A Survey of Reliable Multicast Communication
Adrian Popescu, Doru Constantinescu, David Erman, Dragos Ilie
Dept. of Telecommunication SystemsAbstract— The paper reports on recent developments and
of the most important issues to be considered in reliable multi-
challenges in reliable multicast communication, with special focus
cast communication. Section IV describes the main solutions
on reliable multicast communication at the application layer.
existent today for reliable multicast communication. Finally,
The foundation of reliable multicast communication is given by several components, which are multicast communication, congestion control and error control. Our paper is providing a survey of these mechanisms in multicast environments.
Multicast communication represents the operation of send-
Group communication has emerged as one of the most
ing a packet to a group of recipients, which may be scattered
important developments in Internet. Video conferencing, mul-
throughout the Internet. A single SEND operation is used in
timedia distribution, online gaming and long-distance educa-
this case to deliver copies of packets to all receivers. The
tion are today some of the most popular Internet applications,
source address is a unicast address, whereas the destination
which generate large amounts of traffic. To support these ap-
address is a group address of some specific type.
plications, reliable multicast communication is a prerequisite.
Unlike broadcasting, multicasting allows every member to
The purpose is to provide efficient and reliable communication
choose whether to be part of the multicast group or not.
services among a number of users, who are members of a
Multicasting is a way to reduce network load and end-to-end
(e2e) delay. It can be used in conjunction with caching to
Traditional multicast communication demands for the pres-
improve the scalability and delivery performance. Multicasting
ence of a multicast group, together with associated facilities
is therefore most beneficial to users that source the information
for reliable multicast communication, to which the users can
as well as to ISPs and carriers. However, efficient multicast
subscribe and participate. Even though IP multicasting was
communication demands for special capabilities and specific
introduced twenty years ago [14], it is still not widely available
algorithms at various layers of the protocol stack. As a
as an open Internet service. Problems related to per-group
minimum, a multicast service should provide several basic
state maintaining, scalability, reliability, congestion control
and security have been postponing the wide deployment ofIP multicast.
On the other hand, other solutions have been developed
for multicast service, to compensate for the above-mentioned
limitations, e.g., MBone [18]. MBone provides an overlay
network, which connects IP multicast capable islands by using
The goal is to satisfy users, network operators and content
unicast tunnel connections. Furthermore, other developments
related to, e.g., video distribution and long-distance education,has further pushed the research and development of new
alternative solutions for multicast, which are implemented atthe application layer.
Multicasting has been implemented at different layers in
Our paper is a survey on current solutions for multicast
the protocol stack, i.e., physical layer, network layer and
communication as well as on solutions for the provision of
application layer [20], [27], [32]. Today, some of the most
reliable communication in this context. By reliable multicast
communication we mean a type of multicast communication
that has included facilities of error and congestion control.
The rest of the paper is as follows. Section II provides a
Application layer (AL) multicast of type Peer-to-Peer
survey of multicast communication. Section III presents some
This work has been done within the research project ”Routing in Overlay
AL multicast of type Overlay multicast (OM)
Networks (ROVER)”, granted in 2006 by the EuroNGI NoE.
AL multicast of type Waypoint multicast (WM)
1) Physical layer multicast: A good practice used in mul-
itself is relieved of these responsibilities, and only needs to
ticast is that hosts receive and process only packets that are
provide the basic stateless, unicast, best-effort delivery. The
addressed to them. This can be done at the link layer. This is
architecture therefore decouples multicasting from the unicast
because every packet received by a network interface causes
routing infrastructure, which gives important advantages in
an interrupt in the device driver. This may generate further
terms of ease of deployment and flexibility. However, AL
processing at higher layers. A good solution could be in this
multicast faces a number of challenges related to routing,
case to use the so-called ”multicast filters”, to add multicast
efficiency, reliability and scalability, which must be solved in
facilities at network interfaces, and to distribute data locally in
a LAN environment [32]. This solution is known as physical
Over the last years, AL multicast has been the subject of
layer multicast (PHY multicast). The performance of PHY
much research and development, in spite of relative drawbacks
multicast is however limited, especially due to the lack of
like inherently being less efficient than IP multicast in using
flexibility. A better solution could be in this case to use a
network resources (packet duplication on unicast links cannot
mapping between IP multicast or application layer multicast
be eliminated), soft QoS guarantees and increased complexity
of the end system [12], [20], [27]. Furthermore, by means
2) IP multicast: Multicast facilities can be provided at the
of cross-layer communication, the overlay network can be
IP level as well. The ”IP multicast” solution (fig. 1(a)) is a
organized such as to provide topology-aware multicasting.
solution originally put forth by Steve Deering in 1989 [14].
