Microsoft word - form6 application form complete.doc
Poisons Act 1971 Section 27 Poisons Regulation 2002 62(2)(a) APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO SELL OR SUPPLY CERTAIN SUBSTANCES
To the Minister for Health and Health Services I, .
(name, address and nature of business)
hereby apply for a licence/renewal of licence to sell or supply the following substances to which Section 27 of the PoisonsAct 1971 applies: SCHEDULE 2 SUBSTANCES EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: -
As attached in Appendix 1 I declare that: -
I am thoroughly conversant with the provisions of the Poisons Act 1971 and Poisons Regulations 2002 in relation tothe supply of the licenced substances.
I have a thorough understanding and command of the English language.
I am the person who will be responsible for the safe custody of such substances and for due observance of the provisions of the Poisons Act and Regulations..
attach/I previously attached
magistrate/mayor/warden certifying that I am a fit and proper person to sell the substances for which I have applied.
My business will be carried on only at the above premises which are situated at least 10 kilometres by the nearest practicable route from a place in which a pharmaceutical chemist keeps an open shop.
The statements made in this application are true and correct.
Application fee $32.00 Please pay on enclosed invoice and forward a copy of the receipt with your application to the address below. PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GPO BOX 125 HOBART TAS 7001 ABN 11255872006
New applications must be forwarded with supporting documents to the address above and an invoice will be forwarded once the application is approved.
Appendix 1:
a) unscheduled aspirin products; or b) when in combination with Schedule 2 codeine in solid dosage form products for the treatment of pain
2. Products containing DICYCLOMINE for infants.
a) unscheduled ibuprofen products; b) in ibuprofen liquid products containing no other therapeutically active substances in packs of 100ml or
less for the treatment of pain in children;
c) in Schedule 2 liquid preparations for the treatment of colds, cough and influenza;or d) when in combination with Schedule 2 codeine in solid dosage form products for the treatment of pain
a) Unscheduled paracetamol products; b) in paracetamol liquid products containing no other therapeutically active substances in packs of 100ml or
less for the treatment of pain in children;
c) in Schedule 2 liquid preparations for the treatment of colds, cough and influenza;or d) when in combination with Schedule 2 codeine in solid dosage form products for the treatment of pain
6. Products containing PHENIRAMINE for travel sickness.
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