R E V I E W S E R I E S : A D VA N C E S I N C L I N I C A L P R A C T I C E jgh_6120 691.699
Irritable bowel syndrome: Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment: An update for health-care practitioners Oliver Grundmann* and Saunjoo L Yoon†
*College of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, and †College of Nursing, Department of Adult and Elderly, University of Florida,
Key words Abstract
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a chronic gastrointestinal disorder, affects from 3–20% of
bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome.
the US population, depending on sociocultural and comorbid factors. IBS is characterizedby a symptom complex of abdominal pain and abnormal bowel habits that present as
Accepted for publication 2 September 2009.
diarrhea or constipation, and general physical weakness in the absence of abnormal mor-
phological, histological or inflammatory markers. The main diagnostic Rome III criteria as
Oliver Grundmann, Department of Medicinal
established by international professional organizations are based on exclusion criteria and
Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, University of
the occurrence and rate of symptoms. Because the pathophysiology and causes of IBS are
Florida, P.O. Box 100485, Gainesville, FL
poorly understood, treatment approaches are mainly focused on symptom management to
maintain everyday functioning and improve quality of life for persons with IBS. Themainstay of intervention is pharmacological treatment with antispasmodics and antidiar-rheals for diarrhea, prokinetics and high-fiber diets for constipation, and supportive therapywith low-dose antidepressants to normalize gastrointestinal motility. Other interventionsinclude lifestyle and dietary changes, psychotherapy, herbal therapies and acupuncture. Thepurpose of this review is to critically assess benefits and risks of current treatmentapproaches as well as promising complementary and alternative therapies. Introduction
overview of IBS epidemiology, symptoms and diagnostic criteria,and current treatment approaches.
In the last two decades, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has gainedconsiderable attention in the health-care field due to its increas-ingly high prevalence, sometimes debilitating effects and diverse
symptom representation.1 IBS belongs to a group of chronic gas-trointestinal (GI) diseases referred to as functional bowel disorders
Assessment of the prevalence of IBS has been complicated by the
(FBD) as classified by the Rome foundation,2 an international
clarity of assessment criteria to differentiate between various FBD
organization dedicated to research and education in the field of
and other chronic GI disorders. The last comprehensive review of
the prevalence and epidemiology of IBS in North America, in
The World Health Organization (WHO) has given IBS its own
which five population-based prevalence studies were evaluated,
classification in its 10th revision of the International Classification
was conducted in 2002.5 An important factor in diagnosing IBS is
of Diseases (ICD-10), recognizing the significance of this syn-
the set of criteria utilized, such as the Rome criteria6 and the
drome.3 The first diagnostic evaluation of IBS was introduced with
Manning questionnaire.4 In some cases, the two evaluation tools
the Manning criteria in the 1970s, which utilized a 15-symptom
were directly compared in the studies and provided a more diverse
questionnaire to differentiate between IBS and what were then
dataset, depending on how many scale criteria a person had to
referred to as organic abdominal diseases.4 Over the past decade,
meet in order to be diagnosed with IBS.
advances have been made in classifying various chronic disease
The range of prevalence was from 3–20%, with most studies
states of FBD to create differential diagnosis criteria as well as
between 10% and 15% (mean of all 13 studies was 11.6% with a
exploring new treatments for a group of widespread disorders.
