Countercurrent chromatography: a worthy technique for the direct measurement of liquid-liquid partition coefficients
1Area de Quimica Analitica, CCEE, ESTCE, Universitat Jaume I, 12080, Castello, Spain
2Laboratoire des Sciences Analytiques, CNRS, Université de Lyon 1, Bat CPE-308, 69622 Abstract
chromatography are: (i) a high loading capability, (ii) a very simple solute retention mechanism (liquid-liquid
Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is a liquid
partitioning), (iii) either phase of the biphasic system can
chromatography technique in which the stationary phase
be used as a mobile phase, (iv) no irreversible solute
is also a liquid. The solute separation is based on
adsorption, (v) no pH problem, and (vi) less biological
partitioning between the two immiscible liquid phases:
solute denaturation. The high loadability is possible
the mobile phase and the support-free liquid stationary
because the solutes reach the volume of the liquid
phase. Octanol-water partition coefficients (Po/w) of 17 β-
stationary phase and not just the surface of the solid
blockers and 17 sulphonamides were determined by CCC.
Some of the Po/w coefficients of the molecular forms
The chromatographic selectivity in CCC is only due to
disagreed with the theoretical and experimental values
solute partition between the two immiscible liquid phases.
from literature. The Po/w coefficients of the ionic forms
The solute retention mechanism depends on only one
and the acidity constants were also calculated using a
physicochemical parameter, the liquid-liquid partition
theoretical model. Relationships between biological
coefficient (P). The basic equation retention is:
properties and hydrophobicity are also discussed.
On the other hand, the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-
methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate was used for the
where VR is the retention volume, VM the mobile phase
first time in CCC to estimate the distribution constants of
volume and VS the stationary phase volume. Thus, the
different aromatic solutes, including bases, acids, and
retention volume of a solute allows the determination of
neutral compounds, between the ionic liquid-rich phase
its partition coefficient in the biphasic system used in the
and the aqueous phase. The resulting distribution
constants were compared with the corresponding
Two types of CCC machines are available, i.e.,
literature octanol–water partition coefficients.
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic, depending on the way in which equilibrium between the liquid stationary and
mobile phases are reached [1-4]. The main differences between the two modes are that in hydrodynamic devices,
Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is a
the centrifugal field is variable and there are at least two
chromatographic separation technique based on the
rotation axes in the machine containing coiled tubing in
partition of solutes between two immiscible liquid phases
which both phases are in contact throughout the length of
as they interact in a thin tube under a centrifugal force
the coiled tubes. In hydrostatic devices, the centrifugal
field [1]. The mobile and stationary phases are both
field is constant, there is only one rotation axis and there
liquids and form a biphasic liquid system. Centrifugal
are zones, ducts connecting two adjacent channels, in
fields are needed to hold the liquid stationary phase when
the mobile phase is pushed through it. One source of
In quantitative structure-retention relationship (QSRR)
interest in this method is that no solid matrix is required
studies is necessary to have accurate values of octanol-
to retain the stationary phase. In CCC, the stationary
phase occupies up to 90% of the total volume of the
logarithms of the retention factors (log k) with log P
column. Due to the liquid nature of the stationary phase,
the substances of pharmacological interest. P
CCC is a liquid chromatography (LC) technique that uses
measure the hydrophobicity of molecules and since it is
special columns. Indeed, the CCC machines are just
considered to estimate the partitioning over a bio-
“columns”. The liquid stationary phase is stable only as
membrane, it should be related to biological activity [5].
long as the centrifugal field exists, i.e., the CCC column
CCC is able to work with an octanol stationary phase and
exists as long as the machine rotor is running.
