042700 evaluation of abnormal liver-enzyme results
The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne
recommend adjusting aminotransferase values for sexand body-mass index,2 but these adjustments are rare-ly made. Aspartate aminotransferase is found, in de-creasing order of concentration, in the liver, cardiac
muscle, skeletal muscle, kidneys, brain, pancreas, lungs,
leukocytes, and erythrocytes. The highest level of
alanine aminotransferase is in the liver, and levels ofthis enzyme are accordingly more specific indicatorsof liver injury. Both enzymes are released into the
blood in increasing amounts when the liver cell mem-brane is damaged. Necrosis of liver cells is not re-quired for the release of the aminotransferases. In
OW that routine laboratory testing is auto-
fact, there is poor correlation between the degree of
mated and is frequently part of an annual
liver-cell damage and the level of the aminotransfer-
checkup, physicians are often faced with the
ases. If the aminotransferase levels are normal on re-
problem of a patient with one abnormal result on
testing, no further evaluation is necessary. If the results
measurement of serum aminotransferases or alkaline
of repeated tests remain abnormal, further evaluation
phosphatase but no symptoms. Many batteries of
screening tests now include measurement of serum
The first step in the evaluation is to obtain a com-
alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase,
plete history in an effort to identify the most com-
alkaline phosphatase, and g-glutamyltransferase. Al-
mon causes of elevated aminotransferase levels: alco-
though these enzymes are present in tissues through-
hol-related liver injury, chronic hepatitis B and C,
out the body, they are most often elevated in pa-
autoimmune hepatitis, hepatic steatosis (fatty infiltra-
tients with liver disease and may reflect liver injury.
tion of the liver), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, hemo-
The first step in the evaluation of a patient with
chromatosis, Wilson’s disease, alpha -antitrypsin de-
elevated liver-enzyme levels but no symptoms is to
ficiency, and a recently recognized cause, celiac sprue
repeat the test to confirm the result. If the result is
(Table 1). Table 2 lists the blood tests that can be
still abnormal, the physician should evaluate the de-
used to identify many of these disorders. It is more
gree of the elevation. A minor elevation (less than
efficient to order all the blood tests in the first group
twice the normal value) may be of no clinical impor-
initially, unless the history strongly suggests a defi-
tance if the disorders listed in Table 1 have been
nite diagnosis, such as alcohol abuse. The cause of
ruled out and, in fact, may not even be abnormal.
the aminotransferase elevation can usually be identi-
The normal range for any laboratory test is the mean
fied on assessment of the pattern of the results of liv-
value in a group of healthy persons ±2 SD. Thus,
er-enzyme tests and additional testing.
5 percent of the results obtained from these normal
The cause of an elevated alanine aminotransferase
persons fall outside the defined normal range, 2.5
level varies greatly depending on the population stud-
percent of which may be above the upper limit of
ied. Among 19,877 Air Force trainees who volun-
normal. There are also circumstances in which ele-
teered to donate blood, 99 (0.5 percent) had elevat-
vations in liver-enzyme levels are physiologic; for ex-
ed alanine aminotransferase levels. A cause for the
ample, alkaline phosphatase levels are increased in
elevation was found in only 12: 4 had hepatitis B,
healthy women during the third trimester of preg-
4 had hepatitis C, 2 had autoimmune hepatitis, 1 had
nancy. The evaluation of the patient with an isolated
cholelithiasis, and 1 had acute appendicitis. In a group
elevation of an aminotransferase differs from that for
of 100 consecutive blood donors with elevated ala-
a patient with an isolated elevation of alkaline phos-
nine aminotransferase levels, 48 percent had changes
phatase or g-glutamyltransferase.
related to alcohol use, 22 percent had fatty liver, 17percent had hepatitis C, 4 percent had another iden-
tified problem, and in the remaining 9 percent, no
Aminotransferase levels are sensitive indicators of
specific diagnosis was made. In another study of
liver-cell injury and are helpful in recognizing hepa-
149 asymptomatic patients with elevated alanine ami-
tocellular diseases such as hepatitis.1 Both aminotrans-
notransferase levels who underwent liver biopsy, 56
ferases are normally present in serum at low levels, usu-
percent had fatty liver, 20 percent had non-A, non-
ally less than 30 to 40 U per liter. The normal range
B hepatitis, 11 percent had changes related to alco-
varies widely among laboratories. Some researchers
hol use, 3 percent had hepatitis B, 8 percent hadother causes, and in 2 percent, no cause was identi-fied.5 A recent study assessed 1124 consecutive pa-tients who were referred for chronic elevations in ami-
From New England Medical Center, Box 217, 750 Washington St., Bos-
notransferase levels.6 Eighty-one of these patients had
ton, MA 02111, where reprint requests should be addressed to Dr. Pratt.
