Original Article
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
BPSD following traumatic brain injury
Renato Anghinah1, Fabio Rios Freire1, Fernanda Coelho1,
Juliana Rhein Lacerda1, Magali Taino Schmidt1, Vanessa Tomé Gonçalves Calado1,
Jéssica Natuline Ianof1, Sergio Machado2, Bruna Velasques3, Pedro Ribeiro4,
Luis Fernando Hindi Basile5, Wellingson Silva Paiva6, Robson Luis Amorim6
ABStrAct. Annually, 700,000 people are hospitalized with brain injury acquired after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Brazil. Objective: We aim to review the basic concepts related to TBI, and the most common Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) findings in moderate and severe TBI survivors. We also discussed our strategies used to manage such patients in the post-acute period. Methods: Fifteen TBI outpatients followed at the Center for Cognitive Rehabilitation Post-TBI of the Clinicas Hospital of the University of São Paulo were submitted to a neurological, neuro- psychological, speech and occupational therapy evaluation, including the Mini-Mental State Examination. Rehabilitation strategies will then be developed, together with the interdisciplinary team, for each patient individually. Where necessary, the pharmacological approach wil be adopted. Results: Our study wil discuss options of pharmacologic treatment choices for cognitive, behavioral, or affective disorders following TBI, providing relevant information related to a structured cognitive rehabilitation service and certainly will offer an alternative for patients and families afflicted by TBI. Conclusion: Traumatic brain injury can cause a variety of potentially disabling psychiatric symptoms and syndromes. Combined behavioral and pharmacological strategies, in the treatment of a set of highly chal enging behavioral problems, appears to be essential for good patient recovery. Key words: TBI, traumatic brain injury, BPSD, treatment. BPSD PóS trAumAtiSmo crAnioencefálico reSumo. Anualmente, 700 mil pessoas são hospitalizadas com lesão encefálica adquirida após traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) no Brasil. Objetivo: Nossa meta é revisar os conceitos básicos relacionados ao TCE, e aos Sintomas Comportamentais e Psicológicos da Demência (BPSD) encontrados nos sobreviventes de TCE moderado e grave. Também discutimos as estratégias utilizadas para lidar com os pacientes pós-TCE. Métodos: Quinze pacientes ambulatoriais acompanhados no Centro de Reabilitação Cognitiva pós-traumatismo cranioencefálico do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo foram submetidos a avaliações neurológica, neuropsicológica, fonoaudiológica e de terapia ocupacional, incluindo o mini exame do estado mental. Em seguida, estratégias de reabilitação serão desenvolvidas, com a equipe multidisciplinar, para cada paciente individualmente. E, se necessário, a abordagem farmacológica será adotada. Resultados: Nosso estudo irá discutir as opções de escolha de tratamento farmacológico para desordens cognitivas, comportamentais e afetivas pós-TCE, fornecendo informações relevantes relacionadas a um serviço de reabilitação cognitiva estruturada e, certamente, irá oferecer uma alternativa para pacientes e famílias vítimas de TCE. Conclusão: O traumatismo cranioencefálico pode causar uma variedade de sintomas e síndromes psiquiátricos potencialmente incapacitantes. As estratégias farmacológica e comportamental combinadas para o tratamento de um conjunto de problemas comportamentais muito desafiador parece ser essencial para uma boa recuperação do paciente. Palavras-chave: TCE, traumatismo cranioencefálico, BPSD, tratamento. introDuction
to 30% suffer moderate or severe TBI. The
Brazilian data indicate that about 700,000 data suggests that 80% of those who suffer
mild TBI are able to return to work, whilst
1Center for Cognitive Rehabilitation Post-Traumatic Brain Injury of the Clinicas Hospital of the Division of Neurology, University of São Paulo. 2University Salgado de Oliveira, Niterói, RJ and Panic and Respiration Laboratory, (IPUB/UFRJ). 3 School of Physical Education (EEFD/UFRJ) and National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics (INTO-RJ). 4Laboratory of Brain Mapping and Sensory-Motor Integration (IPUB/UFRJ). 5Psychophysiology Laboratory, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo & High-Resolution EEG Section. 6Division of Neurosurgery, University of São Paulo Medical School. renato Anghinah. Rua Itacolomi, 333 / cj 83 – 01239-020 São Paulo SP – Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
Disclosure: The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Received May 07, 2013. Accepted in final form August 02, 2013. Anghinah R, et al. BPSD and TBI 269
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
only 20% of moderate and 10% of severe TBI cases can
a GCS from 13 to 15, a coma lasting for 20 minutes or
