关艳中1, 徐满英1* , 阎彬彬1, 盖春雷2 ( 1. 哈尔滨医科大学 生理学教研室, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150086; 2. 哈尔滨市公安消防医院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040) Effect of norepinephrine on withdrawal syndrome in morphinistic rats GUAN Yan zhong, XU Man ying, YAN Bin bin, et al ( Department of Physiology , H arbin Medical University , H arbin 150086, China) ) Abstract: Objective To study the ef ect of intracerebroventricular inject ion of norepinephrine ( NE) and a receptor antagonist phentolamine on withdrawal syndrome in morphinistic rats. Methods Morphine hydrochlo ride was injected into rat s back subcutaneously 3 t imes a day for 5 days successively in order to build up themorphinist ic model according to the principle of gradual y increasing the dose of morphine. The withdrawal syndrome of morphinistic rat was observed by microintracerebroventricular injection of NE or phentolamine.
Results After intracerebroventricular injection of NE or phentolamine, the withdrawal syndromes of morphin istic rats were obviously reduced, and the inhibitory effects of NE were blocked by phentolamine. Conclusion The inhibitory effects of NE to the withdrawal responses in morphinistic rats are blocked with phentolamine, receptor in central nervous system could modulate the production of the withdrawal syndrome in mor Key words: morphine addict ion; norepinephrine; phentolamine; withdrawal syndromerat; rat 2 1 生理盐水对吗啡戒断症状的影响 2. 3 NE+ 酚妥拉明对吗啡戒断症状的影响 [ J] . Neuropeptides, 1984, 5( 1 3) : 29 32.
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Journal of Poisonous and Medicinal Plant Research Vol. 1(1), pp. 001-006, May, 2013 Available online at ISSN 2315-8834© 2013 Apex Journal International Naturally occurring saponins: Chemistry and biology J. S. Negi1*, P. S. Negi2, G. J. Pant2, M. S. M. Rawat2, S. K. Negi3 1Herbal Research and Development Institute, Mandal, Gopeshwar (Chamoli) - 246 401, Utta

Brad King, M.S., MFS, nutritional researcher and bestselling author, is the designer of the Awaken Your Body (Brad King’s) Ultimate line of supplements. Effective nutrient supplementation can often be the missing piece to your metabolic puzzle. Brad King’s Ultimate supplements and lifestyle recommendations are designed to support and optimize metabolism at the cellular level – res

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