standard deviation of 4.6%). Interestingly, there is a higher ratio of
Although a precise definition of IBS is still controversial on the
women who develop IBS compared to men (ratio of 2:1) although
basis of a functional or an organic disorder with symptoms that
there were also differences observed among studies. Age-related
differentiate it from other FBD, current efforts underline that IBS
onset of IBS symptoms occurred predominantly in patients
requires attention from a health-care professional.1 The purpose of
younger than 45 years but prevalence rose again in the elderly. The
this clinical review is to provide health-care practitioners with an
subclassification of IBS as either IBS-D (IBS with predominant
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (2010) 691–699
2010 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
diarrhea) with 5.0–5.5%, IBS-C (IBS with predominant constipa-
symptom criteria (e.g. instead of using self-reported diagnosis)
tion) with 5.2–5.4% or IBS-M (IBS with alternating constipation
and diarrhea, mixed IBS) with 5.2% was evaluated by two
The population studies demonstrate the diversity of IBS based
population-based studies.7,8 Other factors that have a significant
on ethnicity, age and culture (e.g. diet, access to health-care pro-
impact on the development of IBS are health status, comorbid
viders) and the importance of evaluation criteria that impact choice
conditions,9 diet10 and mental health.11,12
of therapy.8,23 Diet, as part of a cultural factor, has been studied in
Recent study findings in Korea,13 Greece,14 Malaysia,15 Fin-
relation to IBS treatment. Simple changes in diet may improve
land16 and France17 showed variations in prevalence of IBS and
symptoms (most likely reductions in fat consumption that lead to
distribution of the subclassification. In the Korean study, approxi-
bloating) for some patients, while symptoms actually worsen for
mately half of the patients diagnosed with IBS first experienced
others if the diet is rich in fiber, wheat or carbohydrates (specifi-
symptoms before the age of 40 years with approximately even
cally diarrhea-predominant IBS).10,24 As mentioned before, these
distribution between women and men.13 Although prevalence of
studies were mainly conducted in small patient populations and
IBS was not reported, these researchers evaluated the subtype of
larger clinical studies are required to confirm these findings.
IBS and found that more than half of IBS patients suffered fromconstipation-predominant IBS. A study with young Malaysian
Symptoms, differential diagnosis
adults (mean age 22 Ϯ 1.8 years) showed a prevalence rate of
and pathophysiology
15.8% with a female-to-male ratio of 1.7:1.15 Subclassification ofIBS also resulted in approximately 75% of patients diagnosed with
Symptoms of IBS have been studied and its criteria have been
IBS-C, with much lower IBS-M type occurrence. This outcome is
refined over the past decades, and guidelines for differential diag-
surprising in light of other studies conducted in Asian populations
nosis have been established by various professional societies,
that frequently reported a lower prevalence rate of IBS.18–20 One
including the British Society of Gastroenterology,25 the American
reason for this discrepancy might involve diagnostic criteria
College of Gastroenterology26 and the American Gastroenterologi-
because use of Manning and Rome I criteria frequently resulted in
cal Association.27 Diagnostic criteria for IBS are now based on
a lower rate of a positive IBS diagnosis.1 In a Finnish study, the
evaluating present symptoms to distinguish it from other GI
various diagnostic criteria were compared and applied to an
disorders globally and from FBD, specifically. In general, IBS is
obtained dataset of patients diagnosed with IBS.16 The prevalence
characterized as a functional disorder of the GI tract associated
as evaluated by Manning and Rome I and II criteria varied from
with abdominal pain and altered bowel activity but lacking any
5.1–16.2%. Use of the Manning criteria in this study resulted in a
pathological organic changes. This distinguishes it from inflam-
significantly higher prevalence rate than the Rome criteria. The
matory bowel disease (IBD), which presents with increased
reported age of IBS onset was evenly distributed throughout the
phagocyte-specific protein in the feces, in that IBS does not cause
study population, with a slightly higher prevalence in women than
inflammation as can be assessed with a differential blood test and
men. It appeared that diarrhea was predominantly observed in this
fecal markers, observation of ulcers, or other organic damage to
population but no subclassification has been made.
