Orientation Self-Study Guide Test
Which of the following tasks would be the most appropriate for a registered nurse (RN) to delegate to a nursing attendant (NA)? a. Assist in hygiene care b. Change a wet-to-dry dressing c. Formulate a nursing diagnosis d. Transport an unstable patient to dialysis What are the four “C’s” of communication? a. Clear, concise, correct, complete b. Clear, concise, confound, connect c. Clear, congruent, correct, complete d. Clear, congruent, confirm, complete Which of the following is considered a patient identifier? a. Bed number b. Room number c. Driver’s license d. Name and Medical Record Number (MRUN) from identification (ID) band Which of the following procedures requires verification by comparing two patient identifiers? a. Handing patient a gown b. Administering medication c. Turning/Repositioning patient d. Assisting patient during ambulation Mr. Garcia presents at the clinic for his scheduled appointment. Which of the following BEST
describes the procedure to verify Mr. Garcia's identity?
a. Confirm identity by comparing his name b. Confirm identity by looking at a picture ID of Mr. Garcia c. Ask him to state his name and date of birth, then confirm his answer against his identification d. Ask him, "Are you Mr. Garcia, and were you born on September 4, 1959?", then confirm his Which of the following responses by the nurse indicates a correct understanding of a normal characteristic of a newborn (neonate)? a. “The newborns cry all day” b. “The newborns look intently at people's faces” c. “The newborns lift head and chest off of the mattress” d. “The newborns move one side of the body more than the other” F:\Orientation Manuals\Orientation 2012\2013_Orientation_SSG_TEST.doc ORIG: JANUARY 4, 2001 (SV) Which of the following responses by the nurse indicates a correct understanding of a normal behavioral characteristic of a 6-month-old infant? a. “They start to recognize familiar faces and objects” b. “They are able to discriminate strangers from family” c. “They begin to follow moving objects and people with eyes” d. “They are able to show emotions of fear, anger, affection, jealousy and anxiety” Which of the following items would be appropriate for a 2-year-old to play with? Which of the following is a characteristic of an 8-year-old? A motivating factor MOST LIKELY to help adolescents comply with health teaching is that:
a. Their peers are doing it too b. Their parents want them to do it c. It is good for their long-term health d. It is beneficial because it will allow them to become more dependent on others Which of the following is an appropriate alternative prior to placing a patient in restraints? a. Increase environmental stimuli b. Raise all four side rails of the bed c. Encourage the patient to leave the hospital d. Encourage the patient to express his/her fear, anxiety, and frustration The potentially harmful effects of restraints would include which of the following: a. Increased sense of autonomy b. Decreased incidence of limb injury c. Decreased incidence of pressure sores d. Increased feelings of helplessness and humiliation Respiratory rate is minimally monitored and documented on a patient when placed for behavioral reasons every: a. 5 minutes b. 10 minutes c. 15 minutes d. 20 minutes If you are an UNLICENSED STAFF member (Nursing Attendant, Clerk, Technician, Student
Nurse Worker), stop here.
If you are LICENSED STAFF (Registered Nurse, Licensed Vocational Nurse), please complete
questions 13-29, as applicable to your assigned work area.

F:\Orientation Manuals\Orientation 2012\2013_Orientation_SSG_TEST.doc ORIG: JANUARY 4, 2001 (SV) Mr. Brown was just diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes. He is widowed, lives alone, and drives himself to the clinic. His other medical problems include hypertension, stroke, and glaucoma. Factors to consider which may influence his ability to learn about his management of diabetes are: a. Type of insulin, literacy, education level b. Literacy, language, frequency of insulin c. Social support, language, insulin syringes available d. Education level, literacy, history of compliance with medical care, social support a. Help the significant other(s) to support the patient b. Ensure that patient and significant others understand what is expected of them c. Ensure that patients understand what the medical and nursing teams have told them d. Provide information that will help the patient and significant others to maintain or restore health, promote adjustment to illness, promote compliance with medical and nursing care recommendations, prevent complications, and promote self-care Which of the following statements given by the new orientee indicates understanding of the principles of adult learning? a. Adults learn when they are less motivated b. Only current experiences influence learning c. Readiness to learn is dependent on developmental tasks d. Adults prefer to learn about future events rather than what is important today Which of the following is a sign of phlebitis? a. Blisters b. Tissue Necrosis c. Skin feels cool around IV site d. Redness, swelling and tenderness noted at IV site F:\Orientation Manuals\Orientation 2012\2013_Orientation_SSG_TEST.doc ORIG: JANUARY 4, 2001 (SV) MEDICATION CALCULATIONS
Dosage Calculations

