J. Perinat. Med. 34 (2006) 359–366 • Copyright ᮊ by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/JPM.2006.073
Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labor Gian Carlo Di Renzo1,*, Lluis Cabero Roura2
of respiratory distress syndrome may be exploited by
and the European Association of Perinatal
delay. Delay may also permit transfer of the fetus in uteroMedicine-Study Group on ‘‘Preterm Birth’’**
to a center with neonatal intensive care unit facilities.
There is considerable variation in the way that spon-
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University
taneous preterm labor (SPTL) is diagnosed, managed
2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital
The development of clinical guidelines requires an evi-
dence-based approach to improve outcome and allowmore efficient use of resources. With recent advances in
our understanding of the etiology and mechanisms ofSPTL and the availability of safer, more specific tocoly-
Preterm birth is defined as delivery at -37 completed
tics, it was felt that guidelines should be developed to
weeks of pregnancy (World Health Organization). Spon-
achieve, if possible, an European consensus in patient
taneous preterm birth (SPB) includes preterm labor, pre-
diagnosis, management and treatment.
term spontaneous rupture of membranes, pretermpremature rupture of membranes (PPROM) and cervical
Keywords: Atosiban; cervical assessment; corticoste-
weakness; it does not include indicated preterm delivery
roids; European guidelines; fibronectin; spontaneous pre-
for maternal or fetal conditions. Early SPB (-32 weeks’
gestation) is associated with an increased higher peri-natal mortality rate, inversely proportional to gestationalage. The pathophysiologic events that trigger SPB are
Myths to dispel
(abruption), mechanical factors (uterine overdistention or
It may be worth pointing out that the incidence of SPB
cervical incompetence), and hormonal changes (perhaps
has not changed because we are now including more
mediated by fetal or maternal stress). In addition, several
babies born at very early gestational age, at extremely
cervicovaginal infections have been associated with pre-
low birth weight, and at the limits of viability, who were
term labor. SPB is also the leading cause of long-term
never included in our previous statistics. There is also an
morbidity, including neurodevelopmental handicap, cer-
increasing trend towards elective preterm delivery as
ebral palsy, seizure disorders, blindness, deafness and
neonatal intensive care has improved, and finally, that
non-neurological disorders, such as bronchopulmonary
term delivery per se is not a good indicator of outcome
dysplasia and retinopathy of prematurity. Delaying
bearing in mind that each day of delay between 22 and
delivery may reduce the rate of long-term morbidity by
28 weeks’ gestation increases survival by 3% without the
facilitating the maturation of developing organs and sys-
tems. The benefits of administration of antepartum
In addition, the myth that tocolytics only work for 48 h
glucocorticosteroids to reduce the incidence and severity
arose from the inaccurate interpretation of the meta-anal-ysis of beta-agonists which found that 48 h was the only
consistent finding among the 16 papers analyzed to
allow comparison, but many tocolytics have been shown
Professor and ChairmanDepartment of Ob/Gyn and Center for Perinatal
to work beyond 48 h. With respect to the claim that no
tocolytic has been shown to reduce the incidence of peri-
natal mortality and morbidity, it should be noted that no
study on tocolytics has ever been carried out with a suf-
ficient statistical power (sample size) to show such a
Fax: q39 0755729271E-mail: [email protected]The diagnosis of spontaneous preterm labor
** Members: A. Antsaklis (Greece), G. Breborowicz (Poland), P. Husslein (Austria), R. Lamont (UK), A. Mikhailov (Russia), S.C. Robson (UK), C. Sen (Turkey), H. Van Geijn (Netherlands), Y. Ville
On admission with suspected SPTL, the accuracy of the
expected date of confinement should be re-checked
360 Di Renzo et al., Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labour
scrupulously because the best estimate will influence
fFN in addition to clinical assessment. A second algo-
whether or not intervention should take place.