an aqueous mobile phase. In this configuration, CCC is a
The advantages of having a liquid stationary phase in
useful and easy alternative to measure the octanol-water
partition coefficients (Poct) of the molecules compared to the classical and tedious shake-flask method. The P 2. COUNTERCURRENT APPARATUS
values obtained with an octanol stationary phase and an
aqueous mobile phase are the Poct parameters without any assumption, extrapolation, regression equation and/or
The CCC apparatus was a hydrostatic machine with a
There is an inconsistency in the literature P
The apparatus is first filled with the octanol-saturated
pharmaceutical molecules that show ionizable character,
water phase (buffered with ammonium phosphate). Then
the rotor is started and the rotation allowed to stabilize at
oct is a combination of the molecular
900 rpm. The pump was rinsed with the aqueous mobile
oct, mol and the ion form Poct ion is extremely sensitive to the
phase. This phase entered the apparatus in the head-to-tail
Many drugs of interest in the pharmaceutical industry
direction (descending mode) because it is heavier than the
contain basic nitrogen atoms, such as β-blockers and
octanol stationary phase. During the equilibration step,
sulphonamides. Since these molecules are ionizable
the octanol phase is pushed off the apparatus. The octanol
phase removed by the aqueous phase is collected in a
depending on the aqueous-phase pH. The apparent P
graduate cylinder. Once the aqueous phase appears at the
coefficients of these compounds were accurately
exit of the apparatus, two liquid layers are seen in the
determined at different pH values using 0.01 M
cylinder. The mobile-phase-stationary-phase equilibrium
ammonium phosphate buffers saturated by octanol. A
is reached and the CCC “column” is then ready. The
model previously described [6] allows to obtain the
displaced octanol phase is measured and corresponded to
oct value using the solute pKa with
these experimental octanol/water coefficients. Frequently,
Since small amounts of octanol may be further carried out
or dissolved by the aqueous mobile phase, potassium
oct coefficients of the molecular forms obtained with
the CCC method differ significantly from computed
nitrate was used as a dead volume marker. This salt was
literature values and/or experimental values obtained by
not retained by the octanol phase and absorbed at 210-
compared with their bibliographic values. β-blockers are
When octanol is the stationary phase and water the
a class of therapeutic drugs whose optical enantiomers
mobile phase the partition coefficient is calculated as:
show significant differences in their pharmacological
effects and activities and even in their toxic effects.
Sulphonamides are a class of anti-bacterial drugs used in
farm animals for the treatment of a variety of bacterial
where VT is the total internal volume of the CCC
infections. In food-producing animals sulphonamides are
apparatus. This is the direct measurement of Poct, app [1].
used not only for the treatment of several diseases but
Solutes with very high Poct values move very slowly in
also subtherapeutically for prophylactic purposes and/or
the octanol phase. They need a too long time to emerge
outside the machine. To force them from the CCC
On the other hand, an ionic liquid-water system with a
apparatus, the roles of the aqueous and octanol phases
CCC chromatograph was used for the first time to
and their flowing direction are reversed after some
measure the partition coefficients of a set of aromatic
reasonable flowing time in the normal direction. The
compounds and compared with the corresponding
mode is switched from descending (or head to tail) to
literature octanol–water partition coefficients. Room
ascending (or tail to head). The solutes are then eluted by
temperature ionic liquids (RTIL) are salts with melting
a much smaller volume of octanol (the stationary phase in
points below room temperature. Typically, a RTIL
the first step). The theory shows that Poct of the solute
consists of nitrogen or phosphorus-containing organic
depends only on the ratio of the volume of the aqueous
cations and large organic or inorganic anions [7]. These
phase (Vaq) pumped in the descending mode (first step)
salts remain liquid over a 200-300 ºC temperature range.
and the retention volume of the octanol phase (Voct) in the
Their main property is that they have practically no vapor
pressure [8]. For these properties, no volatility and good solvent capabilities at room temperature, RTILs have
been extensively investigated as alternative ‘‘green’’
solvents [9]. The solvent properties of the RTILs make
them useful candidates in CCC. They are polar solvents
This procedure is known as dual-mode or back-flushing
whose miscibility with water is highly dependent on their
measurement and was also used to measure very small
structure. The RTIL employed was 1-butyl-3-
Po/w values. In this case, the octanol phase is the mobile
methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate because it was
phase in the tail-to-head or ascending mode. The
compounds are strongly retained, since they move very
3.2 Experimental results
slowly in the aqueous stationary phase. After several hours the phase role is inverted. The water becomes the
mobile phase in the head-to-tail or descending mode. This forces the analytes out of the apparatus.
