Interaction of disulfiram with antiretroviral medications: efavirenz increases while atazanavir decreases disulfiram effect on enzymes of alcohol metabolism
The American Journal on Addictions, XX: 1–8, 2013Copyright 2013 American Academy of Addiction PsychiatryISSN: 1055-0496 print / 1521-0391 onlineDOI: 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2013.12081.x
Interaction of Disulfiram with Antiretroviral Medications:Efavirenz Increases While Atazanavir Decreases DisulfiramEffect on Enzymes of Alcohol Metabolism
Elinore F. McCance‐Katz, MD, PhD,1 Valerie A. Gruber, PhD,1 George Beatty, MD, MPH,1Paula Lum, MD,1 Qing Ma, PhD,2,3 Robin DiFrancesco,2,3 Jill Hochreiter,2,3 Paul K. Wallace,PhD,4 Morris D. Faiman, PhD,5 Gene D. Morse, PhD2,31University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California2HIV Clinical Pharmacology Research Program, Translational Pharmacology Research Core, NYS Center of Excellence inBioinformatics and Life Sciences, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, New York3School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, New York4Department of Flow and Image Cytometry, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York5Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Background and Objectives: Alcohol abuse complicates treatment
alcohol and potentially, cocaine use disorders, that may occur in this
of HIV disease and is linked to poor outcomes. Alcohol
population. (Am J Addict 2013;XX:000–000)
pharmacotherapies, including disulfiram (DIS), are infrequentlyutilized in co‐occurring HIV and alcohol use disorders possiblyrelated to concerns about drug interactions between antiretroviral(ARV) medications and DIS. Method: This pharmacokinetics study (n ¼ 40) examined the effectof DIS on efavirenz (EFV), ritonavir (RTV), or atazanavir (ATV) and
the effect of these ARV medications on DIS metabolism and aldehydedehydrogenase (ALDH) activity which mediates the DIS‐alcoholreaction.
Disulfiram (DIS; Antabuse®) is a U.S. Food and Drug
Results: EFV administration was associated with decreased S‐
Administration (FDA) approved pharmacotherapy for the
Methyl‐N‐N‐diethylthiocarbamate (DIS carbamate), a metabolite of
treatment of alcohol dependence. DIS is a relatively irrevers-
DIS (p ¼ .001) and a precursor to the metabolite responsible for
ible inhibitor of sulfhydryl‐containing enzymes.1 The target
ALDH inhibition, S‐methyl‐N,N‐diethylthiolcarbamate sulfoxide(DETC–MeSO). EFV was associated with increased DIS inhibition
enzyme for the pharmacologic effect of DIS in the treatment of
of ALDH activity relative to DIS alone administration possibly as a
alcohol addiction is aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). This
result of EFV‐associated induction of CYP 3A4 which metabolizes
enzyme converts acetaldehyde to acetate in alcohol metabo-
the carbamate to DETC–MeSO (which inhibits ALDH). Conversely,
lism. The increased concentration of acetaldehyde after alcohol
ATV co‐administration reduced the effect of DIS on ALDH activity
ingestion in the presence of DIS is responsible for the DIS‐
possibly as a result of ATV inhibition of CYP 3A4. DIS administrationhad no significant effect on any ARV studied.
alcohol reaction. This reaction is characterized by flushing,
Discussion/Conclusions: ATV may render DIS ineffective in
weakness, nausea, tachycardia, and in some instances,
hypotension.2 In addition to its use as a deterrent to alcohol
Future Directions: DIS is infrequently utilized in HIV‐infected
consumption, DIS has shown promise as a potential
individuals due to concerns about adverse interactions and side
pharmacotherapy for cocaine abuse.3 Clinical trials have
effects. Findings from this study indicate that, with ongoing clinicalmonitoring, DIS should be reconsidered given its potential efficacy for
shown decreases in cocaine and alcohol use with DIS 250 mgdaily administration 4 while human laboratory studies haveshown significant decreases in cocaine “high” and “rush” whencocaine was administered by the intravenous route in a double‐
Received December 18, 2012; revised March 6, 2013; accepted
blind, randomized study in which either DIS 0, 62.5 mg or
250 mg daily was administered chronically.5
Address correspondence to Dr. McCance‐Katz, Chief Medical
Officer, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra-
Substance abuse is common in those with HIV infection6,7
tion, 1 Choke Cherry Rd., Room 8‐1055, Rockville, MD 20857.
