Department of Public Safety and Corrections
DWCC - Inmate Reginald Tyler spit on Major Banks 12/15/07
Inmate Dalvin Washington #525645 pushed M/Sgt. Eric Stewart to the side with his shoulder.
On December 25, 2007 - Inmate John Coile #192251 expired at LSUMC. (No autopsy pending.)
Inmate Christopher Sims #4212 threw feces and paper on Sgt. Richard Abadie’s legs and shoes.
On December 4, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Staff - Inmate T. Jackson, DOC #507687 & C/Sergeant D. O'Neal.
Inmate Calvin Ellender #229533 spat on Sgt. Erica Wilson.
Inmate Michael Clark #502155 spat in Col. Reginald Brock’s face.
On December 12, 2007 - Inmate K. Boyd #379610 received a Rule #21.
Inmate Derrick Phillips #132509 slapped a cup of Ensure and medication out of Nurse Kenneth Landwehr’s hand.
Inmate Frank Brown #101849 spat in Nurse Sharon Price’s face.
On December 9, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Inmate - Inmate D. Small #335702 & Inmate R. Powell #100691.
Inmate Roderick Owens #411966 threw a food loaf in Sgt. Richard Abadie’s face.
On December 10, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Inmate - Inmate E. Morgan #109961 & T. Wilson #109497.
Inmate Edward Parish #132874 a punch at M/Sgt. Jeffery, hitting the bib of his cap.
On December 12, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Inmate - Inmate W. Wallace #499094 & Inmate H. Campbell #104627.
On December 12, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Inmate - Inmate R. Metrojean #155320 & Inmate S. Walker #313288.
LSP - OTHER -1 Incident was a deep fryer caught on fire no injuries and no
On December 12, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Inmate - Inmate S. Walker #313288 & Inmate E. Morgan #109961.
evacuations at Main Prison Kitchen; 1 Incident was a heater at Camp J causing
On Decmeber 15, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Inmate - Inmate R. Hall #423161 & Inmate A. Johnson #252011.
On Decmeber 24, 2007 - Assault Inmate/Inmate - Inmate J. Smith #529508 & Inmate A. Dukes #502705.
ALC - 12/07 - Agg. Sex Offenses - 16 @ 1 each.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
15:38.C Total 53 Enrolled 16 Completed Risk Management 22
15:828 Total 177 Enrolled 46 Completed Risk Management 73
Enrolled in Risk Management as facilitators: 11
Group numbers are down: Two Anger Management Groups completed in December 2007
No groups held the week of Christmas.
DWCC - First United Methodist Church conducted a special program on Dec. 21-22 New
Directions Prison Ministry conducted a revival froma Dec 28-30,
WTFN - Substance Abuse Group Contact # low due to holiday.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
EHCC - =======================================================LCIW - "Other" includes 2 Pulmonary, 1 Rheumatology, 1 GI, 13 Ultrasounds, 10 CT Scans, 8 Diagnostic Mammograms, 2 MRI's, and 12 Radiation Therapy. =======================================================LSP - Total Referrals decreased due to one Doctor being out on FMLA and two on vacation. Surgery increased due to more inmates being scheduled this month. ENT increased due to us receiving more appointments this month. Internal Medicine increased due to more patients being scheduled this month. Hematology/Oncology increased due to two inmates have to be seen once a week and one new patient. Physical Therapy increased due to them not missing any days this month. Ophthalmology increased due to more inmates being scheduled this month. HIV decreased due to the Doctor missing two days this month. HIV numbers were high last month due to the inmates being seen at EKL as well. Oral Surgery decreased due to Doctor Ragusa being here only three times this month. Other decreased due to Chiro being out a few days this month. =======================================================PCC - DECEMBER/2007 - We are evaluating the necessity of referrals on an individual basis. Return appointments are counted as a referral. Return appointments are also being evaluated for necessity. Referrals: Completed referrals means that a clinic date has been given, not that they have actually been to clinic. Physical Therapy is where bandage changes are done on an inmate with serious leg ulcers due to vascular problems. They are also supplying the needed material for us to do the changes in between trips. The increase in the number of clinic consults is due to one cancer patient, surgeries and follow up appointments. =======================================================WTFN - OTHER = PODIATRY CL - 1 PRISONER TRIAGE CL - 3 WALK IN CLINIC - 4 BARIUM ENEMA - 1 ULTRASOUND - 2 =======================================================FWADE - Other - Medicine Primary Care Clinic, Primary Care Facility Clinic, Ambulatory Care Clinic, ER Clinics, Medicine Rees 1 =======================================================FRDC - "Other" includes 2 Pulmonary, 1 Rheumatology, 1 GI, 13 Ultrasounds, 10 CT Scans, 8 Diagnostic Mammograms, 2 MRI's, and 12 Radiation Therapy. =======================================================HRDC - =======================================================WRDC - Other - Medicine Primary Care Clinic, Primary Care Facility Clinic, Ambulatory Care Clinic, ER Clinics, Medicine Rees 1 =======================================================