less, and a PTA of 1 hour or shorter.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a nondegenerative,
Despite the support of the scales, the residual conse-
noncongenital insult to the brain from an external me-
quences post-TBI will differ in each patient, but the ma-
chanical force, potentially leading to permanent or tem-
jority who suffer mild trauma have a recovery process
porary impairment of cognitive, physical, and psychoso-
without major complications, returning to their pre-
cial functions, with an associated diminished or altered
trauma activities. On the other hand, the majority of
patients who suffer moderate and severe TBI will pres-
In this context, we will discuss an approach to man-
ent sequelae and limitations. However, some patients,
age patients with cognitive, behavioral, or affective
despite having suffered only mild trauma, have post
disorders, rather than define specific pharmacological
trauma repercussions that will require special care and
treatments, in outpatients followed at the Center for
attention from specialized professionals.
Cognitive Rehabilitation Post-Traumatic Brain Injury of Clinicas Hospital of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
most common findings in moderate and severe tBi survivors
The physiological bases for choosing a pharmacological
after hospital discharge. This group of patients is charac-
agent to treat such patients, according to the latest re-
terized by the diffuse axonal injury and secondary com-
search, supports the use of specific drugs for the treat-
plication to the site or sites of injury.
ment of specific disorders following TBI.
After the most critical phase of hospital manage-
ment, most patients return home. Although some pa-
Severity levels of tBi. The level of consciousness and/or
tients manage to regain some degree of independence in
coma in the first 24 hours and the time of Post Trau-
their self-care, they are still incapable of applying criti-
matic Amnesia (PTA) after the TBI are the most used
cal thinking to decision-making processes, providing for
references to differentiate them into mild, moderate
the needs of their families or continuing work, school
or severe injuries. The most widely used method of
or social activities, which can cause difficulties in family
classifying TBI cases is via a scoring system called the
relationships and lead to poor quality of life for patients
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), which assesses the ability
and their relatives. Moreover, these patients may pres-
of eye opening, motor and verbal responses as determi-
ent with mood alteration and depression.
nants for severity evaluation. GCS scores range from 3
The rehabilitation of these patients after hospital
to 15, defining that scores less than or equal to 8 indi-
discharge is aimed at a community integration program
cate severe injury, from 9 to 12, moderate injury, and
with day center resources that provide continuity of pa-
tient care so that the individual receives vocational and
Post Traumatic Amnesia starts in the period of coma
professional training, integrated as part of the rehabili-
and lasts until the time when the patient recovers their
memory consistently. This period can be associated
One of the scales used in our Centre that system-
with a transitory state of disorientation, agitation and
atically seeks to standardize the functional level of post-
behavioral disturbances such as insomnia, agitation,
TBI patients and establish the potential of their reha-
confabulation and, occasionally, serious affective and
bilitation management, is the Rancho Los Amigos levels
of cognitive functioning scale.7 This scale is also widely
One of the most used scales to evaluate Post Trau-
used in many other centers worldwide. In addition, an-
matic Amnesia is the GALVESTON Orientation and
other scale of diffuse axonal injury rehabilitation stages
Amnesia Test. Typically, in post-TBI patients, personal
developed by Tuel8 and modified by Katz9 is also quite
orientation is recovered before spatial orientation and
the perception of what happened. Temporal orientation is the last faculty to be recovered. most common cognitive impairments following tBi. The type
TBI severity is attributed at the first moment from
and degree of cognitive impairment following TBI may
the Glasgow scale, coma and Post Traumatic Amnesia
vary widely, depending on the severity and site of injury.
period. A TBI is considered severe when the GCS is from
If a focal brain injury occurs, the consequence may be
3 to 8, the period of coma is longer than 6 hours and the
similar to the injury caused by a CVA, such as aphasia,
PTA period is longer than 24 hours; in a moderate TBI
apraxia, unilateral neglect or visuospatial dysfunction.
the GCS is from 9 to 12, the period of coma shorter than
However, these are the typical findings following TBI.