the GI tract.28 Furthermore, the absence of organic pathophysi-
French researchers utilized the Rome I criteria to conclude that
ological changes distinguishes IBS from many other GI disorders
prevalence of IBS was 4.0% with a female-to-male ratio of 2.3:1
such as Crohn’s disease, chronic inflammation of the distal GI
and equal distribution of IBS-D, IBS-C and IBS-M subclassifica-
tract caused by certain Escherichia coli strains with high genetic
tion throughout the study population.17 Prevalence of IBS symp-
predisposition,29 and celiac disease which causes gluten-induced
toms ranged from 3.2–4.3% between the different age groups; the
auto-inflammatory degeneration of the small intestines.30
lowest prevalence was in younger adults 18–24 years of age. In a
Despite these differences, diagnosis of IBS is based on
recent study conducted in Greece, prevalence of IBS was 15.7%
symptom representation and a thorough initial evaluation of any
based on the Rome II diagnostic criteria.14 Constipation-
organic abnormalities. Symptoms that predominate in IBS are
predominant IBS was the most common among IBS subtypes,
unspecific abdominal pain or discomfort that recurs infrequent
followed by diarrhea-predominant IBS. More women than men
bowel movements with periods of increased or decreased activity,
were affected, with a ratio of 1.3:1 with reported onset of IBS
alleviation of pain and discomfort with defecation, and onset of
symptoms with changes in stool frequency and appearance. These
Other important comorbidity factors that contribute to develop-
are the symptoms most frequently employed in making a differ-
ment of IBS as a functional disorder are depression, anxiety and
ential diagnosis in conjunction with the Rome II and new Rome III
insomnia, which should be evaluated by health-care providers to
derive the differential diagnosis.11,14 The most common psychiatric
Diarrhea (IBS-D) and constipation (IBS-C) are the two domi-
disorder associated with IBS is depression, with a prevalence of
nant subtypes of IBS; a mixed subtype (IBS-M) occurs least fre-
approximately 30% in IBS patients compared to only 18% in a
quently. The Rome foundation classifies IBS as an FBD with the
control population.11 Anxiety is also commonly encountered as
subclassification letter C16 (see Table 1). The WHO grouped IBS
a comorbid condition in IBS, with 16% affected compared to
in its ICD-10 revision in Chapter XI under ‘Diseases of the Diges-
controls at a rate of 6%.11 There also appears to be a correlation
tive System’ and further into ‘Other Diseases of Intestines’ and
between anxiety and depressive disorders and the severity of IBS
K58 ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome’, which includes K58.0 ‘Irritable
symptoms as increases in comorbidity have been found between
bowel syndrome with diarrhea’ and K58.9 ‘Irritable bowel syn-
these diagnoses and worsening of IBS symptoms.21 Findings
regarding association of comorbid conditions including psychiat-
The slow onset of IBS over weeks and months shows a strong
ric disorders with IBS may be strengthened by tightly controlled
correlation with stress disorders such as depression and anxiety31
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (2010) 691–699
2010 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Comparison between Rome II and Rome III criteria
The limbic system in conjunction with paralimbic structures
connects the gut with the CNS through the autonomic nervous
Comparison of Rome III to Rome II criteria6
system in a bidirectional way. This allows transmission of emo-
tional states from the CNS to the gut and perception of GI changes(pain, contractions, bloating) to the CNS.37,38 Independent of
afferent connections from the CNS, the gut is able to release the
neurotransmitters serotonin and acetylcholine as part of the enteric
nervous system (ENS).39 The main neurotransmitter that regulates
GI motility is serotonin (5-HT), which is released from entero-
chromaffin cells in the GI mucosa to stimulate acetylcholine
release that initiates GI motility.40 The primary serotonin receptors
involved in ENS transmissions are the 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 receptors,
each with specific distribution patterns.41–43 While 5-HT3 receptors
signal changes in intestinal motility to the ENS and serve as the
main neurotransmitter for efferent nerves connecting to the CNS,
5-HT4 receptors are exclusively presynaptic and therefore serve as
interneurons to transmit a signal to effector acetylcholine neurons.