and the availability of addiction pharmacotherapy for this
E‐mail: [email protected].
population is important. For example, the clinical benefit ofopioid therapies including methadone and buprenorphine to
treat opioid dependence, often in injection drug users who
netics studies in which a within‐subjects analysis was used
have contracted HIV infection through high risk injection
to determine the effect of ARV combined with DIS on
practices, has been clearly demonstrated.8 However, med-
ALDH activity. A between‐subjects analysis was used to
ications to treat alcoholism are used infrequently although
examine the effect of ARVon the DIS metabolite, S‐Methyl‐
alcohol abuse is a significant problem complicating the
N‐N‐diethylthiocarbamate (DIS carbamate), and the effect
treatment of HIV disease and has been linked to poor HIV
outcomes.9–11 The potential of DIS for adverse drug–drug
Each study component was conducted independently and
interactions with antiretroviral medications (ARV) is a
was open‐label to increase the safety of the study participants.
significant concern that could be a factor in diminishing
Participants in the DIS alone group received DIS 62.5 mg daily
consideration of use of this medication in those with
for 4 days followed by a pharmacokinetics study over
10 hours. Participants were then placed on DIS 250 mg daily
DIS must be bioactivated through a series of intermediates,
and received this medication for 4 days followed by another
ultimately forming S‐methyl‐N,N‐diethylthiolcarbamate sulf-
pharmacokinetics study. Blood samples for DIS alone
oxide (DETC–MeSO), the metabolite proposed to be
pharmacokinetics studies were collected at 0, .5, 1, 2, 4, 6,
responsible for the in vivo inhibition of ALDH.12,13
8, and 10 hours. Volunteers who participated in the DIS/ARV
Bioactivation of DIS to the active metabolite associated with
studies were assigned to receive clinical doses of either EFV
the DIS‐alcohol reaction, DETC–MeSO, occurs principally via
600 mg daily for 10 days or RTV 200 mg daily for 8 days or
cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4/5, with contributions by
ATV 400 mg daily for 8 days. Upon completion of the dosing
CYP1A2, ‐2A6 and ‐2D6.14,15 Inhibition by DIS of CYP450
period for the ARV, either a 12 hour (RTV) or 24 hour (ATVor
enzymes, mainly 2E116,17 and 1A2,18,19 and demethylation
EFV) pharmacokinetics study was undertaken in which ARV
function has been reported.20 Therefore, this study investigated
samples were collected at 0, .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and
any potential effect on CYP450 enzymes by DIS that might
24 hours (the latter sample for EFVand ATV studies). Once the
alter the metabolism of ARV, specifically efavirenz (EFV),
ARV pharmacokinetics study was completed, participants
ritonavir (RTV), and atazanavir (ATV) since these ARV are
began a 4 day course of DIS 62.5 mg daily with continued
substrates of CYP3A4/5 and ‐2B6. Also important was the
ARV medication followed by a second pharmacokinetics study
determination of whether DIS would be efficacious as a
in which both DIS and the ARV of interest were sampled as
treatment for alcohol dependence when co‐administered with
previously described. A 4 day washout of DIS with continued
ARV that could potentially alter DIS metabolism. For example,
ARV administration was followed by a dosing period of 4 days
EFV has been reported to induce CYP3A4 activity21,22 while
with DIS 250 mg daily. All medication ingestion was observed
RTV is a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4.23 Therefore, the effects
by study staff with the exception of EFV which is generally
of ARV administration on DIS metabolism were also
given in the evening when used for HIV treatment. Four days
prior to the pharmacokinetics studies, EFV dosing waschanged to mornings and all dosing was observed. The finalpharmacokinetics study of ARV and DIS 250 mg was