6 hours and the PTA from 1 to 24 hours; mild cases have
Due to the mechanisms of acceleration-deceleration
270 BPSD and TBI Anghinah R, et al.
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
that usually damage the ventral and lateral regions of
dition to having to adjust to dysregulation in behavior,
the frontal and temporal lobes, the most commonly
emotions, thinking, and physical challenges, persons
found sequelae are attention and memory deficit, dif-
with TBI must make these adjustments with a brain
ficulty learning new information, resolving problems,
that processes information poorly. A person with lim-
planning, as well as problems associated with impulsiv-
ited coping skills may become frustrated with his or
ity and self-control. Some “subclinical” findings such as
her mood variability or with limb weakness, and may
changes in naming, verbal fluency and auditory discrim-
as a result have outbursts. Problems with attention, de-
creased ability to understand, and difficulty remember-
Initially, attention deficits are the most common and
ing things may impact an individual’s ability to adjust
severe in the residual stage, usually involving difficulty
The patient may lose the information given at the
The long-term memory is generally restored, but
doctor’s office, or may forget to use the assistive device.
some individuals continue having difficulties in learn-
He or she may have problems perceiving situations or
ing new things and retaining new information. Work-
attribute incorrect motives to the actions of others.12
ing memory is frequently affected including the stages of encoding, storage and retrieval of information. Such
BPSD - most common syndromes post-tBi. The most com-
changes exert a significant impact on social and voca-
mon syndromes post-TBI are behavioral disinhibition,
depression/anxiety/psychosis, substance abuse and at-
Some individuals are left with amnesic syndrome,
which is more common in those who have gone through
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs in up
to 27% of cases, including patients with no clear recall of
Executive functions may be affected, being related to
the event. Depression has an incidence of 15% to 33%
frontal lobe damage. When the frontal injury is severe
and prevalence of 18% to 42%. Mania occurs in <10%
the patient may be inert or lack initiative (medial or lat-
of patients with TBI.8 Aggression occurs in variable fre-
eral frontal injury), or display inappropriate and impul-
quencies (ranging from 20% to 49%) and psychosis oc-
sive behavior. Many individuals with frontal lobe injury
in post-TBI retain much of their skills but are unable to initiate, sequence, organize or monitor their actions so
noradrenergic medication. Noradrenergic agonists are used
as to meet the targets or goals set.
with varying degrees of success for the behavioral se-
The language disorders most commonly observed
quelae of brain injury, such as problems with attention,
occur in the discursive (tendency to produce irrelevant
impulsivity and speed of cognitive processing.13
information and omit important information), prag-
Three commonly studied noradrenergic medications
matic (loss in production of inferences, difficulty in for-
are amphetamine, methylphenidate, and L-threo-3,4-
mulating arguments) and conversation levels (loss of
dihydroxyphenylserine (L-DOPS). Amphetamine en-
initiative and maintenance of topics with inconsistent
hances norepinephrine release from nerve terminals,
switching without signaling). These changes correlate
methylphenidate blocks the reuptake of NE, and L-
with cognitive impairments in attention, memory and
DOPS is a precursor of norepinephrine.14 A recent Co-
chrane review concluded that there is insufficient evi-
The inability to curb impulsive reactions leads to so-
dence to support the routine use of methylphenidate or
cial and family relationship problems. Patients usually
have poor self-critical awareness regarding their condi-tion and behavioral changes. Dopaminergic medication. Most dopaminergic cell bodies reside in the substantia nigra or hypothalamus. Dopa- long-term neuropsychiatric sequelae. Once patients have
mine appears to be important in memory, arousal, and
survived the acute and subacute phases, many are left
executive function. Medications that affect the dopami-
with neuropsychiatric impairments. Common issues
nergic system are used to treat disorders such as Parkin-
related to symptoms include behavioral outbursts,
son disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and
emotional adjustments, cognitive deficits, and physical
McDowell et al. (1998) used bromocriptine in a dou-
The link between ability to adjust to TBI and the ca-
ble-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 24 subjects who
pacity to do so is complicated by a major factor. In ad-
had suffered moderate to severe TBI at least 4 weeks
Anghinah R, et al. BPSD and TBI 271
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
