Comparison of the Effects of Combination Atorvastatin (40 mg) ؉ Ezetimibe (10 mg) Versus Atorvastatin (40 mg) Alone on Secretory Phospholipase A2 Activity in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease or Coronary Artery Disease Equivalent
Mireille Azar, MDa, Emmanuel Valentin, PhDb, Georges Badaoui, MDa, Roland Kassab, MDa,
Antoine Sarkis, MDa, and Rabih R. Azar, MDa,*
Secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) is an enzyme that plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and of adverse cardiovascular events. It is currently the target of emerging therapeutic agents. Our study was designed to investigate the effect of aggressive lowering of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol with ezetimibe and ator- vastatin on sPLA2 activity. We randomized 100 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) or CAD equivalent (diabetes, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease) to receive ezetimibe 10 mg/day in association with atorvastatin 40 mg/day (combination therapy group) versus atorvastatin 40 mg/day and placebo (monotherapy group). Patients on statin therapy before inclusion were allowed to enter the study as long as the potency of the statin was lower than atorvastatin 40 mg/day. Lipid profile, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and sPLA activity were measured at baseline and after 8 weeks of therapy. The decrease in LDL cholesterol was more significant in the combination therapy group, but the decrease in hs-CRP was similar. sPLA2 activity significantly decreased in the ezetimibe/ atorvastatin group from 29 U/ml (interquartile range 23 to 35) to 26 U/ml (23 to 29, p ؍ 0.001) but remained similar in the placebo/atorvastatin group (23 U/ml, 19 to 32, vs 22 U/ml, 19 to 28, p ؍ NS). In a multivariate stepwise linear regression model, change in sPLA2 correlated with change in hs-CRP (p <0.001), baseline LDL cholesterol level (p ؍ 0.001), body mass index (p ؍ 0.003), diabetes mellitus (p ؍ 0.04) and combination therapy with ezetimibe/atorvastatin (p ؍ 0.05). In conclusion, this study demonstrates that coad- ministration of ezetimibe and atorvastatin decreases sPLA2 activity. 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2011;107:1571–1574)
Secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) is an enzyme as-
using ezetimibe in coadministration with high-dose atorva-
sociated with incident coronary atherosclerosis in healthy
statin versus high-dose atorvastatin alone on sPLA2 activity
men and women and with recurrent adverse cardiovascular
in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) or
Ezetimibe is a cholesterol absorption inhibitor that is fre-quently added to statins in patients with lower than optimal
levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Al-though ezetimibe is very effective in providing additional
This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, pla-
lowering of LDL cholesterol when coadministered with
cebo-controlled trial. The objective was to investigate the
statins, the effects of ezetimibe/statin coadministration “be-
effect of ezetimibe 10 mg/day coadministered with atorva-
yond” LDL lowering such as the effect on sPLA2 remain
statin 40 mg/day on sPLA2 activity compared to coadmin-
unknown. Given the more potent LDL decrease obtained
istration of placebo and atorvastatin 40 mg/day in patients
with coadministration of statins and ezetimibe, it is likely
with CAD or CAD equivalent. The protocol was approved
that this regimen will result in better lowering of athero-
by the Hotel Dieu de France Hospital ethics committee and
genic markers such as sPLA2. Our study was designed to
written informed consent was obtained from all patients.
test the effect of a very aggressive LDL-lowering approach
Patients were included in the study if they had stable
CAD or CAD equivalent. Stable CAD was defined by his-tory of myocardial infarction, history of coronary revascu-larization, or documented coronary artery stenosis Ն50%
aDivision of Cardiology, Hotel Dieu de France Hospital and Saint
on coronary angiogram. CAD equivalent was defined by
Joseph University School of Medicine, Beirut, Lebanon; bAterovax, Paris,
presence of diabetes mellitus requiring medications, history
France. Manuscript received November 7, 2010; revised manuscript re-
of ischemic stroke, or history of peripheral vascular disease.
ceived and accepted January 20, 2011.
Lipid levels were not entry criteria. Patients who were
This work was supported by a research grant to Dr. R. Azar from
receiving statins were allowed to enter the study as long as
*Corresponding author: Tel: 00961-3-590-999; fax: 00961-4-917-775.
the potency of the statin used was atorvastatin Յ20 mg/day.
This meant that patients who were statin naive or patients
0002-9149/11/$ – see front matter 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. The American Journal of Cardiology (
Values of lipid parameters, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, andsecretory phospholipase A2 at baseline and at end of therapy
None of the differences is statistically significant between the 2 groups.
Note that the number of inclusion criteria is Ͼ100% because each patient
may have Ͼ1 criterion that defines coronary artery disease.
Baseline demographics, clinical characteristics, and concomitant
Data are summarized as mean Ϯ SD or median (interquartile range).