undertaken as described above. Blood samples for ALDHwere collected at baseline (prior to receiving any study
Forty individuals participated in this project composed
medications) and following completion of study medication
of four separate pharmacokinetics study components with
observed dosing (eg, Day 4 following DIS 62.5 mg daily and
10 participants enrolled in each component which included
Day 4 following DIS 250 mg daily dosing for DIS alone and
determination of pharmacokinetics for (1) DIS alone, (2)
similarly following DIS administration in combination with
DIS/EFV, (3) DIS/RTV, and (4) DIS/ATV. The study was
ARV medications). Each ALDH sample was collected prior to
reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board at
DIS or DIS þ ARV dosing at the time of the pharmacokinetics
the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and is
study. Adverse symptoms were recorded for all participants
registered at (NCT00878306). Partic-
using an Adverse Symptoms Checklist25 that queried for a
ipants were healthy subjects with health status determined
wide range of adverse experiences including changes in
by medical history and physical examination, psychological
energy, gastrointestinal symptoms, central nervous system
testing (Mini‐International Neuropsychiatric Interview24),
effects, genitourinary symptoms, and other somatic complaints
laboratory testing, and cardiogram which were within
scored for severity on an ordinal scale (0–3, with 0 ¼ not
normal ranges at baseline (Table 1). Participants were
present, 1 ¼ mild, 2 ¼ moderate, and 3 ¼ severe, maximum
taking no other medications that might impact CYP 450
possible score ¼ 87). These ratings were administered at
function. All participants were confirmed to have no
baseline, following DIS administration, following ARV
evidence of HIV infection (by HIV antibody and HIV viral
administration, and following administration of ARV and
load tests). Participants were tested for ALDH activity
DIS concomitantly. Upon completion of study procedures,
which is a marker of DIS ability to induce a DIS‐alcohol
participants received a final physical examination and
reaction (ie, whether DIS would be expected to be effective
laboratory testing to assure that no clinically significant
as a deterrent to alcohol use) and underwent pharmacoki-
Disulfiram–Antiretroviral Medication Interactions
ALK phosphate (U/L)Normal range: 42–98 U/L
Total bilirubin (mg/dl)Normal range: .1–1.2 mg/dl
Total protein (g/dl)Normal range: 6.4–8.3 g/dl
Other race includes hispanic, native american, pacific islander, and multi‐racial individuals; ÃMean (SE), [] percent of sample affected; †p .01.
the flow cytometery laboratory at Roswell Park Cancer
Institute for analysis. The blood samples were processed for
All blood samples were collected in heparinized 6 ml
vacutainer tubes. For drug concentration determination,plasma was separated by centrifugation and stored at À70°C
until shipment. Plasma samples were shipped on dry ice to the
ALDH activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was
University at Buffalo Translational Pharmacology Research
measured using ALDEFLUOR™ Kits. These kits are routinely
Core and kept at À70°C until assay. Samples were thawed prior
used to identify stem and progenitor cells expressing high
to assays which were conducted as described below. Blood
levels of ALDH.26 Total and control ALDH measurements
samples for ALDH determination were collected in heparin-
were performed in triplicate. Cytofluorometric analysis was
ized vacutainer tubes and shipped overnight on a cold pack to
performed using a FACSCanto II (BD BioSciences, San Jose,
CA) flow cytometer equipped with 408, 488, and 640 nm
obtained at baseline and following DIS administration, ARV
lasers. Monocytes were gated and the net ALDH activity
administration or combined administration of ARV and DIS.
determined by subtracting control from total activity.