Table 1 shows the apparent calculated partition coefficients of the molecular and ionic forms of the
-blockers and sulphonamides together with their
dissociation constants fitted with Eqs. 6 and 9 depending
3.1. Theoretical model
on the acid-base character of the compound. The Papp values at different pH values (data not shown) were
blockers , basic ionizable compounds, are
calculated with Eqs 2 and 3 using the solute experimental
retention volumes. The cationic log P+ and anionic log P- values listed in Table 1 correspond to the phosphate salt
of the positive and negative forms of the compounds,
The molecular form A, ionizes in a cationic form, AH+, as
respectively. These values may vary if the anion and the
the pH decreases. Introducing Po, the Poct value for the A
cation of the buffer salt are changed. This work shows
molecular form, and P+, the Poct value of the AH+ cationic
that it is possible to quantify the hydrophobicity of ions
form, and taking into account the acidity constant of A
when ion’s Poct values are commonly neglected assuming
(Eq. (4)), Ka, the experimental partition coefficient,
Poct = 0 for any ion. Ionic P+ and P- values are indeed
blockers, the log P values increase with pH,
except for labetalol and sotalol that have a lower log P
value at pH 11. This behaviour can be explained because labetalol and sotalol are also ionized at pH 11 due to the
The subscripts o and w refer to the octanol phase and to
presence of a phenolic OH-group and a sulphonamide
the aqueous phase, respectively. Using the expression of
group, respectively, in their molecule. For most of the
Ka, Poct app can be formulated as:
SAs the apparent log Papp values increase up to pH 2 (first
dissociation constant), and decrease after pH 7 (second
dissociation constant). SAs are usually cationic in acidic
media (pH<2), non charged in neutral media (3<pH<7),
Eq (6) shows that the measured coefficient increases with
and anionic in basic media (pH>7). Sulfonamides
compounds and undergo dissociation according to:
Figure 1 shows the evolution of calculated apparent Poct app coefficient vs. pH for some -
sulfonamides. This figure illustrates the dependence of
The molecular form AH, ionizes in a cationic form, AH +
the relative hydrophobicity upon the pH for these
as the pH decreases, and ionizes in anionic form A- as the
compounds, which have single or different ionisable
a1 and Ka2 are the dissociation constants of
the amine and sulfonic groups, respectively, in Eq. (6).
At acidic pH, all β-blockers and SAs are in cationic
Po, P+ and P- are the P
form (AH+ or AH +, respectively, a nitrogen atom of the
aliphatic chain is protonated), and they are very
2 cationic, and A- anionic forms, respectively. The
experimental partition coefficient, P
hydrophilic showing very small log P
< -1). This means that the solutes are more soluble in the
aqueous phase than in the apolar octanol phase. Since at
increasing pH the ionization degree of the compounds decreases, their affinity for the aqueous phase also
Using the expression of Ka, Poct, aap can be formulated as:
decreases and their Poct values increase. At basic media,
the β-blockers are in molecular form, except labetalol
and sotalol that are ionized, showing a hydrophobic
behaviour with high log Poct,app values (in the 0.25-3.61
Eq (9) shows that the measured coefficient increases with
range). This means that the solutes have a higher affinity
for the octanol phase. Normally, the SAs, in the 3-7 pH
a and begin to decrease before the
range, are in the molecular form (AH), showing most of
them a hydrophobic behavior and reaching their maximum log Poct,app values in the –1.07-1.66 range. In
this zone, the solutes have a higher affinity for the octanol
phase. In basic media (pH>8), the sulfonamides are in an
anionic form (A-, the sulfphonic group has lost a
hydrogen), and they are again very hydrophilic increasing
the ionization degree. Their Papp value decrease following
a parabolic curve. Even if the ionic form is very
hydrophilic, the CCC method allows the estimation of the
very small log Papp values for ions.
Figure 2 shows the chromatograms of bisoprolol and
sulfaguanidine at pH 7 done with direct and dual-mode,
respectively. Fig 2A shows the actual UV signal obtained
in the Poct measurement of bisoprolol. The sharp peak at
26.87 min retention time corresponds to potassium
nitrate, the dead (aqueous phase) volume marker
(VM=26.87 mL at 1mL/min). The broad peak at 101.77
Poct=0.004). Fig 2B shows the UV signal obtained in the
oct measurement of sulfaguanidine.
sulphonamides using the experimental octanol-buffer
partition coefficients for different pH values.
This is an example where dual-mode was used to measure
oct value. Since at pH 7 sulfaguanidine eluted
with the dead volume in the direct mode (using aqueous
mobile phase), firstly the octanol phase was used as
mobile phase in the tail-to-head or ascending mode (Fig
2B, top), and after two hours the phase role was inverted
to force the analyte out of the apparatus. The
sulfaguanidine peak showed up in the aqueous phase at
in the tail-to-head direction was 120 mL, giving the Papp value of 7.39/120 = 0.061 at pH 7 (log Papp = -1.21).
Figure 2: CCC chromatograms at pH 7. A) Direct mode
chromatogram of bisoprolol (0.5 mg + 0.1 mg of
potassium nitrate). Mobile phase: aqueous with 0.01 M ammonium phosphate buffer at pH 7 in the descending
head-to-tail mode; stationary phase: octanol; UV
detection at 210 nm. B) Dual mode chromatogram of
sulfaguanidine (0.5 mg); top: the octanol mobile phase
2 h-step, in the ascending tail-to-head mode, no signal;
bottom: the aqueous phase step with 0.01 M ammonium
phosphate buffer at pH 7 in the descending head-to-tail mode; stationary phase octanol; UV detection at 275 nm.