rithm is for the subset of facilities which have regular
The diagnosis of SPTL on clinical grounds should
access to reliable transvaginal ultrasound. Both algo-
rithms provide the same outcome: determination of theoptimum disposition of women who present with signs
1. Contractions that are painful, palpable, last longer
and symptoms of preterm labor. This document can be
than 30 s and occur at least four times per 20 min;
2. Evidence of a change in the position, consistency,
length and/or dilatation of the cervix. The management and treatment of spontaneous preterm labor
When compared with digital examination and transab-
dominal scanning, transvaginal ultrasound has a higher
Tocolytic therapy (see also Table 1)
sensitivity for the detection of cervical shortening and the
agents have been advocated as suppressing uterine con-
tractions. Those in current use include beta-agonists,
Oncofetal fibronectin (fFN) may be considered to com-
calcium channel blockers, prostaglandin synthetase
plement the clinical assessment. The availability of fFN
inhibitors, nitric oxide donors, and oxytocin receptor
testing was associated with a reduction in hospital
antagonists. There is little reliable information about cur-
admissions, length of hospital stay, and overall hospital
rent clinical practice but it is likely that ritodrine hydro-
chloride, a beta-agonist, remains the most widely used
fFN testing supplemented by ultrasonography to deter-
mine cervical length, may be useful in defining women at
The primary aims of tocolytic therapy are to delay
high risk for preterm labor. However, their clinical useful-
delivery to allow the administration of a complete course
ness may rest primarily with their negative predictive val-
of antepartum glucocorticosteroids in order to primarily
ue given the lack of proven treatment options to prevent
reduce the incidence and severity of idiopathic respira-
SPB. Bearing in mind the excellent negative predictive
tory distress syndrome and to arrange in utero transfer
value of such tests (when fibronectin is negative and cer-
to a center with neonatal intensive care unit facilities.
vical length by transvaginal ultrasound is )2.5 cm), we
The secondary aim of tocolytic therapy is to delay
recommend that tocolytic therapy should be withheld if
delivery to reduce the perinatal mortality and morbidity
fetal fibronectin or transvaginal ultrasound scan indicate
associated with severe prematurity. A full comparison of
costs has not been reported but this should also take
Perceptions of uterine contractions have always been
into account the costs of administering each drug against
interpreted by pregnant women as evidence for impend-
any benefits or adverse effects, primarily the costs of
ing SPTL. The majority of these women will present to
SPB itself, savings on midwifery care and the compari-
their local hospitals for assessment of labor, resulting in
son of obstetric and tocolytic budgets to other hospital
over half being admitted, treated and released without
delivering after a few days. With the use of biochemical
Atosiban represents an advance in currently available
markers and sonographic evaluation of the cervix, it is
tocolytics, and should be considered a first-line tocolytic
possible to identify the majority of women who are not
Atosiban is licensed in Europe for treatment of SPTL.
Standardization of assessment and disposition of
The recommended dosage and administration schedule
patients presenting with the signs and symptoms of PTL
for atosiban is a three-step procedure (see Table 1).
will: 1) Allow for timely interventions for preterm labor;
Duration of treatment should not exceed 48 h and the
2) maintain maternal-fetal safety; 3) minimize the need for
total dose given during a full course should preferably
hospitalization only for those patients at greater risk of
not exceed 330 mg of atosiban. In the early gestational
preterm delivery; and 4) promote effective transport of
age with or without PPROM, the use of atosiban can be
preterm labor patients to higher, more appropriate levels
prolonged for a further few days without any significant
An example of a clinical methodology that was devel-
The risk of adverse events associated with b-agonists
oped to determine the optimal disposition of women who
in the management of SPTL requires close monitoring of
present with signs and symptoms of PTL can be found
the mother in a high dependency unit (Table 2).
in the March of Dimes Preterm Labor Assessment Toolkit,
Common adverse effects, when beta-agonists are
endorsed by the American Society of Maternal Fetal
compared to no treatment or placebo, include palpitation
Medicine in 2005. This toolkit was developed with the
(68% with beta-agonists vs. 5% with controls), tremor
dual aim of 1) the recommendations being evidence
(39% vs. 4%), nausea (20% vs. 12%), headache (23%
based and 2) the information can be utilized effectively
vs. 6%) and chest pain (10% vs. 1%). Rare, but serious
at all levels of facilities receiving PTL patients. As such,
and potentially life threatening adverse effects have been
the toolkit contains two algorithms. One algorithm uses
reported following beta-agonists use and a few maternal
Di Renzo et al., Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labour
thyroid functionhypokalemia, tremor,nervousness, nauseaor vomiting,hypokalemia
of 50–100 mg/min,i.v., increase 50 mg/min
every 10 minuntil contractionscease or sideeffects developMaximumdoses350 mg/min
intramuscularly,then 30 mgintramuscularlyevery 6=48 h
thrombocytopenia,NSAID-sensitiveasthma, othersensitivity to NSAID
362 Di Renzo et al., Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labour
10 mg patch forevery 12 hcontinuing until
an infusion of18 mg/h for 3 h andthen 6 mg/h forup to 45 h.
