When we think ofglobalisation and its impact,the practices.Pierre Casse,in his book Training for the Cross-
images that spring to mind involve American
Cultural Mind, develops this idea, describing training in
fast-food outlets and European bottled water in
another culture as a creative act. Casse presents a triumvi-
Third World countries, placard-waving demonstrators
rate model for managing training across cultures, based on
chanting anti-globalisation slogans and greedy corporate
three ways of learning (see box). Accordingly, for training to
vultures out to make a quick buck in the ‘global village'.
be effective, both trainer and trainee must employ a syner-
But thinking about globalisation with a development sec-
gistic blend of three strategies-adapt, adopt and retain.
tor hat on, it is possible to concede that the process actual-
These theories about culture play in important part in
ly works to the benefit of international development man-
shaping our practice as trainers. It is important for training
agement. Developing countries usually share the same the-
professionals to recognise that cross-cultural training pro-
matic problems and issues even though specific socio-geo-
grammes are fundamentally different from those conduct-
graphic conditions may vary. Cite poverty, institutional
ed in the trainer’s own cultural milieu.
development, water, sanitation, public health and educa-
Culture influences training in many ways. Singh cites
tion, and you could be talking about countries anywhere
three levels at which this influence becomes prominent in
from East Africa to South Asia or even Latin America.
In today’s world, development-oriented activities have
Learning style. Social conditioning inculcates a partic-
also become globalised. For the development sector, glob-
ular style of learning. In a culture where people are taught
alisation opens up access to international knowledge and
to view teachers as the ultimate source of knowledge, the
expertise, as well as other resources.
role of the teacher revolves around imparting knowledge
The international or global perspective on development
management also affects the capacity development sector. Values. Individuals belonging to different cultures will
As the focus shifts from local to international audiences,
have different values and beliefs, and will therefore view
training and development professionals in the non-profit
training methods and techniques differently. For example,
arena will increasingly be required to conduct cross-cultur-
techniques such as participatory management or manage-
al training. This begs the question, what steps should train-
ment by objectives may differ in their acceptability from
ers take to make their programmes culturally appropriate?
Cognition. At the cognitive level, people from different
cultures conceptualise and think about management differ-
A review of the literature reveals that culture has a signifi-
ently. This is the most difficult of all three levels to
cant influence on training programmes. G. H. Hofstede, a
address, since these concepts are deeply ingrained.
prominent name in cultural studies, defines culture as the
Singh concludes that culture plays a critical role in
“collective programming of the human mind that distin-
management practices and, by extension, in training and
guishes members of one human group from those of
development. For training to be effective, the methods and
another. Culture is a system of collectively held values.”
concepts used must be adapted to suit local culture, with
Heera Singh, in his article ‘Effects of Culture on Training',
due regard to sub-cultures such as organisational culture.
argues that the concept of the universality of management
ideas has been rendered redundant with the realisation that
culture has major implications on international management
In early 2003 the NGO Resource Centre received a
request from FOCUS Canada, an NGO working for the
repatriation of Afghan refugees, to conduct a training pro-
gramme for its frontline managerial staff in Kabul.
Recognising the need to understand the training needs of
the organisation, and keeping in mind the implications of
initiating cross-cultural development management training
interventions, NGORC conducted an exhaustive training
need assessment exercise in the FOCUS Kabul office. The
exercise began with detailed interviews of senior manage-
ment, almost all of whom were expatriates and had been
working with the Afghans for the last two years. The exer-
A knows something that B does not. A will transfer her
cise concluded with interviews of the prospective training
knowledge to B, who is responsible for adapting it to the
participants. In addition to formal interviews, informal dis-
constraints of his environment (if necessary).
cussions at lunch and dinner were also held with both
groups. These proved pivotal both in understanding the
organisation’s specific needs and providing valuable
insights into the cultural translations that would be needed
in designing a successful training programme.
For example, the NGORC team learned that Afghan
cultural norms prevented trainees from thinking in terms
of assessing and expressing their training needs. This was
a manifestation of the strict code of honour that Afghan
culture embraces. On a cognitive level, the concept of
This is a cooperative process. A and B know different
having needs is equated with the concept of having short-
things. They exchange their knowledge and build on this
comings. Afghans perceived that expressing or admitting
sharing. They learn from each other.
their need for training-and, thus, needs in general-would
violate this code of honour. As a result, almost all partici-
pants were either at a loss for words or replied in the neg-
ative to questions asking for a self-assessment of training
needs. Subsequently, during interviews with trainees, these
questions were modified to avoid alluding to such a
notion. Instead, questions were asked about difficult situa-
tions that they faced at their workplace or workplace situa-
tions that made them uncomfortable. This allowed the
NGORC team to ascertain areas of management and (lack
of) management skills that needed attention.
Another example is related to the values of trainees.
Through discussions and interviews with prospective
trainees, it emerged that in the Afghan context seniority is
equivalent to high status in society. Translated to a work-
place situation, it is considered disrespectful for a younger
A and B are innovative and create something which
manager to expect an older subordinate to comply with
allows them to cope with their situation in an original way.
orders. Once this aspect of Afghan culture was under-
stood, the NGORC team was able to determine the need
Learning from trainer-trainee interaction in the first
to include the fundamentals of management and organisa-
phase of the training was also incorporated into the sec-
tional behaviour in their training exercises.
ond phase. This primarily involved simplifying the lan-
The training need assessment exercise for FOCUS led
guage of the programme and giving trainees more time to
to the creation of a customised training programme. In the
design process, a conscious effort was made to contextualise
all training material to Afghanistan. The training itself was
conducted in two phases. The first phase concentrated on
Culture plays a crucial role in training. The onus is on the
the fundamentals of management and the functions of
trainer to recognise cultural influences and plan training
managers. Using real-life examples of ongoing projects and
programme accordingly. The NGORC’s experience in
development work in Afghanistan, trainees were able to
Kabul shows that cross-cultural training can be a reward-
relate theoretical concepts to organisational examples from
ing experience for both learners and trainers, as long as the
their own country. Examples such as the Kabul Serena
exercise is conducted with an eye to cross-cultural effec-
Hotel (due to open soon in the heart of the city) and vari-
ous projects run by Aga Khan Development Network in
Afghanistan, as well as the hypothetical expansion of
Muhammad-Khurram Butt is a Faculty Member of the Development Management
FOCUS itself into another developing country, not only
Education programme at the NGO Resource Centre. He has four years of management
facilitated trainees’ understanding but also allowed the train-
and training experience in the non-profit sector as well as international exposure in cus-
ing programme to be culture-specific.
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