Fake and counterfeit drugs: An emerging scourge or an established blight? Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2007; 36: 125-6 (Key words: fake drugs, counterfeit drugs)
In any part of the world, whatever precautions one
of tap water; paracetamol syrup made of industrial
takes, it is impossible to avoid many diseases. Some
have been there from time immemorial. Many
contraceptive pills made of wheat flour; and
communicable diseases are the bane of the developing
antimalarials, antibiotics, and snake antivenom
world and non-communicable illnesses assume major
importance in the developed world. Drugs used to
treat human diseases are very special as they are
There is good evidence that the plague of fake
essential for the well-being of a community. This is
medicines has spread even to the developed countries
particularly relevant to paediatrics. The potency and
such as the UK and the USA. In the UK in November
effectiveness of medicines used to treat human
diseases are generally taken for granted as they are
manufacturing fake diazepam and viagra in his
supposed to have been rigorously tried, tested and
Wembley warehouse where Indian tablet presses and
occupy a hallowed position in standardised treatment
chemicals were found6. Even in a country like the
USA, there are numerous instances where the
problems of substandard and fake drugs have
Against this backdrop, the often subtle and sometimes
surfaced. Some of these have involved such diverse
rampant menace of fake or counterfeit drugs is
compounds as epogen, neupogen, anti-cancer drugs,
causing major concerns all over the world. A
anti-psychotic drugs, anti-cholesterol drugs and even
counterfeit drug or a fake medicine is a medication
sildenafil7. The US Food and Drug Administration
which is produced and sold with the intent to
estimates that fake drugs alone comprise more than
deceptively represent its origin, authenticity or
10% of the global medicine market, generating annual
effectiveness. A counterfeit drug may be one which
sales of more than 32 billion US dollars. The general
does not contain active ingredients, contains an
position of the blight has now been augmented and
insufficient quantity of active ingredients, or contains
facilitated by the availability of all kinds of drugs
entirely incorrect active ingredients (which may or
without a prescription over the internet. There is no
may not be harmful), and which is typically sold with
control whatsoever on this phenomenon and there is
inaccurate, incorrect, or fake packaging. Fake
evidence that counterfeit drugs are being made
medicines and generic drugs which are deliberately
available by unscrupulous agencies through this route.
mislabelled in order to deceive consumers are
therefore counterfeit1. The British Medical Journal, in
In point of fact, counterfeiting pills, labels and
an editorial, called it “Murder by fake drugs”2. It goes
packages is relatively simple. Most of the tools
on to postulate that 8% of drugs bought in the
needed to produce authentic-looking but counterfeit
Philippines were fake. Major problems were also
drugs and packaging can be bought over the Internet.
found in the antimalarial drug mefloquine in
Much of the counterfeit drug trade is probably linked
Cambodia and artesunate in five countries of South-
to organised crime, corruption, the narcotics trade,
East Asia. In a study of shop-bought samples of
unregulated pharmaceutical companies, and the
artesunate in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand
business interests of unscrupulous politicians8. Much
and Vietnam, 38% did not contain artesunate3.
greater international political will to eliminate the
However, characteristics such as cost and physical
problem is required. Globally, technical, logistical and
appearance of the tablets and packaging reliably
financial support, possibly through specialised non-
predicted authenticity. The authors concluded that the
governmental organisations, is needed to allow
illicit trade in counterfeit antimalarials is a great threat
impoverished countries to protect their drug supplies.
Sophisticated techniques, which are hard to copy,
such as holograms and fluorescent markers, can be
The World Health Organisation estimates that up to
used to brand the genuine product as real, but they are
25% of medicines consumed in developing nations are
often too expensive. Simple, inexpensive and low tech
counterfeit or sub-standard4. In a specific study on
methods to identify fakes should be pursued.
chloroquine and selected antibacterials in Nigeria and
Measures would include supporting drug regulatory
Thailand, 36.5% of the samples were substandard
authorities; providing simple, easily interpretable and
with respect to pharmacopoeial limits5. There is
mounting evidence that malevolent dealings in
international surveillance for fake and substandard
counterfeit drugs are very much a thing of the present
drugs, improving the availability of quality assured
world. Notorious recent real examples include
essential drugs and educating patients, healthcare
neomycin eye drops and meningococcal vaccine made
workers, and pharmacists. All measures that reduce
the profit margins for manufacturing fakes, such as
reducing the price and increasing the availability of
It is high time that the general population and the
pressure groups realise that one cannot have the cake
counterfeiting a less attractive criminal activity.
and eat it as well. It should be a sobering thought to
Uncompromising international police action against
the authorities that even in the UK, where prescribing
the factories and distribution networks needs the same
is only by generic names, there have been well
vigour as that associated with the pursuit of narcotic
documented instances of fake and counterfeit drugs
There is little published medical research assessing
the prevalence, public health impact or possible
countermeasures, of and on, these malicious
deceptions. The accumulated evidence, such as it is,
suggests that mortality and morbidity arising from this
murderous trade are considerable, especially in
2. Newton PN, White NJ, Rozendaal JA, Green
developing countries. They have also given rise to
MD. Murder by fake drugs. BMJ (Editorial)
misperceptions of drug resistance as patients "fail"
their ineffectual treatments. For example, artesunate
resistance reported from Cambodia turned out to be
3. Li A, Po W. Too much, too little, or none at all:
due to unwitting use of fake drugs. The World Health
dealing with substandard and fake drugs.
pharmaceutical commerce is in fakes9. In the past,
drug companies have tended to avoid publicising
these problems for fear of damaging public
confidence in medicines. Most unfortunately, some
countries, well aware of the scale of their problem,
5. Shakoor O, Taylor RB, Behrens RH. Assessment
of the incidence of substandard drugs in
developing countries. Trop. Med and Int .Health
There is a growing voice in Sri Lanka, fuelled by
public interest groups, patient rights organisations,
politicians and even the government, to compel
doctors to prescribe by the generic names of drugs.
The often quoted reason is that some doctors have
been “bought over” by multinational drug companies
to prescribe by trade names. Sri Lanka does not
possess the sophisticated machinery which enables
regular testing of drugs for physical properties,
potency and biological availability in humans. It is
also quite impossible to test the vast array of different
8. Saywell T, McManus J. What's in that pill? Far
drugs available for treating a multitude of illnesses. If
Eastern Economic Review. 21 Feb 2002, pp 34-
such facilities are in place and just a few properly
tested generic version of a given drug are made
available, there is no excuse for doctors to prescribe
by trade name. In the absence of such amenities, one
substandard drugs in Myanmar and Vietnam.
has to at least go by the data available from testing in
WHO/EDM/QSM/99.3. In: Geneva: WHO, 1999.
other countries. The so called free market economy in
Sri Lanka has gone berserk in the pharmaceutical
trade. Our own authorities, on the one hand, allow
large numbers of branded products of the same drug
to be registered, imported and made available in the
pharmacies and then cry foul saying that the doctors
are prescribing by trade names. Many doctors do so, especially for children, simply because the branded drugs are of assured quality and not because they are carrying a brief for the multi-national drug companies.
Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department of Commerce Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties NOTIFICATION Final Finding Subject: Sunset Review of Anti Dumping Investigations concerning imports of Chloroquine Phosphate originating in or exported from China PR. BACKGROUND OF THE CASE The Designated Authority, having regard to the Customs Tariff
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