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
HEALTH CARE SERVICES/BASIC WORKLOAD INDICATORS Basic Health Care Emergency Care Admits to Admits to Infirmary Pharmacy Lab/X-Ray Hospital Medicine
AVC - AVC has a full-time Medical Director which is reflecting in the increase in Doctor's Call-Out. The hospital admits were up, one inmate was admitted to HPL twice during the month of December. According to the Pharmacist, due to the many holiday, and only one refilling cycle in the month of December, there is a decrease in New Rx,and refill Rx. The number of labs shows an increase from November, as the lab total for November should have been 80 not 33. =======================================================DWCC - Inmate days in hospital 40, Inmate sent to ER because of injury 1=======================================================EHCC - December 2007- We had 4 holidays in this month which cause the number to decrease in some cases. =======================================================LCIW - One of the RDC inmates listed under offsite hospital admissions was already inpatient at LSU Shreveport when she was transferred to LCIW from parish. She remains hospitalized. =======================================================LSP - Sick call decrease is attributed to the farm lines working fewer days this month due to the holidays. Doctor's Call decreased due to the holidays and one doctor off on FMLA and two were out on vacation this month. Optometry increased due to more inmates being scheduled this month. =======================================================PCC - DECEMBER/2007 - Dental call increased due to the number of new inmates screened. Infirmary admits and length of stay increased due to one with a 12 day for MHO (C-PAP Machine), cancer and chemo, flu symptoms, joint pain. Pharmacy doses decreased due to the types of medications ordered. Lab decreased by 206. Fifty-three were seen in Chronic Care Clinic this month. The majority of these were follow up appointments. =======================================================WCI - The Doctor & Dental Call numbers down this month due to the holidays during the month. Prevention Education numbers down due to less number of inmates on call outs to the Infirmary. Other numbers down due to less bandage changes due to less skin infections; lab numbers down due to doctor being off and not here to order lab work and less trip encounters than last month. =======================================================FWADE - Other - Treatment, PPD, Eye Glasses, EKG, Lab, Release of Info., Trip Returns, Intake, Kitchen Assessments, Consent forms, & Injections. The number of days inmates where at off site hospital: 116 =======================================================SHRC - Dental callout increased due to initial screenings=======================================================WTFN - DENTAL = 0 > CONTRACT DENTIST; NO SERVICES PROVIDED IN DEC. 2007=======================================================FRDC - One of the RDC inmates listed under offsite hospital admissions was already inpatient at LSU Shreveport when she was transferred to LCIW from parish. She remains hospitalized. =======================================================HRDC - December 2007- We had 4 holidays in this month which cause the number to decrease in some cases. =======================================================WRDC - Other - Treatment, PPD, Eye Glasses, EKG, Lab, Release of Info., Trip Returns, Intake, Kitchen Assessments, Consent forms, & Injections. The number of days inmates where at off site hospital: 116=======================================================
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
DUTY STATUS REPORT Limited Duty Permanent Regular Duty Temporary Permanent Temporary
DWCC - Inmates with restricted duty status 238
EHCC - December 2007- RD-967,LDF-188, LDC-402, RDR-38, NDBR-12
LCIW - The 2 permanent ND reside in the Infirmary; the temporary ND in RDC is inpatient at LSU Shreveport.
