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20 MinutesYou will be informed with 5 minutes remaining.
All equipment you need is in the station area.
Please clean and replace equipment.
Mrs/Mr. Key, 69 yrs. old, has had a gastrostomy tubefor 6 months due to dysphagia from a CVA. She/Heis due for 0900 medications. His/her meds areLanoxin 0.125 mg, one daily, and Kaylixir 20 mEqdaily. No known drug allergies.
1. Prepare, administer and chart Lanoxin 0.125 mg @ 0900 per gastrostomy tube.
2. Prepare, administer and chart Kaylixir 20 mEq @ 0900 per gastrostomy tube.
3. You may use the drug reference book located at this station.
4. The patient/supervisor may ask you questions about the medications.
30 minutesYou will be informed with 5 minutes remaining.
All equipment you will need is in the station area.
Please clean and replace equipment.
Mr/Mrs. James, 48 yrs. old, admitted from an MVAyesterday. She remains alert and oriented to person,place and time. BP 140/86, T-98.8, P-100, R-18.
He/she has an IV of 1000cc 0.9% NS at 100/hr inRr forearm. He/she is on hourly neuro checks.
He/she has begun to c/o some discomfort fromthe IV. His/her speech is clear, he/she has limitedcoordination of left extremities.
1. Complete an IV assessment, interventions, patient’s response, and document and report to supervisor (judge).
2. Do a neuro, document and report to supervisor (judge).
Administer Heimlich Maneuver for Child (conscious & unconscious) 10 minutes (continue until the judge tells you to stop).
All equipment you will need is in the station area.
Please clean and replace equipment.
Please remove lip-stick and lip-gloss!!!!!!! You have just finished eating and you see a 6 yr. oldchild jumping up and down, holding her throat with bothhands. She is turning blue and unable to speak.
Administer the Heimlich maneuver for conscious andunconscious child and CPR.
20 minutesYou will be informed with 5 minutes remaining.
All equipment you will need is in the station area.
Please clean and replace equipment.
Mr/Mrs Brown, 62 yrs. old, is to be discharged. He/sheneeds diabetic teaching including foot care andinsulin injections. He/she has been taught how todo his/her accu check. His/her accu check this AMis 180. He/she is to receive 2 units regular insulinwith 10 units NPH. NKDA.
1. Teach patient how to draw up insulin and inject 2. Teach diabetic foot care3. Document both procedures.
20 minutesYou will be informed with 5 minutes remaining.
All equipment you will need is in the station area.
Please clean and replace equipment.
Mr/Mrs Brown, has C-diff. He/she is on contactisolation. He/she is having liquid yellow, foul smellingstools. You need to do skin care and assess forpressure ulcer. He/she has an area on the coccyx approx.
1cm in diameter of partial thickness skin loss involvingepidermis and has the appearance of an abrasion.
1. Do skin care using contact isolation guidelines.
2. Assess for pressure ulcer and stage.
3. Document assessment and cares on nurse’s notes.
20 minutesYou will be informed with 5 minutes remaining.
All equipment you will need is in the station area.
Please clean and replace equipment.
You are caring for Mrs Greene, a 45 yr. old,scheduled for gallbladder surgery. You are to do pre-opteaching and care. Have patient sign consent form.
1. Take vital signs and get consent signed.
2. Teach breathing and leg exercises.
3. Document teaching appropriately.
20 minutesYou will be informed with 5 minutes remaining.
All equipment you will need is in the station area.
Mrs. Smith, 70 yrs. old, has had an amputation of the rightleg. She now has an ulcer area of 0.5cm on the stumpthat has to have a wet-to dry dressing applied. Herstaples remain intact.
1. Apply wet-to-dry dressing to stump.
2. Document appropriately.
Hots (IV Calculation & Critical Lab Value) 30 minutesYou will be informed with 5 minutes remaining.
All equipment you will need is in the station area.
Please clean and replace equipment.
Mr/Mrs. Brown, 40, had a bowel resection 6/20/06.
VS are BP 120/78, T 99.2, P-102 irregular, R-20.
The IV is currently @ 100 ml/hr. The orders are for1000ml NS with 20 mEq KCL in 12 hours. Lab results:Potassium 5.5 today. Calculate IV flow rate. AssessIV site. Assess for hyperkalemia.
1. Calculate IV flow rate and state correct rate.
2. Report lab results with normal level.
3. Assess IV site and any symptoms of hyperkalemia4. Document all findings.


Things to have in mind (Before and during your Huayhuash trek)  Be sure you are in good shape Huayhuash circuit is a demanding trek of 170km. This means you wil be walking around 15km and 7 hours a day. Also take in mind that almost the entire circuit is above 4000masl with several high altitude passes above 4800masl. Before booking be sure to be in good shape. We highly rec

Effects of Famciclovir and Valacyclovir our experience is necessary for detection of transient recurrences on Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection, Latency, of infectious virus. We question the statement that no “re- and Reactivation in Mice: How Dissimilar Are bound” of infectious virus was seen, since samples were tested Study Results? intermittently (days 2, 4, 7, 9, and 11 aft

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