Using various techniques, end hosts may collect information
IP multicast provides support for both efficient group manage-
from IP routers to build up more efficient AL multicast
ment and efficient packet forwarding through the network. It is
networks and to reduce packet duplication.
based on an open service model, which does not restrict users
We distinguish three categories of AL multicast, namely
to create or join multicast groups. Furthermore, senders are not
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) multicast, Overlay Multicast (OM) and
required to belong to a multicast group. The Internet Group
Management Protocol (IGMP/IGMPv2/IGMPv3) is used in
4) P2P multicast: P2P multicast means that there are only
connection with IP multicasting to allow a multicast router
end hosts that handle the basic functions (group membership,
to learn the addresses associated with networks attached to it
addressing and routing), whereas in the case of OM multicast
and to allow hosts to announce interest in receiving multicast
there are a number of strategically deployed overlay proxy
to edge routers [23]. The group management protocol is an
nodes used to back-up the end hosts. P2P networking was orig-
integral part of the IP layer in all hosts and routers that
inally designed for information sharing and messaging (e.g.,
support multicasting. Furthermore, other important questions
Napster, Gnutella) and it offers several important advantages
are those regarding the multicast source type (e.g., Any-Source
in terms of, e.g., self-scaling, which means that when more
Multicast, Source Specific Multicast), multicast addressing and
end hosts join the multicast group more bandwidth is supplied
multicast routing (e.g., SBR, Steiner Tree, PIM) [12].
[20]. The price however is in terms of dependence on host
IP multicast has important advantages that significantly
bandwidth and loosely coupled relationships among the peers
improve efficiency in content distribution. These are effective
(with impact on QoS). Other important advantages are related
when the physical media is broadcast in nature, and also
to flexibility and lack of dependence on the unicast routing
efficient utilization of link bandwidth and efficient content
infrastructure. Furthermore, a specific challenge is in this case
replication. Altogether, one can state that IP multicast is well
the need to handle the presence of high churn rates in P2P
suited for large-scale content distribution, especially for live,
networks [15], [43]. An important consequence of high churn
rates is that the topology is very dynamic, which makes it
The openess of the model may however create serious
difficult to provide hard QoS guarantees.
problems with the consequence that there is a real risk that
5) OM multicast: OM multicast has an alternative archi-
the global deployment of IP multicast may be postponed
tectural solution, which means that the content is distributed
indefinitely [38]. Other important issues are related to the
to proxy servers located close to end hosts. The group of
need to support per group state in routers (with impact on
proxy servers are organized into an overlay network to provide
scalability), problems related to class D addresses (lack of
delivery service to end hosts. Better performance can be of-
hierarchy, limited number of addresses, long-term transition to
fered here in terms of, e.g., maximized bandwidth, minimized
IPv6), security problems and business-related problems (e.g.,
latency/jitter, improved accessibility [36], [37]. Akamai is
lack of standards for charging of multicast services).
perhaps the best example of a Content Distribution Network
3) AL multicast: Another solution for multicast is to pro-
(CDN) provider that is using this model for video streaming
vide multicast communication at the application layer (so-
delivery [1], [26]. Multicast networks are composed in this
called AL multicast), and to use the unicast transport facilities
case by multiple Points of Presence (PoP) with clusters (so-
offered by TCP and UDP. Operations related to group mem-
called Surrogate Servers) that maintain copies of identical
bership, addressing and multicast routing are implemented
content, thus providing better balance between cost for content
in this case at the application layer on the end hosts of
providers and QoS for customers. CDN nodes are deployed in
a network. Application specific intelligence can be used to
multiple locations, placed in different backbones all over the
develop efficient multicast services. Consequently, the network
world. They cooperate with each other, transparently moving
A fundamental goal of the process of building the multicast
group is to create a loop-free topology to serve, e.g., contentdistribution to members participating in the group. A logicaldistribution tree is constructed, which is rooted at the source. Depending upon the relationship among nodes, they can bepartitioned into two main categories, i.e., parents and children.
