Copyright 2008 by theOxford Institute of AgeingAGEING HORIZONSIssue No. 8, 4–12
Age and Productivity Capacity: Descriptions, Causes and PolicyOptions
Vegard Skirbekk, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Abstract
understand which policies individuals and governmentscould undertake to increase the retirement age.
This article reviews how work performance differs over thelife cycle by describing and discussing findings from variousapproaches. This includes managers’ evaluations, the quan-
The Shape of the Age-Productivity Curve
tity and quality of goods and services produced by workersof different ages, the performance of age-mixed teams, to
Identifying exceptional achievement at early or late ages is
what extent the age distribution of employees depends on
not difficult. For example, Goethe published the second part
the type of work and how the age distribution changes due
of Faust only in 1832 when he was 82 years old, while James
to technological change and business cycle shocks, analy-
Watson discovered the DNA molecule in 1953 at the age of
ses of employer-employee datasets, descriptions of
25 with a few remarkable findings afterwards. Classic texts
age-earnings profiles in settings where they could reflect
in the age-performance literature, such as Crichton-Browne
performance and the output of researchers and artists over
(1905) and Osler (1906), are biased as they focus on excep-
the life cycle. The causes of productivity variation by age
tional performance by either senior or younger individuals to
are also considered, with a particular focus on experience
support their hypotheses of either an early or late productiv-
and cognitive abilities. The findings suggest that produc-
ity peak. Moreover, they only look at age performance among
tivity tend to increase during the initial years in the labourmarket before it stabilizes and often declines towards the
a small creative elite and use this to infer age variation in
end of the working life. Productivity reductions at older
performance for the population as a whole.
ages are strongest in job tasks where problem solving, learn-ing and speed are important, while for work tasks where
Classic studies of elite achievement by researchers, inno-
experience and verbal abilities matter more, there is less or
vators and artists by age tend to suggest that productivity
no reduction in productivity among elderly workers. Trends
peaks in the 30s and 40s, with substantially lower output
in the age-productivity relation are discussed in relation to
at younger and older ages, also when quality (e.g., journal
changing work tasks and job requirements, combined with
article citations) is controlled for (Lehman, 1953; Cole,
changes in the requirement of skills (decline in demand for
1979; Simonton, 1988; Miller, 1999; Kanazawa, 2003;
physical strength, increase in the need to learn new skills).
Oster and Hamermesh, 1998). Further evidence suggesting
Policies that could be considered to raise productivity among
that there is a negative association between scientific output
senior workers include on-the-job training, education andpromotion of health. However, a later retirement could also
and age from relatively early in adult life is given in studies
raise incentives to update one’s own skills and work harder
of economists and scientists by Bayer and Dutton (1977)
at older ages (which may be achieved through pension
and Bratsberg et al. (2003). However, a relatively flat
reforms and wage liberalisation). Moreover, a better age-
output profile for individuals aged 30–59 for 19th century
mix in the workplace, allowing older and younger
scientists is found by Dennis (1956), and for a limited
individuals to benefit from their comparative advantages,
sample of 20th century researchers by McDowell (1982).
is likely to improve overall productivity in ageing nations.
Nobel Prize Laureates do their most important contributions
in their 30s, according to a study by Jones (2005). The onset
Extending the working life is a popular response to popu-
of the most innovate age phase, however, increased by about
lation ageing in order to maintain economic prosperity and
6 years over the 20th century (which he suggests could be due
sustainability. To achieve this, various policies are being
to a longer training period as the knowledge base has
considered, including changes in age-specific pension enti-
expanded). The decline in innovative output, however, is
tlements and age-discrimination laws (in particular,
found to be age specific and constant which implies that the
repealing laws for dismissing older workers without justi-
plateau of peak performance has narrowed over time.
fication). However, attempts to extend the age at retirementwill only be effective to the extent that productive employ-
Entrepreneurial activity, start-up of new firms or expansions
ment can be extended. This is important in order to ensure
of existing ones, are more likely to be carried out by rela-
that increased retirement age does not simply translate into
tively young adults, according to findings from the 34
periods of unemployment. In this context, taking age-
countries surveyed in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
specific productivity into account is necessary in order to
(GEMConsortium, 2004). Peak entrepreneurial activity is
found among individuals aged 25–44. In support of a young
Czaja and Sharit (1993) investigate the extent to which age
entrepreneurial peak, Aubert et al. (2007) find, in a French
has an impact on computer-based work performance and
study, that the more innovative a firm is, the higher the
find that increased age was associated with longer response
wages of younger employees are relative to wages of other
times and a greater number of errors for all tasks consid-
ered. These task-quality/speed tests are potentially moreobjective as they do not rely on subjective assessment.