General conditions: rotor speed: 900 rpm; injection volume: 1mL; flow rate: 1 mL/min.
Figure 1. Relative hydrophobicity, log P
sulfanilamide (+). CCC measurements and literature values
Figure 3 shows the molecular CCC log Poct values fitted
by Eqs 6 and 9 (Table 1), plotted versus the experimental
literature values for 14 SAs [12] and 12 -
[13,14]. The log P experimental literature data correlated
Figure 3. β-blocker and SAs Poct values measured in CCC
well with the measured ones (r2=0.953), with a slope and
compared to literature experimental values. Regression
intercept values of 1.13 and 0.013, respectively. The
curve: log Poct = 1.13 log PCCC + 0.013, r2 = 0.953).
slope value, close to unity, indicates that the partition coefficients obtained by CCC and the log Poct are identical even for ionizable compounds.
Hydrophobicity-biology relationships
CCC produces reliable Poct values but also dissociation
Log P has been successfully applied as a structural
a, values. Most CCC Ka values listed in Table
1 correspond to their respective literature values.
descriptor in quantitative-structure-activity relationship (QSAR) for structurally related compounds and in some cases even for sets of chemically different compounds. On the other hand, chromatography is a powerful
technique for the measurement of physicochemical parameters, and in order to emulate the biological barriers, different reversed stationary phases have been
0 40 80 120
developed such as the immobilized artificial membranes,
time (min)
or immobilized liposomes. Relationships between octanol-water partition data and chromatographic indexes at a fixed or varying pH values by RPLC or micellar liquid chromatography have been studied for β-blockers [15-17].
Since log P is considered to estimate the partitioning
over a bio-membrane, it should be also related to biological activity. Good relationships were obtained when the distribution coefficients of the compounds in octanol-buffer (shake-flask method) and the relative lipophilicity measured by HPLC were correlated. 0 40 80 120 160 time (min)
β-blockers have also been used to study the influence liquid–liquid distribution constants (partition
of lipophilicity of drugs on the permeation through
coefficients) in the biphasic liquid system used. It is
biological membranes since various structurally related
interesting to evaluate the distribution constants of
β-blockers exhibit a wide range of lipophilicity. The different solutes in a biphasic liquid system containing an HPLC technique is well known to be able to evaluate
chromatographic lipophilicity indexes (expressed as log
The ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium
HPLC) even for highly lipophilic compounds out of the
range of the shake-flask method. These indexes are
determine the distribution coefficients (Kil/w) of 12 test
usually calculated based on the average retention time of
compounds [19]. To avoid the strong UV absorbance of
the analyzed compound after two runs using linear
the RTIL that contains an imidazolium aromatic ring, the
equation for two adjacent standards relating their log D
selected wavelength was 254 nm. L-phenylalanine, a
and retention time values [18]. Figure 4 shows the
common amino acid was used as a dead-volume marker
since it was not retained in the working BMIM PF
[18] at pH 11 for nine β-blockers (acebutolol, alprenolol,
atenolol, labetalol, metoprolol, pindolol, propranolol,
The viscosity of pure and dry BMIM PF6 at room
temperature is very high. When BMIM PF6 is saturated with water the viscosity is lower but still too high for the
ionic liquid to be used directly in the pump and the CCC chromatograph. It was therefore necessary to reduce the viscosity further by addition of a minimum amount of
organic solvent. Acetonitrile was the best organic solvent to work with BMIM PF6. Indeed, in the alcohol–water–
ionic liquid mixture, the alcohol tends to favour the
aqueous phase producing a heavy phase rich in ionic liquid (limited volume and viscous phase). Acetonitrile
partitions better between the two phases greatly reducing the viscosity of the ionic liquid-rich phase. The best composition, selected for CCC, was water–acetonitrile–
BMIM PF6 (40:20:40% w/w). This composition
produced a good density difference between the two liquid phases and viscosities low enough to allow pump operation.
Figure 4. Correlation between the log Papp measured by
Different aromatic solutes, including bases, acids, and
CCC and the log DHPLC indexes at pH 11 [17] for nine β-
neutral compounds, were injected into the CCC column
blockers (acebutolol, alprenolol, atenolol, labetalol,
to estimate their distribution constants between the ionic
metoprolol, pindolol, propranolol, sotalol and timolol).
liquid-rich phase and the aqueous phase.
