INEСOTEСH Company offers on scientific and technical cooperation with federal and commercial structures of Republic Argentina by search of minerals, engineering surveying and the environmental protection
Since 1990 INECOTECH Company performs:
− geological areal research (mapping, forecasting and search for ore deposits and oil-
− engineering investigation (surveying) – geological-engineering and hydrological; − environmental survey and environment quantative assessment. Specialization and features of INECOTECH Company:
− accumulation of the initial data by means of modern remote technologies –
aerospace and aerogeophysical (on necessity) – with minimum surface identification works on standard (key) areas;
− processing of basic data in geoinformation systems, their analysis and interpretation
by specific methods based on the newest scientific conceptions, including those developed in the Company (its "know-how"); INECOTECH company offers to employ it’s accumulated practical experience and developed scientific conceptions, technologies and methods on the territory of Republic Argentina. 1. Geological remote researches Renovation of geologic-tectonic and metallogenic maps with ore deposits forecasting
INECOTECH company offers carry out reconstruction of tectonic, geologic and
predicted-metallogenic maps to the scale 1 : 500 000 - 1 : 200 000 of Argentinian Pre-Cambian territory on the base of recently developed in Russia new conception of tectonic Earth’s evolution in Archean period (according to the materials of Pre-Cambrian shields of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia).
For this present tectonic and geologic maps will be re-interpreted, in a new
fashion interpretation for the mechanisms of Archean granite-gneissic domes formation, primary and secondary greenstone belts also Proterozoic mobile belts.
New statement will be given for the mechanisms of formation, sequence of
accumulation and thickness of the those belts substance: sedimentation and/or dynamic metamorphism, cataclasm, schist formation, regional and local metasomatisis (injectible and diffusive), genesis of sheets and lenses of black (high-carbon) schists, marble, dolomite, quartzite, amphibolite, conglomerate, tillite in greenstone and mobile belts. There will be analysis and specification of processes of vertical and lateral migration
(silicium, aluminium, calcium, magnesium, carbon) and ore elements (gold, silver, antimony,mercury, uranium, copper, zinc, lead, iron, manganese, lithium, beryllium). Variants will be offered to review the strategy of forecasting and search for ore and placer deposits of the mentioned elements. For proved and exploited deposits there will be forecasting of ore bodies vertical expansion to the depth. 1.2. The building sand deposits and gold placers remote forecasting and
1.2.1. Remote exposure of the building sand and gravel-pebble mixture (as
building raw material) in the river valleys, evaluation of their reserves and mining conditions without explorationgeophysics, drilling or probing by pitting.
Exclusive remote method is most effective in the wide valleys with winding
river-bed (meander belts) where maps are composed only according to aerial- or satellite images:
– thickness of building sand in plain valleys; – thickness of gravel-pebble mixture in mountain valleys; – thickness of flood-plain loam covering sands and pebble.
Herewith thickness (in any point of valley) and reserves (on any section of
– for dry sand or pebble for open-pit mining by excavator; – for water-bearing sands or pebble for hydromining by suction dredges.
In the prospecting and exploration for building sands and alluvial gold, placers
application of this technique allows to decrease considerably the volume of drilling or sinking (pitting) with essential increase of calculation reliability of useful component reserves, and mining can be carried out outside of water protected zone, not disturbing channel processes natural regime and river ecosystem.
1.2.2. Remote definition with accuracy ±10 % (according to space- and
aerophotos and topographical maps) of the friable deposits total thickness (alluvial, deluvial, glacial, etc.) in mountain modern and ancient potentially gold-bearing valleys for selection of search method and evaluation of prospecting-exploration works volume on gold placers (including buried old channels). 1.3. Estimation of prospects on oil and gas of a shelf of Atlantic ocean and midland sedimentary basins
With a view of increase of efficiency, considerable speeding-up and reduction in
price of forecasts, searches, investigation and operation of oil and gas fields company INEСOTEСH suggests to use the newest results of the long-term researches of natural processes of generation, migration, accumulation, transformation and destruction(in space and time) oil and combustible gases, in particular – the geofluidodinamical concept of formation oil, oil and gas, gas fields deposits.
Practical application offered geofluidodinamical concept based on integration
organic (sedimentary-migratory) and inorganic (mantle) of hypotheses of genesis of hydrocarbons and wide application remote (space and aerogeophysical) methods, considerably expands a range of favorable geological conditions of oil and gas pools formation and increases possibility of their detection by searches without dependence
from presence as a part of a sedimentary cover oil (gas)-forming strata and without excluding possible oil-gas content the basement.
1.3.1. In territory of Argentina and its water area of a shelf company INECOTECH
is ready to take active part in following research-and-production works:
- in forecasting oil-gas content; - in allocation of the prime most perspective areas for detailed
aeromagnetometry, aerogravimetry, seismic prospecting, basic and parametrical drilling;
- in a perspectivity estimation on hydrocarbons of the local anticlinal structures revealed by seismic prospecting and possible other nonconventional traps on which search drilling yet did not begin.
- in development of recommendations about planning of search and prospecting works (with the account and the critical analysis of the works made before oil and gas programs). 1.3.2. On estimated and on already exploitated oil and gas fields INECOTECH
company can spend following kinds of works on revealing of renewed oil and gas fields:
presence finding-out (or authentic absence) modern feed of oil and gas pools
biogene (intracrustal) and anorganic (mantle) hydrocarbons;
a tentative estimation of degree of possible renewal of extractable reserves
taking into account projected (or attained current) levels of an oil and gas annual production.