In order to describe age variation in performance of the
However, they may be biased from the fact that the workers
average worker rather than elite groups, one needs a differ-
are selected in terms of age groups and occupational types
ent set of productivity measures. Supervisors’ ratings are
(Rubin and Perloff, 1993). Further, the time-limit common
often used to identify the relation between the employee’s
in such studies may bias results. For example older employ-
age and his or her productivity. McEvoy and Cascio (1989)
ees may maintain a higher work speed in the short period
review 96 studies on the impact of the employee’s age on
they are studied than what they would be able to do in a
supervisors’ assessment and sales records and find no clear
normal job situation (Salthouse and Maurer, 1996).
effect of age on productivity. Likewise, reviews by Warr(1994) and Waldman and Avolio (1986), based primarily
A recent estimation approach is based on analyses of
on supervisor assessment, find no or a slightly negative
employer-employee datasets (e.g., Gelderblom and de
impact of age on job performance. However, Remery et al.
Koning, 2002; Hægeland and Klette, 1999). A key strength
(2003) find that older individuals are seen as less produc-
of these estimates are the large samples, which can encom-
tive in particular in firms with a higher proportion of senior
pass most workers in some of the main industries in a
workers, which is where knowledge about older individu-
country; several samples include a few million individuals
als’ work capacities is likely to be highest, in a survey 1007
and thousands of firms. The most common finding from
these studies is a hump-shaped relation between job perform-ance and age. An overview over analyses of the effect of
A general problem with most approaches used to measure
age on productivity using employer-employee datasets are
age variation among workers is the sample selection
given in the Annex. Of the 14 studies considered, 11 find
problem. Good workers get promoted, while inefficient
a productivity decline in the 50s relative to the 30s and 40s,
workers may lose their jobs. Hence, positive selection can
two have inconsistent results, while one finds that produc-
increase by age, which could lead to bias in the estimates
tivity peaks among the oldest workers. However, bias may
of the oldest age groups’ working capacity. Self-assessed
come from the fact that many determinants of a firm’s
“work ability” is sometimes considered, and estimates from
value-added, such as capital levels, are either omitted or
Finland suggest a clear decline by age of workers (van
poorly measured. The reverse causality problem could also
Ours et al. 2007). Solem (2006) presents evidence from
be an issue – a company’s success can increase the number
Norwegian surveys on subjective general work ability that
of new employees and lead to a younger age structure,
shows a decline from the 30s to the 60s. Nevertheless,
which could mean that a young age structure could be the
respondents believe that they are equally capable of perform-
consequence rather than the cause of a company’s success.
ing their work over the same age interval; although generalwork ability declines with age. This may be because rele-
Wages are often determined by other factors than individual
vant abilities are fully maintained and the worker is
contribution to the firms’ value-added, including the role of
increasingly well matched to the type of work task he/she
unions, uncertainty about new workers productivity and
performs. A particular problem with managers’ ratings and
delayed payment contracts where performance while being
self-evaluations is that these evaluations can be biased as
young results in higher earnings for those still employed while
they are subjective. Evaluations of older workers could
they are older (Agell and Lundborg, 1995; Freeman, 1982;
therefore be inflated due to loyalty concerns and as a reward
Hutchens, 1989). Age-earnings profiles can, however,
for past achievement – or in the case of self-reports, as a
provide information on productivity differences in settings
means of self-justification, or even self-degradation.
where wages are likely to reflect actual productivity. One
Discriminatory attitudes among managers towards older or
example is a study by Lazear and Moore (1984) who examine
younger individuals can also affect an age-productivity esti-
the difference between earnings profiles of the self-employed
mate, which reduces the validity of this approach (Levy,
and salary workers. Kotlikoff and Gokhale (1992) study age-
variation in the wages offered when firms hire newemployees. Their findings suggest managers have earliest
Measuring the impact of age on job performance is some-
productivity maximum, while office and sales-workers have
times based on measures of the quantity and quality of a
somewhat older peaks, though they all reach their highest
worker’s output. Studies based on this approach tend to find
productivity in the 40s, with sharp declines thereafter.