deaths associated with the use of these drugs were
menting serious maternal cardiovascular and pulmonary
reported. Pulmonary edema is a well-documented com-
adverse events. It has been recommended that nicardi-
plication, usually associated with aggressive intravenous
pine should only be used in a clinical trial setting. Doc-
hydration. A systematic review reported one case of pul-
monary edema among 850 women (1/425 with beta-ago-
lightheadedness, headache, flushing, nausea, and tran-
nists vs. 0/427 with placebo). For the other tocolytic
sient hypotension. The combination of magnesium sul-
drugs (magnesium sulphate, indomethacin and atosiban),
phate and nifedipine should be avoided because of
fewer types of adverse effects were reported and these
reported cases of symptomatic hypocalcemia, neuro-
occurred less frequently. For atosiban, the only docu-
muscular blockade, and cardiac toxicity, including mater-
mented adverse effect is nausea (11% with atosiban vs.
nal death. There is an increasing number of case reports
5% with placebo) but this is only of short duration and
of adverse feto-maternal events with the use of nifedi-
only in association within about a minute during which
pine, particularly in twin pregnancies. In addition, there is
the bolus dose is administered. The same study reported
a case report of a myocardial infarction in a 29-year-old
no increase in vomiting (3% with atosiban vs. 4% with
woman who received nifedipine immediately after intra-
placebo), headache (5% vs. 7%), chest pain (1% vs.
venous ritodrine therapy. The evidence pertaining to nife-
dipine for the treatment of SPTL is based largely upon a
Among unlicensed tocolytic therapy, calcium channel
small number of poor quality investigator-led studies of
blockers, such as nifedipine and nicardipine, inhibit the
small sample size. A systematic review has identified
influx of calcium ions into myometrial cells, and the
serious concerns with respect to the topic and method-
decreased intracellular calcium results in decreased
specific conduct and, hence, because of the quality of
myometrial activity. Recent reviews of the evidence per-
such studies they should not be used to guide practice.
taining to the use of nicardipine or nifedipine suggest that
Magnesium sulphate is ineffective at delaying birth or
the safety profiles of these drugs are incomplete and
preventing SPB after preterm labor, and its use is asso-
should lead to careful consideration before use. Partic-
ciated with an increased infant mortality. Magnesium sul-
ularly, a number of studies have been published docu-
phate is popular for tocolysis in the USA and some otherparts of the world, but is rarely used for this indication in
The recommended guidelines for monitoring i.v.
Europe and it is not recommended for tocolysis. Indomethacin and other prostaglandin synthesis inhib-
itors are effective in delaying preterm labor and increas-
• Maternal pulse and BP should be monitored every 15 min
ing birth weight; result in shorter stays in neonatal
• Chest auscultation should be performed every 4 h
intensive care units and shorter intervals of mechanical
• Strict input/output charts should be measured for fluid
ventilation. However, contradictory evidence exists that
indomethacin fails to prolong gestation and infants are
• Urea, electrolytes, and hematocrit should be measured
delivered prematurely. Potential fetal adverse effects
include premature closure of the ductus arteriosus, nec-
Maternal blood glucose should be measured 4-hourly
rotizing enterocolitis, respiratory distress syndrome and
(From reference: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo-
gists. Clinical Green Top Guidelines. Tocolytic Drugs for Womenin Preterm Labor (1B)-Oct 2002. http://www.rcog.org.uk/guide-
increased risk of development of periventricular leuko-
malacia (at a daily dose of 200 mg).
Di Renzo et al., Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labour
Nitric oxide donors (glyceryl trinitrate or isosorbide)
doses of 6 mg dexamethasone given intramuscularly
have been shown to act as tocolytic agents. Major side
12 h apart. It should be pointed out that the fetal bio-
effects are maternal headache and hypotension. Their
physical variables recorded by cardiotocography or ultra-
use is still limited by low compliance of the patients.
sound may be significantly modified by the corticosteroid
If a tocolytic agent is used, ritodrine no longer seems
administration, particularly betamethasone, and mothers
the best choice. Alternatives such as atosiban appear to
should be informed on reduction of fetal movements in
have comparable effectiveness in terms of delaying deliv-
the 48 h subsequent to drug injection. In the case of
ery for up to seven days and are associated with consid-
impending SPTL, betamethasone was administered in
erably fewer maternal and fetal adverse effects.
