New concepts in Klinefelter syndromeDarius A. PaduchRonnie G. Alexander Bolyakoand Joseph Kiper
aDepartment of Urology and Reproductive Medicine,
Weill Medical College of Cornell University and
Klinefelter syndrome, 47,XXY and its variants, is the most common chromosomal
Population Council, Center for Biomedical Research,
aberration among men, with estimated frequency of 1 : 500 among newborns. Men withKlinefelter syndrome present with sequels of hormonal and spermatogenic testicular
Correspondence to Darius A. Paduch, MD, PhD,Department of Urology, Weill Medical College of
failure like infertility, low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, and low bone mineral
Cornell University, 525 East 68th Street F-924A,
density. This review is aimed to provide the practicing urologist with an important source
New York, NY 10065, USATel: +1 212 746 5309; fax: +1 212 746 7287;
of clinically relevant information about Klinefelter syndrome.
Current Opinion in Urology 2008, 18:621–627
Sperm can be found in over 50% of men with Klinefelter syndrome, thus men withKlinefelter syndrome are not sterile. Recent evidence suggests that children withKlinefelter syndrome are born with spermatogonia and lose large numbers of germ cellsduring puberty. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the quality of life and theoverall health of men with Klinefelter syndrome. SummaryGrowing interest in Klinefelter syndrome among translational scientists and clinicianswill result in better understanding of the pathophysiology of testicular failure. In somestates, screening programs for Klinefelter syndrome are already in place, which willincrease the number of patients with Klinefelter syndrome seen by practicing urologistsin the near future. Diagnosis and management of patients with Klinefelter syndrome iswithin the scope and training of urologists. Development of randomized clinical trialscomparing different forms of interventions in men and children with Klinefelter syndromewill allow us to standardize the care of these patients.
Keywordshypogonadism, Klinefelter syndrome, meiosis, spermatogenesis
Curr Opin Urol 18:621–627ß 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
translational scientists with an update on pathophysiol-
ogy and management of Klinefelter syndrome. This
Klinefelter syndrome, despite its high prevalence and
study focuses on new developments in reproductive
plethora of urological symptoms, has drawn marginal
biology and medicine in men with Klinefelter syndrome.
attention among urologists. However, over the last 10years, with advancements in artificial reproductive tech-niques and the successful delivery of healthy children
from men with Klinefelter syndrome, the involvement of
Klinefelter syndrome is the most common numerical
urologists in the care of patients with Klinefelter syn-
chromosomal aberration among men, with an estimated
drome is increasingly important. In the past, Klinefelter
frequency of 1 : 500–1 : 1000 of live deliveries Kline-
syndrome was managed mostly by endocrinologists; how-
felter syndrome is characterized by X chromosome polys-
ever, successful sperm recovery from men with Kline-
omy with X disomy being the most common variant
felter syndrome indicating that adolescents with Kline-
(47,XXY). Ninety percent of men with Klinefelter syn-
felter syndrome have spermatogonia has stimulated
drome have nonmosaic X chromosome polysomy
growing interest in Klinefelter syndrome .
Although the classic description of men with Klinefelter
Urologists are in a unique position to address long-term
syndrome emphasized tall eunuchoid body proportions,
care of patients with Klinefelter syndrome in respect to
low testosterone, sparse facial and pubic hair, small hard
their reproductive and sexual function. Thus, we feel it is
testicles, micropenis, sterility, and mild-to-moderate
important to provide practicing practitioners as well as
cognitive deficits, it is now well known that this original
0963-0643 ß 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Andrology, sexual dysfunction and infertility
Figure 1 The classic descriptions of men with Klinefelter syndrome are based on the most severe cases of phenotypic abnormalities
Most teenagers and young adults seen in our practice have typical body proportions, arm span and penile length as their peers. The only obviousdifference that is seen in all men with Klinefelter syndrome is clearly visible difference in testicular size between men with Klinefelter syndrome (verysmall testes) and men with 46,XY karyotype (normal size). The photograph shows two 21-year-old men seen in our practice. The 46,XY had history ofconstitutionally delayed puberty. Both of them required testosterone treatment early during puberty. The patient with Klinefelter syndrome continuestestosterone replacement therapy. Both of them are top of the class college students.
description is not accurate and men with Klinefelter
syndrome represent a broad spectrum of phenotypes,
professions, incomes and socioeconomic status
The 47,XXY karyotype of Klinefelter syndrome arises
Severe intellectual deficits are rare. Often, the auditory
spontaneously when paired X chromosomes fail to
processing delay and language dysfunction seen in men
separate – nondisjunction in stage I or II of meiosis,
with Klinefelter syndrome are misdiagnosed as cognitive
during oogenesis or spermatogenesis Less than 3% of
deficits Most commonly, men with Klinefelter syn-
X chromosome polysomy occurs during early divisions of
drome will present to their urologist with infertility:
the fertilized egg. However, postfertilization nondisjunc-
azoospermia or severe oligospermia, low testosterone
tion is responsible for mosaicism, which is seen in
and complications of low testosterone such as erectile
approximately 10% of Klinefelter syndrome patients.
