Dean Park wishes to thank the District of North Saanich
for the cleaning up and maintenance of the boulevards in our
Please contact Brian Robinson at the District of North
cul de sacs. This makes each one more attractive and im-
Saanich office if you become aware of trees or growth restrict-
proves our overall neighbourhood for everyone. Well done
ing vision for traffic. Overgrowth blocks vision and could re-
sult in an unfortunate accident. If you are on a corner where
you cannot see oncoming traffic, remember that they likely
cannot see you either. This is particularly important as our
Mayor Daly and the North Saanich Council
We are anxious to know what issues are important to you - the
pedestrians must share the road with cars. Going for a walk is
will be meeting with Dean Park residents on May
residents of Dean Park. The purpose of the executive is to
a real pleasure enjoyed by many in Dean Park. North Saanich
30th at 7:00PM at the Saanich Peninsula
handle matters of concern for our residents so they may con-
will benefit if we notify them of potential problems before a
Presbyterian Church on East Saanich Road.
tinue to enjoy the benefits of living in Dean Park. The Execu-
tragic accident occurs. We want everyone to stay safe!
Everyone is urged to attend, meet your
tive acts on received complaints and keeps your identity pri-
council and voice any compliments or concerns
vate. We look forward to hearing about any issue. Examples
you might have.
of this may be standardizing the speed throughout Dean Park
or updating design guidelines for landscaping. Whatever is
The District of North Saanich burning bylaw is now in
important to you - no matter what - is important to us!
effect. There is absolutely no burning allowed in Dean Park!
There are numerous reasons for this and the most important
is that a no burn rule substantially reduces the risk of fire.
2004 was a busy year for DEPECA. The volunteers on
This is the first edition of your newspaper that Arnie and
Burning produces unwanted fumes, nasty wastes and makes
your association handled numerous requests and complaints
I have written together so we get the last word. Thank you for
many residents feel uncomfortable and can even make some
regarding the covenants and the design guidelines. While a
reading it! You see - we know you did - because you are
ill. Burnable waste can be delivered to the North Saanich
few are ongoing, most were settled to the mutual satisfaction
here! If this is the format you like - great. If not let us know
Municipal pit located behind the Legion - off Littlewood -
of all concerned. Local matters affecting Dean Park residents
and we will try to be more satisfactory for you. Joan Toone
for disposal. The cost is $3 per carload - $5 per pickup or
such as Speeding, Float-plane noise, School building and other
trailer load and is open every 3rd Saturday from 9:30AM -
issues are ongoing agenda items. All this is a reflection of the
4:30PM. This is a good ruling for the majority of people and
effort and dedication of these people. As trees continue to
grow, buildings require renovation and our leisure time in-
cludes various recreation vehicles, 2005 promises to be just
Unfortunately, we have lost the optimism and energy of
our past President to pressures of work this year. However,
Each year our canvassers tell us that many houses have
we have been fortunate to acquire four new volunteers who
Covenant Control Committee - Alan Wiggins/Joan Robinson
obscured or barely visible house numbers, making it difficult
are already proving their value on the newsletter and the mem-
to find the correct address. Please check your house num-
Design Review Committee Chair - Richard Norlund - 656-8815
bers and make sure they can be easily and clearly read from
The building scheme, to which we all signed up, on
Newsletter Arnie Weatherhead/Joan Toone - 655-6471
the street. Cut away overgrowth, repaint or replace faded
purchasing our properties, was designed to maintain the safe,
numbers into a contrasting colour and ensure addresses are
picturesque and pleasant area in which we live. Co-opera-
visibly lit at night. While this is a nice convenience for pizza
tion between, and the consideration of all residents is needed.
