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Full Text.
Dental materials and their selection [electronic resource] / edited by William J. O'Brien.
Hanover Park, IL : Quintessence Pub. Co., c2008.
Full Text.
2009 Lippincott's nursing drug guide [electronic resource] / Amy M. Karch.
Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkens, c2009.


L 901 P485 2009 v.2
Peterson’s graduate programs in the humanities, arts & social sciences.
Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s, 2009.

Q 180 U5 D598n 2009 v.1&v.2
Research centers directory.
Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 2009.

QV 241 H413L 2001.
Lamisil : the evidence / R.J. Hay.
New York : Parthenon Pub. Group, c2001.

W 4 AL62 2008 L285r.
Regulation of endothelial glutathione / by John William Langston.
Shreveport, La. : Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center ; 2008.
W 4 AL62 2008 M692c.
CD40-targeted adenovirus as an anti-tumor vaccine / by Disha Mody.
Shreveport, La. : Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center ; 2008.
W 4 AL62 2008 P187f.
Function of the intermediate filament protein synemin in astrocytoma cells / by Yihang
Shreveport, La. : Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center ; 2008.
W 4 AL62 2008 S672h.
Helicobacter pylori stimulates gastric cancer cell motility through a combination of
CagA-dependent and CagA-independent signaling
/ by Jared Lee Snider.
Shreveport, La. : Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center ; 2008.
W 13 J11 2009 + CD-ROM.
Jablonski's dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations.
Philadelphia, PA : Saunders/Elsevier, c2009.
W 15 A512ce 2009
CPT: physicians’ current procedural terminology.
Chicago: American Medical Association, 2009.
W 80 B847e 2008.
The essential guide to therapy management : skills for rehab professionals / [by] Kate
Marblehead, MA : HCPro, c2008.
W 725 H784m 2008.
Medical malpractice expert witnessing : introductory guide for physicians and medical
/ Perry Hookman.
Potomac, MD : Potomac Press, c2008.

WA 590 D263h 2008.
The healthy skeptic : cutting through the hype about your health / Robert J. Davis.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2008.

RESERVE Medicine
WB 141 C9762 2009
Current medical diagnosis and treatment.
Los Altos, CA: Lange Medical Publications, 2009.

WE 172 P974 2008.
Psychoprosthetics / Pamela Gallagher, Deirdre Desmond, Malcolm MacLachlan, editors.
London : Springer, c2008.

WL 400 E123 2008.
Early acute management in adults with spinal cord injury : a clinical practice guideline
for health-care providers
/ Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine.
Washington, DC : Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, c2008.
WL 500 H638 2008.
High-resolution sonography of the peripheral nervous system / S. Peer, G. Bodner (eds.) ;
with contributions by G. Bodner . [et al.] ; foreword by A.L. Baert.
Berlin : Springer, c2008.

WM 18.2 F144b 2009 (Circulating Collection).
Behavioral science / Barbara Fadem.
Philadelphia, PA : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2009.
WM 188 K89s 2007.
Sound sleep, sound mind : 7 keys to sleeping through the night / Barry Krakow.
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2007.
WM 188 L483s 2008.
Sleep medicine : essentials and review / Teofilo Lee-Chiong, Jr.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
WM 270 E641 v.1&2 June 2007
Epidemiologic trends in drug abuse.
Rockville, MD: NIDA, 2007.

WS 100 P3695 2009.
Pediatric primary care / [edited by]Catherine Burns . [et al.].
St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders/Elsevier, c2009.

WV 501 S252L 2007.
Laryngeal physiology for surgeons / Clarence T. Sasaki.
San Diego : Plural Pub., c2007.