The process of building the multicast group is a sophisti-
cated one, especially in the case of AL multicast. There are
a number of fundamental steps that must be considered insuch a process, i.e., peer discovery, neighbor selection, parentselection and group maintenance [16].
Several performance metrics have been defined to charac-
terize the multicast communication service and impacts on thenetwork [17], [44]. The most important metrics are:
Link stress, in terms of number of identical packets aphysical link carries.
Link stretch, also called relative delay penalty. This isthe ratio of delay between two nodes along the overlaydistribution topology to delay of the direct unicast path.
Resource usage, in terms of the sum of the delay ∗stressproduct over all participating links.
Time to first packet, which is the time required for a new
member to start receiving data after joining a group.
Losses, which is the average number of packet lossesafter an ungraceful failure of a single participating node.
Robustness to changing network conditions.
The algorithms for topology creation can be implemented
in different ways, each of them with different advantages and
content to optimize the delivery process and to provide users
the most current content. The optimization process may result,
e.g., in reducing the bandwidth cost, improving availability and
Centralized algorithms, with partial or full membership
The client-server communication flow is replaced at OM
Distributed, self-organizing algorithms, which differ inthe way the topology is created (e.g., mesh first, tree first)
by two communication flows, namely one between the originserver and the surrogate server and the other between the sur-
Desired features of such an algorithm are good perfor-
rogate server and the client. Requests for content delivery are
mance (not much worse than IP multicast), scalability, ease
intelligently directed to nodes that are optimal with reference
of deployment, robustness (respond well to changing network
to some parameter of interest, e.g., minimum number of hops,
conditions), quick and fair response to changing conditions of
or networks, away from the requester. However, questions
group membership and security. Today, most group construc-
related to QoS provision, content multicasting and multipath
tion algorithms seem to be distributed and self-organizing such
routing heavily complicate the picture.
as to reduce the stress on the source node and to allow for goodscalability performance [20]. 6) WM multicast: An alternative solution for AL multi-
Another important algorithm, which takes over after the
casting is given by the Waypoint Multicast (WM) solution,
multicast group is constructed, is performance-aware adapta-
as described in [10], [20]. Waypoint nodes are specific nodes
tion of the e2e performance function to dynamics of multicast
existent in a pool of common resources, which may be invoked
group and changing network conditions.
to temporarily enter a multicast group and to provide the
There are several strategies to construct AL multicast over-
lacking bandwidth needed at the specific moment to support all
multicast hosts. These nodes can be statically or dynamically
provisioned. The behavior of a waypoint node is similar to
that of an end host (as used in P2P multicast), the advantage
however is given in this case by higher degree of flexibility
1) Mesh-based overlays: The mesh-based approach means
at different rates, i.e., multirate video streams [13], [29]. Each
that the nodes are organized in a mesh topology, where
of these streams can be independently decoded and the content
every node has knowledge of a set of other nodes, called
reproduced with different QoS degrees, depending upon the
neighbors. An important feature is that there is more than
one path available for communication between an arbitrary
Besides content replication, another useful concept is con-
pair of nodes and neighbors are cooperating to exchange the
tent decomposition. In such a case, a raw video sequence is
content according to some predefined cooperation strategy.
compressed into several non-overlapping video streams (so-
This means that alternative paths already exist without the
called ”layers”), and dedicated tree/mesh topologies can be
need to reconstruct the path between two nodes in case of
used in the multiple tree/mesh overlay to carry the specific
negative events, e.g., path crashes. Another positive feature is
streams [13], [29]. The receiver can selectively subscribe to a
that this offers advantages with respect to routing stability as
number of layers based on the resources it has, e.g., in terms of
available bandwidth. QoS can in this case be improved when
The main drawback of the mesh-based approach is related to
more streams are received and decoded together.
difficulties in constructing loop-free forwarding paths among
There are two categories of layering schemes. These are the
group members. Other drawbacks are the increase of link
cumulative layering and the non-cumulative layering. Cumula-
stress, complexity of algorithms needed for cooperation strat-
tive layering means that one layer has the highest importance
egy as well as for chunk selection strategy [2].
and contains the parts of content (e.g., video) with most
2) Tree-based overlays: The tree-based approach means
important features. Additional layers are called enhancement
that a specific algorithm is used to build up a tree topology
layers and contain parts of content that progressively refine
such that a single path is established between two arbitrary
the quality of reconstructed content. On the other hand, non-
nodes. Two of the most popular algorithms are the recursive
cumulative layering means that all layers have equal impor-
algorithm and the clustering algorithm [17]. In the case of the
tance in content reconstruction and any set of layers can be
recursive algorithm, a newcomer node first contacts the tree
used for this purpose. The flexibility is therefore higher in the
root, and selects then the best node among the children of the
root node with respect to some reference set of parameters.