There was no evidence for clinically significant changes in QTinterval under any study condition (Table 1). Administration of
S‐Methyl‐N‐N‐Diethylthiocarbamate (DIS Carbamate)
DIS, ARV, or DIS concurrently with any of the ARV produced
no significant changes in adverse symptoms from those
DIS carbamate concentrations were determined using ultra
performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospraytandem mass spectrometry.27 S‐Methyl‐N‐N‐diethylthiocarba-mate reference standard (lot number ELZ‐125‐3, 98% purity)
was used to prepare calibration standards and quality controlsand was supplied by Toronto Research Chemicals. RTV, ATV,
and EFV were quantified using previously published simulta-
Table 2A–C shows pharmacokinetic parameters for each of
neous high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
the ARValone or concurrent with either dose of DIS for 4 days.
Neither dose of DIS had a significant effect on any of thepharmacokinetic parameters examined including total expo-
Pharmacokinetics and Statistical Analysis
sure to ARV over time (AUCtau), clearance, maximum plasma
Plasma DIS metabolite and ARV pharmacokinetics were
concentration (Cmax), time to maximum plasma concentration
evaluated for each subject. Standard non‐compartmental
(Tmax), and elimination half‐life.
methods were used to estimate pharmacokinetic parametersincluding area under the concentration‐time curve (AUC
Two indices of DIS activity in the presence of ARV
medications were examined with simultaneous, chronic dosing
1/2) and oral clearance (CLss/F), where F
of both the ARV of interest and DIS. The DIS intermediary
the raw data (Phoenix 64, WinNonlin 6.3).
metabolite, DIS carbamate, is formed following metabolism via
The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to determine the
the CYP 450 enzyme system and, therefore, is one measure of
significance of the differences in ARV pharmacokinetic
the effect of ARV medications, which have the potential to alter
CYP 450 function, on DIS efficacy. Table 3 shows a dose
of DIS 62.5 and DIS 250 mg/d. Determination of differences in
response for DIS pharmacokinetics parameters as demonstrated
effects of ARVon DIS intermediary metabolite, DIS carbamate,
by the DIS metabolite, DIS carbamate, for the DIS 62.5 mg
pharmacokinetics parameters were also examined by Kruskal–
daily dose versus the DIS 250 mg daily dose. A significant
Wallis test. ALDH activity was analyzed using a within‐
effect of ARV administration on pharmacokinetics parameters
subjects approach by paired t‐test with comparison of baseline
for DIS 250 mg daily including Cmax, Cmin, and AUC0–10 and
ALDH and ALDH activity following DIS or DIS/ARV
for DIS 62.5 mg daily Cmax and AUC0–10 was observed. The
administration. All differences were considered statistically
differences were related to significantly lower DIS carbamate
significant if the p‐value was .05 (2‐tailed). Comparisons of
Cmax, Cmin, and AUC0–10 with EFV administration (Table 3,
participant characteristics were made by one‐way ANOVA.
Fig. 1). The second measure of DIS activity was examination ofALDH activity. ALDH inhibition is the means by which alcoholmetabolism is attenuated resulting in a noxious reaction withalcohol consumption when clinical doses (DIS 250 mg daily)
are utilized in the treatment of alcohol use disorders. Figure 2
shows reductions in ALDH activity when DIS 250 mg/d is
There were no significant differences in age (range 34–45
administered alone (p ¼ .02) and represents a 44% decrease in
years), weight (75–87 kg), gender (samples ranged from 30–
ALDH activity in this sample. ALDH activity is also
60% women), or cigarette use between any of the groups (0–.1
significantly decreased when RTV 200 mg/d is administered
packs per day; Table 1). All samples were comprised of healthy
concurrently with DIS 250 mg/d (p ¼ .009) and represents a
subjects and no diagnoses of medical, mental, or substance use
36% decrease in ALDH activity. ATV co‐administration with
disorders were identified on completion of screening proce-
DIS 250 mg/d resulted in a 16% reduction in ALDH activity
dures. Laboratory indices of hepatic function (alanine
(NS). EFV co‐administration with DIS 250 daily resulted in the
aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST),
highest levels of ALDH inhibition at 52% (p ¼ .002).
alkaline phosphatase, and total protein) remained withinnormal ranges throughout the study period including baselinevalues, following ARV administration, DIS administration and
combined ARV and DIS administration (Table 1). Totalbilirubin was significantly increased following ATV adminis-
This study shows that DIS can be safely used with
tration alone and in combination with DIS. Cardiograms were
commonly prescribed ARV including RTV, ATV, and EFV.