that older employees have lower productivity levels. Astudy of a several industries from the U.S. Department of
A study by Boot (1995) describes age-earnings profiles for
Labor (1957) finds that job performance increases until the
British workers in the first half of the 19th century, when
age of 35 and steadily declines thereafter. At the end of the
there were few regulations in the labour market. For the
career, productivity declines by 14% in the men’s footwear
physically demanding work analyzed here, men reached
industry, and 17% in the household furniture industry.
their peak earnings in their early 30s, and wages decreased
substantially from around 40 years of age. In a similar
suggest that older workers have a modest negative impact on
study, Johnson (2003) looks at British manual workers earn-
productivity growth, while Nishimura et al. (2002) find that
ings from the 1830s to the 1930s, and finds a stable
the share of well-educated workers above 40 years raised tech-
age-earnings pattern where wages reach their peak in the
nological progress in the 1980s, but decreased it in the 1990s
mid-30s and remain stable or decline slightly thereafter.
when investigating technical progress and growth in Japan1980–1998. It is not clear why certain relations between the
Labour force attachment trends can also reveal information
age structure and economic growth levels exist. They could be
about age differences in productivity. If older workers cope
due to other factors than age variation in work performance,
less well with changes in the workplace, then rapid changes
such as high savings levels among certain age groups (i.e.,
should affect them worse than younger age groups. Bartel
higher capital levels could raise growth) or omitted factors in
and Sicherman (1993) put forward evidence that the risk of
the regressions (which both affect economic growth as well as
job loss is in fact greater among older workers when the
mortality, fertility or migration levels).
rate of technological change is highest. This finding is alsosupported in studies based on inter-sectoral data (Ahituv and
Causes of Age Variation in Work
Zeira, 2000). Technological improvements may also dispro-
Performance Relation
portionally benefit the young, and in a study of Germanfirms, Hujer and Radic (2005) find that older highly-skilled
Workers’ productivity levels differ by age for many reasons,
workers benefit less from technological improvements
including the length of work experience, cognitive func-
tioning, education, physical abilities, stamina, health, familyand care obligations, motivation, energy, matching of the
Age diversity has been suggested to have a positive effect on
worker to the task, loyalty and personality.
productivity through better “age-matching” between sales-persons and customers and through complementarity of
Average muscle strength decreases by roughly 10% per
different age groups, but the evidence seems inconclusive.
decade for ages 20–60, by approximately 15% each decade
Experimental research suggests cooperation is highest when
for ages 60–80, and 30% each decade after age 80 (Mazzeo,
juniors and seniors are mixed together (Charness and Villeval,
2000). De Zwart et al. (1995) show that aerobic capacity
2006). However, Leonard and Levine (2003) considered 800
peaks somewhere in the 20s and declines by around 1% per
retail stores employing 70,000 individuals and found that age
year. Flexibility decreases with age, which makes it diffi-
diversity was negatively related to sales. Hamilton et al.
cult to adopt certain working positions (Bosek et al., 2005).
(2004) studied the productivity of workers in a garment plantthat had shifted from individual piece rate payments to team
Moreover, cognitive skills have been shown to be increas-
piece rate payments, and again found that greater diversity
ingly important to work tasks over time, as both the work
in age was associated with lower productivity gains. A
intensity and the industrial composition change over time,
European study on age diversity suggests that while in a
while physical strength is becoming decreasingly important
German car assembly plant, age diversity increases the prob-
(Broadberry, 1997; Spitz-Oener, 2006; Skirbekk, 2008).
ability of calling in sick, evidence from Finnish firms show
Cognitive ability test scores have been found to be more
a positive effect of age diversity (van Ours et al. 2007). Van
closely correlated with labour market performance than any
Ours et al. suggest that this seeming contradiction is due to
other observable characteristics among job candidates
different levels of observation, where age diversity at the
team level (German case) may be negative (as age diversitymay imply impeded communication), while diversity at the
Some cognitive abilities decline with age, while others tend
plant level (Finnish case) may mean that in some parts of the
to be relatively robust over the life cycle. A division can
plant (e.g., management) there are many older (wise, expe-
be drawn between crystallised abilities, which remain at a
rienced) workers while in other parts (e.g., production), there
high functional level until late in life, and fluid abilities,
are many younger (fit, flexible) workers. Hence, comple-
mental abilities that are strongly reduced over the life span
mentarity at the firm level may well be consistent with the
(Horn and Cattell, 1966; Verhaegen and Salthouse, 1997).