Log DHPLC = 0.51 log Papp + 1.43, n = 9, r2 = 0.981.
The experimental CCC log Kil/w values obtained in the
Although there is a correlation between the data, the 0.51
liquid ionic system were correlated with the octanol/water
value of the slope indicates that the HPLC retention
values, Ko/w, for five of the test compounds (aniline, 2-
nitroaniline, benzonitrile, 2-nitrophenol and 2-toluidine),
the square root of the octanol/water partition coefficient.
which should be in their molecular form under our
The intercept value of 1.43 indicates that even polar
experimental conditions. Indeed, ionization does change
blockers are retained by the octadecyl bonded
the repartition of a solute in an aqueous–organic biphasic
HPLC stationary phase. Likely, these parameters would
liquid system, because the ionized form of the solute has
be different with another compound family. Clearly,
a much higher affinity for the polar aqueous phase. The
hydrophobicity measurements are possible using HPLC,
literature log Koct data [12] correlated well with the
but a set of standards will always be needed to calibrate
distribution constants measured in the RTIL-containing
the particular set of compounds studied. There is no such
need with CCC that uses octanol and water. CCC is a good technique to measure octanol-water partition
log Kil/w = 1.692 log Koct + 0.915
coefficients for many solutes including ionizable
The slope value, higher than unity, indicates that the
distribution constants of solutes in the ionic liquid phase
3.3 Use of ionic liquids in CCC
increase faster than their hydrophobicity expressed by log
CCC separates solutes because they have different
[9] M.J. Earle, K.R. Seddon, Pure Appl Chem 72
Accurate octanol-water partition coefficients of basic
[10] R.A. Menges, G.L. Bertrand, D.W. Armstrong, J. Liq Chromatogr. 13 (1990) 3061.
sulphonamides were determined by the CCC technique.
[11] S.J. Gluck, E.J. Martin, J. Liq Chromatogr. 13
The dependence of the hydrophobicity upon the pH has
been plotted for several β-blockers and sulphonamides.
[12] ClogP computer program version 4.01, BioByte
-blockers showed a similar behavior (increasing with
Corp., Claremont, CA (using the website address ).
pH range), except for labetalol and sotalol as well as all
[13] A. Detroyer, Y. Vander Heyden, S. Carda-Broch,
the sulphonamides that decrease at basic pH since they
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model for analytes showing acid-base properties. The
[14] Hansch, C.C. In Comprehensive Medicinal Chemist-
model represents correctly the change in Po/w when pH
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changes. Good correlations can be also obtained when log
P values are correlated with chromatographic indexes.
[15] J.I. Vila, R. Obach, R. Prieto and J. Moreno, Chro-
The work also demonstrates that CCC is a powerful
tool to estimate the liquid–liquid distribution constants of
[16] F. Barbato, G. Caliendo, M.I. La Rotonda, P.
solutes in any biphasic liquid system. These data can be
Morrica, C. Silipo, A. Vittoria, Farmaco 45 (1990)
related to the hydrophobic character of the studied
compounds in a particular environment. This information
[17] I. Rapado-Martinez, M.C. Garcia-Alvarez-Coque,
has a high value in all studies involving quantitative
R.M. Villanueva-Camanas, J. Chromatogr. A 765
pharmaceutical, and/or environmental studies, and also in
[18] N. Gulyaeva, A. Zaslavsky, P. Lechner, M. Chlenov,
quantitative structure–retention relationships in
A. Chait and B. Zaslavsky, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 17
separation science and, especially, chromatography.
[19] A. Berthod, S. Carda-Broch, Anal Bioanal Chem 380
This research was supported by a Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Community programme “Improving Hu-man Research Potential and the Socio-economic Know-ledge Base” under contract number HPMF–CT–2000-00440. AB thanks the French Centre National de la Re-cherche Scientifique (CNRS UMR 5180, Université de Lyon). 5. REFERENCES
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How To Write a Scientific Paper By Susan Cordova for the New Mexico Junior Academy of Science In all sections of the paper, present tense should be used to report background that is already established. Forexample, "The cell membrane is the barrier which separates the inside of the cell from the outside." Usefuture tense for work that you will do. For example, "We will test the hy
Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 34, 2007, 6–11M. A. Hain, L. P. Longman, E. A. Field, J. E. HarrisonLiverpool University Dental Hospital, Liverpool, UKNatural rubber latex (NRL) allergy can have potentially serious consequences, and reports of orthodontic patients reacting toNRL have increased significantly over recent years. It is therefore important for the orthodontist to know how to managepa