Garlic (allicin) - Very effective antiviral. Best if fresh (raw) and crushed. Must be consumed
within 1 hour of crushing. Dosage is initially 2 to 3 cloves per day but later reduce until no body odour occurs. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID 9049657) Vitamin C - Boosts the immune system and is an antiviral by blocking the enzyme
neuraminadase. Viruses need neuraminadase to reproduce. There are anecdotal stories of people taking large amounts of Vitamin C (children ½ surviving the Spanish Flu. Research shows that it may reduce the production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. A study on 470 people involved giving the test group 1000 mg hourly for 6 hours and then 1000 mg 3 times daily after reporting flu symptoms. Symptoms decreased by 85%. (Pubmed PMID 10543583, 634178, Green Tea (possible Tamiflu/Relenza alternative)- Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the
production of the cytokine (catechins) TNF-a. Inhibits neuraminidase. May have antiviral activity that is equal to other antivirals such as Tamiflu. (Pubmed PMID 16137775) St Johns Wort (Hypericum) - Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the production of the
cytokine IL-6. Hypericum is an extract from St John’s Wort. There have been some very successful field trials in commercial flocks infected with H5N1 in Vietnam. (Pubmed PMID 7857513, 11518071, 11362353, 7857513, 11518071) Vitamin E - Immune booster. Also decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a. (Pubmed
PMID 155882360, 10929076) Experiments involved using mice. Very suitable for immune compromised people, especially the elderly. Effects enhanced when taken with Vitamin C.Apple Juice - Antiviral. Fresh apple juice including the pulp and skin has greater antiviral activity than heated commercial apple juice. More research is needed. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown. Resveratrol - Antiviral. In addition to inhibiting neuraminidase, Resveratrol also sends a message to cells to stop manufacturing viruses. This is a proven antiviral found naturally in red
wine, peanuts, mulberries, Japanese Knotwood root (richest source), raisins and red
grapes. Resveratrol supplements are relatively inexpensive, are more stable than wine and is
available in liquid form for absorption in the mouth. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID Scuttellaria (Skullcap) - Antiviral. A herb used as a tea. It has no side effects and is also a mild
tranquilliser. Research suggests neuraminidase, which is a substance needed by the H5N1 virus Cranberry Juice - Early research shows that it may be an antiviral, making viruses less able to
invade or multiply. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown. (Pubmed PMID15781126). The following substances may be best to AVOID during a H5N1 pandemic
Elderberry juice (Sambucal) - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6.
This substance is very effective against the common flu but may not be desirable for the H5N1 virus. Increases in these cytokines may trigger a lethal cytokine storm. (Isr Med Journal2002 Echinacea - AVOID - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. Although it is often
used for normal flu, research shows that it may increase the chance of cytokine storms for H5N1.


Standing orders on the stroke unit

Guidelines for Medical Care on the Stroke Unit These guidelines have been put together to aid neurologists in the medical care of stroke patients. Many of these guidelines apply to other general care for both neurological and neurosurgical patients. These guidelines are designed for the physicians. They were developed with input from residents, stroke fellows and staff neurologists. For

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Los Angeles County Department of Public Health New Flu A H1N1 Update Noon, Wednesday, May 13, 2009 New Flu A H1N1 (Previously called Swine Flu) Update Noon, Wednesday, May 13, 2009 CURRENT STATUS There are 28 confirmed cases of new flu A H1N1 in the Los Angeles County; 36 probable cases are pending confirmation (case counts exclude Long Beach and Pasadena). Public Health con

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