before treatment. The patients showed a significant im-
fluid levels of ACh fluctuate after TBI, rising in the acute
provement on several tasks thought to specifically rep-
phase followed by a prolonged period of depression.26,27
Cholinergic circuits are vulnerable to injury.14
Schneider et al. (1999) found no difference in the
Damage to the cholinergic basal forebrain septo-
rate of cognitive recovery with amantadine treatment in
hippocampal pathways results in severe depletions of
a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial of 10
ACh and has been associated with learning and memory
subjects with moderate to severe TBI.18 A retrospective
review by Passler et al. (2001) reported that patients
In the study of Cardenas et al. (1994) – a blinded,
given bromocriptine recovered faster from a vegetative
controlled trial of 36 subjects after TBI – a significant
number demonstrated improved memory and balance
It is believed that dopamine has a role in brain injury
rehabilitation, either as a primary effect or through its
Donepezil, an anticholinergic medication used to
treat Alzheimer disease and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has been reported to im-
Serotonergic medication. Serotonin has behavioral effects
prove memory problems after TBI, at least during the
and is involved in motor control.20 The study of Lou-
binoux et al. (2002) found that a single dose of parox-
More research is needed to better define the role of
etine increased functional MRI (fMRI) motor cortex
activation in human subjects during a simple motor paradigm.21 Another serotonin reuptake inhibitor, flu-
voxamine, has been shown to improve reaction time.22,23
Subjects. This was a retrospective study of fifteen pa-
Serotonergic drugs have not been shown to be effec-
tients with a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury fol-
tive in reducing symptoms after brain injury in human
lowed at the Outpatient Clinic of the Clinicas Hospital
In severe TBI, BAY x 3702 was administered in a mul-
ticenter, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled
Strategies to manage post-tBi patients. Cognitive function
parallel group study. BAY x 3702 was found to be safe,
evaluation – The patient will initially be subjected to a
but the effect on outcome was not significant.24
reading test, which consists of reading simple children’s
Serotonergic medications are often prescribed to pa-
books allowing evaluation of how long they focus on
tients recovering from TBI because of the relative safety
the book. According to the performance and education
of, and their role in, treating disorders of mood and be-
of each individual, slightly more complex texts will be
havior. Data from animal and human studies suggest
that these drugs are safe when given during rehabilita-
After this first test, each patient will be classified ac-
tion after traumatic or ischemic brain injury. It is still
cording to the Rancho Los Amigos scale and only those
unclear if serotonergic medication has only immediate
who score greater than or equal to 5 (on a scale of 8) will
effects on behavior or whether they have a long-lasting
be referred for cognitive rehabilitation.33
This is necessary because, in order to be rehabilitat-
ed, the individual must maintain a minimum time set in
cholinergic system. Acetylcholine is produced in sev-
eral nuclei of the brain including the nucleus basalis of
The next intervention will be to conduct a neuropsy-
Meynert and several tegmental nuclei, with widespread
chological evaluation, speech and occupational therapy
projections to the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amyg-
including the Mini-Mental State Examination34,35 and
dala, hypothalamus, cingulum, and thalamus.25 Acetyl-
clock drawing test. The neuropsychological assessment
choline (Ach) can act as a neuromodulator and change
includes the evaluation of affective/emotional state
the magnitude of other synaptic events. ACh was the
(BECK scale – BDI, BAI, BHS, BSI),36 I.S.S.L37 and GDS,38
first neurotransmitter targeted to improve recovery af-
activities of daily living PFEFFER,39 batteries of tests
of executive functions Wisconsin,40 Stroop (Stroop In-
Acetylcholine is involved in memory and recently
terference Test – Victoria version) - freely translated
the use of cholinergic drugs in Alzheimer disease was
from the English version.41,42 The Rey complex Figure,43
approved. There is growing evidence of the role of ACh
WAIS-III,44 attention,44 the Wechsler Digit Symbol-Cod-
in experience-driven cortical plasticity.14 Cerebrospinal
ing, trail making parts A and B (Trail Making Test),45
272 BPSD and TBI Anghinah R, et al.
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
visuo-constructive,44 language FAS and Verbal Fluen-
problems and iatrogenic contributions; and [3] imple-
cy,46 memory,44 and Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test
mentation of nonpharmacological treatment.
