Ro s e m a r y M e d i c a l C e n t r e 2 Rosemary Gardens, Parkstone, Poole BH12 3HF Tel: 0844 477 3101
Our website has been designed with you in mind and is packed with lots of useful information and helpful tips, including surgery opening times, how to make an appointment and what to do when the surgery is closed. In addition, you can also find out about the practice team and the many NHS and non-NHS services we provide. We also offer a number of interactive services such as; being able to order your repeat prescrip-tions online and avoid having to drop them off at the surgery in person or relying on the postal ser-vice, and the opportunity to have your say via our patient email feedback service, where you can sub-mit your suggestions direct to our practice manager for improvements to our website or the practice.
So why not logon to our website now and give it a try; we would love to hear your thoughts. We rec-ommend that you save our address into your “favourites” and remember to logon periodically as it is constantly being updated with useful suggestions and feedback on the current issues of the day.
Here is just a small sample of some of the invaluable information you can find out from visiting our website: About the Practice
Services Available
Medical Advice
The Practice Team
What is Swine Flu?
Swine influenza is a disease in pigs. The virus currently transmitting di-rectly among people is now generally referred to as swine flu although the origin of the disease is still under investigation. There is no evidence of this strain of the disease circulating in pigs in the UK. There are regular outbreaks of swine influenza in pigs worldwide. It does not normally infect humans, although this occasionally does occur—usually in people who have had close contact with pigs. Swine influenza viruses are usually of the H1N1 sub-type. The Swine flu that has spread to humans is a version of this virus. What are the symptoms of swine influenza?
What measures can I take to protect against infec-
The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza infec- General infection control practices and good respiratory tion and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing hand hygiene can help to reduce transmission of all vi- and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also re- ruses, including the human swine influenza. This in- If someone who has been to affected areas is feeling sick
Covering your nose and mouth when coughing what should they do?
and sneezing using a tissue when possible.
Anyone who has recently travelled to the affected areas and Disposing of dirty tissues promptly and care- is experiencing influenza-like illness should stay at home to limit contact with others, and seek medical advice immedi- Maintaining good basic hygiene, for example washing hands frequently with soap and water to reduce the spread of the virus from your hands to Is treatment available?
Testing has shown that the human swine influenza H1N1 Cleaning hard surfaces (e.g. door handles) fre- can be treated with the antivirals oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and quently using a normal cleaning product.
Make sure your children follow this advice. Most of the previously reported swine influenza cases re-covered fully from the disease without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.
Is this swine flu virus contagious?
It has been determined that this virus is contagious and it
People will not get swine flu from eating pork or pork
spreads between people, although it is not known how eas- products
It is important to stress that swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food. There is no risk of catching the illness from eating properly handled and cooked pork or Important Vaccinations:
HPV vaccine (The Department of Health’s immunisation programme helping to prevent cervical cancer) was launched in the autumn of
2008 and is routinely offered to all 12 - 13 year old girls in school and annually thereafter. At the same time, a catch-up programme for
all 17- 18 year old females was launched. This catch-up programme was extended in April 2009 to include all girls born between 1st
September 1991 and 31st August 1993. If you are female and fall between this age group please telephone the surgery or call in and
make your appointment with a Nurse as soon as possible.
MMR vaccination is offered routinely throughout the UK and you should ensure that you and your children are protected against Mea-
sles, Mumps and Rubella. Between 1992 and 2006, there were no deaths from acute measles; tragically, there was one death in 2006 and
one other death so in 2008. We are offering a catch-up campaign for patients between 13 months to 18 years of age who have not re-
ceived any MMR vaccine and those who have received partial vaccination.
Please telephone the surgery or call in to make your appointment with a Nurse as soon as possible.


Microsoft word - p23632.doc

PS8151 – VENDITA FARMACI ON LINE Provvedimento n. 23632 L’AUTORITÀ GARANTE DELLA CONCORRENZA E DEL MERCATO SENTITO il Relatore Professor Piero Barucci; VISTA la Parte II, Titolo III, del Decreto Legislativo 6 settembre 2005, n. 206 e successive modificazioni VISTO il “ Regolamento sulle procedure istruttorie in materia di pratiche commerciali scorrette ” (di seguito, Regolame

Microsoft word - review of amaryllis house jan08.doc

Amaryllis House A review of the service model and the added value of the service for residents and their family/whanau Prepared by Alison Gray Amaryllis House Advisory Group January 2008 Acknowledgements This research could not have been done without the willing cooperation and generosity of many people. These include the residents of Amaryllis House and their family

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