The multiple tree/mesh approach offers the advantage of
This procedure is repeated until an appropriate parent is finally
reducing the impact of network and group dynamics by using
selected. The clustering algorithm first creates a hierarchy of
decomposition and redundancy. The price is in terms of TCP
clusters, and then newcomers recursively cross it to find the
non-friendliness, scalability, and responsiveness. Intensive re-
search is therefore done to solve these problems [29].
Some interesting tree-based architectures are [2], [6]:
4) Ring and multi-ring overlays: Another solution for
Linear architecture, where clients are organized in a chain
group communication is ring and multi-ring overlays. These
architectures have significant advantages over mesh and tree
Tree distribution with outdegree (k T reek), where clients
overlays in terms of reliability, survivability and security [46].
are organized in a tree with an outdegree k and an interior
Tree- and mesh-based architectures have inherent flow and
node in the tree serves k clients simultaneously.
congestion control problems, especially in the case of using
Forest of parallel trees (P T reek), where a specific con-
the traditional ACK reliability-based error control [32]. On
tent is first split into k parts, each part is then distributed
the other hand, ring and multi-ring overlays have advantages
over an independent tree rooted at the server, and finally
in terms of inherent reliability and single fault tolerance. This
the content is reconstructed at the receiver.
is because of the ring-based topology itself, where packets
The tree-based approach is especially advantageous for one-
are easily looped back to the sender. Another advantage is
to-many multicast communication, which is typical for content
given by the low number of ACKs needed in this case. There
distribution networks. This means that, e.g., a content provider
are even situations where no ACKs are needed to provide a
first sends the content to the root node for further distribution
successful communication. This is because the original packets
to multicast nodes. This is the typical communication model
are easily looped back to the sender in the case of successful
used in IP multicast, although larger amounts of data can
be transported in the case of AL multicast. Compared to IP
Ring and multi-ring group communication have the draw-
multicast, the AL multicast has the drawback of larger amount
back of longer communication paths and, accordingly, larger
of resources needed to provide the multicast communication
delays and jitter. Furthermore, another possible drawback is
service as well as the risk of inefficient use of available
related to scalability, but this can be improved by building up
hierarchical architectures of smaller multi-rings interconnected
3) Multiple tree/mesh overlays: The multiple tree/mesh
together to replace large single rings [46].
approach represents an attempt to open up the bottlenecks
of the above-described architectural solutions and to remove
(DHTs) is an approach developed with the purpose to effi-
so the limitations of the mesh- and tree-based approaches
ciently construct a tree such as to solve the problem of receiver
[20]. The fundamental concept is to use a specific codec that
scalability and efficient location of data items [8], [39]. The
generates replicated (video) streams for the same content, but
fundamental concept is to develop a distributed infrastructure
to provide hash-table functionality on Internet-like scales. A
decentralized algorithm is used for this. Hash table semantics
There are two possibilities for doing error correction.
are exposed in this case over a multicast group of nodes.
These are retransmission of corrupted data and the use of
Every node may insert or retrieve a value associated with a
parity packets in data, i.e., the so-called Forward Error
key. Ideally, the keys and the associated values are uniformly
distributed across all nodes. The exact distribution of keys and
Where to perform error and congestion control in a
values is highly dependent on the hashing function employed
in the specific DHT. The basic operations of insertion, lookup
There are two possibilities to do error and congestion
and deletion of (key, value) pairs can be performed in a DHT
control mechanisms in multicast communication. These
network. A routing algorithm is also used to allow any node
are hop-by-hop and end-to-end mechanisms.
to route to the node associated with a specific key.
What type of congestion control mechanism to use?
