The science of photodisinfection has a fascinating treatment alternative as a potential tool, and then
history. Literature dates back to 1500 BC
decide which of these tools are best suited for a
describing therapy involving the placement of certain
specific problem. A patient may benefit most from
kinds of seeds on the skin which were then exposed to
a “conservative” or nonsurgical approach in one
sunlight. These seeds contained a psoralen compound,
quadrant, and a more “invasive” or surgical approach
which has since been shown to be a photosensitizing
in another. From a clinical perspective, the critical
compound. Since that time, there are numerous
determining factor is the treatment (or treatments)
conditions which have been shown to benefit from
that will ultimately serve the patient best.
the therapeutic effects of lights such as psoriasis and newborn jaundice. In the early 1990’s, it was found
that photosensitisers could be used in conjunction with light to kill microorganisms, and indeed bacteria,
yeasts and viruses can be inactivated in this way.
As evidenced in the periodontal literature, the beneficial
Cationic sensitisers have been proven to kill both gram
effects of scaling and root planing in the treatment of
positive and gram negative bacteria in the presence of
chronic periodontitis have been extensively studied
and validated. The reduction of clinical inflammation,
The following is a case report utilizing
microbial shifts to a less pathogenic flora, decreased
photodisinfection with FotoSan for treatment of
probing depth of periodontal pockets, a gain in the
chronic periodontitis in an isolated periodontal defect.
clinical attachment, and a diminished progression of disease, are amongst these benefits.
Clinical options for treating periodontal
Generally, clinical soft-tissue conditions improve
following nonsurgical treatment. However, some
Traditionally, the treatment of periodontal diseases is
intraoral sites do not re spond to this initial therapy
composed of two distinct phases. The initial therapy,
and may benefit from a surgical approach. Surgical
or nonsurgical phase, consists of procedures that
access can facilitate mechanical instrumentation
are specifically designed to eliminate or control the
of the roots, reduce probing depths significantly,
various risk factors, which may contribute to chronic
and even regenerate or reconstruct lost periodontal
periodontitis. In this phase, hygienists provide oral
tissues. Clinical trials indicate that both surgical
hygiene instruction and periodic reinforcement;
and nonsurgical therapy approaches can effectively
perform sub and supra-gingival debridement to
stabilize clinical attachment levels1.
remove microbial plaque and calculus; treat or remove
Each of these therapeutic modes has various
local irritation factors such as decay, overhangs,
advantages and drawbacks. A nonsurgical mechanical
ill-contoured crowns, and misaligned teeth; and
approach may be deemed more conservative. However,
recommend the use of various antimicrobial agents
it may have limited efficacy in advanced diseased sites
as adjuncts to the above treatments. If the initial
since it does not fully eliminate pathogenic bacteria
therapy does not significantly improve the periodontal
from all infected areas; in particular, bacteria in
condition, periodontal surgery is considered in order
deeper pockets and furcation areas2. Flap reflection is
to help re solve the disease process and/or assist in the
considered more invasive, but can be more effective in
correction of anatomic defects. A variety of surgical
increasing the clinician’s ability to debride the roots in
modalities may be appropriate in managing an
these difficult areas2. Osseous surgery has been shown
to produce an even greater reduction of probing depths,
In selecting periodontal treatment modalities,
but on the other hand, results in more extensive
the dental professional should closely examine each
pock ets, increased clinical reattachment,
be considered a less invasive approach10.
during periodontal surgery to “disinfect”
identified as chronic periodontitis are the
areas that may be difficult to instrument
result of a complex chain of events that
(such as furcations), particularly prior to
bacteria in the gingival sulcus, and in due
course leads to a series of destructive host
been used in various medical applications
which is elicited by the bacteria in the
gingival tissue, is ultimately responsible
attachment of the tooth to the underlying
process can cause the tooth to loosen, and
which causes cell destruction of targeted
in a selected periodontal defect within 60
in 1989. Today, there are several hundred
peer-reviewed, preclinical studies written
photosensitizing solution (Toludine Blue O)
which selectively binds to the periodontal
periodontal health is generally associated
effectiveness of photodynamic disinfection
with the reduction in the levels of these
against various pathogens associated with
cells. The second step is illumination of
anaerobic bacteria in the dental plaque6.
this site with the light diffusing tip from
primarily on reducing the bacterial load
photodisinfection is the targeting and the
elimination of the bacteria most responsible
for the progression of periodontal disease.
nonsurgical procedures, with the occasional
(without the need for anesthetic) into the
anti microbial agents in certain situations.
periodontal pocket. The dye binds to the
lipopolysaccharides and lipids found on the
forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum and
cell walls of both gram-negative and gram-
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans.
positive bacteria. Because of a difference
procedures. Their use is limited, due to
in thick ness of the peptidoglycan layer in
negative bacteria are also inactivated.
the emergence of re sistant bacteria, the
their cell walls, gram-negative bacteria
development of potential hypersensitivity
take up the methylene blue stain faster.
