Patient Information and Medical History Patient Name____________________ SSN____________________________ Birth date______________________ Phone Number _______________________________ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL. List all Medications which you If you have any allergies, currently use and why: please list them and your reaction here: (ex. Insulin for Diabetes, Motrin for Arthritis, etc.)(ex. Eggs-rash, Penicillin-short of breath, Dust-congestion, etc.)
1. ______________________________________
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY HAVE YOU EVER HAD OR BEEN TOLD THAT YOU HAD, (Please provide details for all “Yes” responses in the comment section below)
COMMENTS: Please list all surgeries or hospitalizations and date: Comments: (ex. appendectomy 1996, lumbar disc 1994, etc.) 1.____________________________________________
Prevention Tobacco History Alcohol History
_____Used to drink but stopped in the year_____
_____Have more than one drink/day on average
_____Have more than 14 drinks/week on average
Has your cholesterol been checked in the last 5 years?
Have you had a tetanus booster within the last 10 years? Y N
Have you had the Hepatitis B vaccine series?
Y N Do you receive yearly flu shots? Y N
Comments________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family History
Has any blood relative in your family, (ie. grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, etc.) ever had any of the following diseases, if so please indicate:
No Relationship Relationship Diabetes Tuberculosis Heart Problems Sickle Cell Disease High Blood Pressure Other____________________________________________ Females Only
Do you get regular PAP smears? Do you perform regular self breast exams Y N Please list number of times pregnant _______ When was your last menstrual period? ________ Please list the number of births To your knowledge, are you pregnant ? Y N Have you ever had a mammogram? Y N
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 558 (1998) 41 – 49Synthesis and structure of methylpalladium(II) and -platinum(II) trans -PdMe(O H CH CH CH - o )(PR ) (Rp2- C , C -OC H CH CH CH - o )(PMe ). Simple O -coordination andchelating coordination depending on the metal center and auxiliaryYong-Joo Kim a,*, Jae-Young Lee a, Kohtaro Osakada ba Department of Chemistry , Kangnung National