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complications . Are thesemovements useful, irrelevant,
or damaging to our vision? Despiteprogress in elucidating theperceptual and neuronal effects offixational instabilities in specific,
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fixation has been intensely debated for the last 80 years. Recent studies have
revealed that these motions of the eyes fulfill an important functional role:
helping to extract useful information from natural scenes.
understanding the role of fixationaleye movements in natural vision has
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modulations in the input to the retina.
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spatial features of an image. This result
of retinal and lateral geniculate nucleus
activity across the population, retaining
role and effects of fixational drifts have
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systems reflect the statistical structure
the retina using spectral analysis. In the
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field, and will certainly inspire further
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a mechanism for cellular organizationis poorly understood.
Li et al. [8] uses synthetic proteinconstructs to show that interactionsbetween multivalent proteins can drive
Spatial organization and segregation are essential for the function of a complex
and crowded cellular machine. New work demonstrates liquid–gel phase
separation, both in vitro and in vivo, driven by the valency of constituent
contain up to five repeats of eitherthe Src homology 3 (SH3) domain or
droplets of around 50 mm in diameter.
a property referred to as ‘multivalency’
separation that is triggered by a critical
JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE No. 201 (Replaces guideline No. 138), December 2007 JOINT SOGC-MOTHERISK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Pre-conceptional Vitamin/Folic Acid Supplementation 2007: The Use of Folic Acid in Combination With a Multivitamin Supplement for the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects and Other Congenital Anomalies Abstract Objective: To provide inform
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