Microsoft word - jl-r guidelines.doc

Code: JL-R
These guidelines are subject to ongoing administrative and school department review and modification as necessary to help assure compliance with the purpose and intent of the Southwest Harbor School Department Local Wellness Policy. Students, staff, and community will be informed about any changes made to the Local Wellness Policy as changes are made. I. Nutrition Standards

By January 1, 2007, the school will offer and promote the following food and beverages in all
venues outside federally regulated child nutrition programs:
• Allowed: water; sports drinks; fruit and vegetable juices which contain 100% fruit or vegetable juice in 12-ounce servings or less; nonfat, low-fat, plain and/or flavored milk. • Not Allowed: soft drinks; fruit and/or vegetable-based drinks that contain less than 100 % real fruit or vegetable juice; beverages that contain artificial sweeteners; and beverages containing caffeine, excluding low-fat or nonfat chocolate milk (which may contain trivial amounts of caffeine). • Whole and enriched grain products that are high in fiber (2 grams or more per serving). • Fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruits and vegetables using healthy food preparation techniques, and 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice in 12-ounce servings or less. • Nonfat, low-fat, plain and/or flavored yogurt, nonfat and/or low-fat real cheese, rather • Nuts, nut butters, seeds, trail mix, and/or soybean snacks. • A food item sold individually will have no more than 30% of its calories from fat (excluding nuts, nut butters, and seeds) and 10% its calories from saturated and trans fat combined. (Refer to Appendix A for this calculation.) • A food item sold individually will have no more than 25 % of its weight from added sugar. (Refer to Appendix A for this calculation.) • A food item sold individually will contain no more than: - 230mg of sodium for chips, cereal, crackers, French Fries, baked goods, and other snack items - 480 mg of sodium per serving for pastas, meats, and soups - 600mg of sodium for pizza, sandwiches, and main dishes • A choice of at least two fruits and/or non-fried vegetables will be offered for sale at any location on the school site where foods are sold. • To the extent possible, the school should pursue purchasing and/or using locally grown • To the extent possible, school meals should be prepared from whole foods and basic ingredients vs. prepackaged, prepared foods. Local Wellness Policy Implementation Plan 1 Code: JL-R
Portion Size Standards-Limit portion sizes of foods and beverages sold individually to
those listed below:
• One and one-quarter ounces for chips, crackers, popcorn, cereal, trail mix, nuts, dried • One ounce for cookies
• Two ounces for cereal bars, granola bars, pastries, muffins, bagels, and other bakery
• Four fluid ounces for frozen desserts, including, but not limited to, low-fat or fat-free • Eight ounces for non-frozen yogurt.
• Twelve fluid ounces for beverages, excluding water.
• The portion of ala carte entrees and side dishes, including potatoes, will not be greater
that the size of comparable offered as part of school meals. Fruits and non-fried vegetables are exempt from portion-size limits.
II. Fundraising Activities
By September 1, 2007, the school principal along with staff shall support healthy fundraising
activities. (Refer to Appendix B for a list of healthy fundraising activities.)
III. Snacks
By September 1, 2007, the school principal along with classroom teachers will assess if and
when to offer snacks based on timing of school meals, children’s nutritional needs, children’s
ages, and other considerations. The Coordinated School Health Team will disseminate a list of
healthful snack items to administrators, classroom teachers, after-school program personnel, and
parents. (Refer to Appendix C for a list of healthful snack items.)
IV. Celebrations
By September 1, 2007, classroom celebrations will be limited to no more than one party per
classroom per month. The celebration should take place after the serving of school lunch so it
will not interfere with the school meal .Each party should include no more than one food or
beverage item that does not meet the nutrition standards for foods sold individually. The schools
will disseminate a list of healthy party items to parents and teachers at the beginning of every
school year. (Refer to Appendixes C & D for list of healthful snack items.)
V. School-sponsored Events (such as, but not limited to, concession stands, dances or school
By January 1, 2007, foods and beverages offered or sold at school-sponsored events outside the
school day will promote the nutrition and portion standards for foods and beverages sold
VI. Vending Machines
By January 1, 2007, foods and beverages sold in any school vending machine must meet the
nutrition and portion standards for foods and beverages sold individually.

Local Wellness Policy Implementation Plan 2 Code: JL-R
VII. Other School-Based Activities Designed to Promote Student-Wellness
By September 1, 2007, the school will strive to create a healthy school environment that
promotes healthy eating and physical activity. In order to create this environment, the following
activities should be implemented:
Dining Environment
The school should provide: o a clean, safe, enjoyable meal environment for students, o enough space and serving areas to ensure all students have access to school meals o students access to hand washing or hand sanitizing before they eat meals or snacks, o encouragement to maximize student participation in school meal programs, and o identity protection of students who eat free and reduced-price meals and/or with The school should: o provide students with at least 20 minutes after sitting down for lunch to enjoy eating o schedule meal periods at appropriate times, i.e. lunch should be scheduled between 11 o discourage scheduling tutoring, club, or organizational meetings or activities during mealtimes, unless students may eat during such activities, and o schedule recess in elementary schools before lunch so that children will come to VIII. Food As a Reward
By September 1, 2007, the use of food or beverages as rewards or punishment for academic
performance or behavior will not be permitted.
IX. Policy Exemptions
• This policy does not restrict what parents may provide for their child’s snacks or lunch. However, it is strongly recommended that parents provide healthy foods and beverages. • The nutrition and portion standards of these guidelines do not apply to the school nurse during the course of providing health care to individual students and staff. • Students with special needs whose individualized education program plan indicates the use of foods or beverages that do not meet the nutrition and portion standards of these guidelines for behavior modification are exempt. Local Wellness Policy Implementation Plan 3


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