Patients were initially seen in the fasting state for mea-
surement of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, very LDL
cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, sPLA2 ac-
tivity, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and cre-
* Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol Ն130 mg/dl before initiation of
atine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase. Pa-
tients were then equally randomized to receive atorvastatin
† Blood pressure Ն140/90 mm Hg before initiation of antihypertensive
40 mg/day plus ezetimibe 10 mg/day (combination therapy
group) or atorvastatin 40 mg/day plus placebo (mono-
p ϭ 0.023; p ϭ NS for all other comparisons between the 2 groups.
therapy group). Patients who were receiving statin therapybefore randomization had their initial statin stopped andreplaced by atorvastatin 40 mg/day, as mentioned previ-
who were taking atorvastatin 10 to 20 mg/day, simvastatin
ously. Duration of treatment was 8 weeks, at the end of
10 to 40 mg/day, pravastatin 10 to 40 mg/day, or fluvastatin
which patients had the same blood tests performed.
80 mg/day could be enrolled in the study. All patients
Serum sPLA2 activity was measured using a new fluo-
receiving atorvastatin Ն40 mg/day and those receiving any
rimetric method (Aterovax, Paris, France) on serum samples
dose of rosuvastatin were excluded. Also excluded were
that were stored at Ϫ80°C and that were thawed only 1
patients Ͼ80 years of age, those who received ezetimibe or
time. All samples were tested in duplicate and serum activ-
niacin or fibrate within the previous 3 months, patients with
ity was expressed as units per milliliter. The minimum
a history of acute coronary syndromes or coronary revas-
detectable activity was 10 U/ml and the intra- and interassay
cularization within the previous 3 months, patients with an
coefficients of variation were Ͻ13%.
ejection fraction Ͻ35% or history of severe heart failure
For statistical analysis, categorical variables were ex-
(New York Heart Association class ϾII), and patients with
pressed as absolute values and percentages and were com-
a creatinine clearance Ͻ30 ml/min or creatine phosphoki-
pared using chi-square test. Continuous variables were rep-
nase or aspartate aminotransferase Ͼ2 times the upper nor-
resented as mean Ϯ SD. Hs-CRP and sPLA2 were not
normally distributed and were expressed as median and
Coronary Artery Disease/Effect of Ezetimibe/Atorvastatin on sPLA2
interquartile ranges. Pre- and post-treatment levels of these
markers were compared in each group using nonparametric
Variables independently associated with change in secretory
Wilcoxon signed-rank test and were compared between the
phospholipase A2 in linear regression model
2 groups using nonparametric Mann–Whitney test. Corre-
lations between changes in marker levels were performed
using Pearson correlation. A forward stepwise linear regres-
sion model was used to test the correlation of change in
sPLA2 with baseline clinical and biological variables. All
tests were 2-tailed and p values Յ0.05 were considered
statistically significant. SPSS 15.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago,
Illinois) was used for statistical analysis.
Variables that were tested in the model and that were not independent
predictors of change in secretory phospholipase A2 were age, gender,
One hundred patients were included in the trial (50 in
inclusion criteria, statin therapy versus statin naive before randomization,
each group). Inclusion criteria are listed in Of note,
strength of statin before randomization, smoking status, hyperlipidemia
90% of patients were receiving statins before randomiza-
(defined as low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level Ͼ130 mg/dl before
tion. Simvastatin was most commonly used (53 patients),
initiation of lipid-lowering therapy), hypertension (defined as blood pres-
followed by atorvastatin (30 patients). Types and doses of
sure Ն140/90 mm Hg before initiation of antihypertensive therapy), base-
statins used were similar between the 2 groups. Baseline
line high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level, and change in low-density
demographics, clinical characteristics, and concomitant
lipoprotein cholesterol level at the end of the study.
medical therapy are listed in All patients took theirinvestigational treatment according to the protocol for a
a good and statistically significant correlation between
period of 8 weeks. None of the patients had an increase of
creatine phosphokinase or aspartate aminotransferase Ͼ2
(r ϭ 0.39, p ϭ 0.005) and between changes in hs-CRP and
sPLA2 activity (r ϭ 0.38, p ϭ 0.007). In the placebo/
Values of different lipid parameters are listed in
atorvastatin group, the only significant correlation was be-
Patients were well treated with statins before inclusion in
tween hs-CRP and sPLA2 activity (r ϭ 0.63, p Ͻ0.001).
the study, as attested by mean baseline LDL cholesterol
Changes in LDL cholesterol and sPLA2 activity did not
levels of 102 mg/dl in the combined therapy group and 99
correlate together in that group (r ϭ 0.13, p ϭ NS). There
mg/dl in the monotherapy group (p ϭ NS). Coadministra-
was no correlation in either group between change in LDL
tion of ezetimibe with atorvastatin resulted in a more im-
portant decrease in total LDL cholesterol compared to ator-
To determine the most important factors associated with
vastatin alone (average decrease 20% vs 10%, p ϭ 0.01).