Crystallised abilities depend on accumulated knowledge,and includes semantic meaning and vocabulary size. The
Several macroeconomic investigations find a relation between
second group, fluid abilities such as perceptual speed and
national/regional age structure and economic growth.
reasoning abilities, tend to relate to performance and speed
However, results diverge and while Brunow and Hirte (2006)
of solving tasks related to new materials.
find that 30–44 year olds boost per capita output growth acrossEuropean regions, Feyrer (2005) finds that the 40–49 year old
Schwartzman et al. (1987) find that verbal skills (crys-
age group is the strongest associated with productivity growth
tallised abilities) remain virtually unchanged at older ages,
using a large panel of developed and developing countries,
while reasoning and speed (fluid abilities) decrease from
while Lindh and Malmberg (1999) and Malmberg and Lindh
early adulthood, based on psychometric test results of men
(2002) find that the share of 50–64 year olds is associated with
in different age groups. In a test-retest study of twins, Blum
economic growth in the OECD from 1850–1990. Moreover,
et al. (1970) provide similar findings: vocabulary size is
Tang and MacLeod (2006), using Canadian regional data,
observed to remain constant from young to old ages despite
a general reduction in other cognitive abilities. A decline
nity of part-time work increases the opportunities for active
over the working life span in some mental abilities has
labour force participation among the elderly. These types of
been found to be similar for both men and women, and the
flexible work settings contrast the situation for assembly line
same patterns are found across different countries and
workers in the past, where constant and continuous attention
cultures (Maitland et al., 2000; Park et al., 1999).
Furthermore, individuals with high ability levels are subjectto the similar changes in cognitive functioning as those
Improving Productivity and Employment at
with low ability levels (Baltes and Mayer, 1999; Deary etOlder Ages al., 2000). Age-related reductions in memory and learning
Romans sometimes described old age as mala aetas, the bad
capabilities have been documented among many non-human
age, and young age as bona aetas, the good age (Parkin,
species, ranging from fruit flies to primates (Bunk, 2000;
2003). However, age-related changes to physique and mind
have changed since Roman times, and cognitive and healthdeterioration takes place at increasingly later ages in contem-
In some occupations, the cognitive abilities that remain
porary societies. And surroundings have changed, where the
stable are the ones most closely correlated to job success.
introduction of technologies compensating declines in
Senior employees can remain highly productive within a
sensory and muscular capabilities, electric wheelchairs,
field that they know well and where relatively long expe-
more user-friendly computer systems, effective medicines
rience is beneficial. Tacit knowledge, procedural knowledge
against pain and hypertension and working at home oppor-
used to solve everyday problems, tends not to decrease at
tunities allow one to continue to function professionally in
older ages. The age-robustness of this ability could explain
older ages in a large number of work places.
why many older managers perform as good as youngerones (Colonia-Willner, 1998). However, when performing
There is evidence that mental abilities have improved over
unfamiliar work, workers have to rely on the ability to
the course of the last century (Tuddenham, 1948; Flynn,
learn and to adjust exactly those skills that decline most with
1987; Neisser, 1997). Improvement in cognitive skills have
age. Senior individuals are less able than young individu-
been found to also take place for individuals aged 50–79
als to reorient themselves to new task requirements and to
during the last decades (Romeu Gordo, 2005) which is
solve novel problems (Smith, 1996) and age-induced produc-
likely to be related to rapid growth in education and on-
tivity reductions may increase with the complexity of new
the-job training (Lutz et al., 2007; Riphahn and
work tasks (Myerson et al., 1990). Hence, staying within
Trübswetter, 2006). Individuals from younger cohorts are
one field of expertise relates to high productivity, while
likely to be more trained and motivated when taking ability
changing between fields can lower productivity much more
tests, as such tests are increasingly being used in job candi-
(e.g., Cole, 1979; Rybash et al., 1986).
date selection processes (Jenkins, 2001).