WCI - The 2 No duties were admits to the Infirmary Observation Ward.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Total Pos. TB Cases Conversion TB Preval-
Screened Referred to Treatment Infections Diagnosed
DCI - All 4 DOC Convertors housed @ DCI less than 1 year=======================================================EHCC - =======================================================LCIW - TB/PPDs: Of the 72 RDC admissions, 3 did not receive PPD's. One inmate had a h/o a past (+), with documentation of INH therapy, one was on MHO and was too psychotic to permit testing, and one was an inpatient at LSU Shreveport transferred to LCIW custody by the parish. 1 RDC I/M converted and was started on INH while in RDC. Hep C: 1 RDC inmate was admitted on therapy for HCV and was referred immediately to the HCV clinic; treatment was continued. Skin Infections: 1 RDC was admitted with a skin infection requiring treatment; 5 LCIW I/M required treatment for skin infections, of which 1 cultured (+) for staph. =======================================================LSP - PPD'S done decreased due to this being employee testing month. =======================================================PCC - DECEMBER/2007 - Inmates on HAART are controlled by the Comprehensive Care Clinic at Moss Regional Hospital. Five inmates were diagnosed with boils or abscesses which required antibiotic treatment. All staff and inmates will havetheir PPD's done in January/2008. =======================================================
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Chronic Disease/Therapeutic Diets Chronic Disease Therapeutic Diets
DCI - Our Cardiac and Hypertensive Diets are the same=======================================================LCIW - "Other" includes 9 Double Portions and 13 Bland diets. =======================================================FWADE - Other diets consist of double portions, soft diets, liquid diet, pureed diet and food allergies. =======================================================SHRC - Other = high fiber, allergy=======================================================FRDC - "Other" includes 9 Double Portions and 13 Bland diets. =======================================================WRDC - Other diets consist of double portions, soft diets, liquid diet, pureed diet and food allergies. =======================================================ALC - The hypertensive/ therapeutic diets are the amount of inmates on diet for health which includes cardiac, hypertensive, and diabetic. =======================================================
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
WORK CREW SUMMARY # of Maximum # of Medium # of Minimum # Extra Duty Work Crews Work Crews Work Crews Work Crews Total # of Crews
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
DCI - Milton Balser 91004 CBB refused to submit a sample1. Eric Andrews 311475 - C +THC 12/4/07 Job - Dorm Rep2. Steven Brumley 371632-C +THC 12/7/07 Job - Ord Rec Room C3. Lloyd Lands 98622-C +THC 12/9/07 Job Crew 14. Ronald Coleman 300275-A +THC 12/8/07 Job - Orderly DA5. Fernando Serrano 108719-H +THC 12/9/07 Job - Limited Duty6. Gerald Achilles 450380-3 +Specific Gravity 12/23/07 Job - Crew 107. Courtney Jackson 286823-4 +THC 12/22/07 Job - YOP Tutor8. Jason Francois 435549-4 +THC 12/22/07 Job - Auto Body School Vo-Tech9. Adam Posey 467658-4 +THC 12/22/07 Job - CB Orderly10 Curtis County 288864-9 +THC 12/31/07 Job - Poydras Building=======================================================EHCC - Darrell Joseph # 424247 Golf-3 unable to provide a urine specimen in the allotted time,Intake HDRC-Jermaine Ledet # 408214 THC Iberia Parish Jail,Tyrone Allen #311545 THC West Feleciana Parish, Michael Scott # 531826 THC Jefferson Parish, Edgar Oliveri # 171683 COC East Baton Rouge Work release. =======================================================LCIW - The 1 RDC inmate tested positive for Cocaine. The 1 LCIW inmate tested positive for methamphetamines due to her medication. All Rehabilitative testing are listed under reasonable suspicion. =======================================================FWADE - On December 04, 2007 Inmate C. Jackson #094407 & Inmate A. Johnson #252011 tested positive for THC from Madison Parish. =======================================================
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