Disulfiram–Antiretroviral Medication Interactions
TABLE 2. Effect of disulfiram on antiretroviral medication pharmacokinetics
A. Ritonavir (RTV) pharmacokinetics during disulfiram co‐administration
B. Atazanavir (ATV) pharmacokinetics during disulfiram co‐administration
C. Efavirenz (EFV) pharmacokinetics during disulfiram co‐administration
ÃValues are the mean (standard error of the mean) for 10 subjects who participated in the study in each group, except that the discontinuous variable, Tmax, is given as
DIS has no effect on the pharmacokinetics of any of these
to DIS alone administration. ATV administration with DIS
medications; therefore ARV dose adjustments when using DIS
250 mg daily was associated with a lack of DIS‐associated
for treatment of substance use disorders in those receiving
inhibition of ALDH activity. This indicates that DIS at standard
these ARV should not be necessary. Two of the ARV studied
clinical doses utilized in the treatment of alcohol use disorders
had significant effects on DIS metabolism. EFV co‐adminis-
is unlikely to be effective; that is, a DIS‐alcohol reaction may
tration was associated with significant decreases in DIS
not occur in an individual receiving an ATV‐containing
carbamate and a moderate increase in ALDH inhibition relative
regimen for HIV infection and DIS for an alcohol disorder.
TABLE 3. Comparative pharmacokinetics for S‐Methyl‐N‐N‐diethylthiocarbamate (DIS carbamate) following disulfiram 62.5 mg daily or 250 mg dailyalone or in combination with antiretroviral medications
Values are the mean (standard error of the mean) for 10 subjects who participated in the study in each group.
ÃSignificantly different from the control.
to induce CYP450 enzyme activity; specifically CYP3A4.21
DIS carbamate, an intermediate in DIS metabolism, is
metabolized to S‐methyl N,N‐diethylthiolcarbamate sulfoxide
(DETC–MeSO) by CYP3A4, ‐2A6, and ‐2E114 and therefore,
it was expected that levels of DIS carbamate would be lower in
those receiving EFV as compared to those receiving DIS alone.
DETC–MeSO is the DIS metabolite responsible for ALDH
Carbamate (ng/mL)
inhibition.14 The induction of CYP enzyme activity by EFV
would be expected to produce increased DETC–MeSO whichwould be manifest as a relative increase in the inhibition of
ALDH activity. This was observed in that ALDH activity
Time (hours)
showed the greatest decrease in those receiving EFV and DISconcomitantly with a 52% decline in ALDH activity observed
(baseline 363.07 [40.46] mean [SE] vs. following EFV 600 and
DIS 250 mg/d: 174.75 [23.18] (p ¼ .002; shown graphically
in Fig. 2). As a comparison, baseline ALDH activity in those
receiving only DIS 250/d was 416.46 (71.41), which declined
to 233.89 (26.14) following DIS 250 mg/d administration
(44% decrease from baseline p ¼ .020). ATV and RTV were
Carbamate (ng/mL)
expected to reduce the conversion of the DIS carbamate to
DETC–MeSO due to their inhibition of CYP3A4.23,33 Thus, itwas expected that co
would be associated with proportionately less inhibition of
Time (hours)
ALDH activity relative to disulfiram alone administration. Among subjects receiving RTV 200 and DIS 250 mg/d,
FIGURE 1. Effect of antiretroviral medications on S‐methyl‐N‐N‐
baseline ALDH activity (593.17 [54.6]) significantly declined
diethylthiocarbamate (DIS carbamate) at (A). Disulfiram 62.5 mg
to 377.28 (42.57; 36% reduction; p ¼ .009). A non‐significant
daily or (B). Disulfiram 250 mg daily.