DHTs have been shown to provide scalable routing and
Depending upon the regulating parameter, there are four
indexing, robustness and low latency properties. DHT is par-
mechanisms for doing congestion control in multicast
ticularly advantageous for large scale distribution networks,
environments. These are the window-based, rate-based,
e.g., simulation studies have shown latencies that are less than
layer-based and local recovery-based mechanisms.
twice the IP path latency in case of networks with 260 000
How to do congestion control in a fair way to competing
nodes [39]. An important drawback is however sensibility to
How to develop scalable solutions for error and conges-tion control in multicast communication?
How to open up the performance bottleneck related
Due to diverse and challenging conditions, reliable multicast
to cachability and cache consistency, which limits the
communication has been shown to be a difficult task [24].
Reliable multicast communication is requested to perform wellunder the conditions of heterogeneity of nodes (in terms of,
Depending upon the specific situation and conditions for
e.g., different processing capacities) and of the transmission
multicast communication (e.g., IP multicast, AL multicast),
channel (in terms of bandwidth, loss and delay characteris-
different solutions can be used that are suitable for the specific
tics), heterogeneity of content (static content, dynamic content
case. Furthermore, another important parameter that influences
and streaming media) with different characteristics and QoS
the mechanisms developed for error and congestion control
requirements in distribution, and also other specific conditions
is related to the delivery service model used in case of
(e.g., scalability, group dynamics and particular limitations in
content distribution. There are three delivery service models
the effectiveness of caching). Appropriate protocols should be
designed for error and congestion control in a multicast com-
munication scenario, which are able to provide the requested
This is a synchronous service model, where a sender
performance in terms of, e.g., error rate, delay and fairness to
initiates concurrent delivery to all receivers in the group
competing traffic flows on shared links.
and the receivers are supposed to be ready before the
There are several issues that must be addressed by such
transmission begins. The goal is to minimize the syn-
chronization between the sender and the set of receivers.
Where to perform loss detection in a multicast commu-
Various mechanisms for session announcements, session
management and receiver reports can be used in combina-
Loss detection can be done either at the sender or at the
tion with this service model. The push model is particu-
larly attractive for satellite and wireless communications.
There are two types of feedback messages that can
This service model is particularly attractive for the dis-
be used, namely positive acknowledgments (ACKs) and
tribution of popular content. The content is continu-
ously multicasted to receivers by using some specific
distribution mechanism such that the receivers may join
There are two alternative solutions possible in this case.
the group, download the content and leave the group
These are either via unicast communication back to
whenever they want. The performance is independent of
sender or via multicast communication to all members
loss patterns and session joining time. The service is
scalable as well, although non real-time.
Who is responsible for retransmitting in case of corrupted
This service model is typically used for delivering of
In the case of multicast communication, data retransmis-
audio and video content. Streaming objects are usually
sion can be done from three different places. These are the
much larger than Web objects and the consequence is
sender, one of the receivers and one of the intermediate
that timeliness is more important than the transmission
nodes that has a copy of the original data.
reliability. Delay jitter between servers and clients is
also more important than, e.g., compared to Web content
feedback implosion when the feedback from all receivers may
delivery. Furthermore, the streaming service does not
overwhelm the sources and links close to source [28].
typically lend itself to caching, and the consequence is
Another limitation of window-based regulation is related to
that there is a need for closer cooperation between the
fairness, i.e., the risk that other TCP sessions are driven into
producers of content and the content delivery network.
The problem of reliable multicast communication refers to
As mentioned above, content replication and content decom-
both IP multicast communication and AL multicast commu-
position can be used in combination with a multiple tree/mesh
nication. Just like the case of a unicast communication that
topology to provide multicast communication. In such a case,
may require TCP on top of IP unicast, a multicast application
a raw video sequence can be compressed into several non-
may require a reliable multicast communication on top of
overlapping video streams (so-called ”layers”), and dedicated
IP multicast. Techniques similar to those used by TCP for
tree/mesh topologies can be used in the multiple tree/mesh
unicast communication can be used for multicast communi-
overlay to carry the specific streams.
cation as well, e.g., window-based congestion control, use
A particular feature of layer-based congestion control is that
of sequence numbers, positive acknowledgments. There are
this is a receiver-based approach. This means that it is the
however significant differences, in the sense that mechanisms
receiver that autonomously decides whether to subscribe to
for reliable multicast communication should be able to handle,
the multicast group or not. Based on the available resources,
in a scalable manner, highly heterogeneous receivers and to
the receiver may also decide on how many layers to subscribe
cope with highly dynamic network conditions.
to or to drop. Each receiver should also detect packet lost on
There are several important questions related to reliable and
the way to it, and to adapt the window size or nominal rate. In
scalable multicast communication, like for instance:
some specific cases, the receiver should determine the RoundTrip Time (RTT) from the source as well.