12 mg, 12 h apart, showing the same beneficial effects. Maintenance treatment after threatened preterm Key guidelines:
• Administration of one single-course of antenatal glu-
Maintenance tocolysis is not recommended for rou-
cocorticosteroids is the most important treatment to
tine practice
prevent brain injury and increase survival that can be
insufficient evidence to show whether or not oral beta-
provided by the obstetrician to patients at risk of pre-
agonists, or any other maintenance therapy will prevent
term delivery at 24–34 weeks of gestation
SPB and its consequences after SPTL. In addition, one
• Based on observational clinical and animal studies,
trial has compared subcutaneous terbutaline with pla-
betamethasone is preferable to dexamethasone
cebo: although the b-agonists delayed the next episode
• Multiple courses of corticosteroids should be avoided
of threatened labor, there is insufficient evidence for firm
• There is no direct evidence that tocolytic treatment
conclusions about the effects on other more substantive
per se might affect the risk of perinatal brain injury or
outcomes. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence for
any firm conclusions about whether or not maintenancetocolytic therapy following SPTL is worthwhile. Mainte-nance therapy cannot be recommended for routine
The role of infection and use of antibiotics in preterm labor The following investigations should be routine in most units: The administration of antepartum glucocorticoste-
1. Full blood count and group and save serum for fur-
Prolonging gestation with tocolytic therapy
allows for the administration of antepartum glucocorti-
costeroids to reduce the incidence and severity of res-
piratory distress syndrome and hence to reduce neonatal
3. High vaginal swab for culture microscopy and sen-
A single course of antepartum glucocorticoids (GC) to
4. Low vaginal swab and rectal swab to be cultured in
pregnant women, at risk of preterm delivery within
Granada or selective broth medium for Group B
7 days, should be administered between 24–34 weeks’
A meta-analysis of 18 randomized trials demonstrates
In the presence of PPROM, the ORACLE study
that antenatal corticosteroids significantly reduce the
showed that prophylactic erythromycin was of benefit
occurrence of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
but not amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (co-amoxiclav). Apart
(OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.44–0.63) and neonatal death (OR
from these two antibiotics no other antibiotics were test-
0.6, 95% CI 0.48–0.75). Furthermore, a significant reduc-
ed in the ORACLE study. Erythromycin is not active
tion of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) diagnosed both
against anerobes, Group B streptococcus (SGB), or
at autopsy (OR 0.29, 95% CI 0.14–0.61) and by ultra-
many of the organisms associated with bacterial vagi-
sound (OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.32–0.72) was shown. One
nosis. Similarly co-amoxiclav, while it is active against
single course of antenatal GC may also reduce periven-
anerobes and being of broad spectrum, may not be
tricular leukomalacia (PVL) and cerebral palsy.
active against the more fastidious organisms like Myco-
Betamethasone and dexamethasone are the two most
plasma hominis associated with bacterial vaginosis.
widely used GC for antenatal prophylaxis, but no ran-
Intrapartum chemoprophylaxis for SGB should be by
domized controlled studies exist comparing the efficacy
intravenous penicillin given intravenously at 4 h and if the
of these agents. Even though betamethasone seems to
patient is allergic to penicillin, then a combination of
affect fetal heart rate variation and fetal movements more
erythromycin and cleritromycin or clindamycin is recom-
than dexamethasone, it seems to offer several advant-
assessed as part of the ORACLE study, however.