DWCC - Total Resolved Formally 27, Informally 28=======================================================WCI - SIX MORE FILED AND FOUR MORE ACCEPTED THAN PREVIOUS MONTH. ABUSE/THREATS (5) AND HEALTH CARE (3) HAD LARGEST INCREASE. =======================================================FWADE - SUMMARY OF ARPS BY SUBJECT CODE DEC 2007From ASCA Performance Based Resource ManualIV JUSTICE STANDARD 2. Grievances 1. Grievances Filed: Number of formal grievances filed during the monthInstitution Totals = 452. Grievances Resolved Informally = 12 3. Grievances Resolved Formally: Number of formal grievances resolved via the formal grievance process during the monthResolved Totals = 35=======================================================WNC - 21 ARP were rejected during the reporting month of December for the following reasons:5-Disciplinary Rules and Procedures-Inmate requests concerning infraction received from disciplinary court. These matters are to be addressed through use of the appeals process. Not grievable through ARP system. Inmates areinformed of the proper procedure and supplied the necessary forms to appeal through the correct process4-Medical/Mental Health - Duplicate issues 1-Time Computation-Duplicate issues4-Loss Property-Not grievable through ARP system but must be addressed by filing a lost property claim. Appropriate forms sent 1-Conflict With Staff-Duplicate issues1-Implementation of ARP-Duplicate issue2-Lockdown Review Board-Non-grievable through ARP system. Inmates are given a copy of the board's decision at the time of the hearing2-Quality of Life-Duplicate issues1-Legal-Duplicate issue=======================================================
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
AVC - 9 job appointments filled on the last day of month. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DCI - 3 OF THE EXITS WERE FROM JOB APPOINTMENTS. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EHCC - Resignations: 19 Classified and 1 WAE; New Hires: 28 Applicants placed in Job Appointments-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LSP - Delimited 10 security positions due to filling the 10 new leadworker master sergeant positions created for 4 Assistant Warden Clerks and 6 positions in Control Center. Received 1 additional position for leadworker master sergeant position for TU security clerk. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WCI - No job appointments filled on the last day of the month. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Loss of Incentive Pay
FWADE - On November 27, 2007, Inmate T. Fields #093540 lost 24 weeks of Incentive Wages for Rule #1.
On December 03, 2007, Inmate M. Polk #295049 lost 12 weeks of Incentive Wages for Rule #3.
On December 05, 2007, Inmate M. Cowart #371365 lost 12 weeks of Incentive Wages for Rule #1.
On December 12, 2007, Inmate H. Campbell #104627 lost 12 weeks of Incentive Wages for Rule #10.
On December 12, 2007, Inmate W. Wallace#499094 lost 12 weeks of Incentive Wages for Rule #10.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Percentage of Population Total Days Lost Regular
AVC - DAYS LOST REGULAR DISCIPLINARY ACTIVITY: One inmate lost all good time earned
AVERAGE DAYS LOST: Extremely low level of disciplinary activity this month.
EHCC - The total amount of days lost for regular disciplinary activities include 8970
days of good time loss for work release/jail inmates sent to HRDC for
disciplinary reasons. It also includes 1380 days of goodtime loss for HRDC
inmate's heard in regular high court.
LCIW - Enhanced due to 1 Work Release Violator returned to LCIW for escape.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
# of employees on FMLA Last Working Day of Month By Reasons
New Placement of Seriously Ill Family Employee's Health
DCI - 17 employees were on intermittent FMLA.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
AVC - =======================================================LCIW - The total tested does not included the number in pre-employement, but all test are included in the cost (cost used for calcualtion $11.00)=======================================================WCI - Cost of testing is $5.48 per test and does not include pre-employment testing. =======================================================WTFN - COSTS & TOTALS DO NOT INCLUDE PRE-EMP = 1=======================================================ALC - Pre form instruction the cost of pre employment are not included above in the cost section. =======================================================WNC - Other includes two rehabilitation program testings=======================================================
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
EDUCATION SUMMARY REPORT Literacy Programs College & Vocational Education Classes Grant Programs Inmates Involved in Education
LCIW - Upholstery: YOG participants are counted under Grant Programs (UPHO01-GRT), and non-grant participants are counted under College and Vocational Education Classes (UPHO01-CVO).