dysfunction and poor libido. Boys will present with con-
Men with mosaicism are less affected and often are
cerns about genital and pubertal development Sper-
not diagnosed. Advanced maternal age and possibly
matogenic and steroidogenic dysfunction are cardinal and
paternal age have been linked to increased risk of
the most prevalent signs of Klinefelter syndrome. Harder
testes, with volume less than 10 ml, in older adolescentand younger men should always be evaluated furtherregardless of penile size, body proportions, or level of
The X chromosome carries genes that play roles in many
body systems including testis function, brain develop-
chromosomes (48,XXXY; 49,XXXXY) are more affected
ment and growth Men with Klinefelter syndrome are
than men with the classic 47,XXY karyotype
usually infertile because of primary testicular failure. A
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
New concepts in Klinefelter syndrome Paduch et al.
typical patient with Klinefelter syndrome will present
from boys with Klinefelter syndrome who were biopsied
with low serum testosterone, high LH and FSH level, and
at different ages and development stages indicated that
often elevated estradiol; however, the decline in testos-
boys with Klinefelter syndrome have spermatogonia at
terone production is progressive over the life span and not
birth but that damage to the germinal epithelium occurs
early during puberty Three potential mechan-isms have been suggested to explain spermatogenic fail-
Men with Klinefelter syndrome are at a higher risk of
ure in Klinefelter syndrome: intratesticular hormonal
autoimmune diseases; diabetes mellitus, leg ulcers, osteo-
imbalance with hypersensitivity to increasing intratesti-
penia and osteoporosis, tumors (breast and germ cells),
cular testosterone and estradiol concentrations, Sertoli
and historically have increased mortality It is
cell dysfunction, and defects in spermatogonial stem cell
unknown if the morbidity associated with Klinefelter
renewal. A less likely although possible explanation of
syndrome is a result of hypogonadism and hyperestrogen-
spermatogenic failure would be a loss of spermatocytes
ism or rather due to abnormal function of X chromosome-
during meiosis as a result of abnormal pairing of X and
It is well accepted that the X chromosome bears over
Low testosterone and elevated estradiol levels are cardi-
1100 genes that are critical for the normal function of the
nal symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome. In most men, LH
testis and brain Inactivation of additional X chromo-
some is initiated within the X chromosome inactivation
center (XIC) by activation of the XIST promoter. Many
boys with Klinefelter syndrome have abnormally elev-
genes on the X chromosome are highly expressed in the
ated FSH and LH at Tanner stage III. The most likely
testis, ovaries and brain; thus, it is not surprising that
causes of hypogonadism seen in men with Klinefelter
these organs are affected by X chromosome polysomy
syndrome are aberrant expression of steroidogenic
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of X
enzymes and/or negative effects of elevated intratesticu-
chromosome inactivation has important clinical appli-
lar estradiol levels. Hyperestrogenism is commonly seen
cations, because at this point, we do not have a clinical
in Klinefelter syndrome, with increased estrogen-to-tes-
or molecular test that can predict an extent of reproduc-
tosterone ratios and delayed increase in testosterone
tive or cognitive failure in an individual patient
levels during puberty being responsible for the charac-teristic body proportions and gynecomastia Treat-
In the last decade, developments in microsurgical tech-
ment with aromatase inhibitors can lower intratesticular
niques and advances in artificial reproductive technol-
estradiol levels and have beneficial effect on testosterone
ogies (ART) allowed over 50% of patients with Kline-
production and spermatogenesis in men with Klinefelter
felter syndrome to have their own children through the
combination of microsurgical testicular sperm extraction(TESE) and use of freshly retrieved sperm for in-vitro
Sperm found in testes of men with Klinefelter syndrome
fertilization (IVF) The fact that sperm can be
have only a slightly increased frequency of sex chromo-
found in the testes of men with Klinefelter syndrome
some polysomies, and most boys born from fathers with
has challenged the previous assumption that men with
Klinefelter syndrome have a normal karyotype
Klinefelter syndrome are always sterile. This has raised
These findings indicate that during early stem-cell pro-
the mechanistic question whether children with Kline-
liferation or meiotic division, the checkpoint mechanisms
felter syndrome are born with a severely depleted num-
are able to overcome X chromosome polysomy resulting
ber of spermatogonia or whether there is a period in life
in sperm with a single X (or Y) chromosome Data by
when the spermatogonia undergo massive apoptosis that
Bergere et al. and Yamamoto et al. suggest that
results in depletion of the spermatogonial population and
the most likely explanation for normal haploid sperm in
men with Klinefelter syndrome is the presence of a repairmechanism that, during spermatogonial renewal, allows for
Based on the current data, it is reasonable to assume that
the loss of the additional X chromosome. Alternatively,
most men with Klinefelter syndrome are born with sper-
rare errors in mitotic proliferation of spermatogonia in
matogonia However, during early puberty –
which the ‘error’ actually results in a normal karyotype
most likely after initiation of the first wave of spermato-
could explain the development of normal sperm.