2000, Massachusetts Medical Society.
no definable cause of the elevation and underwent a
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The diagnosis of alcohol abuse can be difficult be-
cause many patients conceal information about their
alcohol use. The diagnosis is supported by the find-
Steatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
ing of a ratio of aspartate aminotransferase to alanine
aminotransferase of at least 2:1. In a study of hun-
Wilson’s disease (in patients «40 years old)
dreds of patients who had histologically confirmed
liver disorders, more than 90 percent of the patients
Nonhepatic causes
who had an aspartate aminotransferase:alanine ami-
notransferase ratio of at least 2:1 had alcoholic liver
Inherited disorders of muscle metabolismAcquired muscle diseases
disease.7 The percentage increased to more than 96
percent when the ratio was greater than 3:1. The in-creased ratio reflects primarily the low serum activityof alanine aminotransferase in patients with alcohol-ic liver disease. This decrease is due to an alcohol-related deficiency of pyridoxal 5-phosphate.8
Measurement of g-glutamyltransferase may also be
helpful in diagnosing alcohol abuse. A g-glutamyl-
transferase level that is twice the normal level in pa-
tients with an aspartate aminotransferase:alanine ami-notransferase ratio of at least 2:1 strongly suggeststhe diagnosis of alcohol abuse. However, the lack of
specificity of the g-glutamyltransferase level precludes
Initial tests
its use as a single test to diagnose alcohol abuse.
The degree of elevation of aminotransferase levels
may also be helpful in identifying alcohol abuse. It
is rare for the aspartate aminotransferase level to be
more than eight times the normal value in patients
with alcohol abuse, and it is even less common for
the alanine aminotransferase level to be more than
five times the normal value in such patients.7 In fact,
the alanine aminotransferase level may be normal, even
in patients with severe alcoholic liver disease.
Marked decrease in a-globulin bands
Medication Additional tests* Reverse-transcriptase polymer-
A careful history-taking and meticulous review of
laboratory data are critical for identifying a medica-
tion as the cause of elevated aminotransferase levels.
A drug effect is a possibility if the increase in liver-
enzyme levels was associated with the initiation of a
medication. Almost any medication can cause an el-
evation in liver-enzyme levels. Common ones includenonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, antibiotics, an-
*If the results of the initial set of tests are normal, these additional tests
tiepileptic drugs, inhibitors of hydroxymethylglutar-yl–coenzyme A reductase, and antituberculosis drugs(Table 3). In addition to medications, herbal prepa-rations and illicit drugs or substances may cause el-evations in liver-enzyme levels (Table 3).
liver biopsy. Of these 81 patients, 41 had steatosis,
The easiest way to determine whether a medica-
26 had steatohepatitis, 4 had fibrosis, 2 had cirrho-
tion is responsible for the elevation is to stop treat-
sis, and 8 had normal histologic findings. The pa-
ment and see whether the test results return to nor-
tients with histologic evidence of fibrosis and cirrho-
mal. If the identified medication is essential to the
sis also had evidence of fatty metamorphosis. None
patient’s well-being and no suitable substitute is avail-
of the biopsies yielded a specific diagnosis except those
able, the physician needs to make a risk–benefit analy-
showing steatosis and steatohepatitis.
sis to determine whether the drug should be contin-
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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne
tors for infection is sufficient to make the diagnosis,
but the diagnosis is usually confirmed by measure-
ment of serum levels of hepatitis C virus RNA with
use of the reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain re-
action. This approach is currently the gold standard
for detecting hepatitis C infection.10 A positive test
should prompt consideration of a liver biopsy to as-
sess the severity of damage. Patients with chronic
hepatitis C and evidence of fibrosis are usually treated.