Experience is often quoted by employers as one of the most
Paralleling the sustained decline in mortality (which has
important determinants of job performance (Bellmann, 2007;
taken place for at least two centuries in Northern Europe),
Golini, 2004). Salthouse (1984) uses typists as an example
disability-free life expectancies have increased (Crimmins
of a profession where experience alleviates the impact of
et al., 1997; Manton et al., 1997; Lee, 2003; Romeu
cognitive reductions. He finds that older typists compen-
Gordo, 2005; Schoeni et al., 2001). The morbidity decrease
sate for their reduced speed through the use of more efficient
is partly related to less physically demanding work tasks.
work strategies compared to their younger counterparts.
Costa et al. (1986) argues that 29% of the observed decline
Ericsson and Lehmann (1996) argue that it takes roughly
in chronic disease rates and 75% of the decline in back prob-
10 years to achieve expert competence in games and situ-
lems in the 20th century was caused by a shift to non-manual
ations where strategic and analytic competence is important,
labour and a reduction in the physical load. Not only has
such as chess. The 10-year estimate is also supported by
work become less strenuous, but estimates put forward by
findings from a variety of job domains, ranging from live-
Ausubel and Grubler (1995) suggest that in France,
stock evaluation and X-ray analysis to scientific performance
Germany, the UK, USA and Japan, the number of hours
in medical and natural sciences (Phelps and Shanteau, 1978;
worked per year declined by at least a third from 1850 to
Lehman, 1953; Lesgold, 1984; Raskin, 1936).
1987, which is likely to imply a substantial reduction in thehealth requirements to work.
A Norwegian survey (Econ, 1998) shows that only 0.6% ofthe employers preferred workers with a length of experience
To extend the productive working life at older ages, a
above 10 years. As the average age of entering the labour
government could follow many different policies. Taxes,
force in the OECD is in the early 20s (depending on educa-
earnings and pension systems need to be restructured in
tional levels, OECD, 1999), this would suggest that 99.4%
order to increase incentives for older individuals to continue
of the employers find workers sufficiently experienced in the
to work rather than to retire. However, the question is not
30s, which would exclude experience as a major advantage
only about creating financial incentives for a long and
between workers in the 50s and 60s compared to workers in
productive working life, but also about the need to alter
the 30s and 40s, although all have an advantage compared to
norms, beliefs and behaviour that affect labour force partic-
workers in their 20s. The increased prevalence and opportu-
Many elderly would like to continue working when they reach
proportion of the age group remains active. Socialising has
retirement age, while employers are often hesitant to employ
been shown to be good for mental health and for many,
them, making it difficult to increase retirement ages. High
particularly men, the work place is the key place to meet
costs are often seen as the main disadvantage of older workers
others (Cohen, 2004; Melchior et al., 2003).
(Golini, 2004; Munnell et al., 2006). Pension payments andhealth insurance often increase by age, and as wages may not
As the current population is likely to be urban, have seden-
be adjusted for this, it implies that older individuals are cost-
tary occupations, and use motorized transport, exercise
lier for firms (Scott et al. 1995). In firms with steep wage
should be encouraged through increased availability of green
profiles and pension benefits, employment opportunities have
space and sports facilities. More exercise can increase work
been found to be worse for elderly in the US (Hirsch et al.,
capacity at older ages. James and Coyle (1998) find that
2000), Hong Kong (Heywood et al., 1999) and the UK
regular exercise improves the working memory function
among older men, while obesity has been found to havenegative effects on cognitive performance net of education,
For example, in Japan, it is customary for those who retire
occupation, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, total
from a normal working career to enter a lower-wage but
cholesterol, and a diagnosis of diabetes (Elias et al., 2003;
relatively prestigious second career in their 60s (Clark et
Geroldi et al., 2003; Gustafson et al., 2003).