genesis – the spermatogonia appear to undergo massiveapoptosis , Fig. 4). This hypothesis is based primarily
Klinefelter syndrome can be diagnosed prenatally by
on three observations: testicular sperm can be identified
amniocentesis and in the postnatal period by karyotyp-
and recovered from at least half of adult men with
ing, fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and molec-
Klinefelter syndrome; in rare cases, sperm can be found
ular techniques. Karyotyping is a gold standard in
in ejaculates of men with Klinefelter syndrome; and data
Klinefelter syndrome diagnosis; however, the test is
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Andrology, sexual dysfunction and infertility
Figure 2 Changes in hormonal level in 85 adolescents and young men seen over 3 years
FSH and LH measured in serum (mIU/ml), total testosterone level converted to nmol/l to facilitate combining all hormone levels to be presented on onegraph. Thick black line represents upper normal levels of LH and FSH, which in fertile men should be below 10 mIU/ml, and low normal level oftestosterone, which should remain above 10 nmol/l in adolescents and adult men. The damage to testis occurs within the 2-year window at earlypuberty and by 16 years of age most boys have similar levels of FSH as adult men who presented with infertility. ( ) FSH; ( ) LH; ( ) T (nmol/l).
expensive, labor intensive and has relatively low sensi-
management of men with Klinefeltersyndrome
Management of men with Klinefelter syndrome is challen-
All men with Klinefelter syndrome should have a full
ging because one’s reproductive goals have to be included
hormonal evaluation including FSH, LH, testosterone,
in optimal medical treatment. Most men present with
estradiol, prolactin and IGF-1. Cortisol levels should be
infertility and seek therapeutic interventions, specifically
routinely measured, because there is growing evidence
microsurgical TESE with IVF. Treatment options in
that adrenal steroidogenic deficiency may be seen in
adolescents and adults differ, and especially in younger
47% of men with Klinefelter syndrome Because
adolescents, fertility preservation should be discussed with
decreased testosterone significantly increases the risk of
parents. Currently, fertility preservation in adolescents
osteopenia and osteoporosis, bone density is routinely
should be reserved to large academic centers, as each team
performed to diagnose these conditions. Men with
needs to solve complex ethical, legal and logistics issues
Klinefelter syndrome have an increased risk of deep vein
that arise when a child with a genetic defect is subjected to
thrombosis, and in 85 adult men we have seen over the
a surgical procedure. The benefits of sperm retrieval,
last 3 years, three had pulmonary embolism and deep
although very likely, are not certain at this point. Because
vein thrombosis. At this point, it is unclear whether
recovery of sperm through TESE combined with intracy-
screening for mutations leading to hypercoagulability is
toplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has led to successful live
indicated in all men with Klinefelter syndrome. Regard-
births of children, it is critical that reproductive endocri-
less, all patients with Klinefelter syndrome should be
nologists and reproductive urologists are familiar with the
informed about the increased risk of deep vein throm-
current literature and success rates. The best success rate
bosis and have their hematocrit checked to avoid
of IVF in Klinefelter syndrome seems to be obtained
through the use of fresh sperm through testicular biopsyperformed the same day as egg retrieval. In the largest
Patients with Klinefelter syndrome have an increased risk
study reported so far, Schiff et al. reported a retrieval
of extratesticular germ cell tumors and possibly increased
rate of 69% (29/42), much higher than the 42% (5/12) pub-
lished by Friedler et al. In addition, the fertilization
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
New concepts in Klinefelter syndrome Paduch et al.