(16%) decline in ALDH activity from 318.7 (38.91) to 266.36(39.91) was observed among subjects receiving ATV 400 mg/
This study was undertaken because the hazardous use of
d with DIS 250 mg/d (shown graphically in Fig. 2). It is notable
alcohol as well as alcohol use disorders are common in those
that there was significant variation in individual ALDH activity
with HIV infection,9–11 yet pharmacotherapies for alcohol use
at baseline; therefore the proportional change in ALDH activity
disorders are infrequently used in the population. This might be
was used as the comparator in this study. Proportional changes
largely due to the sparse evidence currently available on the
in ALDH activity were consistent with the expected effect of
interactions of DIS and ARV. Informing clinicians of the safety
of DIS with concurrent use of ARV as well as identifying
One difference observed in subjects participating in the
potential problems in the use of this alcohol pharmacotherapy
ATV and DIS study was an increase in total bilirubin when
which has also shown promise in the treatment of cocaine
ATV was administered alone or with DIS. ATV is known to
dependence (4) may be helpful in increasing the clinical use ofDIS in the HIV‐infected population.
Several studies have indicated inhibitory effects of DIS
treatment on CYP450 enzymatic activity (eg, CYP3A4) which
are variable.20,30,31 A number of ARV are substrates of
CYP3A4 including those in this study, EFV,22 ATV,32 and
RTV.31 DIS was administered at two doses: 62.5 and 250 mg/d
because these doses have been shown to diminish acute
cocaine responses in humans.5 The finding that neither dose
had a significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of any of the
ALDH Activ
ARV studied suggests that DIS in clinically relevant doses can
be safely used as it pertains to ARV efficacy in HIV‐infectedpeople receiving ARV therapy. Of note, the RTV formulation
administered in this study was an alcohol‐containing gelcap.
No participants receiving RTV with DIS experienced
Disulfiram Dose (mg/day)
symptoms of an alcohol–DIS reaction.
FIGURE 2. Effect of disulfiram in combination with antiretroviral
The effect of the ARV on DIS metabolism and ALDH
inhibition was consistent with study hypotheses. EFV is known
Disulfiram–Antiretroviral Medication Interactions
inhibit bilirubin glucuronidation by UDP glucuronosyltrans-
of a DIS‐alcohol reaction. ATV administration with DIS
ferase 1A1 (UGT 1A1) with a resultant increase in serum
250 mg/d was associated with only a 16% reduction in ALDH
bilirubin levels that rapidly reverses on drug discontinuation.34
activity observed when these medications were administered
This hyperbilirubinemia occurs without concomitant increases
concomitantly. This may render DIS at standard clinical doses
in transaminases and is not regarded as a sign of liver
as administered in this study ineffective. Human laboratory
studies that include alcohol administration following concom-
One of the implications of the effect of ATV on
itant administration of clinically relevant doses of the ARV and
glucuronidation would be in the potential for inhibition of a
DIS would be able to conclusively answer the question of DIS
contributing pathway for metabolism of some DIS metabolites
efficacy for alcohol dependence in those requiring ART that
(diethyldithiocarbamate, for example). In humans, glucuroni-
dation has been shown to be responsible for elimination of
DIS has also been studied as a treatment for cocaine
1.7% of a single 250 mg dose of DIS while 8.3% of DIS is
dependence. The proposed mechanism by which disulfiram
eliminated by glucuronidation with chronic dosing.36 The
alters cocaine responses has been postulated to be related
inhibition of glucuronidation by co‐administration of ATV
to inhibition of dopamine beta hydroxylase activity which
might increase the amount of DIS metabolite that is subject to
occurs through the disulfiram metabolite, diethyldithiocarba-
CYP 450 metabolism. The inhibition of CYP 3A4 by ATV33
mate (DDTC).37 Upon oral ingestion, DIS is rapidly reduced
could result in accumulation of DIS metabolites and a
to its corresponding thiol, diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC)38
concomitant decrease in the DIS metabolite responsible for
and DDTC inactivates dopamine beta hydroxylase by
inhibition in ALDH (DETC–MeSO). We observed a decrease
chelation. Because this is the first compound formed in
in ALDH inhibition by DIS when administered with ATV, but
the DIS metabolic cycle; there is no expectation that the
we cannot say with certainty the mechanism by which this
effect of ARV on CYP 450 enzyme function would have an
occurred since we were unable to measure all of the metabolites
effect on this activity. If the hypothesized mechanism for
formed in the DIS metabolic pathway.
