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Putting Barnsley people first
Welcome to the First Edition of the Medicines Management Newsletter which will be distributed electronically to all GP Practices and Local Pharmacies. This newsletter aims to keep you informed of the latest medicine updates, drug alerts/recalls and the work currently being completed in GP Practices by the Medicines Management Team. We hope that you Prescribing Incentive Scheme 2013-2014
Many thanks to all those of you who were able to attend the recent B.E.S.T. event, we hope that you are now all well briefed and ready to go! The purpose of the incentive scheme is to encourage high quality cost-effective prescribing and practices will be working on areas including the prescribing of antimicrobials, grey list drugs, dipyridamole, PPIs, SIP feeds and opioid patches. The Medicines Management Pharmacist/Technician w orking in your practice will be meeting with you shortly to discuss a work plan to support the practice’s work in achieving the criteria set by the scheme. Shared Care across Areas
Occasionally GPs may receive requests from out of the Barnsley area to prescribe a drug that is listed as Red on the Barnsley Traffic Light List. The requested drug is often Amber or Green in the area where the request has originated. We usually advise GPs to accept the traffic light status of where the request has come from and where appropriate to sign up to shared care if they are happy to do so. GPs are reminded that the person who prescribes the medication legally assumes clinical responsibility for the drug and the consequence of its use and as such should feel confident in their abilities to do so. Prescribers (including secondary care clinicians) are reminded to report any problems they experience with shared care or other medicines related issues, particularly where guidelines are not being complied with, to the following email address: [email protected] Sildenafil (Viagra®) – Patent Expiry
• The patent for sildenafil expired in June 2013. GPs are requested to ensure that all prescriptions • Generic sildenafil should be the first line option fo r all new patients if prescribing is considered appropriate after full investigation of underlying ca • Consider reviewing patients taking tadalafil or vardenafil with a view to switching to generic sildenafil where appropriate. Daily tadalafil is more expensive than on demand PDE-5 inhibitors • Prescribing of treatments for erectile dysfunction on the NHS is still based on Dept Health guidance (1999), which restricts who can receive treatment and recommends one treatment per Secondary Care Prescribing Requests
Practices are asked to inform their Medicines Management Pharmacist/Technician if they receive requests • Antimicrobials from any department following the results of tests or investigations undertaken in secondary care or for pre-op prophylaxis where primary care has not initiated the investigation. MHRA Safety Updates
The latest MHRA safety updates are available to view online using the following links:

July 2013 – Volume 6: Issue 12 blication/con296410.pdf
June 2013 – Volume 6: Issue 11 blication/con287041.pdf
May 2013 – Volume 6: Issue 10
April 2013 – Volume 6:Issue 9

Key areas to note from the updates are Strontium ranel ate and risk of serious cardiac disorders; Insulin Degludec and caution in use due to existence of two str engths; Co-cyprindiol – updated prescribing advice; diclofenac – updated advice re cardiovascular s afety; codeine – prescribing restrictions for children and adolescents. If you require any support in i dentifying patients affected by these issues please speak to the Medicines Management Pharmacist /Technician working in your practice. Temazepam Shortage
Glucosamine, Omega 3 & Cod Liver Oil
Prescribers are remind ed that Glucosamine & to be in short supply due to a manufacturing Cod Liver Oil are no longer recommended to substantially. August’s Drug Tariff gives the price as approximately £27 for 28 x 10mg and Omega 3 fatty acid supplements should no It is a good opportunity to review patients and Patients prescribed these items should be consider them for a stepped withdrawal or if still required a switch to a suitable hypnotic If you require any assistance with this please Please speak to your Medicines Management Pharmacist/Technician for further information Medicine Reviews & Switches by Private Companies
If an outside company is undertaking work in the practice i nvolving medication reviews & switches, please inform your medicines management pharmacist and/or technician. This would greatly assist us in planning Generic Pres
It has been identified that eye drops are bein If a request is made from secondary care to prescribe ey e drops, the generic version should be prescribed unless the brand is specifically requested e.g. if the clin ic letter states Xalatan®, latanoprost should be We would welcome any feedback you have to give on this newsletter. Please send comments in to
Vicki Holmes, Prescribing Support Technician on email address [email protected]
If you have any queries regarding medication, please contact your Practice Pharmacist and/or
Technician or you can contact the Medicines Management Team on
01226 433798
Many Thanks


Verteidigungsrede zum Meßkircher Nasenschleifen 2011 von Winfried Kretschmann Hochverehrte Richter, Büttel ond Vollstrecker vom närrischa Nasaschleiferstrofgericht, Au vor soma katzbucklata Tribunal zu erscheina ischt mir Ehre ond Pflicht, An Gruaß au dena Herra Triele, Glotzer, Loschore, ond Koinzig Hochverehrte Winkeladvokata vo dr Meßkircher Bananarepublik! Wonderfitzigs Meßkircher


Tables Components of Per Member Per Year Cost Trend 1997-2002Utilization of Common Drugs for the Top 25 Therapy Classes 2001-2002 Price Changes Due to Inflation for the Top 25 Therapy Classes 2001-2002Price Changes for the Top 50 Common Brand Drugs 2001-2002Price Changes Due to Therapeutic Mix for the Top 25 Therapy Brand/Generic Mix for the Top 25 Therapy Classes 2001-2002 Changes in U

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