Serotonin signaling is terminated by a specific serotonin reuptake
transporter (SERT) located on enterocytes within the intestinal
mucosa.44 It has been shown that a decrease in SERT consistently
leads to dysfunction of GI motility in animals and in humans
through increased serotonin concentrations.45 Elevated serotonin
concentrations then constantly stimulate 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 recep-
tors leading to dysregulated contractions and dilations of the
intestinal tract. Attenuation of this signaling cascade is employed
for treatment of IBS and various other GI disorders. Although the
precise pathophysiology of IBS is still unknown, the above-
mentioned factors contribute to development of this chronic
Current treatment approaches
Irritable bowel syndrome treatment approaches depend on
symptom representation and comorbid conditions such as lifestyle,
diet and stress disorders. Because IBS classification is based on thepredominant symptom of diarrhea, constipation or mixed IBS,
†Criterion fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least
treatment focuses on normalizing GI motility. Recently, the Task
Force on Irritable Bowel Syndrome of the American College of
‡‘Discomfort’ means an uncomfortable sensation not described as pain.
Gastroenterology has published a detailed systematic review on
the management of IBS.26 An important consideration highlightedin IBS treatment guidelines of the British Society of Gastroenter-ology is the influence of placebo on the outcome.25 The placeboeffect during the first weeks of therapy is three times higher (46%)
or can follow a GI infection,32 in which case it is classified as
than the average placebo effect with drug therapy for other condi-
post-infectious IBS (PI-IBS). In contrast to patients without a prior
tions (16%). It is also higher in patients who respond well to
GI infection, PI-IBS patients can present with altered gut immune
health-care provider–patient interactions and reassurance that their
function represented by an increase in lymphocyte infiltrates and
condition, although chronic in nature, is not a grave prognosis25,36
inducible nitric oxide synthase in the feces.33,34 Following the
and can be treated. The confounding variable of a psychological
Rome criteria, a patient can be diagnosed with IBS by considering
disorder presents with a lower placebo effect.
the family and clinical history (colon cancer, onset of symptomslater than aged 50 years), symptom representation with a gradual
Lifestyle and dietary changes
onset and consistency, no specific warning signs indicative of aspecific pathophysiology (including rectal bleeding, anemia,
Before pharmacological treatment is considered, lifestyle and diet
weight loss, fever) and normal laboratory results. Diagnosis with
should be evaluated as potential triggers for IBS symptoms. Lack
consideration of stress disorders and explanation to the patient
of exercise, food deficiencies, lack or excess of dietary fiber intake,
about the relationship between altered central nervous system
and lack of suitable times for defecation should be evaluated as
(CNS) signaling and IBS development may aid in establishing
determining factors that contribute to the development of IBS,
positive health-care provider–patient rapport with consistently
specifically constipation-predominant IBS.25 Thus, an increase in
dietary fibers and regular exercise might benefit constipated IBS
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (2010) 691–699
2010 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
patients.46 Excessive caffeine consumption, indigestible carbohy-
the exact mechanism for development of IBS is unknown. Phar-
drates and high lactose intake have been found to contribute to
macological treatment of constipation-predominant IBS focuses
diarrhea-predominant IBS.10,24 In general terms, a stepwise food
on prokinetics that shorten transit time in the intestines and anti-
exclusion approach should be tried if the symptoms are mild to
spasmodics to alleviate cramping as a result of intestinal wall
moderate.47 The evaluation of probiotics to treat IBS has been
pressure. A high-fiber diet might improve symptoms in some
summarized in meta-analytic studies that showed modest improve-
patients, but mixed results have been shown in clinical studies.25,27
ments for bloating, abdominal pain and bowel movement difficul-
Prokinetics are used to enhance intestinal contractions and
ties. No specific probiotic strain was found to be superior to
facilitate the movement of fecal matter by acting as dopamine
another, and often combinations of strains were used.46,48
antagonists, 5-HT3 antagonists and/or 5-HT4 agonists. Despiteinconsistent benefits to IBS-C patients, they are widely used and
Psychotherapy and
increase GI motility with concomitant increase in secretory activ-
psychopharmacological treatment
ity and effects as visceral analgesics.56 Tegaserod is the only pro-kinetic drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
The impact of various forms of psychotherapy (e.g. cognitive
for the treatment of IBS, but it was restricted in 2007 due to risk of
behavioral therapy, dynamic psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, bio-
cardiovascular ischemic events.57 Other prokinetics commonly
feedback and relaxation therapy) on IBS has been evaluated.