(RAVLT)43,47 will also be applied. All tests have been vali-
The initial steps of treatment include a comprehen-
dated for use in Brazil with scores for different levels of
sive neuropsychiatric evaluation and testing. This may
entail neurological and psychiatric examination to doc-
The speech evaluation includes pragmatic assess-
ument baseline deficits, diagnoses, and functioning.
ment, according to precepts of conversational analysis,
A neuropsychological battery documents the cogni-
a test of verbal working memory for auditory input
tive skills and limitations, and provides a baseline from
(N-Back) language evaluation, the Arizona Battery for
which gains in cognitive rehabilitation can be bench-
marked. Neurophysiological tests may show brain dys-
The tests applied have been validated for use in Bra-
function and seizures. When indicated, neuroimaging
zil with scores according to different levels of schooling
may be of benefit to show ischemia, hemorrhage, en-
except for the “Test of Practical Judgment” (TOP-J),
cephalomalacia, neuronal loss, and altered cerebral me-
which does not have a version in Portuguese and the
Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders – ABCD,
The pharmacological approach focuses on functional
which is undergoing the validation process, and will
recovery and its target of therapy is symptom reduction
be included in our battery. Computerized tests that
through pharmacological enhancement of rehabilita-
evaluate response time for a particular task will also be
tion. Most drugs affect more than one neurotransmitter
systems, in various parts of the nervous system. After a
Occupational therapy evaluates cognition in order to
TBI, neurotransmitter levels change and may be a target
determine the individual’s capacity to live alone safely
of therapy. Glutamate and aspartate are released exces-
and comfortably, to work or undertake any activity they
sively, cortical levels of dopamine are suppressed for at
deem important or meaningful49. Also, it limits the
least several weeks after TBI. The levels of norepineph-
impact of deficits in memory, attention and executive
rine and acetylcholine fluctuate, with an initial increase
functions in performing the activities of daily living. The
evaluation of performance in BADL and IADL requires
After the evaluations, rehabilitation strategies will
the observation of the individual’s behavior in the con-
be developed, in conjunction with the interdisciplinary
text in which they conduct these activities. The infor-
team, for each patient individually. And if necessary, the
mation obtained will be used to develop strategies, with
pharmacological approach will be adopted.
the individual and their family, which will minimize the losses in each cognitive deficit.
Through the evaluation of cognitive abilities in the
Our experience using the Pharmacological TBI Guide-
tasks, it is possible to determine the patient’s strengths,
line approach for 15 outpatients with BPSD showed that
limitations and challenges in learning abilities and en-
the patients improved with the use of mood stabilizers,
vironmental strategies that will support their daily
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and dopamine-
life.50,51 Assessment in Occupational Therapy includes
stimulating drugs. The causes of TBI and the drugs in
use among the TBI patients are shown in Table 1.
After the neuropsychological, speech and occupa-
tional therapy evaluation, rehabilitation strategies will
be developed, together with the interdisciplinary team,
Valproic acid – a mood stabilizer – and venlafaxine – a
drug that has dual action with selective serotonin reup-take inhibitors (SSRI) and adrenergic reuptake, in addi-
Pharmacological treatment approach– Brain injury con-
tion to weak action as a dopamine stimulant – are the
fers increased sensitivity to the active agents of the cen-
two medications with the best indication for TBI in our
tral nervous system (CNS); therefore, treatment and side
milieu, where possible replacing with hidantal (phenyt-
effects may be accentuated at lower doses in patients
oin) or gardenal (phenobarbital) when the patient uses
neuroleptics. An anticholinesterase inhibitor, originally
Secondly, to systematically approach treatment in
developed for Alzheimer’s disease, is used for improving
TBI beyond pharmacological interventions, three areas
are important to bear in mind: [1] identification of tar-
Amantadine – a weak antagonist of the NMDA type
get symptoms; [2] consideration of coexisting medical
glutamate receptor, that increases dopamine release
Anghinah R, et al. BPSD and TBI 273
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
table 1. Profile of TBI patients. causes of tBi medication in use
and blocks dopamine reuptake – is a good option for
threshold. Low histamine, cholinergic, and a-adrenergic
enhancing attention. It has been used for Parkinson’s
binding SSRIs are preferred for mood and anxiety, but
Disease. Modafinil was used to treat hypersomnia.