The treatment should consist of two doses of 12 mg
Topical vaginal chlorexidine (0.5%) in gel or vaginal
betamethasone given intramuscularly 24 h apart or four
douches have been proposed and found as a valid alter-
364 Di Renzo et al., Guidelines for the management of spontaneous preterm labour
native to parental antibiotics for SGB prophylaxis or
Absolute contraindications are those in which prolon-
gation of pregnancy is contraindicated per se, e.g., clin-
Among women with PPROM, the use of antibiotics
ically apparent intrauterine infection, known lethal fetal
was associated with a statistically significant intrapartum
congenital malformation, fulminating proteinuric pre-
eclampsia and any other urgent fetomaternal indication
0.37–0.86). The numbers of babies born within 48 h (OR
0.71, 95% CI 0.58–0.87) and seven days of randomiza-
Relative contraindications are those in which a debate
tion (OR 0.80, 95% CI 0.71–0.90) were reduced, as were
exisits about the risks and benefits of intervention such
the following markers of neonatal morbidity: neonatal
as antepartum hemorrhage, ruptured membranes, non-
infection (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.53–0.87), use of surfactant
reassuring fetal heart rate pattern on cardiotocography,
(OR 0.83, 95% CI 0.72–0.96), oxygen therapy (OR 0.88,
intrauterine growth restriction, insulin-dependent diabe-
95% CI 0.81–0.96), and abnormal cerebral ultrasound
scan prior to discharge from the hospital (OR 0.82, 95%
Tocolytics should not be used if there is a significant
CI 0.68–0.98) (this meta-analysis included 12 trials and
antepartum hemorrhage, especially if there are signs and
6294 babies). The reduction of cerebral sonographic
symptoms of abruptio placentae. Following a mild bleed-
abnormalities indicates a protective effect. Antibiotic
ing due to placenta previa, it is acceptable to use toco-
treatment following PROM is recommended.
lytics because they may help to stop uterine contractionsand the stretch they induce, leading to further separationof the placenta and hemorrhage. Overall management
In the presence of ruptured membranes, tocolytics are
rarely indicated after 36 weeks’ gestation. At an earlier
As soon as the diagnosis has been reached, it is rec-
gestation, tocolytics may be administered when the risk-
ommended that neonatologists involved in management
benefit balance is in favor of delaying delivery to allow a
decisions are informed to ensure that a neonatal inten-
full course of glucocorticosteroids to be administered or
sive care cot is available on site or that an in utero trans-
arrangements to transfer the woman to a center with
fer to a center with intensive care unit facilities may be
Tocolytics to delay delivery of the preterm infant are
In the absence of clear evidence that tocolytic drugs
contraindicated when non-reassuring fetal heart rate pat-
improve outcome following preterm labor, it is reasonable
terns on cardiotocography occur in association with a
not to use them. Women who are more likely to benefit
significant hemorrhage or with signs of fetomaternal
from tocolysis are those at a still very preterm gestational
age, those needing transfer to a hospital that can provide
Well-controlled insulin-dependent diabetic women with
neonatal intensive care, or those who have not yet com-
SPTL can safely be treated with atosiban. Close moni-
pleted a full course of corticosteroids to promote fetal
toring is required in case other tocolytics are used
lung maturity. For these women, tocolytic drugs should
because both glucocorticosteroids and tocolytics are
If time permits, an ultrasound scan should be arranged
Twins and higher-order multiple births are associated
to check for fetal viability, fetal morphology, fetal number,
with a greater and expanded maternal plasma volume
fetal presentation, placental site, an estimate of fetal
and secondary hyperaldosteronism when compared with
weight and amniotic fluid volume index, all of which
singleton pregnancies. Beta-agonists are known to
might affect management. Appropriate analgesia follow-
increase both aldosterone and renin levels in twin preg-
ing discussion with an anesthetist should be arranged
nancies, which may potentiate the risk of pulmonary ede-
and opiates should be avoided, if possible, to prevent
ma. Beta-agonists are therefore contraindicated in
central fetal and neonatal respiratory depression.
multiple pregnancies, and alternative tocolytics should
If intervention is contraindicated or unsuccessful, then
be used. Also, calcium channel blockers potentiate neg-
the mode of delivery of a preterm infant should be indi-
ative effects on maternal cardiovascular balance, espe-
vidualized according to gestational age, fetal presenta-
cially in multiples, and therefore are contraindicated in
tion, number of fetuses and the presence or absence of
non-reassuring fetal heart tracing on cardiotocography. Contraindicated intervention in the management of spontaneous preterm labor References
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Repli Gen FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Vice President, Market Development (781) 419-1812 Karen A. Dawes Elected as Repligen Co-chairperson of the Board of Directors WALTHAM, MA – July 15, 2011 – Repligen Corporation (NASDAQ: RGEN) announced today that Ms. Karen A. Dawes has been elected to serve as co-chairperson of the Board of Directors along with Mr. Alexander Ri