used in clinical practice without specific IBS indication are dom-
According to guidelines of the British Society of Gastroenterol-
peridone, metoclopramide, cisapride and renzapride.56 Newly
ogy25 and the American Gastroenterology Association,27 psycho-
approved in 2008 for treatment of IBS-C in women is the laxative
therapeutic interventions are usually reserved for severe forms of
lubiprostone, which acts as a chloride channel activator that
IBS that show high incidence of a comorbid psychological dis-
increases water secretion into the feces.58,59
order49 or if a known comorbidity with a depressive or anxiety
A meta-analysis of clinical trials with antispasmodics revealed
disorder exists. The most effective psychotherapeutic interventions
that the clinical benefit of cimetropium, pinaverium, hyoscine and
were hypnotherapy and stress management over the course of
otilonium was highest whereas studies with pirenzepine and
6 weeks to 6 months in patients with IBS-D or IBS-M. Concomi-
propinox favored the placebo treatment over the actual drug.60 As
tant treatment of diagnosed depression or anxiety disorders
expected with the anticholinergic antispasmodics, the most
through psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment often helps
common adverse effects were dry mouth, dizziness and blurred
vision; effects about which patients must be clearly informed. In
A recent meta-analysis and systematic review showed that the
addition, the prescribed antispasmodic should be given on an
heterogeneity of psychotherapeutic treatment results in a 25%
as-needed basis with a maximum of three times per day for acute
chance that a patient will benefit from any type of psychotherapy,49
spastic episodes.27 Antispasmodics will reduce GI motility and
while hypnotherapy and stress management had a higher rate
therefore need to be given in conjunction with a prokinetic or
of success with 52% and 67%, respectively.52 In the same
laxative in order to increase GI motility. Antispasmodics are
meta-analysis,49 the use of both tricyclic (TCA) and selective sero-
mainly used in both IBS-C and IBS-D to reduce abdominal pain
tonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) antidepressants in the treatment
of IBS were compared. Antidepressant treatment often requires
While the goal of IBS-C treatment is an increase in GI motility,
patient counseling, particularly in the first 3–4 weeks of treatment,
the opposite is necessary for patients predominantly affected by
because side effects are pronounced, with a delayed onset of anti-
IBS-D. Diarrhea-associated symptoms often include a social
depressant action. While TCAs act both on norepinephrine and
component, which might impact the patient’s ability to maintain a
serotonin transmission with varying specificities, SSRIs specifi-
normal daily routine or interact with other people because of
cally increase serotonin concentrations in the CNS. Both TCAs
constant worry of having loose stool. A more severe consequence
and SSRIs demonstrated a treatment benefit in IBS symptoms with
of chronic diarrhea is malnutrition of vitamins and other nutrients.