Grant Programs: MKMG-01 encompasses freshmen-level college courses offered by RPCC. The current class is Psychology of Adjustment.
Grant Programs: JLS-01 class resumed operations as Mr. Robert Church began employment this month as the new instructor.
Grant Programs: Grant A programs are two classes funded by the Pathways/CDBG grant. These two classes are CORE Basic Construction and Work Ready Skills.
LSP - The other tutor mentioned in ABE-GED is Ed Laws, LSU Professor/Volunteer. A daily average of 602 (12% total population) were exposed to CLN during the month of December.
FWADE - Inmate J. Davis #124691 - general studies at LSU.
Inmate J. SKipworth #403187 - general studies at Bible College.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
DISCIPLINARY ACTIVITY REPORT Disciplinary Charges Schedule B and Incident Reports Appeal Decisions Rendered by Warden Schedule A Schedule B Appeal Decisions Rendered by Secretary Total Heard % of Not Guilty/ Total Heard % of Not Guilty/ Other Action Total Other Action Dismissed Dismissed Denied with Denied with Instruc- Instruc-
AVC - This is the lowest number of Schedule B Rule Violation Reports ever which is attributed to an active and enjoyable holiday season, honor status expectations, and unit management.
EHCC - Secretary appeal decision other action institutional total is for an appeal that was remanded at the Secretary's level to be reheard due to an inaudible tape recording. Also, the number of dismissed reports reflects Mental Health transfers with pending disciplinary reports from other facilities.
LCIW - The 7 others under the Warden's appeal were 3 granted, 3 remanded and 1 rejected.
LSP - APPEALS: Warden-Other: 3 granted, 16 remanded, 6 moot, 4 rejected.
DISCIPLINARY ACTIVITY REPORTFrom ASCA Performance Based Resource Manual IV JUSTICE STANDARD4. Disciplinary Reports1. Disciplinary Reports for Major Infractions: Number of disciplinary reports for major institutional infractions of which the inmates were found guilty during the month. Count the number of reports not the number of infractions. Count the number of major versus minor infractions according to the agency’s internal policy as to what is major and minor. Schedule B violations found guilty - 682. Disciplinary Reports for Minor Infractions: Number of disciplinary reports for major institutional infractions of which the inmates were found guilty during the month. Count the number of reports not the number of infractions. Count the number of major versus minor infractions according to the agency’s internal policy as to what is major and minor. Schedule A violations found guilty - 23. Disciplinary Reports – Findings of Guilt: Number of disciplinary reports of which the inmates were found guilty during the last month. Count number of reports not the number of infractions within the same report. Total number of guilty during the month from Disciplinary database in Notes - 1034. Disciplinary Hearing Decisions Appealed: Number of disciplinary hearing decisions appealed by the inmate during the month Total number of Appeals from DB Appeal database in Notes - 14
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Contraband Incident Rates Employee
1. Homemade Knife approximately 6 inches long found in inmate's bed (Inmate)
2. Homemade weapon made of metal paint can opener 6 inches long (Inmate
Inmate Darren McCrainey #506996 was found with (1) Rifampin pill, (2) Tylenol and (7) Benadryl pills in his nightstand
3. Homemade shank approximately 6 inches long. (Unknown)
while being housed in the 24hr Unit.
4. Homemade shank 8 inches long (Unknown)
Inmate Koune Soukaroun #527676 was found with a jar of Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream that was 1/8 full in his
5. Homemade weapon approximately 5 inches long (Unknown)
Inmate Noel Dean #309740 was found with (29) Benzoyl, (4) Plaix, (6) Trazodord and (1) oval in his cell.
