Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. - div ITALDRENI REFERENCE LIST: TERRADRAIN FOOTBALL FOR SYNTHETIC GRASS FOOTBALL FIELDS Legend: Terradrain Football D10 TRT LND: product approved by LND for synthetic grass football fields Terradrain Football D10 MRT LND : product with the waterproofing membrane approved by LND for synthetic grass football fields Terradrain Football D8 TRT : product non approved by LND and applied mainly for multi-purpose fields Terradrain Football D8 MRT : product with the waterproofing membrane non approved by LND YEAR 2007 Field/City Field Area (m2)
A. Ferraris – Villanova di Guidonia - RM
Total quantity installed in 2007 (sqm) YEAR 2008 Field/City Field Area (m2) Total quantity installed in 2008 (sqm) YEAR 2009 Field/City Field Area (m2)
Unione Calcio Giovani – Pieve a Nievole-PT
C. D. de La Vall d’Hebron Teixonera- ES
C. D. de La Vall d’Hebron Teixonera – ES
C. D. de La Vall d’Hebron Teixonera - ES
Parrocchia San Martino – Rione Rebbio – CO
Parrocchia San Vincenzo - Lentate sul Seveso – MI
Parrocchia Spirito Santo Cerignola – FG
G/F Ørestads Universitetskvarter, Copenhagen
CS Europa Mariner – San Benedetto del Tronto – AP
CS Mirabello – Mirabello Sannitico – CB
Sungil High School - Kwnagju city, Jeola Province
Gangsung Elementary School - Gosung-County, Dangwon Province
Armida srl – Quartu – Sant’Elena – CA
Parma Football Club – Collecchio – PR
CS Montefalcone – Mont. Nel Sannio – CB
Total quantity installed in 2009 (sqm) YEAR 2010 Field/City Field Area (m2)
Partida de la Costra Parcela 3 - Benissano
CS Progresso calcio - Castel Maggiore - BO
Parrocchia conversione S. Paolo - San Polo - BS
Parrocchia Santa Maria - loc. Chiesanuova - BS
Pol. Grottese calcio - Grottazzolina - FM
v.le della pace quart. Stanga - Vicenza - VI
Campo De Futebol Municipal La Eliana - Valencia
Polideportivo Mont Ros - Naquera - Valencia
Calcio Catania - loc. Torre del Grifo - CT
Poligono 20/c Escuelas - Camporrobles - Valencia
Sporting Club - Loc. Sarnella - Nola - NA
Total quantity installed in 2010 (sqm) YEAR 2011 Field/City Field Area (m2)
Barabino & Partners - La sciorba - Genova
Scuola Privata Leonardo da Vinci - Canalicchio - CT
ASD Comano Terme a Fiave - Ponte Arche - TN
Progresso calcio - via Lirone 44 - Castel Maggiore - BO
ASD Perugia Calcio - Pian di Massiano - PG
Campo Parrocchiale San Martino Vescovo - Veduggio - MI
Polideportivo Municipal - Tavernes de la Valldigna
Imp. Sportivo Strade dei Boschi - Novellara - RE
CS Cislago - via Papa Giovanni XXIII - Cislago - VA
USD Igea Marina - viale Pinzon, 252 - Bellaria Igea Marina - RA
Tecton - via Smonto 19 - Villalunga di Casalgrande - RE
CS dei Frati - via Trieste - Chiavari - GE
CS Grugliasco - via L. Da Vinci - Grugliasco - TO
Ist. Dioc del Clero di Brescia - via Maggi - Brescia
CS Pavia - Str. Andezeno, 76/bis - Chieri - TO
Beach tennis - Parco Marecchia - Villa Verucchio - RN
Ass. San Lorenzo - via Adua 2 - Casaleggio - NO
Vorup FB -Ulvehøj Idrætscenter, Møllevangsvej 9, 8940 Randers SV
Centro Sportivo di Milanello - Carnago - VA
Centro Pastorale San Francesco - Verbania - VB
Total quantity installed in 2011 (sqm) YEAR 2012 Field/City Field Area (m2)
Pol. Arci Zambra - via Cammeo 246 - Cascina - PI
Centro Deportivo Sevilla 3000 - Barrio Murillo Sevilla
CS Brentonico - loc. Castione - Brentonico - TN
Palazzetto dello sport - Villafranca Piemonte - TO
CS Sevilla 3000 - Barrio Murillo - Sevilla
CS Taglioli - San Benedetto Val di Sambro - BO
Parrocchia S. Alessandro in Colonna - Bergamo
CS Corticelli - via Zoni, 2 Porto - Bologna
Parrocchia S. Michele Arcangelo - Flero - BS
Pol. Nuova Alba - San Martino in Campo - PG
Colegio Escuelas Pias - Alcala De Henares - Madrid
503 D10 MRT LND Tjoernegaardsskolen - Gentofte
Imp. Sport. Borgo Foranesi - Magnano in Riviera - UD
507 D10 MRT LND Stadium Lyngehallen opgradering
508 D10 MRT LND Tarup Paarup Idraetsforening Odense
513 D10 MRT LND Centro sportivo Federale campo B - Oristano
514 D10 MRT LND Centro sportivo Federale campo C - Oristano
Campo di Torrecera - Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz
524 D10 MRT LND Centro Sportivo Oliena - NU
530 D10 MRT LND Campo di Torrecera - Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz
Total quantity installed in 2012 (sqm) YEAR 2012 in construction Field/City Field Area (m2)
4 D10 MRT LND Centro sportivo Federale campo A - Oristano
6 D10 MRT LND SS Franco Scarioni - Ortica - MI
Total quantity installed in 2013 (sqm) Total quantity installed 2007- 2012 (sqm) 2.790.993 Regione Italia Regione Italia Regione Italia Regione Italia Regione Italia Regione Italia Regione Italia
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Onco type DX , developed by Genomic Health, is a diagnostic test that quantifies the likelihood of disease recurrence in women with early-stage hormone estrogen receptor (ER) positive only ( prognostic significance) and assesses the likely benefit from certain types of ( predictive significance). Onco type DX analyzes a panel of 21 genes within a tumor to determine a Recurrence Sco