What is the best place for controlling network congestion,
Examples of implementations of layer-based congestion
control are the Asynchronous Layered Coding (ALC) [24],
What is the most suitable regulation parameter for mul-
Receiver-driven Layered Control (RLC) [45] and Layered
ticast communication, window-based or rate-based?
Video Multicast Retransmission (LVMR) [30].
What is the best implementation for congestion and error
In spite of some difficulties (e.g., TCP non-friendliness,
control in AL multicast communication, hop-by-hop or
scalability problems), the layer-based congestion control
mechanism offers advantages with reference to scalability and
The goal of a reliable multicast communication is to de-
the heterogeneity that may exist in a multicast group, e.g., in
sign scalable mechanisms for congestion and error control
terms of network bandwidth. Depending upon the available
in multicast environments with similar behavior as TCP, and
local resources, a client may subscribe to a particular number
to allow fairness in resource sharing. Some of the most
of layers irrespective of the other clients. This mechanism is
popular congestion control mechanisms used in multicast
also advantageous with reference to the heterogeneity in user
communication are window-based congestion control, layer-
behavior and to solving the fundamental conflict existent in a
based congestion control, rate-based congestion control, and
multicast group between the asynchronous behavior of users
local recovery based protocols [3], [12], [16], [24], [32].
and the synchronous nature of multicast communication. A. Window-based congestion control
The window-based regulation has three important limita-
The rate-based regulation is, in principle, a mechanism
tions with impact on scalability. One of them is given by the
that keeps the instantaneous rate generated by the sender
need to enforce N different window sizes and monitor the
or received by the receiver below a specific level. The fun-
amount of outstanding Transport Protocol Data Units (TPDUs)
damental concept of enforcement of rate as the regulation
to each of the N receivers. Furthermore, there is a real risk
parameter is identical for both cases of unicast and multicast
of acknowledgment implosion when using TCP for multicast
communications. The regulation algorithms can however be
communication where a few number of receivers experiencing
high packet loss may trigger repeated retransmissions and
This difference is especially important for the model-based
slow down the entire multicast session. The sender is then
case, where the feedback represents some measurement result
forced to process a large number of acknowledgments from
for some parameter that is used in model calculations. Ap-
several group members only with the consequence that the
propriate metrics for the evaluation of multicast traffic must
sender may become a bottleneck for the whole multicast
therefore be defined [9] as well as other parameters, like the
group. This also has negative impacts on scalability, and is
definition of fairness for rate-based regulation [41]. On the
known as the ”crying baby problem” [22]. Another important
other hand, in the case of increase/decrease algorithm, the
problem is related to the need for good dimensioning of the
feedback simply acknowledges whether there is congestion in
group resources such as to reduce or eliminate the risk for
Rate-based congestion control can be partitioned into sev-
The mathematical foundation behind FEC is linear algebra
eral classes, depending upon the place where the control
over finite fields [11], [16], [19]. The n original segments are
mechanism is implemented. These are [12]:
viewed as the coefficients of a polynomial function of degree(n
Source-based congestion control, where the source ad-
− 1). Redundant segments can be generated by evaluating
justs the transmission rate based on the information
the polynomial function at m different points. Any n out of the
received from the multicast receivers and/or based on
m values fully specifies the polynomial, effectively regenerat-
ing its coefficients. Two popular codes are the Reed-Solomoncode and the Tornado code [16]. Furthermore, FEC-based
Receiver-based congestion control, which is generallyused in combination with layer-based multicast commu-
packet recovery in the context of multicast communication can
be done by inserting parity packets within a stream or acrossa combination of streams [26].
