Depressing researchIt is hard to imagine the anguish experienced by the
easily manipulated by those with potentially massive
parents, relatives, and friends of a child who has
taken his or her own life. That such an event could
GlaxoSmithKline SSRI paroxetine, for example,
be precipitated by a supposedly beneficial drug is a
amounted to US$4·97 billion last year alone.
catastrophe. The idea of that drug’s use being based
Moreover, the utility of organisations such as the
on the selective reporting of favourable research
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) is
should be unimaginable. In this week’s issue of
significantly undermined in circumstances where
The Lancet (p 1341), however, a meta-analysis by
they are only able to access data on health-care
Craig Whittington and colleagues suggests that this
products that are seen as advantageous to the
is what has been happening for research into the use
of antidepressants in childhood. Their results
How confident is society that similar failings will
illustrate an abuse of the trust patients place in their
not occur on a larger scale in the future? UK Biobank
physicians. They also represent an abuse of the trust
intends to recruit and follow a cohort of around
placed by trial volunteers in the medical and
500000 volunteers. The data collected will be used in
part to develop new pharmaceutical products and
The story of research into selective serotonin
diagnostic tests. Much time and effort has already
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) use in childhood
been invested into ensuring appropriate regulatory
depression is one of confusion, manipulation,
and ethical principles are in place for all stages of the
and institutional failure. Although published
project. However, the links of UK Biobank with the
evidence was inconsistent at best, use of SSRIs to
pharmaceutical industry are already clear. John Bell,
treat childhood depression has been encouraged by
chair of the UK Biobank science committee is also a
pharmaceutical companies and clinicians world-
director at Roche. In addition, at least part of the
wide. Last month, the Canadian Medical
estimated £70–500 million required to complete the
Association Journal revealed excerpts from an
project is envisaged as coming from industry sources.
internal GlaxoSmithKline memorandum demon-
With this level of involvement, will a pharmaceutical
strating how the company sought to manipulate
company really feel obliged to publish information
the results of published research. Concerning a
derived from these volunteers that one of its products
study of paroxetine use in children, the memo-
randum states “It would be unacceptable to
Changes are required at every level of the global
include a statement that efficacy had not been
health-care infrastructure. Governments need to
demonstrated, as this would undermine the profile
collaborate effectively over issues of patients’ safety
of paroxetine”. Last year the UK Committee on
rather than duplicating efforts. Governmental
Safety of Medicines prohibited the treatment of
institutions such as NICE require legal powers to
childhood depression with any SSRI except
ensure that biomedical research is used to improve
fluoxetine. Despite this, the Food and Drug
health even if this does not equate with improved
Administration in the USA appears last week to
profits. On an individual level, doctors and
have failed to act appropriately on information
pharmaceutical company employees must remember
provided to them that these drugs were both
that without the trust of trial volunteers and patients
medical research and practice will become
In a global medical culture where evidence-based
impossible. People around the world understand the
practice is seen as the gold standard for care, these
desire to achieve success and to work in a profitable
failings are a disaster. Meta-analysis of published
environment. They will not, however, tolerate the
data supports an increasing number of clinical
notion that in biomedical research this could be at
decisions and guidelines, which in turn dictate the
the expense of their children’s lives.
use of vast levels of health-care resources. Thisprocess is made entirely redundant if its results are so
THE LANCET • Vol 363 • April 24, 2004 •
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet.
International Journal of Veterinary Science CASE REPORT Induction of Fertile Estrus in Bitch (Pug) With Cabergolin - A Case Report S Shinde*, B Krishnappa1, Brijesh Kumar1, P Perumal1, HK Gupta2 and SK Srivastava2 1 Ph.D scholars; 2Pr. Scientist, Division of Animal Reproduction, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, (U.P.) India A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C
A PLACE FOR ALEX: MOM STRUGGLES TO KEEP FAMILY TOGETHER DESPITE SON'S SEVERE AUTISM Young mom, boy on swing, little sister spying bugs in grass. It’s a picture so normal it barely snags a glance. The mother is Lacey Cairns, however, and normal is not in her vocabulary. So explosive and aggressive is Cairns’s 9-year-old autistic son, Alex, that the Longview woman is b