decrease in sPLA2, we performed in the entire group of 100
Hs-CRP levels were similar at baseline and decreased
patients a forward stepwise linear regression analysis where
equally in the 2 groups after treatment.
change in sPLA2 was the dependent variable and patients’
At randomization, sPLA2 activity levels were 29 U/ml
clinical and demographic characteristics (risk factors, inclu-
(23 to 35) in the ezetimibe/atorvastatin group and 23 U/ml
sion criteria, and baseline lipid and hs-CRP values) and
(19 to 32) in the placebo/atorvastatin group (p ϭ 0.02;
changes of hs-CRP and LDL cholesterol during the study
sPLA2 activity at baseline was higher in women than in
were the predictors. This model demonstrated that change in
men (33 U/ml, 27 to 44, vs 25 U/ml, 20 to 32, p ϭ 0.015)
hs-CRP, baseline level of LDL cholesterol, body mass in-
and tended to be higher in patients who had hyperlipidemia
dex, presence of diabetes mellitus, and randomization to
(27 U/ml, 21 to 34, vs 20 U/ml, 16 to 27, p ϭ 0.05) and in
combination therapy were independently correlated with
those who were statin naive before inclusion (35 U/ml, 26 to
37, vs 26 U/ml, 20 to 33, p ϭ 0.06). sPLA2 activity at
baseline correlated significantly with total cholesterol (r ϭ0.3, p ϭ 0.002), LDL cholesterol (r ϭ 0.3, p ϭ 0.002), and
This study demonstrates that coadministration of
hs-CRP (r ϭ 0.46, p Ͻ0.001). sPLA2 activity at baseline
ezetimibe with atorvastatin leads to a significant decrease in
was not associated with any of the other clinical or demo-
sPLA2 activity after 8 weeks of therapy in patients who
graphic characteristics and concomitant medications.
were already on statins and who had optimal baseline LDL
After 8 weeks of therapy, sPLA2 activity significantly
levels. This was associated with an important decrease in
decreased in the ezetimibe/atorvastatin group but did not
LDL cholesterol and in inflammation. Increasing solely the
significantly change in the placebo/atorvastatin group
potency of statin in the atorvastatin monotherapy group did
At the end of treatment, activity of sPLA2 remained
not significantly decrease sPLA2 activity despite a signifi-
higher in the combination therapy group compared to the
cant decrease in hs-CRP, most likely because the decrease
monotherapy group because of the much higher activity at
in LDL cholesterol was minor. To the best of our knowl-
edge, this trial is the first to document the effect of aggres-
To investigate the relation among LDL cholesterol, hs-
sive lipid lowering with atorvastatin/ezetimibe combination
CRP, and sPLA2, we performed a correlation analysis be-
tween the changes in LDL cholesterol, hs-CRP, and sPLA2
The nonsignificant change in sPLA2 activity in the pla-
in each group. In the ezetimibe/atorvastatin group, there was
cebo/atorvastatin group does not mean that statins do not
The American Journal of Cardiology (
affect sPLA2. To the contrary, our results suggest that
sPLA2 activity in the monotherapy group. However, it does
statins decrease sPLA2 because it decreases LDL choles-
not limit the validity of our conclusion that combination
terol and inflammation. This is supported by findings that
therapy decreases sPLA2. Third, we have demonstrated that
patients who were statin naive before inclusion tended to
the combination of ezetimibe/atorvastatin lowers sPLA2
have higher baseline sPLA2 activity compared to those who
activity. The effect of ezetimibe monotherapy on sPLA2
were already treated with statins. Because 90% of our pa-
tients were pretreated with statins (albeit at a lower dose)before randomization, the decrease in LDL cholesterol ob-
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DOSAGE CALCULATIONS: ADDITIONAL PRACTICE QUESTIONS DRUG CALCULATIONS Using the following Basic Formula can help to simplify drug calculations: D x V = Dosage Required H D = dose desired (i.e. the drug dose ordered by the physician) H = dose on-hand (i.e. the drug dose on the label of the drug container) V = volume (i.e. the form and amount in which the drug comes) When
Annals of Internal Medicine COMMENTS AND RESPONSES Potential Financial Conflicts of Interest: None disclosed. References Is Patient Cost-Sharing the Best Way to Protect the Medical 1. Wharam JF, Galbraith AA, Kleinman KP, Soumerai SB, Ross-Degnan D, Landon Commons? BE. Cancer screening before and after switching to a high-deductible health plan. AnnIntern Med. 2008;148:647-55. [P