Day 1 - 3.10.2011
16:00- 17:40
Chair: Maria da Graça da Fonseca - UFRJ and Sylvia Caleman - UFMS International standards and small-scale farmer behaviors #26 Trade competition and loss of exclusivity in tobacco contract farming in Brazil
Influences of informal institutions in rural communities: the case of the rise and #16 fall of the cooperative of grape growers in the region of Jales in Sao Paulo.
Institutional Environment and Purchase of Land by Foreingners in Developing #17 Countries
Session: Combining Theories to Address Organizational and Institutional Phenomena Chairs: Rafael Goldszmidt - FGV-RJ and Sergio G. Lazzarini - INSPER Cooperation in the Prisoners´ Dilemma: an Analysis Based on the Implementation Theory and the New Institutional Economy Dynamic Interaction: Is It a Useful Concept to Explain Performance?Transaction costs and organizational competences: explaining the make-or- #35 buy decision for new products manufacturing
#25 Consumer Biases and Fairness in Standard Form Adhesion Contracts
Chair: Claude Ménard-U.Paris and Leonardo Burlamaqui-UCAM Exchanging Competences in Strategic Alliances: a Case Study of Cosan and Shell biofuel venture The aging of the Brazilian population and the need for hybrid models of #15 organizations aimed at the elderly or the disabled
The challenge of building effective hybrid organizations in Brazil: the experience of the Center of Excellence in Engineering, Procurement and #32 Construction
Chairs: Basilia Aguirre -USP and Carlos Pereira - FGV-RJ Out of bounds? Sport Mega-Events and the Boundaries of the Regulatory State What does really changes in corruption fighting after re-democratization #23 processes? An analysis of Spanish and Brazilian cases
#20 Democratic Institutions and Political Trust: a study of case of Cuiabá (M.T.)
Policy analysis and institutionalism: some elements for analysis of decentralization and regionalization in the Brazilian health policy Session: Institutions and Financial Arrangements Chair: Antonio Nicita - U.Siena and Ronaldo Fiani - UFRJ #34 Opening the Black Box? State-owned bank, mandate and accountability
The rise and demise of the first wave of financial globalisation: New #10 perspectives on the role of institutions
The impact of financial globalization in the Brazilian financial system through #13 institutional lenses
#33 Authority, Market and Brazilian National State: a Historical Perspective
Day 1 - 3.10.2011
16:00- 17:40
Chair: Maria da Graça da Fonseca - UFRJ and Sylvia Caleman - UFMS Session: Combining Theories to Address Organizational and Institutional Phenomena Chairs: Rafael Goldszmidt - FGV-RJ and Sergio G. Lazzarini - INSPER Antonio Carlos Lima Nogueira, Walter Bataglia Antônio José Maristrello Porto, Lucas Getulio Vargas Thevenard Gomes Chair: Claude Ménard-U.Paris and Leonardo Burlamaqui-UCAM Luciana Florencio Almeida, Claudio Pinheiro Machado Filho, Kellen Francisco Lima Cruz Teixeira, Ana Maria Brito Pires, Horacio Nelson Chairs: Basilia Aguirre -USP and Carlos Pereira - FGV-RJ Session: Institutions and Financial Arrangements Chair: Antonio Nicita - U.Siena and Ronaldo Fiani - UFRJ Day 2 - 4.10.2011
17:50 - 19:30
Chair: Emmanuel Raynaud - Paris Agritech and Luis Fernando Paulillo - UFSCar Intellectual property rights in the flower chain: an analysis of the Brazilian Governance in agricultural cooperatives: coexistence of mechanisms? The Roles of Corporate Investment and Fiscal Subsidies in the Expansion of Santana Figueiredo, Fabio Campos Sugarcane Agribusiness Within of State of Goyas, Brazil (2007 – 2010).
Fed Cattle Marketing in the South-Eastern of Mato Grosso (Brasil) Na Analysis of Beef Producers´ Profile and Transactions Coordination.
Chair: Bernardo Mueller - UnB and Hildo Meirelles- UFSCar Environmental projects and Institutional Economics: Clean Development Mechanism, overview and performance Institutional change and socioenvironmental governance- the emergence of Bruno Perosa, Paulo Furquim de a biofuels international market Environmental institutions and organizations at local level in Brazil.
Session: Institutions and Industrial Policy Chairs: Geoffrey Hogdson- U.Hertfordshire and Lia Hasenclever - UFRJ Veblen and Patents: An assessment of the strategy of multinational enterprises of protecting intellectual property rights Varieties of Latin-American Patent Offices: Comparative Study of Practices and Procedures Systematization of the institutionalism of Douglass North and a parallel with the theory of Geoffrey Hodgson Physical Limits to Growth and Technological Progress: the debate Limits to Beatriz Macchione Saes, Bruno Growth versus Sussex Chair: Elisabeth Farina - USP and John Wilkinson - UFRRJ Global Players Maladaptation And Defocused Institutional Arrangements:Eyhanol Pump Prices Resilience Along 2010 Harvest Troubles (A view from within Goyaz, Brazil.) Cesar, Marcio PimentaRubia Nara Rinaldi, Ivan Decker Collective Actions on sustainable smallholder agriculture organizations: a Should I Go To Court? An Assessment on the Role of the Judiciary In Disputes Between Cattle Raisers and Meatpackers In Brazil Day 2 - 4.10.2011
17:50 - 19:30
Chair: Emmanuel Raynaud - Paris Agritech and Luis Fernando Paulillo - UFSCar Chair: Bernardo Mueller - UnB and Hildo Meirelles- UFSCar Session: Institutions and Industrial Policy Chairs: Geoffrey Hogdson- U.Hertfordshire and Lia Hasenclever - UFRJ Chair: Elisabeth Farina - USP and John Wilkinson - UFRRJ



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