side effects of sexual dysfunction, dyspepsia, drowsi-ness, and irritability may limit their use in TBI. A few
motivation. Lack of motivation is very common after a
studies have shown that stimulants, amantadine, and
significant head injury. Injuries to the orbitofrontal,
anticholinesterase drugs are helpful.57-59 The drugs of
medial frontal cortical, ventral pallidum and ventral
choice for post-traumatic mania are clonidine, carba-
tegmentum may all affect motivation.54 A poverty of be-
mazepine, and divalproex. Lithium is reserved for pa-
havior and speech, lack of initiative, loss of emotional
responses, and severe psychomotor problems can be classified as a more extreme form of abulia. Both phar-
Psychotic disorders. The onset of psychotic symptoms is
macological treatment and behavioral interventions
usually delayed following the injury, by around 4 years.61
are necessary to treat these syndromes. Stimulants and
The psychoses are characterized by hallucinations and
dopaminergic medications, as well as activating antide-
pressants such as bupropion or monoamine oxidase in-
TBI psychosis differs from schizophrenia because
hibitors (MAOIs) are good options. Selective serotonin
of the absence of Schneiderian first-rank symptoms in
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and typical neuroleptics are
non-delirium associated hallucinations that can occur
bad choices, worsening these syndromes.55
post-TBI. A later age of onset, less premorbid psychi-atric disturbance, briefer duration, less common fam-
mood disorders. Following TBI, up to 50% of patients have
ily history, better response to neuroleptics, less need
symptoms of depression, with 20% meeting Diagnostic
for maintenance medication, and a better prognosis
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edi-
are other factors distinguishing TBI psychosis from
tion (DSM-IV) criteria for major depression. These pa-
tients have a significantly increased risk of suicide.12
Neuroleptics may cause adverse reactions, so it is im-
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) may be a good op-
portant to initiate the treatment for post-TBI psychosis
tion to treat anxiety and depression56 but they should
at one third to one half the usual doses.63 Neuroleptics
be limited to agents with the least anticholinergic activ-
may impede cognitive recovery.64 Atypical neuroleptics,
ity, the least sedation, and the least effect on the seizure
except for clozapine (which is an anticholinergic and
274 BPSD and TBI Anghinah R, et al.
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
lowers the seizure threshold) are the drugs of choice.
is very common to find explosive personality disorders,
Benzodiazepines should be used sparingly.12
particularly among patients who use alcohol. Counseling is necessary for treatment of these various personality
Post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety disorders.