a success rate in symptom reduction of 58% and 55%, respec-
Commonly used pharmacological treatments for IBS-D are opioid
tively.49 SSRIs, associated with fewer side effects than TCAs, may
agents, 5-HT3 antagonists, and anticholinergic agents. Loperamide
also prove beneficial in treating anxiety disorders although they do
is an opioid agonist that acts on m-receptors of the myenteric
not alleviate abdominal bloating or reduction in visceral pain sen-
plexus in the large intestines without being absorbed or causing
sitivity.53,54 While benzodiazepines are more frequently prescribed
CNS effects after oral administration.61 Loperamide, commonly
for anxiety disorders, their effectiveness in symptom alleviation
used for short-term diarrhea due to bacterial GI infections, should
for IBS is questionable.27 Therefore, use of TCAs in doses below
only be given in low doses as needed to patients with IBS-D. Dose
regular antidepressant effectiveness has become a mainstay of IBS
adjustment should occur if concomitant GI motility inhibitors such
because it alters GI motility (normalization of motility and secre-
as anticholinergics are given. Codeine can also be given to slow GI
tion as well as reduction in visceral pain sensitivity)52 which has
motility but is associated with sedation and drug dependency
recently been established through meta-analysis of clinical trials.55
Antagonism of 5-HT3 receptors in the ENS has been shown to
Pharmacological treatment
inhibit GI motility and benefit abdominal pain by reducing visceralsensitivity in patients with IBS-D predominance.63 Ondansetron,
After lifestyle and diet changes have failed to alleviate or resolve
granisetron, alosetron and cilansetron are all selective 5-HT3
IBS symptoms, the most common treatment approach is pharma-
receptor antagonists frequently prescribed for IBS-D as well as
cotherapy. This follows the predominant symptom representation
for other conditions such as vomiting and nausea associated with
and is therefore symptomatic (not causative) treatment, because
chemotherapy.64 Although ondansetron was the first 5-HT3
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (2010) 691–699
2010 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
antagonist to be discovered, the predominant treatment option for
cal trials of peppermint oil preparations with a placebo.60,75 These
IBS-D is alosetron, due to its preferred side-effect profile and
studies are based on the traditional use of preparations from pep-
better reduction in visceral sensitivity.65 The rare but severe effects
permint leaves for the alleviation of stomach upset, which has been
of ischemic colitis and constipation led to restricted use of alos-
supported by other research findings of smooth muscle relaxation
etron for the treatment of IBS-D in women who failed to respond
effect from use of both peppermint oil and the isolated compound
to other treatments. The recommendation is to start with a reduced
menthol.76,77 This is most likely attributable to the effect on
dose of 1 mg once daily and then increase if needed to 1 mg twice
calcium- and potassium-dependent ion channels on enterocytes.
daily. Alosetron has an absolute contraindication for patients with
These clinical studies demonstrated that supplementation of pep-
permint oil, in addition to pharmacological standard treatments,
The anticholinergic antispasmodics are frequently used to
was of benefit to both IBS-C and IBS-D patients.
reduce abdominal pain, visceral sensitivity and GI motility.
Acupuncture, which has been used as a therapeutic treatment in
Whereas unspecific anticholinergics such as hyoscine or pinav-
Chinese traditional medicine for centuries, has gained significant
erium are used to treat both IBS-C and IBS-D, specific muscarinic
attention over the past decades in Western medicine. A recent
M3 receptor antagonists such as darifenacin and zamifenacin
meta-analysis of a few small clinical trials involving the effect of
might provide a more specific treatment approach.67,68 Although
acupuncture treatment in patients with IBS included only studies
commonly used for treatment of overactive bladder and urinary
that used actual acupuncture versus sham acupuncture, any other
incontinence, these drugs are frequently used to reduce GI motility
active interventions, or no treatment (negative control) to alleviate
in IBS-D without currently being approved for this indication.
IBS symptoms.78 The meta-analysis revealed that the effects of
Some drugs currently in clinical development target the treatment
acupuncture on IBS symptoms were variable and did not differ
of visceral pain in IBS and include specific b3-adrenoreceptor
significantly from the sham acupuncture treatment or any other
agonists, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-receptor antago-
interventions.78 This may be due to inconsistencies in study
nists, k-opioid receptor agonists and pregabalin. These new drugs
designs and possible inclusion of patients who were not thor-
showed promising results that may soon offer new options for
oughly diagnosed with IBS prior to treatment. More research with
consistency in study protocol, standardized outcome measures andtight sampling criteria are needed to determine whether acupunc-ture is a beneficial treatment for IBS symptoms.79
Complementary and alternative therapies Implications and future outlook
The American Gastroenterological Association technical review
The scientific evidence supports the importance of recognizing
for IBS27 mentions that complementary and alternative therapies
IBS as a clinically significant GI disorder that merits both diag-
have been used continually and reported benefit in persons with
nostic evaluation and an individual treatment approach based on
IBS although the effectiveness of the therapies has not been clini-
cally well studied. A Cochrane review of herbal medicines for the
Because symptoms are rather unspecific and often triggered by
treatment of IBS70 identified several well-designed clinical studies
stress or other life events, it is crucial to assure the patient that
that showed improvement of IBS symptoms. One study employing
her/his condition is benign and can be treated with appropriate
a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, given alone or in a fixed
treatment options. In choosing treatments, the patient should also
combination, showed significant improvement of various IBS
be made aware of potential adverse effects associated with low-
symptoms over a placebo treatment that extended beyond the end
dose tricyclic antidepressants or careful dosing schemes for antidi-
arrheal and antispasmodic agents. A comfortable patient–provider
Other herbal preparations included in the Cochrane review were
relationship is a good basis for an open discussion about lifestyle
a Tibetan herbal formula sold as Padma Lax (Padma, Schwerzen-
changes and often allows the patient to be more forthcoming about
bach, Switzerland) and a combination of herbs under the trade
otherwise socially restrictive topics such as bloating and diarrhea.