Initial tests for hepatitis B infection include sero-
logic tests for hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B
surface antibody, and hepatitis B core antibody. A pos-
Inhibitors of hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A reductase
itive test for hepatitis B surface antibody and core
antibody indicates the presence of immunity to hep-
atitis B, and another cause for the elevated amino-
transferase levels should be sought. A positive test for
hepatitis B surface antigen and core antibody indicates
the presence of infection. Tests to determine wheth-
Herbs and homeopathic treatments
er there is viral replication, including serologic tests
for hepatitis B e antigen, hepatitis B e antibody, and
hepatitis B virus DNA, should be undertaken. In pa-
tients with positive tests for hepatitis B virus DNA
and hepatitis B e antigen, liver biopsy and treatment
Autoimmune Hepatitis Drugs and substances of abuse
Autoimmune hepatitis occurs primarily in young-
to-middle-aged women.11 The ratio of female pa-
tients to male patients is 4:1.12 The diagnosis is based
on the presence of elevated aminotransferase levels,
the absence of other causes of chronic hepatitis, and
serologic and pathological features suggestive of the
Glues containing tolueneTrichloroethylene, chloroform
disease.12 A useful screening test is serum protein elec-trophoresis. More than 80 percent of patients withautoimmune hepatitis have hypergammaglobuline-mia.13 However, a finding of more than twice thenormal level of polyclonal immunoglobulins is most
ued despite the elevation in aminotransferase levels.
suggestive of the diagnosis. Additional tests that are
Often, consultation with a hepatologist is necessary.
commonly ordered include serologic tests for anti-
Occasionally, a liver biopsy is necessary to determine
nuclear antibodies, antibodies against smooth mus-
the nature and severity of liver injury.
cle, and liver–kidney microsomal antibodies. The firsttwo tests have reported sensitivities of 28 percent
Chronic Hepatitis
and 40 percent, respectively.13 The third test is rarely
Chronic hepatitis C is very common in the United
positive among patients in the United States, Austral-
States. Approximately 3.9 million Americans are pos-
ia, and Japan.12 We do not recommend the routine
itive for antibodies against hepatitis C, and an estimat-
use of these three tests for the diagnosis of autoim-
ed 2.7 million people are considered to be chronical-
mune hepatitis. A liver biopsy is essential to confirm
ly infected on the basis of the presence of hepatitis
C virus RNA in serum.9 The risk of chronic infec-tion is highest in patients with a history of parenteral
Hepatic Steatosis and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
exposure to the virus (e.g., because of blood trans-
The only clinical evidence of hepatic steatosis and
fusions, intravenous drug use, or work-related duties),
a condition that may be associated with it, nonalco-
cocaine use, tattoos, body piercing, and high-risk sex-
holic steatohepatitis, may be mild elevations in ami-
notransferase levels. The levels are usually less than
The initial test for hepatitis C infection is serolog-
four times the normal value.14,15 In contrast to pa-
ic testing for the hepatitis C antibody. The testing
tients with alcohol-related liver disease, patients with
has a sensitivity of 92 to 97 percent, depending on
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis usually have an aspartate
the assay.10 A positive test in a patient with risk fac-
aminotransferase:alanine aminotransferase ratio that
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is less than 1:1.15,16 Fatty infiltration of the liver can
tial screening test for Wilson’s disease is measurement
be identified by ultrasonography or computed to-
of serum ceruloplasmin (Table 2). The levels will be
mography. Ultrasonography should be part of the
reduced in approximately 85 percent of affected pa-
evaluation of patients with chronically elevated ami-
tients. Patients should also be examined by an oph-
notransferase levels. The diagnosis of nonalcoholic
thalmologist for Kayser–Fleischer rings.
steatohepatitis requires a liver biopsy. In addition to
If the ceruloplasmin level is normal and Kayser–
fatty infiltration, the histologic findings in patients
Fleischer rings are absent, but the physician still sus-
with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis include pericentral
pects that Wilson’s disease may be present, the next
fibrosis, inflammation, liver-cell necrosis, and hyaline
test is a 24-hour urine collection for a quantitative
cytoplasmic inclusions in hepatocytes that are iden-
assessment of copper excretion. Excretion of more
tical to Mallory’s bodies, which are characteristic of
than 100 µg of copper per day is suggestive of Wil-
son’s disease. The diagnosis is usually confirmed by
The two conditions have different natural histories:
liver biopsy to measure hepatic copper levels. Patients
steatosis appears to have a benign course, whereas
with Wilson’s disease have hepatic copper levels of
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis can progress to cirrhosis.17
more than 250 µg per gram of liver, dry weight. Al-
Liver failure as a result of nonalcoholic steatohepati-
though the gene responsible for Wilson’s disease has
tis is uncommon. Weight loss is the cornerstone of
been identified, the number of disease-specific mu-
treatment in patients who are obese.18 Other treat-
tations is so great that molecular diagnosis is not yet
ments for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis that are being
studied include vitamin E and ursodiol. Vitamin Ewas associated with decreases in alanine aminotrans-
Alpha -Antitrypsin Deficiency
ferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels and in
Alpha -antitrypsin deficiency is an uncommon cause
histologic abnormalities in two pilot studies.19,20 Ur-
of chronic liver disease in adults. Decreased levels of
sodiol decreased alanine aminotransferase and aspar-
alpha -antitrypsin can be detected either by direct
tate aminotransferase levels but not the histologic ab-
measurement of serum levels or by the lack of a peak
in a-globulin bands on serum protein electrophoresis. In affected patients, however, serum levels of alpha -
antitrypsin may be increased in response to inflam-
Hereditary hemochromatosis is a common genet-
mation, causing a false negative result. The diagnosis
ic disorder.22 Cost-effective screening starts with the
is best established by phenotype determination.