WY 11 AA1 D718f 2008.
The first 25 years : 1978-2003 / Corinne F. Dorsey, Joyce M. Schowalter.
Chicago, IL : National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc., c2008.
WY 157.3 C737 2007.
Comprehensive neonatal care : an interdisciplinary approach / [edited by] Carole
Kenner, Judy Wright Lott.
Philadelphia : Saunders Elsevier, c2007.
WY 157.3 L527i 2007.
Introduction to maternity & pediatric nursing / Gloria Leifer.
St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby Elsevier, c2007.
WY 159 H685w 2009. + CD-ROM
Wong's essentials of pediatric nursing / Marilyn J. Hockenberry.
St. Louis, MO : Mosby/Elsevier, c2009.
Otolaryn v.41 no. 21 2008.
Otologic disease : options for enhancing management [sound recording].
Glendale, Calif. : Audio-Digest Foundation, 2008.
Otolaryn v.41 no. 22 2008.
Inflammatory disease of the nose and sinus / Mark S. Schubert [sound recording].
Glendale, Calif. : Audio-Digest Foundation, 2008.
Otolaryn v.41 no. 23 2008.
Managing common pediatric upper airway diseases [sound recording].
Glendale, Calif. : Audio-Digest Foundation, 2008.
Urol v.31 no.10 2008.
Stand and deliver : issues in male sexual function [sound recording].
Glendale, Calif. : Audio-Digest Foundation, 2008.
VC 3990k DVD
Preventing falls in older hospitalized adults [videorecording] : six steps to lower liability
and reduce nonreimbursed costs
/ Steven C. Castle.
Secaucus, NJ : Network for Continuing Medical Education, 2008.
VC 3990L DVD
Best practices for blood management [videorecording] / Aryeh Shander.
Secaucus, NJ : Network for Continuing Medical Education, 2008.
VC 3990f DVD Domestic violence [videorecording] : still a "new" agenda in healthcare / Elaine J. Alpert. Secaucus, N.J. : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2007. VC 3990g DVD. Medical ethics [videorecording] : informed consent to medical treatment / Paul S. Appelbaum. Secaucus, N.J. : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2008. VC 3990n DVD. Antimicrobial resistance [videorecording] : 12 simple steps toward prevention / Jerome F. Levine. Secaucus, N.J. : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2008. VC 3990b DVD HCV and HIV coinfection [videorecording] / Bruce W. Polsky. Secaucus, N.J. ; Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2007. VC 3990c DVD In-hospital stroke [videorecording] : an evidence-based approach to recognition and management / Mark J. Alberts. Secaucus, N.J. : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2007. VC 3990m DVD Diet as a means to prevent and control elevated blood pressure [videorecording] / Lawrence J. Appel. Secaucus, N.J. : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2008. VC 3990i DVD Measuring and improving the quality and safety of medical care [videorecording] : beyond the Joint Commission / David B. Nash. Secaucus, N.J. : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2008. VC 3990e DVD Update 2007/2008 [videorecording] : preventing and controlling influenza in the United States. Secaucus, NJ : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2007. VC 3990d DVD Applying the ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines for UA/NSTEMI in clinical practice [videorecording]. Secaucus, NJ : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2007. VC 3990j DVD Applying new ACC/AHA guidelines for STEMI in 2008 [videorecording].
Secaucus, NJ : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2008.
VC 3990h DVD
Improving acute pain management in children [videorecording] : essential tools,
techniques, and treatments
Secaucus, NJ : Network for Continuing Medical Education, c2008.
LEISURE BOOKS (all items are donated)

FICT A671pr 2008.
A prisoner of birth / Jeffrey Archer.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 2008.
FICT H388st 2006.
Statute of limitations / Steven F. Havill.
New York : Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur, 2006.
FICT H558ea 1989.
Earthly remains : a novel / Peter Hernon.
Secaucus, NJ : Carol Pub. Group, 1989.
FICT K37da 2006.
Dark side of the moon / Sherrilyn Kenyon.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 2006.
FICT P462da 2006.
Dark assassin : a novel / Anne Perry.
New York : Ballantine Books, c2006.


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This policy to be used in conjunction with our Assessment, Early Years Foundation Stage, Inclusion and S.E.N. policies. INTRODUCTION: At Meon Infant School we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and regard the teaching and learning which takes place in our school to be part of the learning continuum which begins before the child comes to school and continues into adulthood. Both adult

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