In this context, the patient should understand that pharmacological
Germany). Treatment with these preparations were found to mark-
treatment will help alleviate these symptoms and careful, tempo-
edly improve IBS symptoms.72,73 Padma Lax significantly reduced
rary dose adjustment can be used for specific purposes in social
the severity of abdominal pain and increased transit time compared
interactions. In most primary care settings, psychotherapeutic
to placebo in patients with predominant IBS-C symptoms. Padma
intervention is not necessary unless severe underlying depressive
Lax capsules, containing 13 standardized herbal plant extracts,
or anxiety disorders are suspected that require referral to a spe-
can be given orally. Iberogast, a liquid comprised of standardized
cialist. The health-care provider should provide the patient with
extracts from nine herbal remedies, is given orally three times
information and reassurance that her/his condition is taken seri-
daily. The overall rating of IBS symptoms, such as abdominal
ously and can be appropriately treated.
pain, improved under Iberogast treatment compared to a placebo.
Although the pathophysiology of IBS is still poorly understood,
It has been suggested that a combination of certain herbs may act
the future outlook for treatment of IBS is focused on modulation of
synergistically on serotonin and acetylcholine receptors as with
innervating neurotransmitters in intestinal motility. Considerable
Iberogast in isolated human intestines.74 Other alternative treat-
investigation into a variety of new treatment approaches with both
ments frequently used by patients suffering from IBS are pepper-
synthetic and traditional medicines is promising. Newer serotonin
mint oil and acupuncture. The use of peppermint oil has been
receptor modulators focus on either antagonizing specific subtype
evaluated through two meta-analysis studies that compared clini-
receptors of 5-HT3 or serve as agonists on 5-HT4 receptors while
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (2010) 691–699
2010 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Establish diagnosis Exclusion diagnosis Concomitant diseases Rome II or Rome III criteria Develop relationship Address patient concerns Explanation and Consider referral reassurance of to psychotherapist prognosis and or psychiatrist triggers Treatment Lifestyle advice/changes, dietary advice CAM as add-on Pharmacological treatment Psychological treatment options
Flow chart for diagnosis, patient–health-care provider relationship, and treatment options in IBS (based on Jones et al. with modifications).25
CAM, complementary and alternative medicine.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (2010) 691–699
2010 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
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III Seminário de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar A primeira década novo milênio: sociedade, instituições e inovações Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil, 9, 10 e 11 de maio de 2011 A PROTEÇÃO JURIDICA DOS DIREITOS DE PROPRIEDADE INDUSTRIAL AO DEPOSITANTE DO PEDIDO DA CARTA-PATENTE E DO REGISTRO DE MARCA, PENDENTE O PRAZO DE ANÁLISE JUNTO AO INSTITUTO NACI
EMS Protocols INTRODUCTION The following protocols have been written to unify and simplify the roles of the various levels of EMS personnel in the field. The format has been written to provide historical information, as well as step-wise care instructions. The EMS provider is expected to be responsible for all the steps in the delivery of care up to the level of training they hold. Fo