Hybrid congestion control, where both the source andthe receivers are participating in the congestion control
E. Reliable AL multicast communication
mechanism by reducing the rate (at the source) and thelayer subscription level (at the receivers), based upon the
Overlay networks are opening for new facilities in multicast
communication, the price however can be in terms of increasedlatency and also the risk for lower efficiency in resource
TCP friendliness is achieved at rate-based mechanisms by
utilization. Another important issue is regarding the reliable
forcing the transmission rate to match a throughput that is
multicast communication. Usually, this can be achieved by
”TCP compatible”, i.e., as given by the formula derived in
applying TCP on the edges of a connection. Although this is
[35]. A ”TCP compatible” flow is defined as a flow that
a feasible solution, the price however can be high in form of,
is responsive to congestion notification. Furthermore, this
flow does not use, in steady state, more bandwidth than a
AL multicast communication opens for more possibilities
conformant TCP flow running under comparable conditions
to do congestion and error control in a multicast group.
with reference to, e.g., loss rate, RTT, packet size.
There are two classes of control mechanisms in AL multicast
Because of the acknowledgment implosion problem asso-
communication, which are acting on end-to-end paths and hop-
ciated with the window-based regulation, most of implemen-
tations for reliable multicast communication use a rate-based
End-to-end mechanisms means that congestion and error
regulation mechanism to control and regulate the traffic [12],
control are done on a end-to-end basis, irrespective of the
number of hops. Congestion and error control mechanisms as
D. Error control in multicast environments
those described above can be used in this case for reliablemulticast communication.
Traditionally, error control mechanisms may use several
On the other hand, hop-by-hop mechanisms means that
techniques, and the most popular approaches are [12], [24]:
congestion and error controls are done on a hop-by-hop basis
Automatic Repeat ReQuest (ARQ) schemes, which use
in an AL multicast group. An end-to-end path may consist
acknowledgments, timers and retransmissions.
of several hops, each of which may include multiple unicast
Forward Error Correction (FEC) algorithms, which en-
able packet loss recovery at the destination provided that
Hop-by-hop reliable AL multicast communication has been
a specific number of packets are received non-corrupted.
shown to considerably reduce the average latency and jitter of
Error Resilient Source Coding (ERSC), which is used to
reliable communication [4]. This approach has also the advan-
conceal possible errors at the receiver.
tage that it localizes congestion and error control mechanisms
These error control mechanisms are suitable for specific
to a specific subset of nodes and links in the overlay network.
applications and they can be used in connection with TCP or
By this, loss recovery is localized, thus reducing the overall
UDP. Delay-insensitive multicast applications (e.g., multicast
link stress for packet retransmissions. Another advantage is
bulk data transfer) have different time delivery requirements
related to TCP friendliness, which can easily be implemented
when compared to delay-sensitive multicast applications (e.g.,
in this case. The overhead induced by the hop-by-hop approach
video distribution). For instance, in the case of multimedia
have been shown to be insignificant [4].
distribution, reliable multicast communication means that the
A possible drawback could however be the difficulties in
delivery must be done reliably but also timely. FEC-based error
applying the hop-by-hop scheme to global Internet due to
recovery is therefore preferable for this kind of application.
scalability and interoperability issues.
FEC erasure correction restores corrupted packets by using
other redundant packets [16]. There is also another form of
FEC, so-called corruption correction, which corrects a cor-
The paper has presented a survey on current solutions for
rupted packet by using redundant information encoded within
reliable multicast communication with emphasis on applica-
the packet. Only erasure correction is relevant to transport
tion layer multicast. These topics are subject for research
protocols, because unrecoverable corruption is transformed
within the research project ”Routing in Overlay Networks
into erasure by the link or network layer.
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DIAGNOSIS OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI It is very important that prior to any testing (except the blood test) for H.pylori , you have not takenany antibiotics or Pepto Bismol for one month, Losec for one week, or Pepsid, Zantac, Axid, orTagamet for 24 hours before the tests are done. To decide which is the best treatment for H.pylori , it may be necessary to do an endoscopy andtake a biopsy (a
MEDIA LAW SEMINAR – SPRING 2014 LAW 851.511 Mondays, 1:30-4:15 p.m., AL109 Syllabus Instructor: Prof. Eric B. Easton Texts: Lively et al., First Amendment Anthology ; Friendly, Minnesota Rag ; Lewis, Make No Law ; Lessig, Code v. 2.0 ; Netanel, Copyright’s Paradox . Readings to be assigned. Office: AL526 Office Hours: Monday 4:15-5:15 p.m.; any time by appointm