Microsoft word - minutes to meeting 190213.doc

A14 Reagan Koczubic A13 Mitchell Young A12 Emily Brodie A11 Emily Hackett A10 William Wallace A9 Alex Young A8 A2 Jaymee-Lyn Inglis Items discussed Welcome back The Eco Committee members welcomed one another back to the Main school building. As there were routines established at the decant site that could no longer be continued the Eco committee decided to review our current situation. Recycling We will continue to recycle paper but instead of emptying paper bags on a Friday classes can empty their bags whenever they want into one of the wheelie bins located in the upper and lower quad areas. Mr Rolland suggested giving Dojo points based on whether the classes had recycled at some point within a fortnightly period. Steven Sutherland suggested a laminated card that classes could tick off to show when they were recycling. A Dojo point could still be awarded if the class had recycled at least once. Mr Rolland will make these up and distribute them. There will be a rag bag recycling during April. More details will be posted in the GMM. Litter Areas 4 and 5 are involved in a project at present to record the amount of litter in the playground and will share their results during assemblies. The Eco Committee decided to try to tackle litter by reducing the amount rather than picking it up. The group decided to trial an indoor tuck week where every class will be asked to have their tuck indoors to prevent wrappers being dropped in the playground. The Eco Committee will monitor the results and investigate if this will have a positive impact. The group also asked if ‘No Smoking’ signs might be put up to discourage parents smoking in the playground and adding to the litter problem. School Grounds Some classes have already begun to plant vegetables such as potatoes indoors and some classes have already been involved in using bird feeders. Janitorial services are currently tidying bush areas in the school grounds which will hopefully be useable by classes to grow vegetables or flowers. Mr Rolland asked all Eco reps to ask their teacher if there are any seeds or other materials they may need in order to plant living things to develop our school grounds. Health and Well Being The Eco committee agreed that there is an opportunity to promote Healthy exercise in the playground by providing suitable playground equipment. The Eco reps will encourage their class to suggest equipment that will be safe and manageable but which also promotes exercise. The group also discussed the possibility of having a fruit tuck trolley for Monday Break times. Eco Reps will also remind their classes that Munchy Mondays means children are encouraged to bring fruit for tuck on Monday. Class dojo points are awarded in some classes for children that do bring this. Next meeting date to be arranged. Minutes taken and typed by Mitchell Young and Mr Rolland.



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Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET COMPUDOSE 100, 200 AND 400 Revision No: 4.0, 20 March 2012 STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE: The intact Compudose implant is not considered hazardous under normal handling procedures. The following Statement of Hazardous Nature refers to the contents of the implant which contain oestradiol: Hazardous according to the criteria of Worksafe Australia: Toxi

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