1.3.3. INECOTECH Company also offers (on territories and water areas with good
oil and gas prospects) aerogeophysical preparation of the areas for search works:
- repeated detailed aeromagnetometry the newest equipment of last generation
taking considerably greater volume of the information, allowing more confidently and authentically to allocate local anomalies in low-contrasted a magnetic field, and at use of modern satellite navigating systems – to minimise distortions of the form of measuring anomalies;
- aerogravimetric survey replacing seismic prospecting in territories where it is a
little effective, including a shelf of oceans;
-aerogammaspectrometry, allowing to allocate in a structural field of radiation
as directly of hydrocarbons pools, and the elements of fractured tectonics potentially supervising vertical migration of hydrocarbons fluids and them lateral distribution, and on concentration of radon – to reveal "living" faults with modern processes fluidodynamics;
- thermal infra-red, aerosol and gas aerial survey, the most effective by search
hydrocarbons in arid areas, at the control and diagnostics of systems of transport hydrocarbons (oil- and gas pipelines), ecological inspection of the oil- and gas production areas, and also at remote diagnostics of of oil product floods on water areas.
1.3.4. Search and production of gas from sea gashydrates By the shelf, within a continental slope and in deep-water hollows of oceans the
organization of searches of hydrocarbonic gas hydrates pools with the subsequent extraction from hydrates of free gaseous methane and fresh water on the newest patented Russian technology is offered (Patents RF № 2379499 to 24.03.2008, № 2377392 to 25.07.2008, № 2402674 to 22.05.2009). 1.4.The coal methane generation zones and accumulation places forecasting In the Uruguay territory INECOTECH Company suggests to forecast
accumulation places of free coal combustible gases. For this purpose at first by our technique (Patent RF № 2323458 to 24.04.2008) the remote forecast of a site deep (more deeply 1500) deposits of the bituminous coals which do not have now value owing to unprofitability of their extraction, but being the occluded and free coal methane source, i.e. zones of methane generation is carried out. The deep coal deposits forecast includes the interfaced analysis of seismoprospecting structural maps series on a basement surface, on a floor and a roof perspective on coals of the Permian deposits. Thus in predicted deposits degree possible catagenetic transformations of coals and them gas generating potential is estimated, remotely reveals explosive faults as channels of vertical migration methane desorbed from coals, presence over coal deposits regional clay or evaporate cap rocks. Then under cap rocks –structural, lithological, tectonic and other local traps stand out – free coal methane accumulation places. 2. Remote engineering survey 2.1. Remote geological-engineeringsurveying in use to define technically and
ecologically safe location of designed engineering constructions:
– revealing by retroanalysis of heterotime space- and aerophotographs and mapping
of distribution areas, forms and dynamic of dangerous natural processes - exogenic and endogenic;
– evaluation and mapping of geological environment stability to mechanical
influences of various intensity (depth, areal extent, support pressure etc.);
– evaluation (according to special method) of elementary natural-territorial
complexes allocated on remote landscape mapping according to the degree of potential emergency danger (risks) for various engineering constructions regarding the character of rocks, slope angle, types and intensity of dangerous natural processes etc. and with contouring of maximally safe areas for designed constructions. 2.2. Remote hydrological surveying: –
5-25 years forecasting of the river bed re-formations on navigable rivers with
composition of recommendations for bank consolidation in use to increase safety of bank constructions and for conducting of channel dredging on navigable section;
calculation of the maximum flood height on the rivers and in the channels of the
temporary waterflow for absence or short termed hydrometric supervision with remote mapping of the floodable lands;
10-15 years forecasting of the Atlantic ocean coasts change (abrasion cliffs,
accumulative beaches and underwater relief up to the 10 m depth). 3. Ecological investigations and evaluations 3.1. Evaluation of environmental impact (direct and side) by projected
economic activity - industrial, mining, transport, etc.:
evaluation and mapping of the reproductive capacity of the environmental
components – atmospheric air, soil, grounds, surface and underground waters – to autopurification (pollution resistance);
prognosis and mapping of kinds and area of disturbed lands by projected
evaluation and mapping of boundaries and internal structure of prospective
aureoles of chemical, physical, radioactive pollution of atmospheric air, soils, water objects in the result of functioning of factory enterprise (or other object) in a standard and emergency conditions (in possible technical accidents).
3.2. Surface-remote ecological monitoring: –
background (pre-building) ecological monitoring of territory of the designed
mining, industrial or any other production with assessment of the natural state of environment, and previous antropogeneous effect and transboundary pollution;
building and operational impact monitoring with a surface-remote assessment
and mapping of actual aureoles of chemical, mechanical and physical disturbance of environmental components;
integrated assessement and mapping of the current and forecasting ecological
situation (state of environment) considering of the intensity of environmental complex technogenous effect and environmental back response on technogenesis.
Please, respond on the address: 6-1, Gorodskaya Str., 115162, Moscow, Russia tel/fax: +7 (495) 954-02-32, 954-02-18 E-mail: [email protected] Site: Best regards, The President of INECOTECH company, DPh Igor V. Kudrin
What is Breast Cancer ? Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that has developed from cells of the breast. The disease occurs mostly in women, but does occur rarely in men. The remainder of this document refers only to breast cancer in women. Normal Breast Structure The main components of the female breast are lobules (milk-producing glands), ducts (milk passages that connect the lobules an
FARM. RESP.: Marcio Machado CRF-RJ Nº 3045 BREXIN® Forma farmacêutica e apresentações Comprimidos: cartuchos com 5 e 10 comprimidos. LABORATÓRIO GROSS S.A. Rua Padre Ildefonso Peñalba, Nº 389 Composição Excipientes: lactose monoidratada, crospovidona, amidoglicolato de sódio, dióxido de silício coloidal, amido, estearato Nº do lote, Data de Fabricação e Prazo de Valid