to administer. However, there are certain
maximal efficacy. It is essential to flood
frequency matches that of the molecule of
the periodontal pocket to be treated with
antimicrobial agents directly at the site of
hit the dye molecules, they initiate the
little solution will adversely affect the
infection (in the periodontal pocket) have
photodynamic chain of events. The oxygen
results. The required irradiation time is
been shown to improve treatment efficacy,
molecules surrounding the dye are caused
one minute and must be valued. Too little
to lose an electron, and thus become free
radicals. The free oxygen radicals are toxic
to the bacterial cell walls and disrupt them,
be treated individually. Results are better
leading to the destruction of the bacteria.
profusely. Excessive bleeding can dilute
the photosensitizing solution. If a patient
is bleeding extensively after mechanical
collagenases, and lipopolysaccharides are
it not only kills gram-negative bacteria
inactivated, resulting in a re duced host
for photodisinfection. Some tissue sites
associated with periodontal disease, but
respond considerably better when treated
are responsible for tissue destruction, thus
greatly improving a patient’s chances of
healing8. FotoSan is also non-antibiotic,
and a result, does not carry any risks of
promoting antibiotic resistance9. In clinical
in a significant reduction of the clinical
trials, those patients receiving FotoSan
debridement of the root is essential prior
treatment in conjunction with scaling and
to the application of the photodisinfection
suppuration, bleeding on probing, oedema,
root planing (SRP) experienced significant
and in the probing depths of pockets. For
therapies may result in a decreased need
these patients, it was noted that while the
SRP only: these benefits included shallower
for surgical intervention, and can therefore
soft-tissue re cession was not significant.
received periodontal therapy (surgical and/
should provide exciting new opportunities
or nonsurgical), but were still exhibiting
a lesser reduction of probing depths but
Disinfection of class II and III furcation
a very significant reduction of bleeding
Sarah Holslag has worked in the dental industry
on probing. Since the lack of bleeding on
for many years as a dental assistant and now as a dental hygienist. Sarah’s hygiene career has
probing is one the few reliable indicators
included private and specialist practice, public health,
corporate, continuing education and dental hygiene
percentage of bleeding sites is a desirable
education. A graduate of Tafe SA in South Australia
FotoSan represents a novel and effective
outcome even when the changes in probing
with an Advanced Diploma in Oral Health (Dental
Hygiene), Sarah is currently embarking on the task of
conjunction with standard scaling and root
a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene at Northern Arizona University, being the first Australian to be
accepted into a bachelor program in the USA. Sarah
currently practices clinical dental hygiene where she
disease. Its nonsurgical profile improves
has gained extensive experience in the management
of complex periodontal cases, aesthetics, implants
the process more attractive to patients. Its
and the clinical application of lasers in soft tissue
ease of use makes it suitable for hygienists.
THE CASEA 49 year-old male with localised chronic periodontitis with an acute localised infection, presented for an emergency appointment to treat an acute periodontal infection with an isolated chronic 10 mm pocket with heavy bleeding on probing (BOP) and exudate on the distal of the maxillary left canine with a draining sinus present on the buccal attached mucosa. He was a non-smoker in poor general health with no known
allergies. His medical history included: Chronic Urticaria, bronchial asthma, reflux, eczema, anxiety, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension. He is currently taking
lipitor, lopid, losec, micardis, nasonex
were performed consisting of power-driven
maxillary right canine one week later due
to heavy bleeding in the distal and palatal
precluding possible surgical intervention
from the practice for a period of two years
aspect. Five days later, scaling and root
where he had previously been referred to
a periodontist but had not attended.
with FotoSan was performed on the affected
supra gingivally with a blunt FotoSan tip.
erythema, mild cyanosis, rolled gingival
margins and a ‘thickened’ soft tissue
eliminate residual periodontal pathogens
on probing in the treatment site. Clinical
in the affected site and so avoid the need
evaluation at this time revealed reduced
with no evidence of a vertical fracture.
healed and no exudate present. Oral hygiene
were repeated, again consisting of power-
local photodisinfection utilising FotoSan.
Surgical treatment options were discussed
planing, followed immediately by a second
continue with a nonsurgical approach.
It’s called a contact entrance wound. When the gun barrel rests flush with the skin, the propellant gases get forced into the subcutaneous tissues. The molecular imperative of those gases is to expand: When expelled, they blow the flesh surrounding the exit point open in an X, or star pattern. The gun was an M1911 single-action recoil. The slug was a .45 cali-ber ACP, a significant upgrade
*All info as at 31 May 2009 unless otherwise stated. GOLDEN WORLDWIDE EQUITY FUND (Easi-Investor) FACTSHEET – May 2009 Asset Allocation* Fund Objective The Fund (feeding into UOBAM United International Breakdown by Country (in %)* Growth Fund) seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation and regular income through investing in shares of companies listed on global emergin