measurement of serum iron and total iron-bindingcapacity (Table 2). A transferrin-saturation value (ob-
Nonhepatic Causes
tained by dividing the serum iron level by the total
In a recent study, occult celiac sprue was the cause
iron-binding capacity) of more than 45 percent is
of chronically elevated aminotransferase levels in 13
suggestive of hemochromatosis.22 Measurement of se-
of 140 asymptomatic patients who were referred for
rum ferritin provides less specific information, because
this reason to a liver clinic.23 The diagnosis was made
by measuring serum levels of antigliadin and antien-
If screening tests suggest the presence of iron over-
domysial antibodies. None of these patients had pri-
load, a liver biopsy should be performed to assess
mary biliary cirrhosis, a liver disease that is occasion-
hepatic iron levels and the severity of liver damage.
ally found in patients with celiac sprue. On the basis
A hepatic iron index (the hepatic iron level in micro-
of this study, we recommend testing for occult celiac
moles per gram of dry weight divided by the pa-
sprue if other, more common causes of elevated ami-
tient’s age) of more than 1.9 is consistent with the
notransferase levels have been ruled out (Table 2).
presence of homozygous hereditary hemochromato-
Elevated serum aminotransferase levels, especially
sis.22 Genetic testing is now available to identify the
aspartate aminotransferase levels, may be caused by
mutation in the hemochromatosis (HFE ) gene that
disorders that affect organs or tissues other than the
causes the majority of cases. A liver biopsy is not
liver, with the most common being striated muscle.
necessary for patients with hereditary hemochroma-
Conditions or activities that can cause such elevations
tosis who are younger than 40 years of age and who
include subclinical inborn errors of muscle metabo-
lism; acquired muscle disorders, such as polymyosi-tis; and strenuous exercise, such as long-distance run-
Wilson’s Disease
ning. If striated muscle is the source of increased
Wilson’s disease, a genetic disorder of biliary cop-
aminotransferase levels, serum levels of creatine ki-
per excretion, may cause elevated aminotransferase
nase and aldolase will be elevated to the same degree
levels in patients with no other symptoms of the dis-
or to an even higher degree. Creatine kinase or aldo-
ease. The clinical onset is usually between the ages
lase levels should be measured if other, more common
of 5 and 25 years, but the diagnosis should be con-
hepatic conditions have been ruled out (Table 2).
sidered in patients up to the age of 40 years. The ini-
If, despite comprehensive testing as outlined in Ta-
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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne
ble 2, the cause of the elevation in aminotransferase
sitive and specific way of doing this, neither method
levels remains unidentified, then a percutaneous liver
is widely available.1 If gel electrophoresis is not avail-
biopsy may be indicated. If the alanine aminotrans-
able, measurement of either serum 5'-nucleotidase
ferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels are less
or g-glutamyltransferase should be performed. Lev-
than twice the normal value and no chronic liver con-
els of these enzymes are usually elevated in parallel
dition has been identified, we recommend observa-
with the elevation in the alkaline phosphatase level
tion alone. Supporting this position are the results
in patients with liver disorders, but they are not in-
of two recent studies. The first study suggested that
creased in patients with bone disorders. The finding
close clinical follow-up is the most cost-effective strat-
of an elevated serum alkaline phosphatase level but a
egy for asymptomatic patients with negative tests for
normal 5'-nucleotidase or g-glutamyltransferase lev-
viral, metabolic, and autoimmune markers of liver dis-
el should prompt an evaluation for bone diseases. Tests
ease and chronically elevated aminotransferase lev-
involving heat and urea denaturation of serum alka-
els.24 The second study examined 36 patients with
line phosphatase are still used by many laboratories
a chronic elevation (at least 50 percent above nor-
but are neither sensitive nor specific.