Using either dimensional analysis or the ratio and proportion method of dosage
calculations, work the following problems, you may use scratch paper. Include units in the answer.
Order: Haldol 7.5 mg Available: 5 mg/tablet How many tablet(s) will the nurse administer? Order: Lotensin 30 mg Available: 15 mg/tablet How many tablet(s) will the nurse administer? Order: Amoxicillin 2 g Available: 500 mg/capsule How many capsule(s) will the nurse administer? Patient’s Weight: 99 lb How many mg of medication will the nurse administer? ____________ Intravenous Solutions

Order: Infuse 1000 mLs of 0.9% NS IV solution at a rate of 80 mL/hour. How many hours will this IV solution infuse? Order: Infuse 500 mLs of 0.45% NS IV solution to run over 2 hours. Calculate the flow rate. What is the flow rate?
The following questions should be answered by Registered Nurses working in the following areas:
3WICU, 3WCTU, 4WCCU, 5EICU, 6EICU, 6ENICU, 6WICU, Adult ER, Pediatric ER, PACU,
Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Interventional Radiology
Dobutamine is prepared 500 mg/500 mL D5W. Ordered dose is 5 mcg/kg/min. Patient weighs 65 kg. At what rate (mL/hr) should the dobutamine be infused? Dobutamine 500 mg/500 mL D5W is running at 54 mL/hr. Patient weighs 90 kg. What dose (mcg/kg/min) is the patient receiving? Dopamine is prepared 400 mg/250 mL D5W. Ordered dose is 5 mcg/kg/min. Patient weighs 72 kg. At what rate (mL/hr) should the dopamine be infused? F:\Orientation Manuals\Orientation 2012\2013_Orientation_SSG_TEST.doc ORIG: JANUARY 4, 2001 (SV)
The following questions pertain to pediatric patients and should be answered by Registered Nurse
and Licensed Vocational Nurses working with pediatric patients.

Which of the following factors does not influence a child’s ability and readiness to learn? While communicating with children, the nurse should: a. Speak directly to the child b. Hide the truth, as the child would not know anyway c. Use the same language and words with all children d. Give detailed information so that the child understands better A nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a child who is 2½ years old. The nurse should be aware that this child’s cognitive stage of development includes: a. Understanding another person’s viewpoint b. Concrete, realistic thoughts and processes c. The ability to compare and classify objects d. The inability to reason beyond what he/she can see, feel, hear, and smell Which of the following statements would be BEST for the nurse to use when preparing a 5-year-
old for a lumbar puncture.
a. “Don’t move or it will hurt.” b. “Be a big boy; it will be over soon.” c. “The doctor is going to stick you with a needle.” d. “Your job is to stay curled up with your knees touching your head.” When planning the teaching for a 6-year-old going home with a Broviac catheter, which of the
following is the BEST strategy to increase the success of the teaching?
a. Do the teaching when the parent is not visiting b. Plan the teaching session at the nurse's convenience c. Include a key objective from the child, parent, and staff d. Have the surgeon draw a life-like picture of the procedure for the child F:\Orientation Manuals\Orientation 2012\2013_Orientation_SSG_TEST.doc ORIG: JANUARY 4, 2001 (SV)


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