The National Science Teachers Association, an organization of science education professionals dedicated to the stimulation, improvement, andcoordination of science teaching and learning, supports scientific safety at all levels. Presenters, workshop leaders, contestants, authors atNSTA-sponsored activities, exhibitors, and advertisers serve as role models for other science educators. As role models, these individuals mustdevelop, encourage, and display good safety habits at all times. A good safety role model promotes positive safety in actions, words, behavior,and deeds. Science safety is an integral part of science education and serves as a preparation for life. Accordingly, NSTA encourages teachers tooffer meaningful and safe science experiences both inside and outside the classroom. NSTA requires that all presentations, workshops, relatedscience-education activities, exhibits, and advertisements be conducted in accordance with recognized safety procedures and good commonsense. The intent of the safety guidelines that follow is to promote safe science practices at all NSTA-sponsored activities, exhibits, and in alladvertising media as well. ALL PRESENTERS, WORKSHOP LEADERS, EXHIBITORS, AND ADVERTISERS MUST FOLLOW THE NSTA MINIMUM SAFETY GUIDELINES THE FOLLOWING MAY NOT BE PART OF ANY PRESENTATION OR WORKSHOP AT AN NSTA CONFERENCE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES:
Parts of the body are not to be placed in danger, such as placing dry ice in the mouth or dipping hands or fingers into liquid nitrogen ormolten lead, or exposing the hands and face to microorganisms. Demonstrations such as the following shall not be conducted: walking onbroken glass or hot coals of fire with bare feet, passing an electric current through the body, and lying on a bed of nails and having a concreteblock broken over the chest.
Live vertebrate animals may not be used in demonstrations or for experimental purposes. Such animals may be used only for observationalpurposes provided the animals have been lawfully acquired, are housed in proper containers, and are handled in a humane way followingthe NSTA’s “Guidelines for Responsible Use of Animals in the Classroom” (NSTA Position Statement). Any certification papers orvaccination documents shall be made available upon request.
Animals are to be used for educational purposes and not for the exploitation of the animal for advertisement, commercial purposes, orsensationalism. This includes use of animals in the Exhibit Hall.
Live ammunition, firearms, or acutely dangerous explosives, such as benzoyl peroxide, diethyl ether, perchloric acid, picric acid, and sodiumazide, may not be used. Commercially available fireworks and blasting caps shall never be employed.
Plants with poisonous oils (e.g., poison ivy), saps (e.g., oleander) or other plants known to be generally toxic to humans are not to be used. (Resource: Human Poisoning from Native and Cultivated Plants, by James W. Hardin and Jay M. Arena. The publisher is Duke UniversityPress, Durham, NC 27708.)
Experiments or demonstrations with human blood/body fluids may not be conducted.
Radioactive powders, liquids, or solutions are not to be used except in a laboratory facility designated for the type of radioactive material. Arrange for proper shielding and protection for demonstrations which involve radiation. Only low-level, radioactive sources shall beemployed. GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING YOUR PRESENTATION:
Practice all demonstrations or workshop procedures BEFORE presenting them to an audience or having participants try them.
Research and understand the properties, chemical reactions, and dangers involved in all demonstrations. Plan to use correct handling anddisposal procedures for all chemicals and biohazards used. Arrange to have a fire extinguisher available whenever the slightest possibilityof fire exists. Be aware of emergency and fire escape routes for your site.
Prepare a handout that gives participants detailed instructions about the procedures, safety precautions, hazards, and disposal methods foreach demonstration and workshop. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals and biohazards shall be made available upon request.
Prepare photographs, slides, videotapes, and so on that show safe science practices. When preparing these materials, safety goggles andequipment shall not be removed for aesthetic considerations.
In planning demonstrations and/or workshops, keep quantities of hazardous materials to a minimum. Use only those quantities that can beadequately handled by the available ventilation system. Do not carry out demonstrations that will result in the release of harmful quantitiesof noxious gases into the local air supply in the demonstration or other rooms. The following gases shall not be produced without usinga fume hood: nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. Volatile, toxic substances such as benzene, carbon tetrachloride, andformaldehyde shall not be used unless a fume hood is available.