delivery it is an absolute necessity for police, fire and ambu-
Please show your support for DEPECA by sending in your 2005
lances. Remember - your life may depend on quick and ac-
membership and if you are able volunteer some of your time
and expertise. The more people involved, the simpler the
This update covers the 4 month period from January1,2005 - April 30,2005. The information is for homes
Dean Park thanks our old council and now welcomes
Some Realtors have been advertising Dean Park
in ‘Dean Park’ proper and relates to properties listed,
the new DPECA Board for 2005. This is our 14th year as an
houses with suites or suite potential in the newspaper. If
pending and sold on MLS (Multiple Listing Service)
organization. Much has been accomplished that allows
you are listing your home please be aware that no suites are
through the Victoria Real Estate Board. This doesn’t
Dean Park to continue to be THE place to live in Greater
allowed in North Saanich and again by our covenant in
Victoria. The Design Review Committee considered 5 ma-
jor renovations in Dean Park. For each renovation the Com-
Dean Park is a single family (R1) residential area and
Currently there are 5 homes listed for sale, ranging in
mittee notified and in some cases showed plans to the adja-
suites are strictly prohibited by the building scheme and
price from $435,000 - $1,089,000. There have been
cent neighbours who are most impacted by the proposed
covenant regardless of who lives in the suite. Please refer
15 sales reported since January 1st, with sale prices
changes. The Committee endeavoured to balance the own-
to the “Schedule of Restrictions” registered on your title. As
ranging from $425,000 - $740,000. According to the
ers’ desire for additional space with the impact the renova-
you are aware, all residents moving here sign this cov-
Victoria Real Estate Board’s latest news release, real
tion will have on views and privacy of the neighbours.’ Those
enant and agree to it’s conditions. It would be unfortunate
estate sales and prices both rose during April, as the
discussions resulted in a satisfactory result for all. The
to give anyone misinformation which could cause prob-
Victoria area’s real estate market recorded another
Cresswell access was dealt with so that residents can con-
This information is provided by John & Wendy Herrick
Float planes travelled over the water (Haro Strait) about
18 months ago until NAV CANADA chose to re-route themso they now pass over Central Saanich and Dean Park. Their
If you are 2005 DPECA member, please let your board of
disturbing noise and possible safety hazard has caused
directors know how we can serve you better.
DEPECA to work towards the re-routing back to a safer wa-
We are asking anyone contacted by School District 63
ter route. This is not an issue with regular airport traffic.
to call to Cheryl at 655-9221 (weekdays only please) or
These planes do not even land at Victoria Airport but merely
email: [email protected] as we are trying to ascertain if
cross over the airspace. It is this re-routing of float planes
the School Board did actually contact people from Dean
from Vancouver to Victoria harbours that is causing the prob-
I would like to help DPECA. I am able to volunteer some
Park. As yet we do not know of anyone consulted on
lem - one which could easily be solved to the satisfaction of
this most important change to our area. We are anxious
to address the possible traffic concerns, the removal of
A total burning ban will greatly reduce fire risk and
trees, the noise, the overall cost and the ultimate need
lessen smoke which is dangerous for many and unpleasant
or value of that particular location for a school. These
for most. DPECA is represented at every council meeting.
issues should be considered before the School Board
This time-consuming work is undertaken by two Board mem-
takes further action and Dean Park should definitely be
Mail to DPECA PO Box 52021, Sidney, BC V8L 5V9
bers to ensure that your issues and concerns will be ad-
dressed. It is important that we be aware of proposals etc.
within our district. Thank you all for working so hard on our
Dean Park would like to give a huge thank you to Jacquie
Please note. the Board is a great way to get to know
Maundrell for taking over and arranging the 19th Annual
people, take part in your community and generally enjoy a
Dean Park Garage Sale. She put up signs, notified local
papers and had residents call so she had the number of
$25.00 Household Membership per calendar year. If you would like to join the Board or be of
houses participating. It was a tremendous amount of work
Please do not send cash thru the mail. Your cheque should be
assistance in some way please call
and she ensured we had the opportunity to sell those trea-
made payable to Dean Park Estates Community Association. your 2005 President Alan Wiggins at 655-4146
sures of ours! Thanks so much Jacquie - you’re a gem!
Your cancelled cheque will be your receipt.
Depression, Anxiety Acupuncture Edited and produced by the Acupuncture Research Resource CentrePublished by the British Acupuncture CouncilFebruary 2002The Evidence Series of Briefing Papers aims to provide a review of the key papers inthe literature, which provide evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture in thetreatment of specific conditions. The sources of evidence will be clearly
Chapter 16 Notes The Reproductive System A. Function – to produce offspring B. Primary sex organs – gonads produce gametes (exocrine) and secrete sex hormones (endocrine) a. produce eggs b. secrete progesterone and estrogens C. Accessory Organs – all others (ducts, glands, and external genitalia) D. Sex hormones 1. Development and function of reproductive organs, behaviors, and dr