al., 2006). Ichino et al. (2006) find that when displacedolder workers’ minimum wages they are willing to accept
Encouraging new nutritional habits and increased exercise
fall faster than those of prime-age workers, they catch up
could lower the negative impacts on productivity, such as
in terms of employment. A comparison of earnings levels
absenteeism, disability, workplace injuries and health costs
and employment rates across the OECD suggest that wage
(Schmier et al., 2006; Colditz, 1999). Cereals and fish, red
flexibility and willingness to accept lower wages relates to
wine or even aspirin could possibly strengthen cognitive
functioning (Nilsson et al., 2003; Solfrizzi et al., 2003). Governments could also impose stronger non-smoking legis-
However employers/governments also need to make funda-
lation, as smoking has been found to negatively affect
mental changes to how they view older workers. Flexible
cognitive functioning, also when adjusting for the negative
retirement and part-time positions, improved career planning
selection of smokers (Deary et al., 2003). Moreover, better
and more internal mobility, preventive measures and occu-
system design can reduce computer problems for older
pational health programmes could increase work productivity
of the elderly (see Lindley et al., 2006 for “good practice”examples). Age discrimination must end, job training oppor-
In spite of the seemingly unavoidable age-related reductions
tunities should be given without age constraints, and
in cognitive abilities, targeted training programmes and
age-specific dismissal legislation should be phased out. One
engagement in complex work tasks may provide a way of
could, if possible, reorganize to allow the elderly to perform
halting the decline. Schooler et al. (1999) find that the degree
work tasks where they have their comparative advantages,
of job complexity is associated with the level of mental func-
which is where experience, management and communication
tioning at older ages, which could be due to continued learning
skills are important rather than tasks which require high
in the workplace. Schaie and Willis (1986) conclude that train-
processing speed and rapid reorientation.
ing programmes can stabilise, or even reverse, age-relateddeclines in inductive reasoning and spatial orientation among
More pensioners means that taxes need to be increased to
many individuals. Similar evidence is presented by Ball et al.
support more pensioners, and higher taxes slow the creation
(2002), who find that persons who exercise the use of indi-
of jobs. However, a change of norms is necessary, where
vidual abilities such as speed, reasoning and memory, enhance
a higher pension age should become the custom, and seen
the functional level of these abilities. Katzman (1993) argues
as necessary and fair. Further, beliefs that justify early
that participating in educational courses increases synaptic
retirement, e.g., that retiring early increases job opportu-
density in the neocortical association cortex, and could there-
nities for the young, should be abandoned. In countries
fore delay the onset of dementia by up to 4–5 years. Using a
such as the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Italy
British industry dataset from 1983–1996, Dearden et al.
and the UK, between 40% and 70% of the individuals agree
(2006) find that training is associated with productivity
that “older people should be forced to retire when jobs are
increases, and more so than what wage increases would
scarce” (van Ours et al., 2007).
suggest. Likewise, in separate studies of German firm panel-datasets, Zwick (2002) and Kuckulenz and Maier (2006)
If one expects a later retirement, one’s training investment
identify large productivity increases in response to the train-
decisions are likely to change. A longer remaining working
life implies that it will be optimal for individuals to investmore in updating skills and to increase work efforts at older
ages. When the elderly expect to work longer, they will haveincentives to invest more in training and to work harder.
The evidence put forward in this article suggests that job
They will also continue to update, maintain and extend
performance often does decrease at older ages, but not
their professional networks, which will be easier if a larger
for all work tasks and less so in occupations where abil-
ities that do not decline by age are important. Moreover,
the elderly to benefit from their comparative advantages
the elderly’s productive potential is likely to have
and effectively extend the working life. Changes in
increase over time as modern jobs decreasingly rely on
incentive systems, regulations and habits that lead to less
strength, cognitive abilities and health of the elderly
smoking, better nutrition and more exercise could further
improve, and part-time flexible work arrangements have
decrease disability levels and raise cognitive functioning
become commonplace. More training, better work organ-
is likely to help increase work performance levels and
isation, and more flexible earnings systems could allow
labour force participation at older ages.
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Centre for European Economic Research. CorrespondenceWorld Population Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, AustriaEmail: [email protected]AGEING HORIZONS Issue No 8 OXFORD INSTITUTE OF AGEING Annex: Overview of employer-employee data sets Sample size Control variables Productivity Age-productivity measurement
Productivity peaks between Manufacturing and
capital and input factorsR&D spending
Gender, race, occupation, Firm’s output or value
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