Inmate Linston Armand #100902 was found with a bottle of Aurodex Otic Solution in his wall locker.
Inmate Gregory Booze #320452 was found with (2) Benadryl pills wrapped in a toilet paper holder inside of his cell.
Inmate Bruce Goudeau #443669 was found with (1) Amoxil tablet inside of his wall locker.
Inmate Bruce Goudeau #443669 was found with (3) Nortriptyline pills, (1) Amoxil pill and (1) Ibuprofen pill in the top
3. Tatto Gun, ink, needle and motor. (Inmate)
4. Crushed pills Haldol or Vasotec. (Inmate)
Inmate Tracy Flaherty #374988 was found with (1) Evil pill and (1) Naproxen pill in the top pocket of his jumpsuit.
5. 7 Pornographic pics. (found on inmate after visiting)
Inmate Gregory Vallery #121310 was found with (1) Clonidine tablet in the top pocket of his jumpsuit.
Inmate Jarmone Adams #372071 was found with (15) Flexarill pills, (13) Naperson pills and (3) Benadryl pills inside of
a sock that was tied around his penis.
Inmate Willis Jones #412985 was found with (4) Bactrim pills wrapped in toilet paper inside of his jumpsuit pocket.
Unknown: Marijuana Joint found on Dorm C; Sugar Pack of Marijuana found in C/D TV Room
Inmate Travis Davis #413346 was found with a white nylon strap approx 2” wide and 5 ft long with 2 snaps and a
Visitors: Case of beer in car; 2 beers in car
plastic buckle around it concealed under his jumpsuit during a shakedown in D 1 Cellblock.
Inmate Richard Goodwin #444397 was found with a razor blade on his bed frame in Fox 4 dorm.
Unknown: 8 inch file found in window of Rec Room A; 6 penny nail found in G/H Bathroom
Inmate Mark Jenkins #310009 was found with (2) loose razors blades inside of his property during a shakedown in
Inmate Travis Davis#413346 spit a razor blade out of his mouth onto a table in D1 Infirmary.
Inmate Noel Dean #309740 was found with (2) razor blades inside of his cell in D1 Cellblock.
Inmate Travis Davis #413346 was found with a razor and two pieces of an ink pen metal tip on him in D1 Cellblock.
Inmate Robert Gray #102471 was found with (6) razors blades under a newspaper inside of his wall locker in Fox 2
Inmate: Tattoo Machine; $20 Bill; $100 Bill; Weather Radio; Unauthorized Meds;
Inmate Irvin McCoy #106723 was found with 2 loose blades in his possession while in Fox 6 dorm.
Inmate Israel Simeon #470231 was found with a t-shirt with a hardened ball of soap approx 2” tied inside of it. He also
DWCC - Medication 4, Tobacco 41, Gambling Paraphernalia 8, Other 7; yeast, two pieces
had in his possession 2 socks both filled with hardened balls of soap on his bed in Golf 3 dorm.
of wire, lighters, razor blade, postage stamps,
Inmate Clydell Conway #459210 was found with (8) razors in his cell in D1 Cellblock.
Inmate Jeffrey Moore #404709 was found with a homemade screwdriver that was made from a metal
piece of a cigarette lighter that was melted into the cap of an ink pen in Beaver 1 dorm.
Inmate Jacinto Eusebio #384016 was found with (19) homemade weapons that were all made out of
paper that was hardened and sharpened on the ends inside of his cell in D1 Cellblock.
Inmate Buddy Hicks #531716 and Terrance Scott #445532 were found with a broken razor blade on
the railing of their cell door and a toothbrush handle sharpened into a point on the end between the
1. (1) Chlorpromazine 100 mg tablet (Thorazine)
light and the ceiling in their cells inside of Beaver 3 dorm. Inmate Gregory Hunter #471888 spit (2) broken razor blades out his mouth while in the 24hr Unit.