Make sure your glassware and equipment are not broken or damaged. The use of chipped or cracked glassware shall be avoided. Ifglassware is to be heated, PyrexTM or its equivalent shall be used.
Thoroughly check motor-driven discs that will be revolved at moderate or high speeds. Make sure the disc is sturdy, that it contains noparts that may come free, and that the safety nut is securely fastened.
Arrange to use a safety shield and/or eye protection for audience members and interpreters for any demonstration(s) in which projectilesare launched or when there is the slightest possibility of an unsafe explosion. Do not allow direct viewing of the sun, infrared, or ultravioletsources.
Make sure any lasers to be used in demonstrations are helium-neon lasers with a maximum output power rating not exceeding 1.0milliwatt. At all times, avoid direct propagation of the laser beam from the laser into the eye of an observer or from a reflected surface intothe eye.
10. Secure pressurized gas cylinders by strapping or chaining them in place or by using proper supports, i.e., lecture bottles.
11. Obtain, in advance, the necessary state and/or local permits needed, for the firing of model rockets. Activities involving the firing of rockets
must be well planned and follow Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) regulations, state and local rules and regulations, and the NationalAssociation of Rocketry’s (NAR) Solid Propellant Model Rocketry Safety Code.
12. Arrange for appropriate waste containers and for the disposal of materials hazardous to the environment.
13. Plan to dress safely for your presentation or workshop.
If you have any questions concerning safety and your presentation, contact Kenneth Roy, NSTA’s Science Safety Consultant (860-652-7200, ext. 2002) or e-mail [email protected].DURING THE PRESENTATION:
Comply with all local fire and safety rules and regulations. Follow the “NSTA Minimum Safety Guidelines.”
Wear appropriate eye protection, an apron, ear protection, and similar protective gear for all chemical demonstrations or when appro-priate for other demonstrations. Provide eye protection, aprons, and safety equipment for participants who will be handling chemicals,hazardous substances, or working with flames. If flame or flammable materials are used, fire suppression equipment must be available(fire extinguisher). Appropriate personal protective equipment must also be provided for audience members who are considered in thedanger zone.
Do not select “volunteers” from the audience. Assistants used in demonstrations shall be recruited and given the proper instructionsbeforehand.
Warn participants or audience to cover their ears whenever a loud explosion is anticipated.
Use a safety shield for all demonstrations that involve the launching of projectiles, or whenever there is the slightest possibility that acontainer, its fragments, or its contents could be propelled with sufficient force to cause injury. Shield moving belts attached to motors. Usecaution when motor-driven discs are revolved at moderate or high speeds. Shield or move participants to a safe distance from the planeof the rotating disc.
Follow proper procedures for working with pressurized gases and when heating all forms of matter.
Use appropriate gloves and shields when working with hazardous chemicals and biohazards, cryogenic materials, hot materials, radioactivesubstances, vacuums, electromagnetic radiation, and when presenting animals for observation.
Do not taste or encourage participants to taste any non food substance. A food substance subjected to possible contamination or unsafeconditions shall never be tasted.
Alert the audience clearly at the beginning of the program of the presence or production of allergenic materials such as strobe lights,microwaves, “theater” smoke, lycopodium powder, or live animals.
10. Maintain clear egress during the demonstration or workshop.
11. Emphasize and demonstrate appropriate safety precautions throughout the presentation or workshop.
12. Distribute a handout that will give participants detailed instructions about the procedure, safety precautions, hazards, and disposal for each
—Adopted by the NSTA Board of Directors August 1994 and revised July 2000. Modified September 2004 by the NSTA Safety Advisory Board Chair. Revised February2007 and November 2007.
Randomised trial of effect of amiodarone on mortality in patientswith left-ventricular dysfunction after recent myocardialinfarction: EMIATD G Julian, A J Camm, G Frangin, M J Janse, A Munoz, P J Schwartz, P Simon, for the European Myocardial InfarctBackground Ventricular arrhythmias are a major cause ofVentricular arrhythmias are one of the main causes ofdeath after myocardial infarction, esp