Kevin stasney m
City____________________ State____ Zip_______ Okatie, SC 29936
Phone_________________ Fax________________
Phone: (888)-322-6641
FAX: (843)-645-9987
Patient Name: ______________________________
Date: ___________________
Address: _ __________________________________
City: ____________________
State: _______
Zip Code: _______
Date of Birth: _______________________________
Allergies: ________________
Telephone Number: _________________________
Lorazepam 1 mg/mL/Diphenhydramine 12.5 mg/mL/Haloperidol
Ondansetron 4 mg/0.1 mL Topical Lipoderm Ginger Root 200 mg capsules
ABHR (Lorazepam/Diphenhydramine/Haldol/Metoclopromide) Lorazepam gel (1mg/ml)
Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________
Dry Mouth
Sodium Cl 8.8 mg/Potassium Cl 3.1 mg/Calcium Cl 3.4 mg Base A Troche
Sig: ________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mouth Pain
Misoprostol 0.0024%/Diphengydramine HCl 0.1%/Compound Oral Rinse
Morphine Sulfate 1 mg/mL Oral Gel Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg/Lidocaine HCl 2%/Hydrocortisone 1%
Magic Mouthwash (Tetracycline/Diphenhydramine/Lidocaine/Maalox)* *( You can customize your own mouthwash)
Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________
Pain Managment Ketoprofen 10% Topical Lipoderm
Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/Nifedipine 2% Topical Lipoderm Diclofenac Sodium 10% Lipoderm Transdermal Gel
Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/Nifedipine 2% Topical Lipoderm* *(Ideal for Neuropathic pain)
Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________
Wound Care Managment Phenytoin 5%/Misoprostol 0.0024% Topical Gel
Phenytoin 2%/Misoprostol 0.0024%/Lidocaine 2%/Bupivacaine 0.2%/Diphenhydramine Ketoprofen 2%/Lidocaine 2%/Misoprostol 0.0024%/Phenytoin 2%/Aloe Vera 0.2%
Misoprostol 0.0024%/Phenytoin 5%/Metronidazole 2% Topical Gel
Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________
Physician Signature: ____________________________
file:///C:/Users/pascal/Documents/perso/an2009/fede09/site/BUL42.htm Bulletin d'Information de Pharmacovigilance N° 42 - Septembre 2009 RAPPEL "Tout professionnel de santé ayant constaté un effet indésirable grave (soit mettant en jeu la vie du patient ou entraînant le décès, soit entraînant ou prolongeant une hospitalisation, soit entraînant une incapacité ou des séqu
Reactie op essay van Prof. Paul De Grauwe Open brief aan de ministers van Volksgezondheid Onkelinx, Vandeurzen en Tillieux (hardware en software) te leveren, die ener- Onze samenleving staat voor belangrijke op om de multidisciplinaire elektronischezijds multidisciplinaire samenwerking sti-Het drugsgebruik of de prevalentie tijdrovend, zonder dat er
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