changes. The use of tricyclic and SSRI antidepressants
Anxiety can occur in patients who have suffered a TBI,
may help with lability. Some studies have demonstrated
presenting as insomnia, inability to concentrate, free-
that impulsivity can be controlled with low-dose stimu-
floating phobias, and panic attacks. Situations in which
the patients know that they cannot perform as well as they did before their TBI cause anxiety. It is important
Aggressive disorders. In the delirious subacute phase of
that the patient understands the injury and learns how
recovery, agitation occurs frequently. Aggression in pa-
to deal with his/her limitations. In an acute stress situ-
tients with TBI is generally reactive without premedi-
ation, a short course of a short-acting benzodiazepine
tation, and is nonpurposeful, explosive, periodic, and
may help. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SS-
RIs) may be helpful but they should be used with care
The aggressive behavior is associated with damage to
because they can exacerbate apathy and cause sexual
the limbic system, orbitofrontal cortex, left anterome-
dysfunction. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) may also be
dial frontal lobe, and anterior cingulate.69
useful, particularly in patients who are aggressive.12
Many of the agents used for agitation are also used for
aggression. Antipsychotic medications do not help with
Somatoform disorders. Somatization may manifest as
chronic, nonpsychotic aggression. Akathisia is a com-
dizziness, vertigo, gait instability, headache, fatigue,
mon adverse reaction to typical neuroleptics and may
malaise, tinnitus, visual disturbances, cognitive ‘‘fog-
increase violent behavior. It has been demonstrated that
giness,’’ nonneuroanatomical paresthesias, weakness,
neuroleptics are responsible for slow recovery from TBI.12
focal deficits, and nonepileptic events.12 Patients pre-
Benzodiazepines and low-dose buspirone may cause
senting these symptoms are often classified as having
a paradoxical reaction. Antipsychotic agents should be
‘‘postconcussional syndrome”.65 Cognitive behavior
used for patients who are indeed psychotic. The use
therapy (CBT) may be useful for non-TBI populations
of carbamazepine, valproic acid, gabapentin and ox-
but treatment for these disorders are lacking.12
carbazepine has proven successful in some patients. Lithium is a good option in patients who are manic or
cognitive disorders. These disorders are among the most
that display cyclic violence. High-dose propranolol has
commonly occurring sequelae in TBI and post-traumatic
proven very helpful in some patients. Antidepressant
cholinergic deficits are thought to contribute to the de-
medications, such as TCAs and SSRIs, have been shown
velopment of post-traumatic cognitive impairments.12
The study of Silver et al. (2006) – a randomized double-
In conclusion, traumatic brain injury can cause a
blind placebo-controlled study of a cholinesterase in-
variety of potentially disabling psychiatric symptoms
hibitor in 157 post-TBI patients – showed no difference
and syndromes. These include mood and anxiety disor-
from placebo in both primary cognitive and secondary
ders; personality disturbances; aggression; and, often,
psychosis. The diagnosis of cognitive and behavioral disorders following TBI can be complex. It is therefore
Personality change due to medical condition. The personal-
essential that the physician obtain a broad picture of
ity changes are most often exaggerations of premorbid
the patient before prescribing medications. A differen-
personality traits and may include lability, disinhibition,
tial diagnostic approach can help the physician to sort
aggression, apathy, and paranoia. Impulsivity, lack of
through the numerous etiological factors that may be
empathy, loss of a sense of self, and inability to moni-
contributing to the patient’s condition. Pharmacologi-
tor one’s own behavior are typical of the ‘‘pseudoborder-
cal treatment may include a wide range of medications,
line’’ personality disorder. Damage to the orbitofrontal
such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabiliz-
cortex may cause mania, euphoria, and impulsivity that
ers, and stimulants. Family and individual counseling
are labeled as ‘‘pseudosociopathic syndrome’ . A ‘‘pseu-
is particularly important in helping the patient and the
dodepressed’’ personality disorder can be the result of
family reconcile themselves to the reality of the behav-
medial frontal damage and may cause severe apathy. It
ioral changes in the patient post-TBI. Anghinah R, et al. BPSD and TBI 275
Dement Neuropsychol 2013 September;7(3):269-277
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Press Release Phenex wins Prof. Dr. med Dr. rer. nat. Werner Kramer as scientific advisor Phenex and Prof Kramer will jointly develop Phenex´ FXR agonist Px-102 into a therapy for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and Metabolic Syndrome Ludwigshafen, July 20th, 2011 Phenex Pharmaceuticals AG today announced the engagement of Prof. Dr. Dr. Werner Kramer, the former Head of Diabetes an
1. SILAGHI, C., G. LIEBISCH, and K. PFISTER . 2011. Genetic variants of Anaplasma phagocytophilum from 14 equine granulocytic anaplasmosis cases. Parasites & Vectors 4 :161-169. 2. SCHARF, W., S. SCHAUER, F. FREYBURGER, M. PETROVEC, D. SCHAARSCHMIDT-KIENER , and G. LIEBISCH et al. 2011. Distinct Host Species Correlate with Anaplasma phagozytophilum ankA Gene Clusters. J. Clin. M