island starts as soon as makes for a very informative tour. Following
your air-conditioned coach picks you up from your adventure with Pa, return back to your
your hotel and heads along the Ara Tapu - the hotel to enjoy the rest of your day at your own
main coastal road that runs parallel to the leisure. This evening, you will be transferred
white sand beaches and lagoon of the island. to your Plantation House Dinner. The Enoka
Along the way, your guide will give you an family offer a true Cook Islands dining and
overview of the island and the many interesting entertaining opportunity with tropical and
places you will visit during the tour. Tonight a traditional recipes that run from laid-back island
progressive dinner tour takes you through local recipes, BBQs or umu to impressive dinners.
Rarotonga homes, allowing you to experience With the captivating view of the mountainous
the flavours and traditions of a genuine Cook interior of Rarotonga, our evenings are often
Islands lifestyle. Cook Islanders are famous for described as a truly alluring Cook Islands
their love of hosting guests, and you can get Dining Experience.
a sample of how real Rarotongans live, work
and relax. See the fascinating local produce Day 7 & 8: DepaRT FoR Home
and sample delicious Cook Islands food in the Today you depart our shores so we leave you
warm hospitality of a real Rarotongan family.
to relax at the hotel where you will be served
lunch before your departure. Afterwards you
will be transferred to the Airport to depart for
Day 4: KoKa LaGooN cRuise
Sydney. On arrival you will be met by your
This morning you will be picked up for a lagoon NHT Coach and transferred back to the
Cruise with Koka, which will commence on Hunter via Hornsby and the Central Coast
the beautiful turquoise waters of Muri Lagoon.
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Versuchsobjekt Kind von Martin Lindner, Artikel aus der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 23.Juni 2004 Verlässliche Daten über die Wirkung von Medikamenten für Kinder sind rar. Ärzte und Politiker fordern nun mehr wissenschaftliche Studien an Minderjährigen. Kritiker befürchten dagegen, die Kleinen könnten sinnlos unnötigen Belastungen ausgesetzt werden. Böse Zungen sagen, dass man aus