Microsoft word - student medical release form 2010-11.doc
Pathways Community Church STUDENT Medical Release and Liability Form
I (We) acknowledge that my child’s participation in the activities of Pathways Community Church is voluntary and may require involvement in traveling and physical exertion. My child has permission to attend all church sponsored activities as listed in calendars or on PCC website, including but not limited to the following: cookouts, boating, water skiing, surfing, wind surfing, paddle boarding, tubing, swimming in lakes & oceans, hiking, biking, rollerblading, skating, ice-skating, paintball, broomball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, softball, football, ultimate frisbee, camping. In consideration of the activity or event my minor child is participating in, I hereby represent and warrant that my minor child is fully, physically, and medically capable of partaking in same and that accidents, injuries, death and/or damages caused by other individuals may occur. It is my consent on behalf of my minor child to acknowledge and assume such possibility and I/we hereby release and forever discharge Pathways Community Church, its officers, agents, employees, and representatives, from all claims, damages, injuries, medical treatment expenses, medical transportation expenses and causes of action that may arise from the event or activity. I (We), the parent(s) or legal guardian, do hereby authorize any one or more members of Pathways Community Church, in whose care the minor has been entrusted, as agents for myself in my absence or incapacitation to consent to any x-ray examination and anesthetic, medical, surgical, or dental diagnosis or treatment and medical care which is deemed advisable by and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician, physician’s assistant, licensed practical nurse, EMT or surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act on the medical staff of any hospital or out patient clinic, whether or not such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or medical staff or at said hospital. The undersigned shall be liable and agree(s) to pay all costs and expenses incurred in connection with such medical and/or dental services rendered, including emergency medical transportation, to the aforementioned child pursuant to this authorization. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care being required but is given to provide authority and power on the part of the aforesaid agents to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment or hospital care which aforementioned physician in the exercise of his or her best judgement may deem advisable. I hereby authorize any hospital or physician which has provided treatment to the above-named minor to surrender physical custody of such minor to the above-named agents upon the completion of treatment. These authorizations shall remain effective until August 31, 2011. Copies of this form, duly executed, should be in the possession of the named minor; at least one adult named in the document and present at the event; and the parent or guardian executing the Medical Authorization. A duly executed copy of this form shall have the same force and effect as the original. Parent(s)/Legal Guardian Signature______________________________________________Date______________ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS BE IT KNOWN, that on the _____day of _____________, __________, before me, the undersigned notary in and for the State of Florida, duly commissioned and sworn, dwelling in the county of Pinellas, personally came and appeared _________________________________________, to me ( ) personally known or ( ) who produced valid identification, and being the same person described in and who executed and acknowledged the within medical authorization and release to be his/her act and deed. Health Information Form
Please Print in Ink Name________________________________________________________Birthday_____/_____/_____
Parent/ Guardian______________________________________________________________________
Phone (H)_____________________Phone(W)_______________________Phone(C)________________
Second Parent/or Alternate Emergency Contact______________________________________________
Phone (H) ________________________Phone(W)_____________________Phone(C)______________
Medical Insurance Carrier _______________________________________________________________
Policy #_____________________________________ Group #_________________________________
Carrier Address_______________________________________________________________________
Name of insured person ________________________________________________________________
Insured person’s place of employment_____________________________________________________
Name of Family Physician ___________________________________ Phone _____________________
Name of Dentist/Orthodontist___________________________________Phone ____________________
Health History (Check/Give Approximate Dates) Allergies (Dates Not Needed) ____Frequent Ear Infections ____Diabetes ____Bleeding Disorders
____Heart Defect/Disease ____Asthma ____Mononucleosis
____Ivy Poisoning, etc _____Insect Stings
____Seizures ____ADD/ADHD ____Downs Syndrome
____Other _______________________________
Chronic/recurring illness/medical conditions including mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Dietary Restrictions____________________________________________________________________ Current Medications (list all prescriptions, OTC and herbal) Attach Separately Medication name / Dosage / Reason for Taking Blood Type (if known)_____ All immunizations current? Yes____ No _____ Date Last Tetanus_________ Describe your student’s swimming ability: Beg___________ Inter__________ Advanced __________ Any other information you feel the leaders should know in advance about your student? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Initial__________ I give my permission to the staff to administer Tylenol/Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Diphenhydramine or over the counter antacids, as needed. Initial________ My child may sleep on a top bunk. For your information, these are the rules of conduct expected from each student:
Respect one another, staff and adult leaders No alcohol, dugs, tobacco permitted No lighter
permitted No fighting, weapons, fireworks, explosives No students permitted to drive for events
Respect property No offensive or immodest clothing No boys in girls’ sleeping quarters, visa versa
Parent(s)/Guardian Signature______________________________________Date_________________ Student’s Signature______________________________________________Date_________________
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