rate was higher: 85% using fresh sperm in the study by
in many oncological centers and is becoming a standard of
Schiff et al. compared with 58% using cryopreserved
care in adolescents and young adults undergoing che-
sperm. Although no statistical difference between fresh
motherapy or radiation despite the fact that not all forms
and cryopreserved sperm has been reported, there was a
of chemotherapy result in sterility. Klinefelter syndrome
trend toward a lower rate of fertilization and implantation
results in infertility in over 97% of men and thus every
in the study by Friedler et al. Even with conservative
effort should be considered for preservation of fertility in
estimates, at least 50% of adult men with Klinefelter
children diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome
syndrome will yield viable sperm that can be used success-fully for IVF. This represents a remarkable success in
Our own experience, together with published reports,
reproductive medicine. So far, the follow-up of boys born
indicate that the loss of spermatogonial cells in men with
from fathers with Klinefelter syndrome has not shown any
Klinefelter syndrome occurs progressively and that most
phenotypic abnormalities or increased risk of Klinefelter
boys with Klinefelter syndrome are born with spermato-
syndrome Optimal timing of sperm retrieval as
gonia, which undergo massive apoptosis most likely
well as optimal hormonal treatment prior to sperm retrieval
during early puberty It is highly likely that during
has not been established so far. Injectable testosterone
early puberty there is a period during the development of
may lower sperm recovery rate; however, this may simply
the adolescent when spermatogenesis starts to occur and
reflect that often men with Klinefelter syndrome who had
sperm is present in the ejaculate. Preservation of ejacu-
to be treated with testosterone injections early may have
lated sperm not only offers clear benefits to our patients
more severe testicular failure with delayed puberty and
in respect to their biological reproductive options but also
poor development during puberty. Much more data are
might have important positive impact on the psychologi-
needed to establish optimal hormonal treatment of men
cal development of an adolescent faced with a diagnosis
with Klinefelter syndrome. In our practice, we cease
that for years has been synonymous with sterility. This
injectable testosterone in men with Klinefelter syndrome
prospect of storing the sperm facilitates the discussion of
prior to any treatment for infertility. Some of the men who
the impact of fertility in young men with Klinefelter
are used to very high levels of circulating testosterone are
syndrome, who in our practice seem to have an easier
placed on topical testosterone, most commonly AndroGel
time accepting the diagnosis knowing that they are not
(Solvay, Marietta, Georgia, USA), which achieves physio-
sterile. Having sperm available simplifies the IVF pro-
logical levels of testosterone and does not suppress FSH
cedure itself, avoids general anesthesia and reduces the
and LH as much as injectable testosterone does. An
cost to procure associated with procurement of sperm in
aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex (AstraZeneca, Wilming-
ton, Detroit, USA) is used in all patients for a minimum of 6months to decrease intratesticular estradiol levels and
There are significant regulatory, logistic and develop-
increase testosterone production. Aromatase inhibitors
mental physiology issues faced by the male reproductive
have been shown to increase testosterone and improve
specialist offering gamete preservation. For example, it is
sperm recovery rates Some practitioners use hCG to
not yet established when the loss of spermatogonia occurs
stimulate intratesticular testosterone and sperm pro-
and if all boys undergo adequate spermatogenesis to have
duction. It is possible that increasing intratesticular tes-
sperm in ejaculated semen or in testicular biopsy
tosterone may increase the chances of sperm recovery, but
material. There is no recognized and well accepted set
because of concern about concomitant increase in estradiol
of markers that would allow us to decide on the best
levels, the hCG should be used with aromatase inhibitors
timing for the cryopreservation. If no sperm are found in
ejaculate but the FSH continues to increase, then micro-surgical testicular sperm retrieval is offered. The micro-
In patients who are not interested in fertility treatment,
surgical biopsy is preferred because it offers the
the focus is on testosterone replacement therapy, health
advantage of minimal testicular damage and small
maintenance, adequate bone health and decreasing the
volume of testis to be obtained. The sample is examined
in the operating room and the testicular tissue is cryo-preserved if spermatogonia are found. This approach
Because sterility is often a main concern of parents and the
allows for the highest chance for preservation of fertility.
adolescent patient, several centers including our own havedeveloped programs for the preservation of fertility in boys
Several new technologies such as testis xenografting and
with chromosomal aberrations using similar principals of
spermatogonial stem cell transplantation are being inves-
practice that are used for children and adolescents who will
tigated to work around the current lack of an in-vitro
undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatment
culture system that would support full spermatogenesis. We currently have an ongoing research program devoted
Sperm cryopreservation in postpubertal adolescents and
to maturing spermatogonia from boys with Klinefelter
adults faced with the need for chemotherapy is common
syndrome. Optimal time of testicular biopsy would be at a
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Andrology, sexual dysfunction and infertility
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Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Schmerztherapie bei Erwachsenen Anleitung zur medikamentösen Tumorschmerz-Therapie Pflegeinterventionen in der Schmerztherapie Herausgeber:Arbeitsgruppe Schmerztherapie im Onkologischen Zentrum Westpfalzfür die Arbeitsgruppe: Prof. Dr. Ch. Madler, Anästhesiologiefür das OZW: Prof. Dr. H. Link, Medizinische Klinik 1Redaktion:Dr. G. Hübner, Medizinische Klinik 1ghuebner@westpfalz-k
[TRACK 3: INTIMACY AND SEXUALITY] [Narrator] The following section of this program contains some material that may be considered sensitive or personal. Intimacy, sexuality, and fertility issues are often neglected topics for cancer survivors. At the time of treatment, the focus is on achieving cure or control of the disease. But, during and after treatment, cancer survivors may exper