1. An ice chest filled with Milwaukee's Best Light Beer.
Inmate Daniel Spriggs #392277 was found with 3 cigarettes in his hand. Inmate Isaac Russell #118898 was found with 6 packets of tobacco and cigarette papers hidden in
Inmate Sandy Jackson #432600 was found with a lighter and ashes in his cell. Inmate Mark Jenkins #310009 was found with tattoo paraphernalia in his property.
Inmate Mickey Taylor #388969 was found with 6 cigarettes inside of his pillow.
1. (8) 12 Gauge buck shot shells, several 22 caliber bullets, (3) knives,(2)
Inmate John Ratcliff #391453 was found with a cigarette under his mattress.
flat head screw drivers. Found in visitor parking lot. {NOTE: A window was
Inmate Terrance Chew #490730 was found with 3 pornographic photos concealed in his pillowcase.
down in this vehicle with the key broken off in the ignition switch. One of
Inmate Aaron Yates #300552 was found with a lighter, tobacco and cigarette papers on his person.
the flat head screw drivers could easily crank the vehicle.}
Inmate Noel Dean #309740 was found with 2 tobacco packs in his cell. Inmate Noel Dean #309740 was found with 5 cigarettes and cigarette papers in his cell.
Inmate Clydell Conway #459210 was found with 14 cigarettes, pornographic pictures, 2 plastic mirrors,
1. (1) Small circuit tester or screwdriver on Wind Unit volleyball court.
a lighter and loose tobacco in his cell. Inmate Elmeco Burnes #403961 was found with 2 lighters and a bag of tobacco inside of his boots.
Inmate James Matthews #475464 was found with a bag of tobacco in his sock.
Inmate August Casey #77376 was found with loose tobacco in his cell.
2. (1) pre-stamped envelope with a half of a hand rolled cigarette in it that
Inmate Kenneth Montgomery #388258 was found with .39 (39 cents) in his locker.
hadn't been lit, (1) brown paper towel with basketball scores written on it and
Inmate Travis Davis #413346 was found with 10 cigarettes on his person.
inside of it was some loose tobacco, (24) pieces of correspondence ( four
Inmate Clydell Conway #459210 was found with chewing tobacco in his mattress.
pieces had some type of cryptic messages on them), (1) correspondence envelope
Inmate Scott Brown #108790 was found with loose tobacco in his mattress.
(1) Sleet 3 SMU roster, (8) books, (1) state blanket.
Inmate Gregory Parness #522568 was found with a lighter and tobacco on his person.
3. (1) Hand rolled cigarette, (5) state sheets, (1) state blanket, (1) personal
Inmate Frank Coker #530560 was found with 2 cigarettes in his pocket.
book "How To Be Invisible" by J.J. Luna.
Inmate Ronald Ellis #129154 was found with a bag of tobacco under his blanket.
4. A Close-up tooth paste box, (6) hand rolled cigarettes.
Inmate Elmo Bickham #406960 was found with 2 lighters on his person.
5. (5) Hand rolled cigarettes, a kitchen glove finger of loose tobacco, (1)
Inmate Clydell Conway #459210 was found with loose tobacco,a lighter and smoked cigarettes in his cell.
pill bottle with an unknown liquid inside.
Inmate Marcus Halley #529164 was found with tobacco concealed in hollowed bread.
6. Approx. 127 gambling tickets taped under the tv benches.
Inmate Sadiek Mohammed #526520 was found with 5 cigarettes and loose tobacco in his locker.
7. (3) Unopened packs of Buglar, (2) tightly sealed packs in cellophane, (2)
Inmate Junius Smith #420829 was found with a ball of tobacco concealed in a loaf of bread.
empty packs, (1) opened pack and (1) pack in the process of being placed in
Inmate Stanley Brown #399607 was found with 4 cigarettes in his coat.
Inmate Juaniski Wilkerson #310911 was found with a bundle of tobacco and a plexi glass mirror in his
9. A gambling broad, (1) container with eleven cigarettes, (1) lighter.
Inmate Rodney Smith #353552 was found with cigarettes concealed in a toothbrush holder under his mattress.
Inmate Kalob Burris #439781 was found with a large bundle of tobacco and several cigarettes in his cell.