mal) of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotrans-
If the excess alkaline phosphatase is determined to
ferase, or alkaline phosphatase levels.25 Patients with
be of liver origin and persists over time, the patient
strong evidence of a particular liver disease were ex-
should be evaluated for chronic cholestatic or infil-
cluded. All patients underwent liver biopsy. The re-
trative liver diseases. Cholestatic diseases or condi-
sults of liver biopsy led to a change in the diagnosis
tions include partial obstruction of bile ducts, pri-
in only five patients and to a change in treatment in
mary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis,
adult bile ductopenia, and cholestasis induced by the
If the alanine aminotransferase and aspartate ami-
use of drugs such as anabolic steroids. Infiltrative
notransferase levels are persistently more than twice
diseases include sarcoidosis, other types of granulo-
the normal value, we recommend a biopsy. Although
matous diseases, and less often, unsuspected metas-
the results of the biopsy are unlikely to lead to a di-
tasis of cancer to the liver. The appropriate initial tests
agnosis or to changes in management, they often
are ultrasonography of the right upper quadrant to
provide reassurance to the patient and the physician
assess the hepatic parenchyma and bile ducts and se-
that no serious disorder is present.
rologic tests for antimitochondrial antibodies. Thepresence of antimitochondrial antibodies is highly
suggestive of the presence of primary biliary cirrho-
sis. A finding of biliary dilatation suggests the pres-
Elevations in serum alkaline phosphatase levels orig-
ence of obstruction of the biliary tree. This finding is
inate predominantly from two sources, liver and bone.1
unlikely in the absence of hyperbilirubinemia. Should
Women in the third trimester of pregnancy have el-
biliary dilatation or choledocholithiasis be present,
evated serum alkaline phosphatase levels because of
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is
an influx of placental alkaline phosphatase into their
necessary to identify the cause of obstruction and
blood. In persons with blood type O or B, serum
can also be used to remove a stone or place a stent
alkaline phosphatase levels may increase after the in-
if required. Patients with serum antimitochondrial an-
gestion of a fatty meal, because of an influx of intes-
tibodies should undergo liver biopsy to confirm the
tinal alkaline phosphatase. There are also reports of
diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis.
a benign familial elevation in serum alkaline phos-
If the serologic test for antimitochondrial anti-
phatase levels because of increased levels of intestinal
bodies is negative and ultrasonography reveals no ab-
alkaline phosphatase. Alkaline phosphatase levels also
normality, but the alkaline phosphatase level remains
vary with age. Rapidly growing adolescents can have
more than 50 percent above the normal level, we sug-
serum alkaline phosphatase levels that are twice those
gest a liver biopsy and either endoscopic retrograde
of healthy adults as a result of the leakage of bone
cholangiopancreatography or magnetic resonance cho-
alkaline phosphatase into blood. Also, serum alka-
langiopancreatography. If the increase in the alkaline
line phosphatase levels normally increase gradually
phosphatase level is less than this, the results of all
between the ages of 40 and 65 years, particularly in
the other liver-enzyme tests are normal, and the pa-
women. The normal alkaline phosphatase level in an
tient has no symptoms, we suggest observation alone.
otherwise healthy 65-year-old woman is more than
This position is supported by the results of a recent
50 percent higher than the level in a healthy 30-
The first step in the evaluation of an elevated al-
kaline phosphatase level in a patient with no other
symptoms is to identify the source of the elevation. g-Glutamyltransferase is found in hepatocytes and
Although electrophoretic separation on either poly-
biliary epithelial cells. Measurement of serum g-glu-
acrylamide gel or Sepharose columns is the most sen-
tamyltransferase provides a very sensitive indicator of
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Copyright 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
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Alameda County District Attorney Combats Fraud and Unscrupulous Dealings in the 20 Billion Dollar Dietary Supplement Market The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office is protecting consumers from dangerous and ineffective diet supplements. As part of a ten county task force that regulates and investigates the over the counter healthcare supplement market in California, the Alameda Co
Dr. med. Elena Henkel Studium der Humanmedizin (Taschkent, Usbekistan) Promotion “Lipidintoleranz in verschiedenen Stadien der Glukosetoleranz in Bezug zur Intima-Media-Dicke der Karotiden (“summa cum laude”) Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus (Dresden) Berufserfahrung Fachärztin für Arbeitsmedizin, Republikanisches Lehrkrankenhaus für Arbeitsmedizin, Taschkent, Usbekista