Opting in to Online Professionalism: Social Media and Pediatrics AUTHORS: Terry Kind, MD, MPH,a Pradip D. Patel, MD,b and Desiree A. Lie, MD, MSEDc
The Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP) is committed
to excellence in medical student education in pediatrics. This article continues our
series on skills of, and strategies used by, great clinical teachers. Kind et al argue
that the digital world provides a great opportunity for clinical educators to promote
and enhance student education and model professionalism. They provide resources
and tips to get started using this domain.
—Susan Bannister, MD Editor-in-Chief, COMSEP Monthly Feature
Social media can be described as a digital space for creating and sharing
information with others, disseminating it widely and rapidly.1 It can extend real-
life learning and relationships into a shared space to foster online connections and
learning. Physicians and physicians-in-training are entering this digital
environment with little guidance on best practices. Professionalism lapses online
can have consequences not only for individuals but also for public trust in the
medical profession.2 And yet, when used well, social media enriches the personal
and professional lives of clinicians and learners. We’ll consider the risky (red)
zone, the safe but go slow (yellow) zone, and the option to opportunity (green)
zone to explain the challenges students may face and to outline how to teach and
model professionalism in the use of social media.

Several studies describe social media use by medical students,3,4 physicians,5,6
and medical educators.7 In 2012, 67% of online adults reported using Facebook,
20% LinkedIn, 16% Twitter, 15% Pinterest, 13% Instagram, and 6% Tumblr.8,9
These and other platforms allow users to connect through words, photos, audio,
or videos in various ways: privately or publicly, synchronously or asynchronously,
and uni- or multidirectionally. There are also less public avenues, such as secure or
physician-only networks where credentials are verified, such as Doximity,
QuantiaMD, Sermo,and forMD. The decision to use an invitation-only, secure
forum or a more publicly available domain depends on one’s goals.
Organizations, including the American Medical Association (AMA),2 the
Canadian Medical Association,10 the Federation of State Medical Boards,11 and
some medical schools,12 have guidelines regarding professionalism in the use of
social media, emphasizing pitfalls and benefits of engagement.13 Modeling and
teaching this dimension of professionalism, online, digital, or e-professionalism,
is increasingly important.14 The AMA recommends that physicians with a social
media presence maintain patient privacy, routinely monitor their presence,
maintain appropriate boundaries just as they would in other contexts


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F O R M A T O E U R O P E O P E R I L C U R R I C U L U M INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI ESPERIENZA LAVORATIVA • Date (da – a) 2002-2006 • Nome e indirizzo del datore di Dipartimento di Medicina clinica e Biotecnologia applicata “D. Campanacci” – Via Massarenti 9 – • Tipo di azienda o settore Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna • Tipo di impiego Do


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