1. A tool box filled with tools, one thousand one hundred and sixty dollars in
Inmate Rodney Crockett #451434 was found with pages of pornographic pictures in his locker.
cash, and the key was broken off in the ignition.
Inmate Clarence Santiaco #528864 was found with 3 cigarettes on his person. Inmate Christopher Paulsen #360272 was found with a bag of tobacco on his person. Inmate Ronnie Lacy #101907 was found with nickel in his property.
Inmate Wayne Winesberry #387681 was found with a package of tobacco and cigarette papers on his
WTFN - a. Inmate Q. Lewis had 36 capsules inside a toothpaste container while housed
in the cell block. No markings on capsules. RN Michot stated that they
resemble weight lifting enhancement pills or vitamins. b. Inmate C. Young was
MSgt. R Stanley found a piece of stainless steel plate approx 4”long and 1.5” wide and sharpened on
in possession of a Nokia pre-paid cell phone while at work, he stated he found
one end and had a piece of sheet knotted on the other end through one of the screw holes in Beaver 2
it while picking trash up along hwy. 28 East. c. Officers shook down England
Air Park break room & work vans, two dollars and fifty four cents was found in
the crew one van d. Inmate caught using razor blade attached to pocket comb
Sgt. J Martin conducted a search on the Iberville Parish Honor Guard van, and found (22) short
cutting hair. e. Inmate Q. Dang had a Motrin in pill envelope
ammunition and (12) 30/30 ammunition rounds.
FWADE - On Decmeber 02, 2007, Inmate L. Washington #421034 had three DVDs in his
Lt. R Kelly found a 12oz scoop in a garbage can on Beaver 1 chow cart that was missing from Beaver 2.
possession. Inmate Washington received the DVDs from c/Cadet A. Johnson.
c/Cadet Johnson has resigned her position at Forcht Wade.
LCIW - 2 brown pills were found in Leo and were identified as 50mg Elavil. 1 brown pill was found in Leo and identified as 50mg Elavil. 10 white pills and 4 blue pills were found in Gemini and identified as
On December 04, 2007, Inmate C. Jackson #094407 & Inmate A. Johnson #252011
325mg Tylenol and 220mg Aleve. 1 yellow pill was found in Aquarius and identified as 15mg Mirtazapine.
tested positive for THC from Madison Parish
=======================================================PCC - DECEMBER/2007 - WEAPONS INSIDE FACILITY/INMATE: aN INMATE WAS FOUND IN
During the month of December, Forcht Wade had found nine tobacco products and
six lighters on inmates in unauthorized areas.
Department of Public Safety and Corrections
DEFINITIONS:TOTAL CONTACT HOURS:Indicates number of hours inmates spent in regular and special religious services and in personal contact with chaplains and chaplaincy staff (10 inmates in a 1 hour service equals 10 contact hours - i.e., church, counseling, emergency phone calls, etc.)TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS:Indicates the actual number of hours volunteers spent in service at the unit (i.e., 2 volunteers serve for 2 hours equals 4 volunteer hours). Comments:DWCC - New Directions Prison Ministry conducted a revival from Dec 28-30. First United Methodist Church conducted a special program on Dec 21-22=======================================================LSP - The total number of contact hours reflects the number of hours inmates spent in regular or special services and in personal contact with chaplains and chaplaincy staff. The total number of volunteer hours reflects the actual number of hours volunteers spent in service, doing counseling, revivals, study, tier ministry, etc. =======================================================FWADE - Number are lower this month due to the Holidays, fewer services were conducted by Assistant Chaplain Pusch and Volunteers. Volunteer Hours increased this month due to the Annual Volunteer Banquet. =======================================================
The American Journal of Bioethics , 11(7): 32–45, 2011Copyright c Taylor & Francis Group, LLCISSN: 1526-5161 print / 1536-0075 onlineDOI: 10.1080/15265161.2011.568577 Target Article Health and Social Justice (Ruger 2009a) developed the “health capability paradigm,” a conception of justice and health in domestic societies. This idea undergirds analternative framework of social co
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