DIS effect on cocaine responses is correct, then DIS would still
A question arising from these results is whether DIS at
be expected to be effective for treatment of cocaine use
standard clinical doses used in the treatment of alcohol use
disorders in those receiving ART that contained any of the
disorders (ie, 250 mg/d) would be effective as a deterrent to
alcohol use in those receiving antiretroviral therapies that
There are limitations to this study. The number of ARV
contain either EFV, RTV, or ATV. It is not possible to answer
studied was limited and sample sizes were relatively small. To
this question with precision because no studies have correlated
address these limitations, ARV selected for study were those
the proportion of reduction in ALDH activity with the
expected to be likely to have interactions with DIS based on
occurrence or severity of a DIS–alcohol reaction. However,
their known clinical pharmacology, although there are a large
in the current study there were two participants who consumed
number of ARV of potential interest in terms of interactions
alcohol within 3 days of discontinuation of DIS 250 mg/d (this
with DIS. The study design would have benefited from an
occurred following completion of study procedures). Both
assay to detect DETC–MeSO and this was planned at the outset
reported flushing, and one reported a sensation of labored
of the study. However, the development of a reliable assay
breathing while the second alcohol consumer stated that mild
proved challenging leading to the use of DIS carbamate and
nausea was the most prominent symptom. Each stated that they
ALDH activity as surrogate markers of the effects of the ARV
had started to experience these symptoms after drinking less
than one glass of wine. They were told to immediately
In summary, the results of drug interaction studies between
discontinue alcohol use and to come for medical evaluation if
three ARV that are frequently used in the treatment of HIV
symptoms worsened. Both reported discontinuation of
infection and DIS are reported. No effect of DIS on ARV
symptoms within a few hours and neither required medical
pharmacokinetics at standard therapeutic doses of medications
intervention. ALDH inhibition relative to their baseline ALDH
was observed, although EFV lowered DIS carbamate plasma
function was determined for each of these individuals and
concentrations. EFV and RTV did not interfere with the
found to be 31% for one subject and 68% for the second
development of significant ALDH inhibition by DIS as was
participant. While inexact, it would appear that the proportion
observed with ATV administration, indicating that DIS at
of ALDH inhibition that occurs in an individual is related to the
standard clinical doses may not be effective in deterring
ability to mount a DIS–alcohol interaction with alcohol
alcohol use if given concomitantly with ATV.
consumption while taking DIS. It appears, then, from theseresults that EFV would not be expected to interfere with DIS‐
This study was supported by NIDA NIH grants R01 DA
mediated ALDH inhibition, nor were any adverse events
024982 (E.M.‐K.) and K24 DA 023359 (E.M.‐K.).
associated with the 8% additional ALDH inhibition observed
The authors thank Vincent Samson, BA for expert technical
relative to the sample receiving DIS 250 mg/d alone. RTV
administration, while associated with a lesser reduction inALDH inhibition over that observed with DIS alone
administration is also not likely to interfere with the occurrence
Authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
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Disulfiram–Antiretroviral Medication Interactions
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